Why Is The King James Bible So Popular
16 May 2021
Shakespeare was still alive when this Bible was published.
Shortly after he ascended the English throne in 1603, King James I commissioned a new Holy Bible translation that, more than 400 years later, is still widely read around the world.
This Bible, known as the King James Version , helped King James leave behind a lasting cultural footprint one of his goals as a leader. “James saw himself as a great Renaissance figure who wanted to impart on the world culture, music, literature and even new ways of learning,” Bruce Gordon, a professor of ecclesiastical history at Yale Divinity School, told Live Science.
But given the KJV’s age, why is it still so popular across different Christian denominations?
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In short, the KJV’s influence has waxed over the centuries because, Gordon said, it was the version that was most widely read and distributed in countries where English was the dominant language and that its translation was “never really challenged until the 20th century.” In that time, the KJV became so embedded in the Anglo-American world that “many people in Africa and Asia were taught English from the KJV” when Christian missionaries brought it to them, Gordon said. “Many people weren’t even aware that it was one of many available translations,” he added, “they believed the King James Version was the Bible in English.”
But there’s more to the story that goes back to the translation’s inception.
Resources For A Stronger Prayer Life
We hope this guide helps you decide which version of the Bible is best for you. The truth is, whichever version you choose, whats really the most important is that you spend time actually reading it.
Note: this is why the Kairos Journal isn’t specific to one Bible translation. The prayer journal is simply meant to be a tool to help you spend more time in prayer and in God’s Word, whichever version you prefer to read.
Making sure you have the best version for you is certainly important, but its ultimately for nothing if you dont take the time to read it and understand it.
God has made Himself known in His Word and He is eager for you to spend time with Him in His Word!
If you want some encouragement spending more time reading the Bible, we invite you to join our to connect with other believers.
You can also sign up to take our free 7-day Holy Habits challenge to build a stronger prayer life and spend more time in God’s Word!
Now it’s your turn: which version of the Bible do you read?
The King James Version
For a long time the King James Version has reigned supreme among English-speaking Christians. It was originally completed in 1611 having been commissioned by King James I of England in response to perceived problems in earlier English translations detected by the Puritans. Daniell, David . The Bible in English: its history and influence., 435. The translators had guidelines intended to ensure that the KJV would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy.
James gave the translators instructions to limit Puritan influence on the translation: intending to guarantee that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy . The translation was done by 47 scholars, all of whom were members of the Church of England.
The King James Version differs slightly from other versions of the Bible due to its use of the late and Textus Receptus manuscripts. Modern scholars have the advantage of having found many earlier manuscripts which they see as better witnesses to the original text of the biblical authors. However, most modern translators compare all manuscripts when translating. No matter what the case, the King James Version is still considered quite accurate and the differences have no impact on any major points of the Christian faith.
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How To Read The Bible: Read A Little Every Day
Getting Gods Word into your life doesnt have to take long. Start smallfive or 10 minutes is better than none. Sometimes less is more, especially when reading less means youll actually remember more.
Chose a time and place thats convenient for you. Many people read their Bible first thing in the morning, choosing to spend time with God before daily distractions get in the way. But if mornings arent your thing, dont sweat it. That you read Gods Word is more important than when you read Gods Word. Personally, I love to read my Bible at a local coffee shop, but I once read through the entire Bible while waiting in carpool lines.
Chinese New Version Cnv
Abbreviated CNV .
- Simplified Chinese: , CNVS
- Traditional Chinese: , CNVT
CNV was completed in 1992 by the Worldwide Bible Society with the assistance of the Lockman Foundation.
This is the first Chinese Bible translated by Chinese Biblical scholars directly from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic languages into modern Chinese ever in the history of the Chinese churcheswas a joint effort of a team of around 100 prominent Chinese Bible scholars and language scholars from around the world.
The CNV is one of the most popular versions of the Bible in China.
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Reading The Bible From Start To Finish
Choosing A Bible Version
There is no one way to translate a book as large as the Bible.
