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HomeHow To Quote Bible Verses

How To Quote Bible Verses

Looking Up A Verse With A Concordance

How to Cite the Bible
  • 1Choose a concordance. A concordance is a book that lists every instance of a words appearance in the Bible. This is a great tool if you remember the verse, or part of the verse, but you dont know which book or chapter it came from.XResearch source
  • Concordances can be found through religious retailers or online. Your church may also have one that you can borrow.
  • 2Search for a word from the verse. Remember an important word from the verse. Look it up in the concordance the same way that you would look it up in a dictionary. Concordances are alphabetized.XResearch source
  • Choose a distinctive word that may have limited occurrences, such as flood, mountain, or rubies. If you choose something like love or evil youre likely to find an enormous number of results.
  • 3Search for other words if necessary. If you find too many results, or you dont see the verse youre looking for, try searching for another word. For example, if you remember the phrase, love must be sincere and you searched love but found too many results, try looking up, sincere.XResearch source
  • 4Locate the verse from the concordance list. The concordance will list all of the places where that word is found in the Bible. A complete concordance will give you some context so that you can be sure its the verse youre looking for.XResearch source
  • Use the location that the concordance gives you to look up the complete verse and its context in your bible.
  • Did King James Change The Bible

    Not only was it the first peoples. The BibleBut his poetic cadences and vivid images have had a lasting influence on Western culture. In 1604 in England King James I allowed a new translation of The Bible aimed at settling some of the thorny religious differences in his kingdom and consolidating his own power.

    How Do You Cite Genesis 1

    A reference list entry is not required for the Bible but the in-text citation should include the name of the book, followed by the chapter and verse. The first time you refer to the Bible in-text you should also include the version you are using, e.g. King James Version or New Revised Standard Version.

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    Mla Parenthetical Bible Citation

    You will need to follow some unique rules when it comes to citing the Bible in MLA format. Typically, you dont italicize or underline different versions of the Bible, but you will italicize individual editions of the Bible like The New Oxford Annotated Bible. Refer to these examples for how to quote Bible verses in your parenthetical citations.

    • In The New Oxford Annotated Bible, Quote .
    • Psalm 25.4 states, Quote .

    MLA: Translation in italics, Book abbreviated. Chapter. Verse

    The New King James Version, Ps. 25.4

    You might also find yourself needing to make an indirect quote of the Bible in MLA format. While its better to find the direct quote in the Bible itself, you can use qtd. in for a Bible quote made in another source in MLA format.

    • As it states, Quote .

    Solution #: How To Cite A Psalm As An In


    Creating an in-text MLA citation for passages from the Book of Psalms is similar to citing other books of the Bible.

    First, begin with indicating the book, Psalm, followed by the Psalm number and, if necessary, the specific lines quoted. The Psalm number and lines will be separated by a period.


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    How To Quote The Bible Like A Pro

    Are you able to quote book, chapter, and verse numbers for every Bible passage that you know? If not, does it prevent you from engaging in faith discussions with people who are able to?

    I often hear from Catholics who admit that they are intimidated by how well many anti-Catholics seem to know the Bible. When challengers come around slinging Bible verses left and right, these otherwise knowledgeable Catholics clam up, shying away from the conversation in fear of embarrassment. They know what the Bible says but, since they cannot cite many verses off the top of their heads, they feel ill-equipped to defend their faith. Do you ever feel this way? If so, you would probably like to do something about it.

    One option is to invest some time and effort into memorizing Bible verses. There are more than a few resources available to assist with this. Another option is to keep a handy Bible Cheat Sheet with you . This is a great resource to have when faced with many of the most common challenges to the Catholic Faith.

    But there is a third option that can be implemented right now: Go ahead and jump into the fray just as you are! If you have a fairly good grasp of the Bible and are able to at least paraphrase what you know it says, there is no shame in being unable to pinpoint, off the cuff, precise book, chapter, and verse citations. If pressed to do so, you can always offer to look up citations later. Bible websites and software make it quite easy to find them.

    Mla Bible Citation Examples

    Although most editorial styles dont require a bibliography entry for religious works, MLA 8 style does. Follow these MLA Bible citation examples to see how it is done. This means not only do you place parenthetical or in-text citations within your paper, but you also include a corresponding entry on your works cited page.

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    How Do You Properly Quote A Bible Verse

    How do you properly quote a Bible verse? When citing a passage of scripture, include the abbreviated name of the book, the chapter number, and the verse numbernever a page number. Chapter and verse are separated by a colon. Example: 1 Cor. 13:4, 15:12-19.

    Do you use quotations when quoting scripture? In your writing, use quotation marks or italics to quote Scripture, but please dont use both .

