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HomeExclusiveWhat Is The Purpose Of Church

What Is The Purpose Of Church

Understanding The Root Of Your Child’s Misbehavior

What is the Purpose of the Local Church?

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What Is The Role And Purpose Of The Church

There is a biblical purpose for the church. One quote Ive heard calls it a hospital for sinners. Its a place where those condemned to death because of their sinful nature go to get healing and learn to use their gifts after they accept Christ as their Savior.

Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

James 5:14 ESV

I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.

1 Corinthians 1:10 ESV

The elders of the church can pray for the healing of members of the congregation. They can offer support when others are in need. The church is called to love each other and live in unity, even as Christ lived in unity and love with His Heavenly Father.

The churchs role is to create disciples of Christ who would then contribute to their societies as functioning, healthy members of their communities.

The Dangers Of An Imbalanced Church

A church that over-emphasizes worship at the expense of teaching of Scripture and evangelism will end up with inadequate Bible teaching for the believers, who will remain shallow in their understanding of Scripture, as well as in their understanding of the nature and purposes of God. They also become easier prey for false teaching.

A church that over-emphasizes the edification of believers at the expense of worship and evangelism easily minimizes the importance of worshipping God and reaching out to others. It will soon become ingrown and stagnant, for new believers are the lifeblood of the church!

A church that over-emphasizes evangelism at the expense of teaching and worship is in danger of neglecting the teaching of the Word and the worship of God. The church will end up with immature Christians who emphasize growth in numbers but lack true spiritual growth in their own lives. They will also become a beaten flock of guilty people because they are always being scolded for not bringing others to Christ and to church.

All of these principles must be emphasized on a regular basis to keep a church strong and healthy. Laying the foundation of a church properly is essential. As A.W. Tozer said, A church that is soundly rooted cannot be destroyed, but nothing can save a church whose root is dried up. No stimulation, no advertising campaigns, no gifts of money, and no beautiful edifice can bring back life to the rootless tree.

I will build My church .

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The Spiritual Battle For Your Marriage

God designed marriage to reflect His love to the world and because of this, the enemy wants to destroy Gods beautiful design. Based on his book, Defending Your Marriage, Dr. Tim and Noreen Muehlhoff share about the reality of spiritual warfare against marriages, and how to combat the enemys lies with the truth of God. Couples will be encouraged that theyre not alone in the fight for a godly marriage and better equipped to be a shining example for the world around them.

What Is The Goal Of The Church

Church Purpose

I often ask my client churches to honestly tell me what they perceive as their church’s primary goal. This is not a scientific poll because these churches need to grow and they realize this . But their answers may mirror yours. Look at their responses in Figure 5.1.

As you can see from Figure 5.1 the common answer is “our primary goal is to survive as a church.” This desire to survive is laudable, and such honesty is encouraging. Yet, with survival as a primary goal a church usually won’t continue to exist much longer. This cure for the common church is much bigger, for it is a church-wide refocus back to Jesus’ goal for his church.

Jesus’ goal for the Church

The right answer for Figure 5.1 is actually “none of the above” and comes from Jesus’ own words. That’s right, the primary goal of every church is not to influence the community for the better, provide a warm place of fellowship, sponsor excellent teaching, or even to survive. The church of God has a higher, more encompassing call . To understand this, let’s look at Jesus’ last and most poignant instructions to his followers.

Christians too are called to put their lives on the line in Jesus’ great commissioning.

What do disciples look like?

Picturing a disciple

Theologians have sought to convey the rich and multifaceted meaning of the verb “to make disciples” in several ways:

An up-to-date image of a disciple

The goal of the church defined

For further online notes:See Chapter 4 Complete Notes.

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Jesus Was The First Person To Mention The Church

Simon Peter replied, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered him, Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Some Christian denominations, such as the Catholic Church, interpret this verse to mean that Peter is the rock upon which the church was founded, and for this reason, Peter is considered the first Pope. However, Protestants, as well as other Christian denominations, understand this verse differently.

Although many believe Jesus noted the meaning of Peter’s name here as rock, there was no supremacy given to him by Christ. Rather, Jesus was referring to Peter’s declaration: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” This confession of faith is the rock upon which the church is built, and just like Peter, everyone who confesses Jesus Christ as Lord is a member of the church.

