Thursday, April 25, 2024
HomeSaintSaint Cecilia's Catholic Church

Saint Cecilia’s Catholic Church

Letter From Father Michael Laicha

St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church in Exeter closes

May I take this opportunity to welcome you to the Roman Catholic Parish of Saint Cecilia in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Im happy you took the time to visit our website.Saint Cecilias is a great parish with many wonderful people and things going on. Since I have been named Pastor, I have witnessed great faith in our people and have found in them people who love God and are willing to do whatever they can for their parish. This has been proven over and over again during my time and throughout our parish history. The parish is active and alive due to the wonderful parishioners who make up Saint Cecilias. Read More…

Catholic Belief Is Succinctly Expressed In The Profession Of Faith Or Credo Called The Nicene Creed:

I believe in one God,the Father almighty,maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Unesco World Heritage Sites

There are seven on Sicily. By the order of inscription:

  • is one of the most outstanding examples of art and architecture, and is one of the main attractions of Sicily as well as a national monument of Italy. The site is located in .
  • is a built in the first quarter of the 4th century and located about 3 km outside the town of . It contains the richest, largest and most complex collection of Roman mosaics in the world.
  • are a in the , named after the demigod of the winds . The Aeolian Islands are a tourist destination in the summer, and attract up to 200,000 visitors annually.

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Welcome To St Cecilia Roman Catholic Church

FOR SACRAMENTAL AND LAST RITE EMERGENCIES, please call our emergency phone line 240-844-2550. Be aware that this number does not receive text messages. When you call this number, you will be prompted to say your name before your call will connect.

SPIRITUAL DIRECTION APPOINTMENTS Please call the Parish Office to set an appointment. This also Spiritual Direction Walk-ins available on Monday between 3:00-5:00pm. This appointments will not be held on federal holidays or as announced.

Lifting of the Dispensation from the Obligation to Attend Mass: Cardinal Gregory and the Diocesan Bishops of the Province of Baltimore have jointly announced that the dispensation of the Sunday andHoly Day Mass obligation will be lifted beginning on Saturday, June 26, 2021 and Sunday, June 27, 2021.

Live Streamed Mass Schedule

4:30 PM Saturday and 8:00 AM Sunday at St. Cecilias, live-streamed on St. Cecilias & .

10:00 AM Sunday Mass at St. Peter Clavers, live-streamed on

To make weekly contributions to Saint Cecilia, please drop off your envelopes at the church rectory or mail your envelopes to P.O. Box 429, Saint Marys City, MD 20686. You can also sign up to give electronically.


Deacon Tony Sweeney and Deacon Mark Kijesky, Assistants.

Office Manager: Tracy Enkema

Sign Up Today For Our New Notification System

Saint Cecilia

Do you have a family member or friend who wants to learn more about the Catholic faith?

Sun Aug 21 09:57 PM

Lots of new photos have been uploaded over the Summer months

Tue Aug 02 11:25 AM

Both existing servers and new attended this rehearsal and lunch

Mon Jun 27 09:49 AM

Events included 40 hours of devotion and a Eucharistic procession through the streets of downtown Birmingham

Sat Jun 25 09:24 AM

Don’t Miss: Where Should You Start Reading The Bible For Beginners

At This Time We Are Celebrating Two Weekday Masses At: 00 Am And: 30pm Monday Thru Friday Saturday Mass At : 00 Am And : 00 Pm And Sunday Masses Will Be Offered At : 30 Am : 30 Am And 1: 30 Am

  • Thanks to the Knights of Saint Cecilia for religiously manning the church and making it possible to keep the church open every day for visitation, Monday thru Saturday, from 8:30 AM until 6:00 PM, holidays excepted.
  • Effective Thursday, June 24th, the Sunday Mass Obligation is restored by the Archbishop. However, as before the pandemic, individuals who are ill, , are dispensed from attending Mass as stipulated by Canon Law.
  • Set Our Website On The Home Screen Of Your Smart Phone

    Go green! Please press your home screen button on your smart phone, and go to web browser on your smart phone, such as Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer Please type, and if you are using an iPhone, then press an icon that has an arrow up inside an open square outline. And, press an icon that has a plus sign, saying Add to Home Screen. Then, press a word Add. Congratulations! Now you have an icon of St. Cecilia website on your smart phone.

