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What Does The Bible Say About Walking In Victory

Here Are 25 Bible Verses About Victory That Will Encourage Your Heart

Walking In Victory, Part 4 “What does the Bible call our enemy?” | Bishop Johnny Cunningham Sermons

1 Chronicles 29:11Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all.

Exodus 15:1Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.

Numbers 13:30And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it for we are well able to overcome it.

Deuteronomy 20:4For the LORD your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.

2 Samuel 19:2And the victory that day was turned into mourning unto all the people: for the people heard say that day how the king was grieved for his son.

2 Samuel 23:10He arose, and smote the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clave unto the sword: and the Lord wrought a great victory that day and the people returned after him only to spoil.

2 Samuel 23:12But he stood in the midst of the ground, and defended it, and slew the Philistines: and the Lord wrought a great victory.

Psalm 25:2O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.

Psalm 98:1O sing unto the Lord a new song For he hath done marvellous things: His right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory.

Bible Verses That Speak Against Fear Walk In Christs Victory Today

Do not be conformed to the things of this world instead be transformed by the renewal of your mind . When you truly accept and believe that you are sons/daughters of God and that His blood is running through your veins, youll look at things in an entirely new perspective.

We cannot expect to get our spiritual nourishment from church only. Sadly, church has mostly failed to take information and correctly apply it so that transformation can happen. When we study, read and listen to Gods Word, and then begin to apply it in our lives, true repentance and victory will happen! Fear and anxiety may come, but we will be able to stand firm. Its time to take those old hurts, pain and struggles and nail it to Calvarys cross once and for all and walk in the freedom that has been bought for you at the highest possible price! The best part is He gives it to you for free! All you need to do is just believe that! Sounds like Disney-magic, but truly its that simple! Get your identity in God and grasp it then walk in victory!

Here are 25 Bible verses that speak against fear and will help you walk in Christs victory. Read and affirm them every morning and evening. Dont just read it, believe it and live it!

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

Encouraging Scriptures Discussion Question:

What are some other encouraging Scriptures that you love that help you overcome sin & walk in victory? I would LOVE to hear from you. Share them with me in the comments below & lets grow together // Also, let me know in the comments below what you want me to cover in future blog posts/videos & Ill do my best in the coming weeks to cover it. Heres to growing together! God bless! //

Want the full list of 20 scriptures to help you overcome & walk in victory every day?

Also Check: The Bible In Chronological Order

We Walk In Victory When We Persevere In Faith

And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance, character and character, hope. Romans 5:3-5

Brook Ardoin from Fire and Freedom says, In order to succeed, perseverance must remain the foundation of faith. It is only by persevering through every defeat that we ultimately triumph in victory.

Check out Brooks article My Master, a dramatic retelling of the woman with the issue of blood who had faith and determination to touch the hem of Jesus garment.

Walk In The Light As Your Spiritual Birthright

Pin on THE Word!

Come, descendants of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the Lord

The light of Jesus Christ is a birthright to those who are the children of Abraham through the covenant. We are the stars in the sky and the sand by the seashore that represented Abrahams seed through Isaac. Our spiritual heritage leads every believer down the path of victory over sin and death. We are no longer slaves and captiveswe are free to accomplish everything that God has called us to complete.

Read Also: List Of Fear Not Verses In The Bible

Walk In Victory Because The Bible Tells Us Who Wins

The Bible is very clear about who wins in the end and I love how it says that through our faith, Jesus will win the victory!

Its so important to know what God has said regarding this topic.

When we have a firm belief in the true outcome of things, then that can help us walk in victory!

Rememberwatch the replay! When you see life knowing how the end turns out, we wont stress when things dont go our way!

God has equipped us to fight through the battles that come our way and walk in victory!

There Is Power In Prayer To Achieve Victory

Victory in our lives finds its way through prayer. Jesus called his disciples to prayer and demonstrated the importance of prayer by making it a habit to go to quiet places to pray. He spent more time praying in private than he did in public. Its in the private times with God that your faith gets exercised so that when youre faced with challenges, you can respond as the victor you are.

