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Reading Bible In One Year

How I Chose My Plan

Revised Common Lectionary: Oct.26,2022. Wednesday’s Daily Bible Reading.

Having tried and failed to read from Genesis to Revelation in the past, I knew this plan of attack was not going to help me reach my goal. So, I researched popular Bible reading plans. I looked at plans like MCheynes, which breaks up the reading into Old & New Testament readings, along with readings from the Psalms. Such a plan appealed to me, but it had too much Old Testament reading for my liking.

It was at this point that I remembered my why and an underlying goal showed itself. Not only did I want to read the Bible, I also wanted to understand it. This is when lightbulbs started coming on. What if I had a plan that helped me understand the big picture of the Bible? So, I looked into chronological Bible reading plans which fit the books of the Bible together like a puzzle.

I was headed in the right direction, but I needed to remix it to fit my needs. Most chronological plans had the same issue of starting in the Old Testament before moving to the New. Yet, there was something I liked about MCheynes plan: it had daily readings from both Testaments. So, instead of relying on a plan that wouldnt work for me, I crafted a chronological reading plan that included both Old & New Testament readings each day. So, not only would I get the overarching picture of Scripture in chronological order, but I would always have a New Testament reading to keep me motivated to trudge past the boring parts of the Old Testament.

Day 2: Know Your Heart

As we begin to wrap up 1 Maccabees, Fr. Mike directs our attention to how 2 Maccabees will tell the same story in a different way. In Sirach, we are encouraged to know our own hearts, so that we can know our strengths, weaknesses, and where we might need healing. The readings are 1 Maccabees 15, Sirach 36-37, and Proverbs 23:26-28.For the complete reading plan, visit note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children – parental discretion is advised.Support The Bible in a Year

Day 2: The Gift Of Life

Fr. Mike gives us context for the beginning of 2 Maccabees and recounts the story of Nehemiahs discovery of the sacred fire. He also offers a reflection for those struggling with grief and death, which serves as a reminder to all about the blessing of our lives and the lives of those we love. Todays readings are 2 Maccabees 1, Sirach 40-41, and Proverbs 24:1-7.For the complete reading plan, visit note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children – parental discretion is advised.Support The Bible in a Year

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Why Do You Want To Read The Bible In A Year

If youve ever had ambitions in life, you know you need to have a goal. Tony Robbins says, Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible to the visible. But, for as important as goals are for achieving success, theres something far more important. This something often gets overlooked and without it most people fail and never reach their goals. What is this thing? Its a reason why.

To be successful you need both ingredients: the goal & the why. Without both you lack the tools for longterm success. You see, its easy to dream up a goal, like wanting to be a millionaire. But, what is going to get you to your goal of being a millionaire? How will you stay motivated to keep saving money or make the right financial decisions when life gets hard? Your reason why is what gets you over the hump. If you know why you want to be a millionaire, its far easier to achieve the goal. For example, some people want to be a millionaire so they can help and empower others. That kind of why will keep them motivated to reach their dreams.

Well, you need the same mindset if you want to read the Bible in a year. You must have a solid why that will keep your eyes fixed on the prize when you hit the less exciting parts of Scripture or when life gets busy.

Read The Bible In One Year

Gen. 1 – 2 Psalm 95 – 96
Gen. 3 – 4 Psalm 92 2Peter 1
Gen. 5 – 6 Psalm 1, 93 2Peter 2
Gen. 7 – 9 2Peter 3
Gen. 10 – 13 Psalm 2
Gen. 14 – 16 Gal. 1 Psalm 3
Gen. 20 – 22 Gal. 2
Gen. 25 – 26 Gal. 3
Gen. 27 – 28 Gal. 4
Gen. 29 – 30 Gal. 5
Gen. 31 Gal. 6 Psalm 7
Gen. 35 – 36 Job 1
Gen. 37 Job 2 – 4
Gen. 38 Job 5 – 7
Gen. 39 – 40 Job 8 – 9
Gen. 41 Job 10 – 11 Psalm 4
Gen. 42 Job 12 – 14
Gen. 43 Job 15 – 17
Gen. 44: Job 18 – 20
Gen. 45 Job 21 – 23 Psalm 13
Gen. 46 Job 24 – 27 Psalm 15
Gen. 47 Job 28 – 29 Psalm 9
Gen. 48 Job 30 – 32
Gen. 49 Job 33 – 35
Gen. 50 Job 36 – 37 Psalm 16
Job 38 – 40 Matthew 1
Job 41 – 42 Matthew 2 – 3 Psalm 11
Matthew 4 – 5 Psalm 31

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Tips To Help You Successfully Complete A 1

Reading the Bible in a year can seem like an overwhelming task. Many of us have read parts of the Bible or started reading plans, but never finished. And, we know that sticking to our plans is not always easy. Life gets busy, we get tired, we get confused by the text We often have good intentions, but the follow-through is hard. Thats why I wanted to share 10 tips to help you successfully complete a 1-year Bible reading plan.