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    Santa Cecilia In Trastevere

    The church of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere is reputedly built on the site of the house in which she lived. The original church was constructed in the fourth century during the ninth century, Pope Paschal I had remains that were supposedly hers buried there. In 1599, while leading a renovation of the church, Cardinal Paolo Emilio Sfondrati had the remains, which he reported to be incorrupt, excavated and reburied.

    Welcome To St Cecilia Catholic Church

    St. Cecilia Catholic Church Live Stream

    We are a Roman Catholic family who strive to continue the mission of Jesus:

    to serve others & be bearers of God’s love into the world.

    Call the office or complete this registration to join St. Cecilia!

    Join us for a devotion on every 1st Saturday:

    Thank you to those who joined us at our

    “GRACE NOTES” Children’s Choir: 11:00 am on

    Recommended Reading: Where Is The Ark Of The Covenant In The Bible

    Join Us In Faith Formation:

    PROGRAMS: We offer programs for all ages:

    Join us in our current studies – no registration required – drop in any week:

    ADULTS – Explore the Sacrament of Confirmation
    ADULTS – A scripture study on the Sunday readings.

    FAITH FORMATION FOCUS: Explore the following 4 components of our faith:

    27th Sunday of Ordinary Time

    • Faith the size of a mustard seed.
    • St. Francis of Assisi
    • St. Cecilia Food Pantry

    28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

    • Parable of the 10 lepers.
    • St. Teresa of Avila
    • 9:00 am-3:00 pm 1st Friday VisitsSaturday, October 8Sunday, October 9KC 2nd Sun Brkfst8:30 am Mass9:00 am-12:30 pm KC 2nd Sun Breakfast9:35 am PSR11:00 am Mass-Grace Notes Sing

      Monday, October 10

      6:30 pm SJN School Board MeetingWednesday, October 1210am-3pm Silent Retreat on the Eucharist3:30 pm Reconciliation

      5:00 pm 40 Days Mid Point Rally

    International Entities Organisations And Involvement

    Among the , Rome is unique in having two sovereign entities located entirely within its city limits, the Holy See, represented by the Vatican City State, and the territorially smaller . The Vatican is an enclave of the Italian and a sovereign possession of the , which is the Diocese of Rome and the supreme government of the . For this reason, Rome has sometimes been described as the capital of two states. Rome, therefore, hosts foreign embassies to the Italian government, to the Holy See, to the and to certain international organisations. Several international and are located in Rome.

    The Pope is the and its official seat is the . Another body, the , took refuge in Rome in 1834, due to the conquest of Malta by in 1798. It is sometimes classified as having sovereignty but does not claim any territory in Rome or anywhere else, hence leading to dispute over its actual sovereign status.

    Rome is the seat of the so-called “Polo Romano” made up by three main international agencies of the : the , the and the .

    Rome has traditionally been involved in the process of European political integration. The are located in , the seat of the , because the Italian government is the depositary of the treaties. In 1957 the city hosted the signing of the , which established the , and also played host to the official signing of the proposed in July 2004.

    Rome is the seat of the and of the . The city is the place where the and the were formulated.

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    Welcome To Saint Cecilia Catholic Church


    PITCHER LEVEL:$3,000

    *7×7 Dental Implant & Oral Surgery Specialists

    *Archbishop Riordan High School

    *The Irish Bank Bar and Restaurant

    *Little Original Joes

    *Victoria Tobar, DMD Family and Cosmetic Dentistry

    *Rollo & Ridley, Inc.

    *San Francisco Police Officers Association

    *Anna Shea Real Estate

    *Squat and Gobble presents “BONITA”

    *Trattoria da Vittorio

    *McCaffrey/Talbott Family – JP , Danny , Rico , and Marquez

    *Mike and Kathleen McKeon

    *Michelle Potthoff , Wylie, Greg, Hunter & Wyatt

    *In Recognition of our Incredible Teachers at Saint Cecilia!