With such a cultural and linguistic distance between then and now, its really more of an art than a science: an art that seeks to communicate the Bibles truth to todays readers. That means that there are a number of different Bible translations out there. Nowadays, they are more commonly called different versions of the Bible. The two words, though meaning different things, are used pretty interchangeably. For ease, Im just going to stick with version.
The big stumbling block for people trying to choose a Bible is which version to pick. There are a lot to choose from. It also doesnt help that they almost all go by acronyms. How would you, as a new Christian, feel if you were asked to choose from NIV, ESV, NRSV, NLT, KJV, NKJV? Daunting, no?
To help you choose with speed and confidence, here is a quick run through four of the most popular versions of the Bible:
The New International Version Bible:Short for the New International Version Bible, the NIV is the most popular version of the Bible. Its written in pretty standard English and is the one youll most likely find in a Church. Its simple text means that it is often given away to new Christians. If you are looking for a first Bible, the NIV Bible would be a solid choice.
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Shen Edition Vs Shangdi Edition
Many of the Chinese Bible translations are available in two editions, the difference being which word is used in translation for God . Some protestant Christians used to have a strong preference for one or the other word, but in recent years this generally is less divisive an issue. We recommend people use the version that their home church uses.
The Best Bible Translation To Read Is
For starters, the best Bible translation is whichever one youll actually read. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says:
All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.
The Bible, as we see in these verses, is Gods very breath. Its the breathing out of God and His speaking to man. As we read the Word, we not only touch God as the Spirit, but we also breathe in more of who He is.
Not only so, but as we read the Word, were completed and equipped for our service to Him. We breathe in more of God Himself, and were prepared and furnished with the tools we need to serve the Lord.
Thus, when deciding which Bible translation you should read, consider which one you will actually read. If you have an NIV Bible at home on your shelf, you dont have to put off reading the Word because youre afraid its not the best Bible translation out there. You can always pray to the Lord about difficult or confusing parts. The point is to make sure that youre reading.
Every Christians goal should be to daily read Gods Word. In Acts 17:11, the apostle Paul said that those in Berea were noble for they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily. We want to be this kind of a Christian. We want to be ones reading and examining the Scriptures daily.
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Objections To Modern Translations
Only the KJV is Inspired
There is nothing in the Bible that would suggest that one particular Bible translation would be superior to others. Neither does it suggest that God would choose one particular Bible translation, in one particular world language, to be the most authentic version. The great majority of Christian denominations do not attribute any special accuracy or authority to the KJV.
Different Hebrew and Greek Manuscripts
The KJV was translated into English from a set of Hebrew and Greek manuscripts known as the Textus Receptus, put together in the 16th century. It was based on seven manuscripts that were available in Basel, Switzerland.
Since that time, the scientific method of paleography has been developed. By analyzing the paper, ink and handwriting, scientists can determine approximately when and where a manuscript was written. Some of the results of paleography have been tested and verified by accelerator mass spectrometry, a form of radiocarbon dating.
It is now known that the manuscripts of the Textus Receptus date to the 10th century A.D. and later. Thus, they have been copied over by hand many, many times since the originals, with a chance of additional compounded errors each time.
Omitted Verses
Gender-Neutral Language
New Revised Standard VersionNew International Version
Easiest Bible Versions To Read And Understand For Beginners
Which are the easiest Bible versions to read and understand for beginners?
Are you feeling spiritual in the New Year? Have you decided to dive into reading the Bible for the first time or the first time in a while? Great, then we have a perfect list for you.
If you are religious or interested in exploring different religions then reading the Bible is a great place to start. However, reading the Bible is also great for those who are absolute atheists, agnostics, or who practice other organized religions. It is an interesting book that can give you insight into world history. If nothing else, the Bible is an excellent historical source document wherein you can understand a great deal about
With estimated total sales of over 5 billion copies, the Bible is often referred to as the most read book in the world. The full Bible has been translated into 636 different languages with thousands more languages having partial translations. There are at least 108 different versions of the Bible. Versions differing from translations in that a translation is in a different language than the original while a version is an interpretation. Different Bible versions have different contexts, different interpretations, leave out or add books or verseswhich ultimately can make it a more or less accurate book.
