Wednesday, September 11, 2024
HomeWhat Does The Bible Say About Not Going To Church

What Does The Bible Say About Not Going To Church

You Can Trust God With Your Work

What Does the Bible Say About Attending Church?

Are you stressed at work?

If you havenât felt this way at one point in your life, you probably havenât worked long enough.

There are many causes of stress at work. Thereâs crushing deadlines, conflict with your co-workers or manager, or youâre not compensated well for the hard work you do.

Regardless of what makes you feel stressed at work, you are free in Christ from anxiety, and you can trust God wholeheartedly to meet your needs, meet you in the storms of life, and work through you despite whatâs going on around you.

Where Does The Word Church First Appear In The Bible explains the word Church in the Bible,

Derived probably from the Greek kuriakon , which was used by ancient authors for the place of worship. In the New Testament it is the translation of the Greek word ecclesia, which is synonymous with the Hebrew kahal of the Old Testament, both words meaning simply an assembly, the character of which can only be known from the connection in which the word is found.

The word ecclesia is used in the following ways in the New Testament:

-Christians in a particular geographic boundary, ex. All the Christians in Antioch, this could be multiple congregations .

The New Testament Church was to be an expansion of the Old Testament Church, rather than a replacement. Eastons Bible Dictionary states, Under ministry disciples were added to the church already existing. The entire Bible tells the story of Gods plan of redemption through His Son, Jesus. John 1:1 says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John Piper writes, The church is the assembly of Christians gathered to express that unity in Jesus and to worship Jesus.

Go To Church Because We Are Going To Live In Glorious Unity With God And Each Other For All Eternity

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.

This is a glorious picture of our future with God and it includes all of his people.

But if you are distancing yourself from Gods people now, you have to wonder if your eternal destiny even sounds good to you.

While you might think you prefer to be alone now, in the end you will see that Gods plan is so much better.

Why not start participating in Gods plan for you now?

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On Religion: Im A Christian But Do I Have To Go To Church

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing. Hebrews 10:25

Around 70% of Americans identify as Christians, but less than 30% attend church on a regular basis. If that statistic doesnt surprise you, its probably because it hits close to home.

You might be saying, Sure, Im a Christian, but I dont go to church very often. If thats true of you, youre not alone. When asked, Christians give a lot of reasons for not going to church.

Some believe the church to be expendable . Many Christians simply say, I dont go because there are hypocrites in the church. And others say they have a hard time finding a good church close to home.

That being the case, there has been one silver lining to the COVID-19 stay-at-home order. By placing services online, churches have made worship more accessible than ever before. For Christians who say they prefer to worship God at home, online services make that easier than ever.

I admit, Im a big fan of our online services at Impact Christian Church. Over the past 2 ½ months, weve been able to reach hundreds of people who would have never visited one of our live services. These services have helped lead to four baptisms, and our members have been able to receive a steady diet of Gods word each and every week.

Well, if we check with the pure source of truth Gods word we can see five reasons why believers and followers of Christ need to get back to church as soon as possible.

The example of Jesus

Feed The Poor Pray For The Oppressed

What does the Bible say about worship?

There we will have a Holy gathering with like-minded people and praise our Lord and God, Jesus. Does this have to be the traditional church service where there is an opening prayer, scripture reading, announcements, choir singing, and sermon?

It could be something as simple as, governing affairs for the community. Bible study how to reach more people feeding the poor or praying for people as you look for ways to provide their needs. Lets not bottle God as past generations have done their best to do.

I truly pray blessings of peace, wisdom, understanding, and prosperity to you always, in the name of Jesus.


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Bible Verses About Going To Church: 9 Of The Best

For many Americans, Sunday mornings are all about visiting the local church. The positive view of a physical church location is difficult for some to wrap their heads around, either because they were hurt by someone in the church or because they view corporate worship negatively. The truth is that there are many Bible verses about going to church. While the ways in which we worship have changed dramatically over the years, the Bible verses about going to church clearly show that it is a benefit in many ways. The church teaches us how to serve, gives us opportunity for fellowship, and so much else. Here are some of the best Bible verses about going to church.

How To Have A Work Ethic That Pleases God

Even during the most mundane tasks, you can choose to have a work ethic that pleases God. Ultimately, youâre working for the Lord, not human masters. The bible verses about work below encourage us to work hard with all of our heart, taking pride in our accomplishments. We werenât created to just slide by in life and do the bare minimum!

Colossians 3:23-24

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Galatians 6:4-5

Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.

Proverbs 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

Ecclesiastes 9:10

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.

Proverbs 12:1

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.

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Things God Says About Work

Jesus has taken the âthorns and thistlesâ we work among , and he wore a crown of thorns on his head as a reminder that he is indeed the âKing of kings and Lord of lordsâ .

The crown of thorns the Roman soldiers placed on Jesusâ head with the intent of mocking him, turned out to be a picture of Jesusâ rule and reign as the one true King.

As our Lord Jesus works to redeem all things, he has redeemed your life through faith in him. He has delivered you from the penalty and power of sin, and through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, you are empowered to redeem your work for the glory of God and the good of others.

In the words of Stephen Nichols, âChrist through his redemptive work undone what Adam did in the fall. And he restores to us the ability and the capacity to be image bearers as God intended us to be.â

In redeeming your work, here are three ways you will find God at work in you and through you in Bible verses about work.

Does God Care If I Don’t Go To Church

What does the Bible say about cremation?
Is it acceptable to be a Christian and not go to church? Find out here.