God doesnt fail. He gives victory because the battle belongs to him. How you pray and how often you pray belongs to you. Lift up your voice. Theres mighty power in the name of Jesus. Dont back down from your giants. The story ends in Gods favor, which is victory.

Jessica Van Roekel leads worship in her local church and writes at She believes that through Christ our personal histories dont have to define our present or determine our future and writes about the transforming power of grace. Jessica lives in a rural setting surrounded by farmland and her husband and children. You can connect with her on and .

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What Does It Really Mean To Walk In The Spirit

That same phrase ‘walk in the Spirit’ can also mean to live by the Spirit or to be guided by the Spirit. This means that you live a life that is connected to the Holy Spirit on a regular basis. The Holy Spirit becomes the one you depend on as you go through life. For many, that sounds very simple, almost too simple so let me explain why it is not. When you were saved Jesus made a promise to you, he would give you the Holy Spirit.

And now you Gentiles have also heard the truth, the Good News that God saves you. And when you believed in Christ, he identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago. Ephesians 1:13

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you foreverthe Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17

How Do You Continue In Victory

What Does the Bible Say About Humility?

You enter into victory by yielding to Christ and trusting Him as your Victory. You continue in victory by continuing to yield to Christ and continuing to trust Him as your Victory.

Victory is not a once-for-all matter. It is taking Christ as your Victory moment-by-moment. Your attitude becomes one of depending on Him moment-by-moment.

Remember, victory is by God’s grace. It is not gritting your teeth and struggling to keep yourself under control. It is a miracle of God’s grace. It is not TRYING but TRUSTING. Trying is what we do trusting is letting the Lord do it for us.

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Lets Connect All The Dots

God has given you the Holy Spirit. One of the purposes is to help you. He will help you to pray which will give you the strength you need. He will move you to read the word which will give you the wisdom you need and show you how to live. Finally, he will help you to obey what God desires you to do. In other words, walking in the Spirit impacts every aspect of your life. From this point forward when you think of what it means to walk in the Spirit, you dont have to treat it as if it is some mystical thing. It is far more practical than that. It should be a very normal part of your Christian life for one simple reason. The Holy Spirit lives inside you. Because he does he will give you what you need to live the life he wants. Your job is to stay plugged in and when you do you will truly walk in the Spirit.

Further Reading

The Secret Of Walking By The Spirit

Yesterday at 5:30 a.m. I was in Pasadena, California, standing in the kitchen of my beloved teacher Daniel Fuller talking to his wife Ruth. One of the things I will never forget about that kitchen is that over the sink are taped four tremendous promises of God typed on little pieces of paper. Ruth puts them there to meditate on while she works. Thats how you walk by the Spirit.

Walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

I keep a little scrap paper by my prayer bench, and whenever I read a promise that can lure me away from my guilt and fear and greed, I write it down. Then in dry spells, I have a pile of promises to soak my soul in. The fight of faith is fought with the promises of God. And the fight of faith is the same as the fight to walk by the Spirit. He works when we are resting in his promises. George Müller wrote :

I saw more clearly than ever that the first great and primary business to which I ought to attend every day was to have my soul happy in the Lord. The first thing to be concerned about was not how much I might serve the Lord, or how I might glorify the Lord but how I might get my soul into a happy state, and how my inner man might be nourished. . . . Now, what is the food for the inner man? Not prayer but, the word of God.

George Müller learned the secret of walking by the Spirit: meditate on the precious truths of the word of God until your heart is happy in God, resting in his promises.

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Walking In Victory Bible Study Journal

Have you ever realized how easy is to fall into the what ifs and give into fear instead of trusting God?

Instead of living an abundant life, we struggle to survive.

