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Bible Verses About Time Management

Take Some Practical Steps To Assess Your Time Management:

Time Management: What the Bible says | Ephesians 5:15-16 Verse Study
  • First, monitor your time for an entire week.

Time monitor example

To assess whether or not you are effectively managing your time, you first need to see how you are spending it. This is a lot like creating a budgetbefore you can set up a spending plan, you first need to see how much money you have available and where you are spending it and/or need to spend it. To do this with time, you need to start out tracking where you spend your time for an entire week. I have my students track this on a printed out Excel spreadsheet, but you could just as easily do this on a notepad or piece of paper. Youll want to write down everything. I know it seems daunting, but its only for a week. Youll need to write down everything because you will categorize it later.

  • After you have tracked your time for a week, see if you can categorize and calculate how much time you spent on things.

For example 40 hours at work, 15 hours of TV, 10 hours on phone/internet/social media, 7 hours getting ready, 55 hours sleeping, 5 hours traveling to work, 10 hours recreation/relaxation, 3.5 hours of quiet time, etc.

  • Finally, there are a few more questions to consider to finalize your self-assessment

  • In what areas are you currently successful with regard to time management?
  • Where are some areas where you need to improve?
  • List some steps you can take to improve.
  • After learning more about what the Bible has to say about time and managing it, what were some things that stood out the most to you and why?
  • The Lord Is Good To Those Who Wait For Him To The Soul Who Seeks Him It Is Good That One Should Wait Quietly For The Salvation Of The Lord Lamentations : 2526 Esv

    This passage is another reminder that urges us to be patient. As time passes let us wait in quietness for the moment of our salvation.

    Joseph was hated by his brothers, sold into slavery, wrongly accused, and imprisoned before he became the star, that everyone bowed to. David endured a lot of hardships before he finally became king. Hannah waited for years to have a child before God responded to her quiet supplications and blessed her with a son.

    Revelation 14:12 calls us to have faith as we wait. “Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.” We too can quietly wait on the Lord for our salvation. “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” Romans 8:18

    Final thought about time

    The way we look at time is very different from how the Lord looks at it. We are mortal beings whose days are numbered but God is the Alpha and the Omega. We may find it hard to wait on a timeless God but let us remain patient as we allow Him to do things in His timing until He returns for us.

    I pray we may all remain faithful, for He that shall come will come, and will not tarry.

    Before The Mountains Were Brought Forth Or Ever You Had Formed The Earth And The World From Everlasting To Everlasting You Are God Psalm : 2 Esv

    This Psalm is an exaltation to the timelessness of our Creator. He existed long before the creation of the world. In fact, God will be around long after this present world is purified by fire.

    The verse states that God is from everlasting to everlasting. We also see the timelessness of God revealed in Revelation 22:13 which states, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end”.

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    What Is Stewardship Of Time

    So what does stewarding your time well actually mean? Websters dictionary defines stewardship as:

    The careful and responsible management of something entrusted to ones care.

    Stewardship of time means the act of carefully managing your time, which is a gift that God has given you. It means making proactive choices about how you choose to spend your hours each day. Its about being intentional about the tasks you choose to complete and the way you choose to use that time.

    This can include being purposeful about the goals you choose to pursue and making meaningful choices about the plans you make!

    The bottom line is that we should always be asking ourselves, How can I use my time to glorify God?

    Although were not expected to manage and control every minute of our lives , we should always be looking for ways that we can better steward the time that we have.

    Time Management Tip #: Planning

    Bible Quotes About Time Management. QuotesGram

    The Bible reveals a God who is a Planner. And He wants us to be planners too. We need long-range plans, annual plans and daily plansand probably several plans in between.

    Why plan? Lolly Daskal explains that planning our time is not about filling every moment with busy work, but rather organizing our time around what is important. Planning for how to spend your time enables you to work far more efficiently than figuring it out as you go. What is planned happens, because planning leads to action.