The Role And Importance Of The Church In The Community

Today, humans have acquired more knowledge than any other time in history. Science and medicine are going places never before imagined. We have bigger jets and cruise liners, faster computers, and helpful drugs for certain diseases are being discovered everyday. Daniel envisioned a time when knowledge would increase . We have much evidence today of our successes in these and many other areas. We have improved on just about every area of life.

Every year Forbes magazine publishes a list of the richest people in the world. This list continues to grow longer and longer. More people can afford vacations, purchase houses, and buy brand new cars. Some car dealership will have cars for sale that can be purchased with zero percent down. Life, overall, seems comfortable for most Americans. When life is good, most people tend to forget about church… well, until something happens that turns their lives upside down.

So why would someone want to attend church? Regardless of what is said about churches, people expect that their life problems can be addressed in some fashion or form. With all the weight and pressures of their world weighing down on their minds, people expect the church to provide Bible-based answers that no other institution can provide.

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Prelude To The Founding Of The Church

In Acts 2, in advance of Peters famous Pentecost sermon, Luke records several amazing things that happened in the house where the 120 were gathered on that Day of Pentecost so long ago :

  • The sound of a rushing mighty wind in the room where they were gathered.
  • The appearance of tongues as of fire that sat on each of them.
  • The coming of the Holy Spirit.
  • The gift of tongues or languages. These were known languages that would make it possible for the devout Jews who had arrived in Jerusalem from the four corners of the Roman Empire to understand the message in their own language.

‘what Is The Purpose Of The Church’

Church of Tares: Purpose Driven, Seeker Sensitive,

Greetings, one and all in the name of Jesus!

I am asked often, especially in the midst of the pandemic, and with many churches of all denominations still not actively worshiping inside their structures: “What is the purpose of the church?”

My answer is, even though many churches are using Zoom as a means of worship, the church is not about an actual building. The church is made up of God’s people who are committed to doing the work of God, whether it is inside or outside of an actual structure. So, again, what is the purpose of the church?

Here are some points that might answer this question, and for a biblical reference, let us look at some scriptures for edification. First, let us examine Acts 2:42, which reads: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

What was just described can be done outside of an actual church building, whether it by Zoom, or some other means of worship other than inside a church sanctuary. Even away from a real sanctuary, the church, made up of God’s people, is to teach biblical doctrine so we all can be grounded in our faith. The church is to promote fellowship, trust, faith and hope, especially in this pandemic season.

Finally, a question may be asked: what makes a church great? Is it the people? the programs? the pastor? the size of the congregation? No, it is a principle that makes a church great, and with some very important ingredients listed below, and more.

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What Does God Say About The Present Church

When we say that the future of the church is glorious, we affirm that the same is true in the present. Today, the church is exactly what God stated: the house of God, the pillar and foundation of the truth, Gods temple, His body, a chosen people, a holy priesthood and, regardless of the circumstances that it faces, it will continue being everything that God said it is.

In Ephesians 3:10, Paul explains what is currently happening with the church, so that Gods multi-faceted wisdom may now be made known through the church to the rulers and authorities in the heavens. We cannot fully understand the greatness of the church. For centuries, God kept hidden this marvelous mystery. That which was revealed to Paul and others is so extraordinary that even the angels watch what is taking place attentively. The love of the Lord for His church leaves everyone speechless. God desired to bring Jews and Gentiles together into one people: the church. This is not easy for those who expect everyone to unite under the Jews in order to come to God. Jesus Christ came to earth and gave up His life to save us.

Reprinted from the CSB Fisher of Men Bible with permission of Holman Bible Publishers.

Pastor Luis Ángel Díaz-Pabón is president of the Global Missionary Society and leads several ministries including La Capilla del Rey , a church in Miami, Florida. He serves as General Editor for the Fisher of Men Bible, now available in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Sunday School Is The Winning Arm Of The Church

Sunday school is also the part of the church that wins people to Christ. Winning involves communicating the gospel in an understandable manner and motivating a person to respond to Christ. The Old Testament expression fear the Lord means to bring a person to reverential trust of God. It was a concept of salvation. Today we might describe a person who fear the LORD as a person who receives Christ, or trusts the Lord, for salvation.

