Way : Spend Your Life On Nothing
I met Chris in 6th grade, and we were friends through high school and even through college. In high school and his early college years, Chris was bright, fun, creative, artistic, and well connected. But later in college, Chris became aimless, isolated, and joyless one of the last times I talked with him he was stuck in a dead-end job that was not related to any of his talents, education, or his passions.
Over the course of our friendship, we had a few spiritual conversations. Chris was involved in youth band at church, he went on Christian retreats, and once when we were camping he told me that he believed in some higher force or the possibility of a god, but it was clear that Chris had no faith in Jesus Christ.
Chriss problem was that he hadnt come to terms with 1 Corinthians 8:5-6. He didnt know what he existed for, or rather who he existed for. He had no passion for something greater than himself. No vision past the present.
Maybe this describes you, too. A missing purpose, fading passion, a lack of commitment to Christ. Reader, find that passion by spending your lifeand spend it for the sake of Christ! Spending it for something else leads up to the second way to miss your purpose:
Identifying Your Unique Purpose
As I mentioned, while we all as Christ followers share the purpose of glorifying the Lord in all we do, we do each have a unique way of living out that purpose.
For example, Mary was entrusted with being the earthly mother of Jesus. She brought glory to God in a very unique way that no one else could.
Moses brought glory to God by stepping out in faith and leading the Israelites out of slavery.
Paul lived a life of rejecting Jesus and persecuting Christians. Then, God used that part of Pauls past to turn him into a powerfully effective teacher and missionary.
All of these people glorified God, but they all lived it out in a very different way. In order for you to figure out how you should be living out your purpose, you need to figure out what God has given you the gift he has entrusted you with.
Are You Living Your Purpose
Find your calling from God and fulfill your purpose with the free Purposeful Living Handbook:
- Structured exercises with step-by-step instructions
- Guidance from Scripture
- Reflection questions and space to respond
Purposeful Living
This article was adapted from Purposeful Living, a structured and biblically grounded process designed to help you find your calling from God.
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Impactful Bible Verses About Living Life With Purpose
Do you feel called? Are struggling with your calling because you feel unqualified? When we find ourselves doubting our call and our abilities to carry out the call that God has placed on our hearts, a good place to turn to is scripture. Specifically, bible Verses about living life with purpose to remind ourselves of the truths found in Gods word.
Back in 2017 I felt called to start a blog, as God would have it, I started a Christian blog. There are days I question this call, especially on days went I feel like my writing is not having the impact I would like it to or on days when I fall into the comparison trap of comparing my blog numbers to fellow bloggers. But then, you get that random blog comment that reassures you that you are indeed making a difference. Gods word can do the same for you too by offering encouragement alongside purpose and direction.
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The Way To Achieve Your Purpose
The good news is that your life has real meaning and purpose, and youll find it in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus, God the Son, died in the prime of his life only 33 years old never having sinned: not one impure thought, not one hateful word, not one white lie. A life perfectly dedicated to God.
That is a valuable life. A meaningful life. And the Bible says that Jesus laid down his own life for you and me. He sacrificed his perfect, meaningful life so that it could be applied to our imperfect and purposeless lives if we believe in him.
This is what we call the gospel the good news of Jesus. Jesus spent his life for you so that you could spend your life for him. When you trust Jesus to save you from your sins he will do so, and he will give you a new life with incredible purpose and meaning. And there is great freedom to be found in this good news.
The measure of your life lies not in what you accomplish, or how much wealth you have accumulated, but in what Christ has accomplished, and in the riches of Gods grace. You can exist for God, through Jesus, whether you are mopping floors or marketing pharmaceuticals. In fact, the world needs both floor moppers and pharmaceutical marketers who will spend their lives to display the glory of God in Jesus Christ.
So, how will you spend your life? I pray you will spend it for Jesus.
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God Fulfills His Purpose For Believers
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyednot only in my presence, but now much more in my absencecontinue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose .