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    And Nehemiah Who Was The Governor And Ezra The Priest And Scribe And The Levites Who Taught The People Said To All The People This Day Is Holy To The Lord Your God Do Not Mourn Or Weep For All The People Wept As They Heard The Words Of The Law Nehemiah : 9 Esv

    This verse may provide a contrast between the life of the people during and after captivity. A period of bondage was replaced with freedom. Celebration replaced days and years of exile. Destruction and separation gave way to restoration and unity.

    In verse ten Nehemiah reminded the people that the ‘holy day’ was a time of Joy and not a time for mourning and weeping. “And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

    We Will Have To Answer For How We Spent Our Time

    The Bible says we will have to stand before God one day and give an account of our actions. This includes how we spent our time.

    So why do you condemn another believer? Why do you look down on another believer? Remember, we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. For the Scriptures say, As surely as I live, says the LORD, every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will confess and give praise to God. Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God. Romans 14:10-12

    For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. 2 Corinthians 5:10

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    Look Carefully Then How You Walk Not As Unwise But As Wise Making The Best Use Of The Time Because The Days Are Evil Therefore Do Not Be Foolish But Understand What The Will Of The Lord Is Ephesians : 15

    It is no coincidence that this verse mentions the use of time, wisdom, and the will of God. God is not satisfied with us simply using our time. He wants us to use it wisely. This means our time should not be spent on merely carrying out random acts throughout the day.

    It should be managed in such a way that we are meaningfully occupied. Having an understanding of the will of God for our lives, our health, and our role in the salvation of others will guide us as we delegate time for ministry, work and rest.

    The Lord Is Not Slow To Fulfill His Promise As Some Count Slowness But Is Patient Toward You Not Wishing That Any Should Perish But That All Should Reach Repentance 2 Peter : 9 Esv

    Time Management from a Biblical Perspective

    This passage is also a helpful reminder of how God views time. From our human point of view, we consider God’s timing as slow. This verse points out that God is not slow but patient, as He allows us time to repent, turn to Him, and escape eternal damnation.

    God’s love and patience is demonstrated throughout the Bible. He warned and waited on the people of Nineveh because he wanted to save them. Today, He is still waiting for sinners to come to repentance.

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    Bible Verses For Teachers Struggling With Time Management

    Lets face it: Were busy people. On top of family, work, and other responsibilities, were adding a commitment to teach a Bible class which not only involves class-time but also lesson preparation and follow-up with students. It can become a juggling act to do everything we need to do, and especially to do it well. Teachers already struggling with time management need biblical reminders about keeping priorities as well as encouragement to follow through.

    Walk In Wisdom Toward Outsiders Making The Best Use Of The Time Colossians : 5 Esv

    This verse also looks at the role each of us has to play in being disciples. We are to make the best use of every moment and every opportunity we get.

    When our actions reflect that we are followers of God we are ministering to those outside of the faith. On the other hand, if we spend our time participating in worldly pleasures, we are wasting opportunities to draw others to Christ.

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    Time Management Tip #: Perform With Urgency And Diligence

    To implement our planned schedule requires constant motivation, focus and persistence. To choose the truly important, we must wisely act, not just react to the urgent things that come at us.

    God gives us a number of reminders and prods to help us see the urgency of practicing our priorities and plans.

    He tells us to count our daysto recognize how short life is and how precious every day is. That should lead us to make full use of our time. The apostle Paul encouraged us to walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil .

    God wants us to recognize that every minute counts and should be used in a godly way. God is diligent, and He wants us to learn diligence and avoid laziness .

    He even wants us to use our leisure time wisely.

    Pray Through Your Plans

    Top 7 Bible Verses About Time Management

    Submitting your plans to God is another way to steward your time well. The scriptures tell us that we can plan and it is wise to plan, but it is the plans that are subject to Gods pruning and prodding that succeed.

    After you have submitted your plans to God, you should check in with him throughout the day and ask for his help. He promises that he will direct our steps and give us times of rest .

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    Biblical Time Management Tips

    1. Clearly define your priorities.

    Colossians 3:1-2: If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

    We must first schedule what matters most or you know what will happen it will get pushed out by every little distraction. Ask me how I know.

