Meeting Of The Board Of Managers Fororganization
The Board of Managers of the Bible Society of the ConfederateStates of America met at 9 1-2 o’clock, a. m., in the Lecture Roomof the Presbyterian Church, Augusta, Ga., 22d March, 1862, Rev.Dr. Wilson in the Chair. Col. J. M. Chambers, of Augusta, Ga.,prayed. The members present were, Rev. J. R. Wilson, D. D., Rev.Dr. Davis, Rev. Dr. Mann, Rev. Dr. Woodbridge, Rev. Dr. Myers,Rev. W. H. Clarke, Rev. W. J. Hard, Dr. J. Milligan, G. M. Thew,D. R. Wright, William A. Walton, William P. Carmichael, and J. M. Chambers.
The following permanent officers were elected: Rev. W. H.Clarke, Chairman Rev. W. J. Hard, Recording Secretary Rev. E.H. Myers, D. D., Corresponding Secretary and G. M. Thew, Esq.,Treasurer. Mr. Thomas, of Memphis, Tenn., upon invitation of theBoard, made a statement in reference to stereotype plates of the NewTestament, the property of the State Bible Society of Tennessee, nowin Nashville, Tenn.
A letter from the State Bible Society of Tennessee, through Rev.W. C. Johnson, their agent, tendering to the Bible Society of theConfederate States of America, its stereotype plates of the New Testament,with the copies of the New Testament already published, was read.
Rev. Dr. Woodbridge, of Richmond, Va., offered the followingresolutions, which were adopted:
RESOLVED, 2. That we hereby appoint Mr. W. H. Thomas as our agent toprocure said stereotype plates and Testaments, giving him full powers to actin the matter.
Dr. Woodbridge led in prayer.
How To Pull Off A Mission Hijacking: The Case Of The American Bible Society
June 4, 2018 The Conversation
Nonprofit missions can certainly change over time, and sometimes for the better. But rarely do we see such an about-face as what some have noted at the American Bible Society, and even more rarely is that about-face so carefully documented that we are able to note what went into the hijacking of a mission. Here are the facts in short form, but I recommend the original articles we have drawn from for more depth.
John Fea writes an interesting account in The Conversation of changes at the American Bible Society that led to a demand from the nonprofit that all employees sign a statement of faith and lifestyle expectations. In this Affirmation of Biblical Community, one must, among other things, affirm that marriage can only occur between a man and a woman. Such statements are not all that unusual in religious organizations, but in the case of the 200-year-old ABS, it represents a significant break with the organizations deep-rooted traditions that, Fea says, culminates a roughly 20-year transformation of the Society from a diverse Christian organization to a ministry with strong ties to American evangelicalism.
Fea says the exclusionary message is clear.
What Does American Bible Society Believe
ABS carries out its mission by: affirming the power of God to speak to every generation through the Holy Scriptures providing translations of the Holy Scriptures that are faithful to the wording of the original language biblical texts working in partnership with all Christian churches and Christian communities
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What Is The World Bible Society
The World Bible Society is an evangelistic teaching and biblical research ministry dedicated to placing the treasure of Gods Word into the hands of people around the world through radio broadcast, print, audio, internet media, Bible study lectures and international missions.
What Does The Bible Society Do
A Bible society is a non-profit organization, usually nondenominational in makeup, devoted to translating, publishing, and distributing the Bible at affordable prices. In recent years they also are increasingly involved in advocating its credibility and trustworthiness in contemporary cultural life.
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Confederate States Bible Society
The members of the Convention having complied with the provisionsof the Constitution in regard to the several grades of membership, the Bible Society of theConfederate States was temporarily organized by calling Daniel Ravenel,Esq., to the Chair. The Rev. J. W. Burke was elected Secretary.
On motion, a list of those who had constituted themselves members,life directors, & c., was read by Rev. E. A. Bolles, when it appearedthat about forty-five persons had enrolled their names, contributingover nine hundred dollars to the Society.
On motion, it was
RESOLVED, That the Constitution framed by the Bible Convention of theConfederate States, be adopted as the fundamental law of this Society.
On motion of Mr. Ozanne, of La., it was
RESOLVED, That a Committee of one from each State be appointed by theChair to nominate persons to be voted for as permanent officers of this Society.
The Chair appointed the following Committee James M. Chambers,Ga. Rev. George Woodbridge, D. D. Va. Rev. Josephus Anderson,Fla. P. M. Ozanne, La. Rev. W. C. Johnson, Tenn. Hon. H.D. Lesesne, S. C. Rev. H. B. Cunningham, D. D., N. C. Rev. W.J. Sasnett, D. D., Ala.
The Committee, after having retired for consultation, gave thenames of Hon. C. G. Memminger, of S. C., and Hon. J. H. Lumpkin,of Ga., as proper persons to receive the suffrages of the Society forPresident, together with the number of names to comprise the Boardof Managers.
President–Hon. JOSEPH HENRY LUMPKIN, of Ga.
Is It Ok To Donate A Bible
Countless Christians cannot afford to purchase a new Bible, so a donated Bible is a valuable gift. Before you throw away an old Bible, prayerfully consider giving it to someone or donating it to a local church or ministry. Some Christians like to offer old Bibles free of charge at their own yard sales.
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What Did The American Bible Society Do
American Bible Society , international agency under lay control, formed in New York in 1816 as a union of 28 local Bible societies to encourage the wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures throughout the world, without note or comment, through translation, publication, distribution, and stimulation of use. Early
Who Uses The New American Bible
The 1986 Revised NAB is the basis of the revised Lectionary, and it is the only translation approved for use at Mass in the Latin-rite Catholic dioceses of the United States and the Philippines, and the 1970 first edition is also an approved Bible translation by the Episcopal Church in the United States.
