A New Way Of Cleaning And Sanitizing
In 2016, Calvary Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan, heeded the call to expand its ministries and launched the Grace Beyond Building Project, a multi-year project that would grow the facility from 170,000 square feet to over 220,000 square feet. The project proved to be the perfect time to elevate their cleaning paradigm and create a safer environment for both their employees and the more than 8,000 worshippers they welcome each week, especially the children.
Brian Novak, Calvarys Custodial Team Leader, proactively pressed the initiative to limit toxic chemical exposure for everyone. According to Novak, We wanted to reassure parents that the facility offered high grade cleaning without exposing their children to harmful chemicals. Grace Beyond offered the perfect opportunity to pursue our desire to go truly green, especially in their childrens ministry area, but also throughout the building including the sanctuary, kitchen, and restroom facilities.
Our custodial staff are experts in cleaning but the PathoSans system is simple enough that even volunteers can use the PathoClean and PathoCide solutions.
Today PathoSans is used on carpets, floors, polished concrete, glass, and more throughout Calvary Church including in the kids area, welcome and visitor center, kitchen and banquet areas, restrooms, and the sanctuary. With PathoSans, Calvarys facilities are cleaner than ever with less toxic chemical exposure and a safer environment for staff, volunteers, and visitors.
More About Calvary Church
Calvary is a non-denominational Christian church located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Our desire is to be Christs Church in this place: a living community of worship that is caring, serving, witnessing and maturing into the people God wants us to be.
We gather each Sunday morning for worship at 9:00 & 10:45am, and also gather at many other times throughout each week for learning, fellowship and service.
When people ask who Calvary Church is, we respond that we are and desire to be Christs church in this place. The church is different than any other institution on earth, it is the only institution that Christ Himself promised to build . So the church is the mission of Christ, which means that He is doing something in us communally. Christ not only saves individual believers, but is forming a people for His own possession .
Welcome To Calvary Chapel
Calvary Chapel – Grand Rapids has moved. God has blessed us with the opportunity to serve in the Northwoods community of Coleraine. We have purchased and renovated the old Mary Immaculate Church and have begun meeting there. Come on out, join us to worship God together.
Calvary Chapel is a community of Christians that wants to glorify God by pointing people to Jesus Christ. We believe that He alone is sufficient for our every need, and our greatest desire is to help you know Him and fully receive His love. We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming services.
We meet every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. in the old Mary Immaculate Church on Elizabeth Avenue, 103 Roosevelt Avenue, Coleraine
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