    Should Bible verses be in quotes or italicized? Do not italicize, underline, or use quotation marks for books and versions of the Bible.

    How do you quote a psalm from the Bible? Citation. In APA style, the in-text citation for a psalm includes more specific information about the reference, so you do not include the Bible on your references page. Instead of a page number, the parenthetical citation lists the book, chapter and verse with a colon between the chapter and verse.

    Can You Cite The Bible

    How To Cite the Bible

    Footnotes, Endnotes, or Parenthetical Citations:

    You do not need to include the Bible in your bibliography. When citing a passage of scripture, include the abbreviated name of the book, the chapter number, and the verse numbernever a page number. Chapter and verse are separated by a colon. Example: 1 Cor.

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    How Do You Properly Cite A Quote

    In-text citations include the last name of the author followed by a page number enclosed in parentheses. “Here’s a direct quote” . If the author’s name is not given, then use the first word or words of the title. Follow the same formatting that was used in the Works Cited list, such as quotation marks.

    Lead Into Your Quotation Of Scripture

    Try to lead into your quotation, instead of just plopping it into your paragraph. The lead-in is called the introductory phrase. The introductory phrase below is Scripture states. Notice how the introductory phrase is followed by a comma before the quotation begins.

    Scripture states, For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline .

    The introductory phrase can be short and simple, as above. Another variation in the introductory phrase is to include the Scripture reference. The introductory phrase below is We find this promise in 2 Timothy 1:7

    We find this promise in 2 Timothy 1:7, For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.

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    Works Cited Citation For An Online Version Of The Bible

    The guidelines for citing an online version of the Bible are different from a print version. If your source is an e-book or an app, those guidelines are different as well. These are the guidelines for a Bible found on a website. Note that you only need to create one reference page citation for every web page you cite from the same online Bible .


    Bible Title. Title of Website/Organization, URL. Accessed Date.


    New International Version. Biblica, Accessed 22 Mar. 2020.

    Are You Up For The Challenge

    Daily Devotion

    Even if you could only spend 1 hour a day memorizing scripture, you could easily memorize 3-4 verses a day. Thats over 20 verses in one week about an entire chapter in many books of the Bible. Imagine being able to quote an entire chapter after just one week of studying.

    Trust me, its possible!

    When was the last time you memorized a verse in the Bible? Here are a couple chapters to consider for your challenge: Hebrews 1, Luke 6, and 1 Corinthians 13.

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    Mla Bible Citation Format

    Refer to these basic formats to cite biblical references in your MLA citations.

    Works Cited Format

    Title of the Bible, Version. Editor, Publisher, Year.

    In-Text Citation Format

    The first time you cite the Bible in-text, include the name of the version of the Bible, followed by an abbreviation of the book, the chapter and verse.

    For subsequent references, simply include the book, chapter, and verse.

    Bible Footnotes For Mla And Apa

    MLA and APA styles opt for parenthetical citations rather than footnotes for sources. However, if you choose to include footnotes, you will have the superscript number like in Chicago style. The citation will follow the parenthetical citation in most instances.


    • In-Text: In the book of John, it is shown that . according to God.1
    • Citation: 1John 8:31

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    Chicago/turabian Footnotes For Bible Citations

    Chicago style includes footnotes. You add a superscript number in the body of the text. Typically, you place the superscript number after the punctuation mark, if possible. Then, include the citation for the footnote at the bottom of the page with the corresponding superscript number. The format of the footnote citation is below.


    In the book of Psalms, its shown how. according to God.1

    Footnote Citation:

    1. Ps. 19:13-16

    How Do You Credit A Quote

    How to Cite the Bible in APA – Recording #6

    In-text citations include the last name of the author followed by a page number enclosed in parentheses. “Here’s a direct quote” . If the author’s name is not given, then use the first word or words of the title. Follow the same formatting that was used in the works cited list, such as quotation marks.

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    Practical Tips To Keep In Mind When You Quote Scripture

    Wrenching a Bible verse out of context isnt the only bad Bible-quoting habit out there. There is a more subtle set of unfortunate customs we use in evangelical churches when we quote the Bible.

    Heres an example: a relative of mine was reading to me her salvation testimony as she prepared to deliver it to her church. Its a stirring story, full of Gods grace. At the beginning she said:

    Ephesians chapter 2, verses 4 through 5, states, But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christby grace you have been saved.

    It is the height of rudeness to complain about someones Bible quotation practices after they read their beautiful conversion testimony.

    Its a good thing my relatives love me.

    And it was a practice session anyway. And Id been thinking about this issue at the time. Okay?