We have an inheritance in Christ that nobody can take away from us, but we dont always live like it. Why? Because we don´t realize that we are fighting this battle named life from a position of victory.

The book of Joshua teaches us to remember the promises God has given us and to trust God in everything He gives us to do. Joshua shows us how to walk in victory.

Read Full Summary

Walking in victory relies on God´s promises but it´s not passive. It requires action from us to believe those promises and live in them every day. Israel owned the land because of Gods gracious covenant with Abraham , but their enjoyment of the land depended on their faithful obedience to God.

The same God who was with Joshua and the Israelites is with us today. He has given us the same promises and He wants us to claim the inheritance He has already given us. We pray this study helps you start walking in victory!

For more encouragement, join us online where youll find corresponding Bible study content in our Monday, Wednesday and Friday blogs and further insights through our daily devotionals on our Love God Greatly app. You can also join our loving community on Facebook and Instagram to encourage and cheer you on as you spend time in Gods Word.

Powerful Bible Verses About Victory To Encourage Your Soul


May 31, 2022

Are you looking for Bible verses about victory to give you hope and encouragement? There are many examples throughout Scripture of God giving his people victory to defeat their enemies, and of how we can gain spiritual victory to overcome challenges and obstacles in our lives.

There are times when we all feel defeated and discouraged, and need to be reminded that we have victory through Christ. Have you ever felt like you were running on a spiritual treadmill, constantly striving and working hard, but never feeling like you were going anywhere?

We can easily get bogged down by the pressures of life. In those moments, we can cry out to God for victory. Lets take a closer look at some of the Bible verses about victory that we can rely on when we are in need of Gods strength and fortitude.

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Ways You Can Walk In The Spirit

So, Paul called believers to walk away from the old ideas about salvation that were embedded in rabbinical Judaism of the first century as well as in Gentile pagan religions. Believers must walk a new way: in the Spirit. But what does that mean?

Jesus said, “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you seek, and you will find knock, and it will be opened to you” . J.J. Packer in his classic work on the subject, Keep in Step with the Spirit, reminds us that the beginning of a walk with God through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit begins with God’s first step to us in prayer. Packer tells us that of those who ask for God’s Spirit “Many have been staggered at the wealth of God’s answer in experience to this request.”

To walk in the Spirit is to:

1. Walk away from sin. Sin is disobedience to the revealed will of God. Walk away from sin by having the sin nature cleansed by pure righteous life of Jesus. When you receive Him, He gets your sins and you get His life. Walk, therefore, to the cross and leave your sins with Christ Jesus, by faith, today.

4. Walk towards the light of the love of Jesus. Jesus said that He is the light of the world. To walk in the Spirit is to be following Jesus, for the Spirit speaks of Christ Jesus. The Spirit magnifies the name of Jesus. And the light of Christ is His all-pervasive grace and love.

You Must Stay Plugged In

One of the keys to walking in the Spirit is you must stay plugged in. We all walk around with cellphones which indeed are powerful devices that can do lots of things. However as powerful or useful as a cellphone may be it has no ability unless it is plugged in and charged up. You and I are very much the same way. There are many things that you will not be able to do unless you are connected to and charged with the Holy Spirit. I want to be clear that as Christians you dont have to worry about losing the Holy Spirit. However, what can increase or decrease in your life is the impact the Holy Spirit has on your day-to-day life. The more you yield the more impact. The less you yield the less impact.

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We Walk In Victory When We Submit To God

Submit to God and be at peace with him in this way prosperity will come to you. Job 22:21

Angela G from No Longer Lukewarm says, Jesus was our example when He said, Not my will, but Yours be done. We are to live in submission to God simply because God knows best. His ways are higher, and He is for us, not against us. But just because we submit to Him doesnt mean we dont get what we want. We can pray to ask Him to make our will His.

Check out Angelas article Make Thy Will My Will: A New Way to Pray in which she uses a God wink story about a piece of coconut cake to show how God can guide us to want to do His will.

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