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Friends Partners And Lovers: What It Takes To Make Your Marriage Work

Most marriages survive by gritting teeth and holding on. But marriages can and will not only survive but thrive when husbands and wives learn to cherish one another. Those are the powerful words of bestselling author Gary Thomas in his newest bookCherish. And in a world desperate for marriage redemption, it is needed now more than ever. Thomas shows that although there are a countless number of marriages consisting of two people just going through the motions, there are real ways this pattern can be reversed: when husbands and wives learn to cherish one another in proven, loving, and everyday actions and words.

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Discover the amazing work our PRCs Directors, Nurses, and Volunteers are making in their communities! Youll see firsthand testimonies of a PRC in action, and that there are other options outside of abortions! Youll also discover how your family can support your local PRC!

Yes, I Promise to Pray for the Pre-born and Their Moms!

Will you pray for the pre-born and moms that are facing unexpected pregnancies? We will send you a 7-day prayer guide that will help guide you along this journey with us!! You can even choose to receive this great resource by text!

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Yes, I Promise to Pray for the Pre-born and Their Moms!

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Yes, I Promise to Pray for the Pre-born and Their Moms!

Purpose Of Worship In The Christian Church Is Christ

Living On Purpose

WHY do we go to church and worship? This is a hotly debated question in many congregations of many churches in our culture today. I was asked by a non-church attender why there are so many different denominations. It reminded me of the story of the man stranded on a desert island. It was years of just one man isolated from the civilized world, and one day a ship arrived with a rescue party to bring this poor stranded soul home. On this tiny island were three makeshift huts and the rescue leader asked what these huts were for. The castaway answered, Well this hut is my home, I live here, and this hut over here is my church.

Oh, and what about this hut? replied the captain.

Oh that is the church I used to go to.

What is the purpose of worship in the Christian heritage? The apostle Paul admonishes the church in his letter to the Hebrews: And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

One reason we go to church is to be encouraged by other Christians, through relationship and community. This is not to be taken lightly as scripture reminds us, As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another, Proverbs 27:17. There is something to be said about sharing our joy and sorrow. Much like sharing and celebrating the holidays with ones family, it reminds us of where we come and to whom we belong.

REV. L.J. Powell is pastor of Sharpsville Church of the Nazarene.


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What Does This Mean

Its obvious that churches vary in size, shape, geography, and function. Some churches emphasize one aspect of the churchs purpose and others focus on the proverbial other side of the coin. But the church exists to reach people for Christ and to disciple them to maturity in Christ. Both of those priorities are absolutely essential and should be practiced in harmony by each local church.

Mel Walker

Whats The Purpose Of The Church

Whatever else we may know about Christians, we know this: Christians are supposed to go to church. Every Sunday, Christians gather together to worship God and spend time in fellowship. But do we actually know why we do this? Do we pause to consider the purpose of the local church? In this series of articles we are considering the purpose of many things we may take for granted, and so far we have looked at marriage, sex, and children. Today we are broadening our perspective from family to the church.

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What Is The Purpose Of The Church

Gods people gather in a variety of places and settings and yet they gather for the same grand purpose. The church is Gods idea and is Gods plan, and no matter what the building looks like or how the programs are organized, the church must be absolutely committed to what God wants His church to be.

The church has been an integral part of our communities for several centuries. One only needs to look at the skyline of almost any town in America or of any city in Europe to see the towering spirals of steeples and spires indicating the presence of church buildings below.

But the landscape is changing. Now churches meet in former malls and shopping plazas, in rented school buildings, homes, or hotel meeting rooms. Some churches even gather in secret, sometimes virtually underground, hidden from the oppressive view of local authorities.

The creative architecture of church buildings is as varied as the area in which the structure is located. The structure and programming of individual churches are also wide-ranging, probably depending upon the culture in which the church is positioned. The New Testament also chronicles a vast diversity of local churches as Gods missionary endeavors to spread the gospel traveled from Jerusalem to Rome and beyond.


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