Dont Commit To It Without A Purpose

A year might feel like a long time when youre starting out, but its actually a short time to read the entire Bible! At times youll feel like youre drinking from a fire hose. Its easy to get overwhelmed by how much Bible you need to take in to stay on schedule, especially when you hit Deuteronomy.

So, when the going gets rough and you start to get off track, you need to remember your reason for doing this. For me, my purpose was to better understand the chronology of the Old Testament. So whenever I felt overwhelmed by my one-year Bible reading plan, I could hold on to that purpose.

Here are some examples of purposes or reasons you might have for reading the Bible in one year:

  • To know who God is and what He is like.
  • To understand the chronological history of Israel and the church.
  • To simply know what the Bible says.
  • To truly grasp the meaning of New Testament references to the Old Testament.
  • To have a vibrant relationship with God as you learn more about Him every day and talk to Him about what you read.
  • To understand the context of Bible verses that are frequently taken out of context.
  • To learn about who you are in Christ and your standing in Gods grace.

Choose a purpose that inspires and motivates you, and that will make it much easier to stick to your one-year Bible reading plan.

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Read The Bible In A Year: A How To Guide

A new year is quickly approaching and youre probably thinking to yourself, This time Im going to do it. Im going to read through the Bible in a year!

If thats you, I want to help you reach your goal! No more false starts! Im going to help you cross the finish line!

How do I know I can help you? Because Ive been where you are. I used to be the kind of person who failed year after year once I reached Leviticus or Numbers, sometimes not even making it that far. But one day everything changed, and now Ive read through the entire Bible several times. The first time I read the Bible in its entirety I set out to do it in a year & finished in six months.

If I can do it, so can you! Keep reading and I will give you the secrets to success. Ill even throw in a Bible reading plan that will increase your chances of success.

So, if youre ready to read the Bible in a year, keep reading.

Dont Do It By Yourself

Reading Through The Bible In A Year| Intro & Update #1| Oct 2022

If you want to read the Bible in a year, another important factor for success is accountability. Its easy to have a goal, a reason why, and even a plan but, if you dont keep yourself accountable to work the plan it means nothing. Therefore, you need to find ways to keep focused on your goal.

When youre forced to look your goal in the eye everyday, youre less likely to fail. I think about Jerry Seinfelds goal to write at least one joke per day. He used a calendar to keep him on task, marking an X on the calendar for every day he wrote a joke. That visual reminder made it easy to see how long hed kept his streak going, which motivated him to not break it.

For me, accountability took the form of my phones calendar app and incessant reminders. My phone is always with me and I use the calendar often, so it made sense. This setup gave me a daily visual reminder of what I needed to get done.

What does accountability look like for you?

It could be something similar to myself or Seinfeld, or it could be something altogether different. Maybe youll take advantage of YouVersions Bible app and its ability to post to social media that youve completed the days reading. I mean, who wants to be the person that read their Bible for 139 of 365 days and have it there for all the world to see? Or maybe you have a spouse or friend who can keep you accountable. Whatever you choose, make sure its reliable and something you cannot ignore.

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One Year Bible Daily Reading

Welcome to the daily readings from, the original online guide for those desiring to read through the Bible in one year.

The One Year® Bible daily readings consist of passages from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. This arrangement of Scripture brings variety and a fresh approach to each days reading, while providing a clear understanding of the Bibles larger message. No other through the bible plan presents the entire bible in such a user-friendly format.

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Follow the daily reading link below.


“What Now” Study Questions:

  • The scribes handled the word of God falsely leading the nation to sin. Pray for wisdom so that you, and those who teach you, will accurately interpret God’s Word.
  • ‘Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.’ ~ Colossians 3:2

Audio Commentary and Reading of the New Living Translation©1996October 7th

Note: If you have chosen to begin reading through the Bible on a date other than January 1st you can utilize the reading links on either of the “7 Day Reading” pages for the or plans.