    *Amber Tru Construction

    *Abendoth Family – Mike, Vikki , Will , Giuliana

    *Considine Family

    *Jim and Rosie Horan and Family

    *Kloefkorn Family – Michael, Edlyn and Mikey

    *McCaffrey Family

    *Moriarty “23rd Avenue Kick the Can Gang”

    *Joe and Christina Moriarty

    *Jessica, Jonathan and Maverick Ortiz

    *Palmer Family – Gilbert Nagle , Miles Palmer , Linda Palmer

    Peralta Family

    *The Pawber Shop and Doggie Day Care

    *SC Hawkins Consulting, LLC

    *Nicholas and Sophia Carrillo ’24

    *Steve, Linda, Mick and Jackie Grealish

    *Harris Occupational Theraphy

    *Steve and Gabe Lucey Family – Go Irish!

    *Jeremy Kabiling

    *SC Saint Vincent de Paul

    *Silverman, Kantz, Porter, CPA

    *Paul and Ceferina Engel & Family

    Gilliom Family

    *Steve, Linda, Mick & Jackie Grealish

    *Harrington Family

    Todd , Emma , Jake Hurley

    *Killion Sisters



    Automatic Garage Door 648-6413

    Th And 21st Centuries

    St. Cecilia Catholic Church photo

    In the 1920s, the regime began a stronger military action against the Mafia, which was led by , who was known as the “Iron Prefect” because of his iron-fisted campaigns. This was the first time in which an operation against the Sicilian mafia ended with considerable success. There was an during World War II starting on 10 July 1943. In preparation for the invasion, the Allies the Mafia to aid them. The invasion of Sicily contributed to the in general, the Allied victors were warmly embraced by Sicily.

    Italy in 1946 and, as part of the , Sicily was one of the five given special status as an . Both the partial Italian and special funding from the Italian government’s from 1950 to 1984 helped the Sicilian economy. During this period, the economic and social condition of the island was generally improved thanks to important investments on infrastructures such as and , and thanks to the creation of important industrial and commercial areas. In the 1980s, the Mafia was deeply weakened by a second important campaign led by magistrates and . Between 1990 and 2005, the fell from about 23% to 11%.

    Source: 2017

    The aforementioned factors, along with a failed land reform, resulted in a never-before-seen wave of Sicilians emigrating, first to the between the 1880s and the 1920s, later to Northern Italy, and from the 1960s onwards also to , , , , as well as and .

    Sicilys internal politics are heavily corrupt, since they are very influenced by the .

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    Metropolitan And Regional Government

    Rome is the principal town of the , operative since 1 January 2015. The Metropolitan City replaced the old , which included the city’s metropolitan area and extends further north until . The Metropolitan City of Rome is the largest by area in Italy. At 5,352 km2 , its dimensions are comparable to the region of . Moreover, the city is also the capital of the region.

    Gratitude To God And To Our Parishioners

    Fr. Khoi, Fr. Eric, and Fr. Michaelas well as Dcn. Bill, Dcn. Dong, Dcn. Andres and Mrs. Alvaradoare deeply grateful to you for all your constant prayers and loving support to St. Cecilia Catholic Church and School! Through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother Mary and Our Patroness St. Cecilia may the Loving and Merciful God bless you and your family every grace-filled day this year!

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    Late Modern And Contemporary

    The rule of the Popes was interrupted by the short-lived , which was established under the influence of the . The were restored in June 1800, but during ‘s reign Rome was of the : first as Département du Tibre and then as Département Rome . After the fall of Napoleon, the Papal States were reconstituted by a decision of the of 1814.

    In 1849, was proclaimed during a year of . Two of the most influential figures of the , and , fought for the short-lived republic.

    Rome then became the focus of hopes of Italian reunification after the rest of Italy was united as the in 1861 with the temporary capital in . That year Rome was declared the capital of Italy even though it was still under the Pope’s control. During the 1860s, the last vestiges of the Papal States were under French protection thanks to the foreign policy of . French troops were stationed in the region under Papal control. In 1870 the French troops were withdrawn due to the outbreak of the . Italian troops were able to entering the city through a breach near . declared himself a . In 1871 the capital of Italy was moved from Florence to Rome. In 1870 the population of the city was 212,000, all of whom lived with the area circumscribed by the ancient city, and in 1920, the population was 660,000. A significant portion lived outside the walls in the north and across the Tiber in the Vatican area.


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