Gods greater purpose has to always be on the forefront of our minds. We may be offered employment, school, and marriage opportunities that may not fit in Gods purpose. This takes wisdom on our part to wait on Gods peace before making presumptuous decisions that may have lifetime ramifications. Theres great joy in the discovery of His purpose when we trust in Him rather than on our feelings or pressures from other people.
Important Bible Verses About Purpose
Sometimes we can be so busy about our lives that we forget the purpose behind them. We are driven by the demands of life and not realizing that God always has a greater purpose. His purposes not only encompass our lives, but the lives of those around usat home, school, work, and community. Its important to know and live out the following Bible verses about purpose:
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Ways To Regain Your Purpose
In his classic book The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien wrote a poem that included the line, Not all who wander are lost. The same applies to you. Even though you feel like youre wandering without any true purpose, that doesnt mean youre lost. You can regain your sense of purpose and discover what God has for your life.
Here are 6 ways to discover Gods purpose for your life.
Again, lets start with the obvious. If you feel purposeless, ask God to give you wisdom and direction. James 1:5 states, If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
Thats incredibly good news. God wants to give you a purpose. He wants to bestow divine wisdom on you. Its not like God is holding out on you to make you miserable. He desires you to have a joyful, ambitious, purposeful life. Ask God for purpose and expect Him to give it to you.
The primary way God speaks to us is through the Bible. This means that one of the first things you should do in your search for Gods purpose is to start digging into scripture. Now, you wont find any verses that tell you to become a dance instructor or painter, but you will begin to understand the heart of God.
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Lesson #: Living Life With Purpose Will Glorify God
Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.
In the end, everything that we do should point others to Jesus. When you have a dream that seems God sized, knowing that you will only be able to do it in Gods strength should be an encouraging reminder that the truth purpose of your dreams will be actualized. Studying these scriptures on purpose encourage us to dream big and step out on faith. If your dream brings God glory, then your purpose is fulfilled.
- The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9
- Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3
- So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
What Does The Bible Say About Your Purpose
This article was adapted from Purposeful Living, a structured and biblically grounded process for finding and fulfilling Gods call for your life. Learn more about Purposeful Living and get the free handbook.
God has shaped and prepared you to play a unique role in each step of your story. You have a destiny that will bring glory to God, share the grace of God, and extend the reign of God. Understanding your unique destiny starts with understanding what the Bible says about your purpose as one of Gods people.
Clarifying what the Bible says about your purpose helps you in three important ways:
- It declares why you exist. It captures the heart of why you are on this earth and why Jesus died for you.
- It defines your lifenot in terms of what you think but what God thinks. It anchors your life in the character and call of God.
- It clarifies the non-negotiables. It identifies what never changes about who you are, regardless of circumstances.
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Way : Spendyour Life On The Wrong Things
If the first way to miss your purpose is to drift aimlessly with no target, no goal, no purpose, no intentionality, the second way is to be motivated, driven, passionate, and laser-focused on entirely the wrong goals. You can achieve all the wrong goals.
You can attain the American dream, you can climb the corporate ladder, but Jesus tells us that to spend yourself for this is foolishness.
In a brief parable, he tells us about a rich man who had so much stuff he had to build even larger barns to put it all in. He was fat and happy. Living large. But God calls this man a fool because he cant take these riches with him when he dies. Whats more, all the wealth in the world wouldnt prepare this man to meet God, because he spent his life serving himself.
Money will be spent, beauty will fade, power will be limited, fame will be forgotten, and entertainment and pleasure-seeking will fail to provide the joy that you long for in life. Dont miss your purpose in life by spending it on the wrong things!
Bible Verses About Your Calling In Life
I cant conclude this blog post without first sharing my absolute favorite quote from this sweet devotional book on purpose that I have been reading. It adequately sums up Gods purpose for our lives. Ultimately though how we live out that purpose is as unique as each individual. We all have different strengths that can be used to help us live out this purpose.