    I said to her, You know, theres no law saying you have to give the reference, use the word states, or even quote these verses in their entiretyverse divisions are a comparatively recent invention. And when you start a quotation with But, its confusing unless people happen to know that passage.

    She was actually relieved. She told me she thought she had to do these things. Others feel the same way, apparently, because the unwritten rules of American evangelical Bible quotation are observed with only minor variation everywhere I go.

    How Do You Cite

    Include an in-text citation when you refer to, summarize, paraphrase, or quote from another source. For every in-text citation in your paper, there must be a corresponding entry in your reference list. APA in-text citation style uses the authors last name and the year of publication, for example: .

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    Solution #: How To Cite A Bible That Is Not In English

    To cite a Bible that isnt in English for your full MLA citation in your bibliography, include the title of the Bible in its language of publication, followed by the translated English title in brackets. Italicize both titles in both languages.


    La Biblia de las Américas. Biblica, version=LBLA. Accessed 20 Nov. 2021.

    For your in-text citation, you only need to include the title of the Bible in its language of publication, not the translated title as well. Italicize the title. Follow the title with the book and verse of your quotation, separated by a period.


    Bible Verses To Encourage You

    Pin on Bible Verses

    Concordia University Texas is a Christ-centered community it’s our first core value. We strive to be a place where Christ is honored and all are welcome. During these unprecedented times, CTX is committed to supporting students in their academics and their faith.

    Here’s a message from CTX President Don Christian:

    We pray that the following Bible verses will encourage you and remind you of the hope we have in Christ.

    Note: Unless otherwise indicated, the following verses are from the English Standard Version Bible.

    John 16:33

    “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart I have overcome the world.”

    Isaiah 41:10

    “So do not fear, for I am with you do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

    Philippians 4:67

    Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    Psalm 34:45, 8

    I sought the LORD, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

    Romans 8:28

    And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.

    Joshua 1:9

    Matthew 6:3134

    Proverbs 3:56

    Romans 15:13

    Recommended Reading: Examples Of Loneliness In The Bible

    What Is Proper Mla Format

    MLA Paper Formatting Basics

    • Use white 8 ½ x 11 paper.
    • Make 1 inch margins on the top, bottom, and sides.
    • The first word in every paragraph should be indented one half inch.
    • Indent set-off or block quotations one half inch from the left margin.
    • Use any type of font that is easy to read, such as Times New Roman.

    Quotation Marks Should Begin And End Your Quoting Of Scripture

    The beginning quotation mark means this is where you start copying and then the end quotation mark means this is where you stop copying.

    A reminder that quotation marks mean you are copying word for word. Do not change anything. One easy way to make sure your Scripture is correct is to use Biblegateway. At this site you can look up a verse, and then copy and paste it into your document. Note that if you do use Biblegateway, you will need to remove the individual verse numbers.

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    Stop Quoting Bible Verses At Me

    One of my favorite scenes from the movie “Saved!” is when Hilary Faye, the “star” Christian, gets angry and attempts to confront her former friend Mary. When Mary doesn’t listen and accuses Hilary of not knowing anything about the love of Jesus, Hilary throws a Bible at her. “I am filled with Christ’s love!” she shouts, without any sense of irony.

    I’ve felt like Mary a lot.

    There have been quite a few Hilary Fayes in my life. Only instead of throwing actual physical Bibles at me, I usually get verses tossed my way instead. Oftentimes, though, the effect feels the same.

    Last May, I applied and was accepted to be a participant of The Reformation Project, a Bible-based, Christian nonprofit organization that seeks to reform church teaching on sexual orientation and gender identity. From the application, I knew that to be a reformer meant I’d be spending a lot of time in Scripture. This shouldn’t have been difficult for me, someone who grew up in the church, has read the entire Bible multiple times, and had most of the “big” verses memorized. But my relationship with Scripture had become complicated, as it was used more often to rebuke my beliefs, than to encourage me.

    What I didn’t realize was how deep I was going to go into Scripture, and how it would change my entire view of the Bible.

    I learned the importance of context.

    As Christians, we should be more concerned with living the Word, than quoting it.

    Citing Mla Online Bible Sources

    Quoting Bible Verses (How To Act On the Word) – Pastor Kelvin Eromosele (Moment of Grace Church)

    Oftentimes, youll find Bible scriptures published online. Even full versions of the Bible are available. In these cases, simply add the URL of the source, just as you do for other MLA citations.

    Example Works Cited

    New International Version. Biblica, 1983,

    Example In-Text Citation


    • If the version is included in the title, you dont need to add it again.
    • Include the URL, if you retrieved the information from an online source.
    • Do not add https:// to the URL.
    • After the first reference to a source, use the abbreviation in the text.

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