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Which Is The Best Bible Translation
There is no simple answer to this. Some of this has to do with which part of the Bible you want to read. The Bible is the Word of God, God-breathed and God inspired . It is described as living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword since it can penetrate human thoughts and motives . The Word is the very power of God . Which translation is best? I will answer this question but first, there are five tips that I would recommend before you pick the best.
The Five Most Popular English Translations:
According to the Christian Booksellers Association, the five best-selling Bible translations in June 2013 were as follows:
This post will focus largely on these “Big Five” translations and their merits and shortcomings.
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Bible Versions : How Do I Know Which Bible Version To Read
The variety of readers we have participating in the Bible Reading challenge is incredible. From brand new Christians to 50 year veterans, we are covering all ages and stages of life. Isnt that awesome?! I love the precious testimonies from those who have been brave enough to say: Ive been a Christian for years and years, but Ive never read my Bible all the way through. Well, youre doing it! THIS YEAR! ð To help all make sure that we are getting the most out of the reading, lets take a look at a few questions to help make the best decision for our personal, individual reading.
One of the questions Ive been asked frequently since we began the Bible Reading Challenge is:
How do I know which Bible version to read?
Let me preface this entire post by stating that the purpose of this article is to be helpful to those seeking to read the Bible. This is not a historical lesson on the Bible and translations to the English language. That said, lets go to class, shall we?
1. When you read the Bible, you should be able to comprehend it.
If you dont understand what you are reading, then its going to be really tough to do it for a whole year, and then, what would you have gained? If the thees and thous throw you for a loop, then the English Standard Version, New King James Version or New International Version might be the solution for you.
One more solution is using Bible apps- here are 4 fabulous Bible apps that I recommend.
How To Pick The Right Bible For You
Is your head spinning yet?
If you just read that and groaned, Yeah, yeah, but which Bible should I use?! youre in the right place. While some people hold hard and fast to a particular translation, the best way to determine which translation is best is to consider who needs it and for what purpose.
Here are a few scenarios:
- Buying a Bible for a new Christian? A dynamic equivalent translation like this one will help them easily read and understand the Bible.
- Looking to study a Bible text closely? A literal translation like this one will give you the most accurate translation of the original text.
- Wanting to read the Bible with a fresh perspective? A free translation like this one will re-introduce to you Biblical concepts in a new, sometimes shocking, way.
- Getting your child a Bible? A free translation like this one will work well for younger children and a dynamic equivalent translation like this one will work well for junior higher and up.
- Want to do a word study? An interlinear literal translation like this one will best guide you to finding the correct word in Hebrew or Greek.
- Gifting a Bible to someone who speaks English as a Second Language? A free translation like this one will introduce them to Scripture using words they may already know.
Once you find the translation you want to use, then you get to look at all the fun options:
Which Bible translation will you choose?
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Which Is The Best Bible Translation To Read
With so many Bible translations available in the English language, choosing one thats best for you can be challenging. A lot depends on who you are. Are you a seeker or a new Christian with little knowledge of the Bible? Are you more interested in accuracy for in-depth Bible study or reading through the Bible?
Some versions are word for word translations, while others are thought for thought. Word for word versions translate as precisely as possible from the original languages . Thought for thought translations convey the central idea, and are easier to read, but not as accurate.
The KJV and other early English translations of the New Testament were based on the Textus Receptus, a Greek New Testament published by the Catholic scholar Erasmus in 1516. Erasmus used hand-written Greek manuscripts dating back to the 12th century.
As time passed, older Greek manuscripts became available some dating back to the 3rd century. Scholars discovered the oldest manuscripts were missing verses found in the newer ones that Erasmus used. They thought the verses had probably been added in over the centuries. Therefore, many translations dont have all the verses youll see in the King James Version, or they may have them with a note that they arent found in the oldest manuscripts.