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What Does The Bible Say About Meditation

What Should I Meditate On

What Does The Bible Say About Meditation?

Job was a pretty amazing man. God described him as blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil . He lost everything in a short amount of timehis possessions, his wealth, his children, his health. Even his friends turned on him.

Despite his incredible character, one of Jobs weaknesses was not fully seeing himself in comparison to God. At one point he demanded that God answer to him for what he went through .

God confronted him from a whirlwind . God didnt answer any of Jobs questions or address any of his complaints. Job wasnt told why he suffered. Instead, God showed Job His greatness through a series of difficult questions about His creation, none of which Job was able to answer.

Job finally said these words: I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes .

What did Job mean, Now my eye sees You?

At that point Job saw that he was nothing in comparison to his Creator. Job started to see God for the supreme being that He is, sovereign over all things, mighty and all-powerful, yet also merciful and loving. Job saw his own flaw and how Gods thoughts and ways are far higher . Job saw himself accurately only when he saw himself in comparison to God.

We can learn to see God more clearly through meditation.

What Is Christian Meditation

Christian meditation has nothing to do with the emptying of our minds, nor does it have anything to do with focusing hard on yourself and what surrounds you quite the opposite. We are to take our focus off of ourselves and focus our whole minds attention to the Word of God.

1. Psalm 19:14 May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heartbe pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

2. Psalm 139:17-18 How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! 18 I cant even count them they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!

3. Psalm 119:127 Truly, I love your commands more than gold, even the finest gold.

4. Psalm 119:15-16 I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statutes I will not forget your word.

How Should Christians Meditate For Beginners

Christian meditation is a form of prayer that makes a structured effort to understand and ponder God’s revelations. The word meditation comes from the Latin word meditr, which has several meanings, including meditation, study, and practice. Christian meditation is the process of consciously focusing on specific thoughts and pondering their meaning in the context of God’s love.

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To Be Obedient To God

David says that when we meditate on Gods law, we will keep His ways.

Psalm 119:15,17 I will meditate on your precepts and think about your ways Deal generously with your servant so that I might live then I will keep your word.

What we learn from this, is that it takes not only meditating on Gods word to follow His word. It takes the Lord dealing generously with us. It is by the grace of God that we are able to follow His word. However, He desires our obedience to His law, so He will enable us to be obedient.

Reciting His law in our hearts teaches our minds how to behave and act. It renews us from dwelling on what we believe and takes us to a holy way of thinking.

How Dochristians Meditate What Does Christian Meditation Look Like

What Does the Bible say about Meditation?  Ruah Space

Christian meditation is focused and repeated attention to truthor words of the Bible.

We can meditate on Gods word by repeating it silently oraloud to ourselves again and again. Weponder its meaning and seek God for understanding.

Meditation is different from prayer in that we are not bringing our requests to God, but we are focused instead on hearing from God. In Christian meditation, we are focused on filling our minds with Gods truth and Gods word.

Through Biblical meditation, we are transforming our minds and hearts with Gods word.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

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Why Do Christians Meditate

We meditate because we want to be more like Jesus. Jesus is the ultimate representation of God, and we want to imitate Jesus. And there are many ways to become more like Jesus. As Christians, we can meditate to follow Scripture, to build up the church, to be obedient to God, and for wholesome benefits that bring us closer to the Father.

What Is Meditation And Do Christians Do This

Christian meditation is a form of prayer that helps you focus your attention on God by being quiet and listening to the scriptures. The word meditation means deep or careful meditation on something. The popularity of meditation is growing as more and more people seek exercises that can help reduce anxiety and improve concentration.

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Stillness Silence And Solitude

What does the bible say about meditation?!

Mindfulness research has recognized that there is great value in spending time alone, in silence and stillness. It helps to bring peace to our busy lives and calm to our minds. Of course, this is something people of spiritual traditions have long been doing: quietly praying or meditating in solitude. For Christians, creating the time and space to be alone and still before God helps us eliminate distractions, so we can focus on God and commune with Him.

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. ~ Matthew 6:6 NIV

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What’s The Purpose Of Meditation In The Bible

Reflecting on God’s word and its character is central to meditation, and its purpose is obedience. Focusing on the Bible and the ways of God will help them on their journey with God: “I have hid your word in my heart, that I may not sin against you” . The word “meditation” or “meditation” does not appear in the New Testament.

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Mindfulness In The Bible

This list of Scriptures on mindfulness has shown us that mindfulness is in the Bible. As weve seen here, Gods Word tells us to meditate, be still, be aware, be grateful, and several other practices that are taught in mindfulness.

What does this mean for how Christians should practice mindfulness? It means that while we should always use biblical discernment, practicing mindfulness can help us to cultivate God-honoring attitudes and habits in our hearts. As in all of His creation, Gods grace is present in mindfulness, with many beautiful reminders about how we can set our minds on Christ.