    2. Diligently make plans.

    Proverbs 21:5: The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.

    Proverbs 14:8: The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way, but the folly of fools is deceiving.

    Prudent now theres a word you dont hear much anymore.

    But I like it!

    3. Plan carefully, taking into account the Lords will.

    Ephesians 5:15-17: Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

    Oswald Chambers says in My Utmost For His Highest:

    But how do we know the Lords will? Number 4 will help.

    4. Seek Him first every day.

    Matthew 6:33: But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

    5. Commit your plans to the Lord.

    Psalm 37:5: Commit your way to the Lord trust in him, and he will act.

    Proverbs 16:3: Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

    Seeing it in writing helps to know where your commitments lie.

    Join the fun

    For He Says In A Favorable Time I Listened To You And In A Day Of Salvation I Have Helped You Behold Now Is The Favorable Time Behold Now Is The Day Of Salvation 2 Corinthians : 2 Esv

    This verse warns about not responding to the call of salvation while also providing hope for those who claim faith in God. Salvation is a matter that should be treated with great urgency and we should not take it for granted.

    Even in great despair we may find hope. Our moment of suffering will not last forever and our prayers for deliverance will not go unheard. The Lord listens to our requests and in the right time He will respond and help us.

    Don’t give up! With each passing moment our time of salvation and deliverance draws nearer.

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    Bible Verses About Committing Your Time To God

    In the last section, we noted the importance of using your time wisely with biblical time management. Here we explore leaving our plans in Gods hands. For his plans, ways, and thoughts are higher than our own .

    9) For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

    Isaiah 55:8-9

    As you make plans for each day, week, and month, commit your plans to the Lords will . Note that the Lord may change your plans. And be open to how God can use interruptions and annoyances for good.

    10) Instead, you ought to say, If it is the Lords will, we will live and do this or that.’

    James 4:15

    When you go about your day, listen and watch for the Holy Spirit to lead you. For although you can set a direction for what you want to achieve, the Lord directs your steps .

    11) In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.

    Proverbs 16:9

    Be willing to let your plans go so that Gods goodness can prevail. God promises that he has a plan for your life, and this plan ends in prosperity. Jeremiah 29:11 is a popular bible verse with implications for time management.

    12) For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    Jeremiah 29:11

    What are your favorite bible verses about time management?

    Bible Verses About Time

    What Does the Bible Say About Time Management?

    Time is very important and affects all of us in one way or another. Sometimes we wish we had more time to do things and spend with the ones we love. At other times we get impatient as we wait on the Lord to respond to our prayers or favor us.

    The Bible has a lot to say about time management, how God views time, and how to value the time we have here on this earth. I pray that as we go through these Bible verses, we will be better able to understand the timeless God we serve.

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    What Does The Bible Say About Utilizing Time

    2 Corinthians 5:9-11 says,

    So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

    This makes it really clear that stewardship of time, and what we do while on this earth and in these bodies is of eternal importance. This is just one verse that clearly answers the question, what does the Bible say about time management? There are more that we will get to in just a little bit.

    Looking back at the illustration of eternity with the line and the dot, this scripture makes it clear that we should not be living our lives for the dot, but for the line.

    When we live for the dot, its about making ourselves happy, content, and comfortable here on earth. Its serving ourselves whenever possible.

    But instead, if we live our lives on the dot in light of eternity, we will always first be striving to glorify God and serve him in all we do.

    What Does The Bible Say About Time Wasting

    God is not against recreation, relaxation and pleasurable activities at the right time and in the right balance. But He warns against the dangers of letting these things crowd out the top priorities. Here are some passages about letting the pursuit of pleasure and ease control our lives:

    • He who loves pleasure will be a poor man he who loves wine and oil will not be rich .
    • He who tills his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows frivolity will have poverty enough! .
    • The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich .
    • The lazy man will not plow because of winter he will beg during harvest and have nothing .
    • I said in my heart, Come now, I will test you with mirth therefore enjoy pleasure but surely, this also was vanity .

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