If the Play Arrow does not appear on the player, hover your mouse over the left side of the player and click to begin playing.

How To Read The Bible In A Year With A Bullet Journal

At the beginning of 2020, I decided to read the Bible in a year. And wow, what a year for it! I think the Lord must have been guiding me to make this resolution before anyone knew what kind of year it would be. Spending time with God in His Word became an anchor of stability in a difficult year.

The tool that helped me stay consistent with my Bible reading plan was my Bullet Journal. In this article, Ill show you step-by-step how to use a Bullet Journal to track a one-year Bible reading plan. This Bible Bullet Journal idea will inspire you to connect with God through His Word all year long.

You can start using this Bullet Journal Bible reading method at any time of the year, whether its your New Years Resolution or its the middle of the year. This 5-step method will help you use your Bullet Journal to track a Bible reading plan every week for 52 weeks. So dont hesitate to start in the middle of the year! If the Lord is prompting you to dig into His Word, then why not start now?


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Day 2: Judea Gains Independence

In our reading of 1 Maccabees today, Fr. Mike highlights the the establishment of the new independent sovereign nation of Israel in the land of Judah. We learn how Simon takes command and enforces the law all around the land. Fr. Mike reminds us that even today, Christians are governed by Jesus himself and ultimately to belong to him. Today’s readings are 1 Maccabees 13, Sirach 32-33, and Proverbs 23:17-21.For the complete reading plan, visit note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children – parental discretion is advised.Support The Bible in a Year

How To Read The Bible In A Year

5 Best Printable Bible Reading Charts

How To Read The Bible In A Year. Bring joy and peace into your life in just 15 minutes a day? Last december, i went on a hunt for a new bible reading plan.

We would like to thank andrew wommack. When i have a plan for bible study, i find that my. 7) catch up when needed.


Home > beginners > read the bible in one year! Regular bible reading is one of the most important habits you can develop.


Simply reading as much as you can per day as a way to read the bible in a year will not work. This is the secret sauce to consistent time in the word.


Read the bible in a year: Read your bible through in one year reading your biblenumbers through is one of the most important things a christian should do.


7) catch up when needed. Read the bible from start to finish, from genesis to revelation.


Also, if you didnt start on the first. Simply reading as much as you can per day as a way to read the bible in a year will not work.

Recommended Reading: What Does The Bible Say About Forgiveness And Reconciliation

More Christian Bullet Journal Ideas

With that, thats the end of the 5-step method to track your one-year Bible reading plan in a Bullet Journal! Let me know in the comments if you try this method, and how it goes for you!

I hope this guide has been helpful for you and that you can follow this method to absorb Gods Word and track your progress in your Bible Bullet Journal. Are you interested in more Christian Bullet Journal ideas? Check out these posts next:

Reading The Bible From Start To Finish

  • 1Read every day, beginning in January. One method of reading the Bible is to do it every day, beginning in January. If you would like to begin in another month, adjust your schedule accordingly.
  • 2Read Genesis and Exodus in January. Genesis and Exodus are part of the Pentateuch and are known as books of the law because they provide laws and instructions for the people of Israel.
  • Read 3 chapters each day. At this rate, you will complete the book of Genesis on Jan. 17 and the book of Exodus on Jan. 31.
  • If you would like to use this schedule but do not plan to begin in January, adjust your monthly plan accordingly.
  • 3Read Leviticus and Numbers in February, and start the book of Deuteronomy. The readings this month focus on the books of the law. Continue to read an average of 3 chapters each day. Chapter length varies.
  • Read 4 chapters on Feb. 1 3 chapters each day from Feb. 2-4 2 chapters on Feb. 5 3 chapters each day from Feb. 6-7 2 chapters each day from Feb. 8-13 and 1 chapter on Feb. 14.
  • Read 3 chapters each day from Feb. 15-16 2 chapters each day from Feb. 17-18 3 chapters on Feb. 19 2 chapters on Feb. 20 3 chapters on Feb. 21 2 chapters on Feb. 22 3 chapters on Feb. 23 and 2 chapters each day from Feb. 24-28.
  • Using this reading plan, you will complete Leviticus on Feb. 10 and will finish Numbers on Feb. 26. On the last day of February, you will have completed Deuteronomy 4 .
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