God made you on purpose and with a purpose. That purpose has nothing to do with money, clothes, skin color, family background or how many likes you get on Instagram or Tik Tok. Gods purpose for each of us is to love others and point them back to him and his love. Sadie Robertson
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Jeremiah 1:5
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. John 15:16
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Philippians 1:6
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Signs That You May Not Be Living In Gods Purpose
Before we dive into this point, we need to make at least one caveat. In one sense, you are always living in Gods purpose. God is God and He works all things, including your life, according to his purposes. Nothing can happen without God ordaining it.
Psalm 57:2 says, I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me. This is key in understanding Gods purpose for your life. God has numbered your days and will fulfill every purpose He has for you.
However, our choices and actions also really matter. In some ways, this is a mystery we cant fully understand, but that doesnt mean its not true. We can choose to do things that will bring us more joy and give us more of a sense of purpose. Thats where were headed in this post. We want to help you identify those choices you can make to bring more excitement and God-given purpose into your life.
But first, here are 6 signs that you dont have much purpose in your life.
Lets start with the obvious here. If youre blatantly disobeying the Bible, youre not living in Gods purpose and you will certainly experience a sense of aimlessness in your life. This one is pretty straightforward so we dont need to spend too much time here.
In his book Desiring God, John Piper says:
The pursuit of joy in God is not optional. It is not an extra that a person might grow into after he comes to faith.
How Can We Enjoy A Meaningful Life Now
Jehovah created us with a spiritual need, that is, a desire to know and worship him. He wants us to have a close friendship with him, to walk in all his ways, to love him, and to serve him with all heart. When we do so, we can be truly happy even though we have problems. Worshipping Jehovah gives our life real meaning and a sense of purpose.
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The World Vs The Word
The world says: You are what you do. You are defined by your job, your socio-economic standing or your recreational activities.The Word says: We are defined by Christ and what He did for us
The world says: Be all that you can be. You are strong. You can do it. Believe in yourself and you will be a winner.The Word says: When we are weak, He is strong for us . God uses the weak to confound the mighty. Trust in Christ. He has already won for us what we can never win for ourselves.
The world says: Do this or do that and it will come back to you in blessings and rewards. Thats karma!The Word says: Love and serve Jesus Christ by sacrificially giving to your neighbor, because in Christ we already have everything we need. We are free to give everything we have without expecting anything in return. Thats love!
And God Sent Me Before You To Preserve A Posterity For You In The Earth And To Save Your Lives By A Great Deliverance ~ Genesis 4: 7
God communicates to you His purpose for your life in various ways, including dreams. This was the case with Joseph in the book of Genesis. Through his dreams he learned that he was to be a ruler though it wasnt clear initially.
Only when he became governor of Egypt, did he get to fully understand the dream after years of preparation. The key learning point is that he was faithful with every assignment he was given along the way.
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Jesus Purpose Was Preaching
We see first in the last half of Luke 4:42 that the crowds wanted to keep Jesus for themselves. And the crowd sought Him and came to Him, and tried to keep Him from leaving them. Jesus has gone off to spend time alone with the Father, and yet the crowds followed Him, and tried to keep Him from leaving them.
The night before, He had healed all their sickness and cast demons out of people, and they realize, Hey, this is the kind of guy we need to keep around. We wont be sick any more. We wont have doctor bills. We wont need health insurance. Lets do everything we can to keep Him here and help us with our needs. But look how Jesus responds in Luke 4:43.
Luke 4:43. but He said to them, I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.
What was Christs purpose in coming to earth? To preach the kingdom of God. He says that this is what he must do. Its not something He simply wants to do. Its not one good thing to do among several. It is the one thing He must do. He says to the crowds of people, Look, I know you want to keep me here in Capernaum and heal all your sicknesses and cast out all your demons, and feed you and make your life free of all problems. But that is not why I cam to earth. My purpose in coming to earth, the reason I was sent to earth by God, is to preach the kingdom of God.
Luke 4:44. And He was preaching in the synagogues of Galilee.