So, do you want to find out more about how to practice mindfulness as a Christian? Keep learning with these articles:

Is It Alright For Christians To Meditate

What Does The Bible Say?// Spiritual Authority

Christian meditation is a form of meditation widely practiced by Christian devotees. It has been shown to create calm, reduce stress and achieve inner peace. In addition, it is believed to prevent and treat the symptoms of various diseases. For these reasons, Christian meditation should be part of a healthy lifestyle.

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What Does Christian Meditation Mean

We assume you are referring to the new age practice of contemplative spirituality/prayer, which also goes under the names of centering prayer, meditative prayer or listening prayer and of course christian meditation, which is very popular today in some Christian circles, especially the emerging or emergent church.

Broadly, there are two types of meditation related to your question: biblical and the afore-mentioned so-called contemplative prayer. For the sake of clarity we will discuss both of them:

Definition Of Meditate In The Bible

The following words are translated in Hebrew and Greek into our English word for meditate:

Other words are also translated meditate, but they are derivatives of the above words.

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Is It Important To Do Meditation As A Christian

Meditation can be a valuable tool for Christians. Christians tend to use meditation very differently from other religions, and it’s important to understand the difference before you get started. I am happy to give you the most important information. As you know, most meditation techniques focus on one thing.

Is There Any Support For Meditation In Christianity

Tips For Scripture Meditation

As they are about to discuss, there is strong support for the practice of meditation in general within the Judeo-Christian tradition and in the pages of scripture. Buddhists, for their part, believe that the consciousness gained through meditation is the “force” that helps them achieve nirvana: a state of enlightenment, peace and happiness.

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Where Did Chakras Originate

What religion does chakra come from? Is there a chakras bible? There are many cultures and traditions that have an energetic model of medicine. Thus, there is not one authoritative text on energy or the chakras, but many. Most of these teachings have their historical origins in the East and have been explained primarily through an Eastern worldview. It is for this reason, many Christians have written these concepts off as occult or new age .

Beth Hovis writes in Its not new, Its true: Chakra and Christianity,

One thing that many Christians have against chakras is the teaching of opening up and balancing our beings beginning at the root because the Hindu religion is part of the teachingFor our safety, God tells us not to worship Him the way that the other nations worship their gods. And I am not telling you to ignore His warnings.

While I agree that Christians must be discerning when dealing with concepts that were birthed through another culture and worldview, I also believe that we should not be too quick to dismiss the wisdom found in these teachings. We should take care not to throw the baby out with the bathwater as the saying goes.

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What The Bible Says

The Bible puts a high value on meditation. The kind of meditation that it encourages, however, does not entail emptying the mind or repeating a certain word or phrase, sometimes called a mantra. Rather, Biblical meditation involves purposeful thinking on wholesome topics, such as Gods qualities, standards, and creations. I meditate on all your activity I eagerly ponder over the work of your hands, prayed a faithful man of God. He also said: I remember you while upon my bed I meditate on you during the watches of the night.

So How Should The Christian Go About Developing The Discipline Of Meditation

What is Biblical Meditation? How do we meditate on the Word of God? | UNLEARN

The first step is to rehearse in one’s mind the presence of God. Perhaps reading and reflecting on Psalm 139:1-10will help. Focus your attention on the inescapable presence, the intimate nearness of God. Issues of posture, time, and place are secondary, but not unimportant. The only rule would be: do whatever is most conducive to concentration. If a posture is uncomfortable, change it. If a particular time of day or night is inconvenient, change it. If the place you have chosen exposes you to repeated interruptions and distractions, move it. I enjoy watching football on TV as much as the next guy, but trying to engage with Gods Word during the huddle is hardly an effective way to experience its power!

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How Should Christians Meditate For Health

As a Christian, your meditation should always focus on the word of God and who God is, as described in the Bible. Meditation can consist of discussing the scriptures, praying about the scriptures, or meditating on the scriptures. You can also think of the Lord, his love for you and his goodness. What you meditate should never go beyond what is written.

Examples Of Christian Meditation In The Bible

Many Christians avoid meditation because of the non-biblical implications emphasized in other kinds of meditation. However, Scripture explicitly promotes meditating on God’s Word day and night .

When Joshua assumed the role of leadership over Israel after the death of Moses, God gave him this instruction:

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do” .

Meditation on the Word of God, according to this passage, is key to the believer’s individual happiness before the Lord, as well as his success in life.

The Psalms repeatedly tell us to “delight in the law of the Lord,” and to “meditate on it day and night” . Believers are urged to ponder all the works of God and meditate on his mighty deeds . Psalm 119:15 says, “I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways” . And in Psalm 119:148, the psalmist stays awake “through the night, thinking about your promise” .

The Bible establishes Christian mediation as a part of our worship: “O God, we meditate on your unfailing love as we worship in your Temple.” Thus, “delighting in” and celebrating the words of God are part of Christian mediation.

King David, who wrote many of the Psalms, reported that in times of trouble and distress, he would lie awake through the night thinking about God, and meditating on him .

Meditation is also a means of purifying our minds and hearts .

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