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Nearly A Dozen Workers Have Quit After The Introduction Of A Policy That Cements The Organization’s Shift Toward A Narrow Evangelical Identity
One of the oldest nonprofit organizations dedicated to distributing Bibles around the world will soon require all employees to adhere to orthodox Christian beliefs and heed a conservative code of sexual ethics.
Employees are resigning in protest of the new policy, which will effectively prohibit sexually active LGBT people and couples in cohabitating relationships from working for the American Bible Society. But the organization stands by it as a measure intended to bring unity and clarity.
In a statement issued in response to RNS questions, President and CEO Roy Peterson wrote: We did this because we believe a staff made up of people with a deep and personal connection to the Bible will bring unity and clarity as we continue our third century of ministry.
He added: We understand there are differing views on these matters. He also said: This decision does not signal intent to advocate or champion any cause other than increased engagement with the Bible.
The American Bible Society, founded 202 years ago to publish, distribute and translate the Bible, presented its Affirmation of Biblical Community to employees in December. It requires employees to refrain from sexual contact outside the marriage covenant, which it defined as man and wife.
American Bible Society The Affirmation of Biblical Community by RNS on Scribd
Beginning in January 2019, all employees will be required to sign the document. Those who dont will be asked to tender their resignation.
What Is Called The Bible Of The French Society
It is mainly the work of Jerome who began his work on the translation in 380 AD, with emendations from the Parisian Bible tradition, and further divergences (the Paris Bible, one of many Bible translations in the Middle Ages, is also known as the Thirteenth-Century Bible, Old French Bible or, inFrench, Bible du .
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Has The Bible Been Translated Into Language
The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. As of September 2020 the full Bible has been translated into 704 languages, the New Testament has been translated into an additional 1,551 languages and Bible portions or stories into 1,160 other languages.
First Person: The American Bible Societys Electronic Inquisition
From the July/August 2018 Biblical Archaeology Review
- Total342
- 13
As a scholar, editor, and American, I value the rights of free speech afforded me by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. I HATE censorship. Mind you, Im not a fan of nonsensical, uninformed, illogical, hyperbolic drivel either. I like to see an exchange of ideasa presentation of evidenceand then use my intellect to decide which argument makes the most sense based on the evidence. Whats more, BARs readers have come not only to expect, but to insist on this presentation of the evidencefrom both the written records, including the Bible, and the archaeological datato inform their decisions about history and the claims made by the Bible. This process lies at the heart of BAR.
Then came the internet. One of the internets revolutionary aspects was that it democratized information, allowing anyone with a domain name to publish content online. This is not always a good thing. Some sites are full of bad science and false claims, while others are credible sources of reliable information. And while the credible sites gradually separated from the less-than-credible ones, something initially unforeseeable happened: The internet began to run out of practical domain names.
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Officers Of The Board
Members of the Society shall be as follows:
ANNUAL MEMBERS–Being persons who shall annually contributea sum not less than five dollars.
LIFE MEMBERS–Being persons who shall have given the sum ofthirty dollars in one payment.
LIFE DIRECTORS–Being persons who shall have given the sum ofone hundred and fifty dollars.
HONORARY DIRECTORS–Being members of the Gospel, whosecongregations shall make an annual contribution in aid of the funds of theSociety.
PATRONS–Being persons who shall have given the sum of onethousand dollars.
Contributions may be forwarded to GEORGE M. THEW, Esq., Treasurer,Augusta, Georgia.
Is The Bible In Every Language
The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. As of September 2020 the full Bible has been translated into 704 languages, the New Testament has been translated into an additional 1,551 languages and Bible portions or stories into 1,160 other languages.
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When Was The American Bible Society Founded
1816, New York, New York, United StatesAmerican Bible Society/Founded
Endorsed in its time by Francis Scott Key, John Jay, and Theodore Roosevelt, the American Bible Society is a seminar institution for American Protestants. The groups were founded in 1816 with the goal of distributing free copies of the Bible in local languages throughout the world.
American Bible New Ceo Part Ways
The 27th president and CEO of American Bible Society is out after just seven months on the job and less than a year after getting hired.
S. Douglas Birdsall began his tenure in March, after ABS announced his hiring last November, but the two sides parted ways sometime last week.
As early as Monday morning, American Bible Societys website had no mention of Birdsall on its website. Employees were informed by memo on Friday after the board finalized its decision on Thursday.
ABS issued a statement through its public relations firm in response to an inquiry for comment: Doug served American Bible Society with commitment and enthusiasm. While both the board and Dr. Birdsall shared the same passion for all generations to engage in Gods Word, there were significant differences of how to move the organization towards that goal, said Chairman Pieter Dearolf.
I was excited about giving this decade of my career to lead American Bible Society into the future with a strategic vision for cultural engagement. However, there are times when the vision and style of a new leader does not mesh satisfactorily with the culture of an established organization or with the expectations of the board. Unfortunately, things did not develop as we had hoped, Birdsall said.
Birdsall was executive chairman of the Lausanne Movement since 2004. Prior to serving with Lausanne, he and his wife were missionaries in Japan with Asian Access, where Birdsall went on to become the president.
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What Is The Difference Between The King James Bible And The New American Bible
Catholic Bible has 46 books of Old and 27 books of the New Testament. King James Bible has 39 books of Old and 27 books of the New Testament. Catholic Bible has Apocrypha in it. King James Bible is made in English, however, does not have the deuterocanonical books and also misses out on Apocrypha.