There are many Christians who love going to church but there are also many Christians who dont. It has become increasingly popular for Christians to stay at home and find alternative methods to practice their faith including prayer, meditation and personal Bible study. Many people who dont attend church regularly or at all wonder what the point of going to church is if they have a personal relationship with God. While not attending church will not send you to hell or make God love you any less, it is not what God hoped for His people and can hinder spiritual growth.

Next, the church is defined as the body of living, individual believers. When Paul preaches the Gospel after receiving it by revelation from Jesus Christ, he says, For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it . Paul also said For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God . Both of these verses signal that the church is a body of living people.

When we become Christians, we attend church not simply because its a good habit for growing in spiritual maturity. We join a church because its what Christ called us to do and who Christ made us to be members of His body. When we are in are union with believers, we are in union with Christ.

Lesli White

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Are We Free To Worship On Sunday

Within the New Testament is ample evidence that the seventh-day Sabbath is no longer a requirement.

One man regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Let each man be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord, and he who eats, does so for the Lord, for he gives thanks to God and he who eats not, for the Lord he does not eat, and gives thanks to God, .

The entire section of Rom. 14:1-12 is worth careful study. The instructions here are that individuals must be convinced in their own minds about which day they observe for the Lord. If the seventh day Sabbath were a requirement, then the choice would not be mans, but Gods. To me, this verse is sufficient to answer the question beyond doubt. Furthermore,

Therefore let no one act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day 17things which are a mere shadow of what is to come but the substance belongs to Christ. .

Notice the time sequence mentioned in Col. 2:16-17 above. A festival is yearly. A new moon is monthly. A Sabbath is weekly. No one is to judge in regard to this. The Sabbath is defined as a shadow, the reality is Jesus. Jesus is our Sabbath. So, if someone is judging you because you worship on the Sabbath, they are wrong. Likewise, if you regard Sunday above Saturday , all you need to do is be convinced in your own mind that that is alright.

You Dont Attend Church You Are The Church

The main reason I gather with the church is because I am the church.

You dont attend church. You are the church.

Merely attending church doesnt make you much of a church because sitting in a back row consuming church doesnt make you very good at being the church.

I think being the church has something to do with living your life for Christ, demonstrating Gods love by serving others and sharing your faith with people. Thats very different than consuming church in a back row, which you can just as easily do on your back deck.

The reason you would go to church today is that youve moved from being a consumer to being a contributor. You dont just go to be served, you go to serve. Theres something deeply scriptural about that.

Second, listen to what this young mom had to say about her experience when she started skipping church because of the demands of parenting. Fascinating.

You are the church. Remember that. And the church is at its best when we engage in the mission God has given us.

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False Teachers Prey On Peoples Problems Promising Quick Solutions

Paul says these women are overwhelmed with sins and led along by various passions . The false teachers prey on these womens vulnerabilitiespromising healing, restoration of their family, financial prosperity, etc. In an attempt to heal their hurts and meet their felt-needs, these women are led into captivity.

Bible Verses On Career Guidance


Here are some great Bible verses for motivation and career guidance.

âThe LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.â âGenesis 2:15

âThis Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.â âJoshua 1:8

âLet the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us yes, establish the work of our hands!â âPsalm 90:17

âTrust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.â âProverbs 3:5-6

âCommit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.â âProverbs 16:3

âA manâs gift makes room for him and brings him before the great.â âProverbs 18:16

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In The Last Days The Church Will Be Full Of False Teachers

For some of these insinuate themselves into households and captivate weak women who are overwhelmed with sins and led along by various passions. Such women are always seeking instruction, yet never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. And just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these peoplewho have warped minds and are disqualified in the faithalso oppose the truth. But they will not go much further, for their foolishness will be obvious to everyone, just like it was with Jannes and Jambres.

2 Timothy 3:6-9

Paul next describes many of the teachers in these churches and ministries. When he says, they insinuate themselves into households in the Greek, it is actually the households with a definite article . This means these homes were obviously well-known. He probably was referring to the house churches where people gathered for worship.4 These were typically the homes of wealthy church members .

ObservationQuestion: What are characteristics of these false teachers ?

Reasons The Church Will Not Go Through The Tribulation

The rapture versus the great tribulation has been a very divisive subject for many years because men have bent and twisted the scriptures to support their personal doctrines. I do not want to bend or twist them any way so I am going to quote passages and leave the teaching to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

The key is that Jesus Christ will catch the church away at the rapture. We will meet the Lord in the clouds and be with him forever. He will not come to Earth at that time. This is not the second coming.

Then after the great tribulation, he will come to Earth in judgment taking vengeance on the wicked. Then he will reign on Earth for a thousand years. This is the second coming.

Here is a classic illustration by Clarence Larkin that demonstrates the difficulty of interpreting future prophecies. From each valley, we only see the next mountain peak. From each mountain peak, we can see a little farther. It is only by faith that we can believe what we cannot see, because faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see .

There have been many tribulations in the Bible, but there is only one prophesied great tribulation.


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The Doctrine Of Imminency

It is commonly recognized today by serious Bible students that if the coming of Christ is after the tribulation, then His coming cannot be imminent. Too many events are pictured as preceding His coming to allow it to be a daily expectation if He does not come for His church until after the tribulation. Exhortations to the church to wait and to look for His appearing are hard to explain if signs must be fulfilled first. We should be looking for the signs instead. The blessed hope of an imminent return would be separated from us, then, by the awful period of tribulation. To many it is a precious hope to be looking daily for the Lord. This is also one of the practical reasons why thoughtful Christians believe this doctrine is important and worth defending.


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