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How To Research The Bible

Read Through The Bible

How to Study the Bible in Context!!



Reading through the Bible is a great way to study it. Every page of the Bible reveals Gods character, emotions, thoughts, and actions.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

When you read the entire Bible or large portions of it, you can get a big-picture overview of the Bible. Anytime you read the Bible, youll know what part of the big picture it is in.

How to Read through the Bible

Option 1: Read through the entire Bible from cover to cover.

Option 2: Read specific books first to get an effective overview of the Bible

Books of the Bible to Read for an Effective Overview

These 15 books of the Bible will help you cover all the major themes and the main storyline of the Bible.

  • Genesis
  • Ephesians
  • Revelation
  • If you want more details on why these books are suggested and how they fit into the big-picture overview of the Bible, you can find it in this article: What Is the Best Order to Read the Bible for Beginners?

    The books of the Bible are arranged by category, not chronologically. Thats one of the reasons that reading the Bible from cover-to-cover is challenging for many people.

    For example, there are 4 records of the Gospels, the life of Jesus, in the New Testament. You can read one of the Gospels the first time through and then read the others after you have an overview of the Bible.

    How The Bible Makes Leaders And Congregations Feel

    It is plain that both for leaders and congregations within formal and informal congregations reading the Bible excites mainly positive emotions. Leaders generally are more likely to experience most emotions than congregations. Since this is a retrospective study, where people are being asked to look back on what they believe that they think or feel, this could have several interpretations. It could mean that leaders are genuinely remembering more incidents where they experienced strong emotions while reading the Bible . Alternatively it could be simply an effect of leadership whereby people who are leaders are more likely to be outgoing people who are enthusiastic. These data on emotional experience when reading the Bible may also serve as a proxy for which portions of the Bible are read regularly by leaders and congregations. If this were the case it would imply that people are much more likely to read affirming and positive pieces of Scripture than portions which are confusing, difficult, and which focus on scary attributes of God.

    Perceptions And Image Of The Bible

    The Bible and Society

    Overall, responses to statements in this section were positive with 40% agreeing that the Bible is an influence for good in society. 36% thought the Bible helped shape communities and 34% thought we would be a better society if more people engaged with the Bible.

    These levels rose the more actively respondents engaged with the Bible, but even amongst the diehard non-believers nearly one in five thought the Bible an influence for good in society.

    The Bible and Personal Faith

    ;24%, nearly one in four said they turned to the Bible when they needed it and 21% claimed the Bible was helping to shape their lives. This would imply that the Bible is impacting in ways other than directly accessing it after all only 22% claim to read the Bible once a year or more often.

    This survey asked about peoples direct engagement with the Bible, but there are clearly indirect engagements that are affecting peoples lives and which many are happy to experience. This indirect engagement could well form the focus of further research.

    The Bible and Accessibility

    For some, there is also a perception that the Bible is in a language that may be hard to address. 46% said the Bible needed to be in words they could understand.

    The Bible and History

    The Bibles Image

    Don’t Miss: Do Unto Others Bible Verse

    How To Do Research

    KING SOLOMON pondered and made a thorough search, that he might arrange many proverbs in order. Why? Because he was interested in writing correct words of truth. Luke traced all things from the start with accuracy in order to narrate in logical order the events of Christs life. Both of these servants of God were doing research.

    What is research? It is a careful search for information about a particular matter. It includes reading, and it requires the application of the principles of study. It may also involve interviewing people.

    What circumstances call for research? Here are a few examples. Your personal study or Bible reading may give rise to questions that are important to you. Someone to whom you witness may raise a question on which you would like to have specific information for a reply. You may have been assigned to give a talk.

    Consider that assignment to give a talk. The material that you have been asked to cover may seem quite general. How can you apply it locally? Enrich it by doing research. When supported with a statistic or two or with an example that fits your material and that touches the lives of those in your audience, a point that may have seemed obvious becomes informative, even motivating. The published material with which you are working may have been prepared for readers worldwide, but you need to amplify, illustrate, and apply the points to one congregation or to one person. How should you proceed?

    How I Use Roam Research To Study The Bible

    How to Study the Bible  The Littlest Way

    Read time: 2 minutes.

    Happy Thursday!

    Im on vacation this week at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Michigan. It’s been an awesome week of relaxing with family and listening to some great Bible speakers.

    I’m trying not to spend too much time online, so this is a shorter edition of the Roundup.

    Earlier this week, I joined Kate and Kurt on Moody Radio Florida to talk about to-do lists and grace. You can listen to that interview here.

    Be sure to so you never miss an episode.

    Lastly, I put out a very nerdy video showing how I use the app Roam Research to study the Bible. I know a couple of you have been requesting something like this, so the three of us can nerd out together now

    Alrighty, lets get into this weeks roundup!

    Recommended Reading: What Does The Bible Say About Family Relationships

    Bonus Bible Study Items:

    Treat yourself with these and make your study time a more special experience you wont find yourself willing to skip it!
    • A beautiful journal to take notes and make outlines, paraphrase passages, and write down any questions you have.
    • A set of colourful pens and highlighters that you love to mark up your Bible. Use them to colour code if thats your thing, if not, just enjoy the look and feel of writing with something a little more special than you normally use for jotting down the grocery list. I love these ones.
    • A hot beverage of choice. I like to have my very favourite tea in the morning when I dig into the word, helps me get out of bed knowing Im going to have my Chai!
    • A comfy spot. I dont have a desk for spreading out my work, nor do I have a space I could dedicate to this, but I do choose to use the same comfy spot in my living room every day and spread out my books on my lap. My book basket is within reach and is stocked with pens, post-its, and of course my beloved book darts.

    How To Cite The Bible In Mla

    When writing a research paper, there may be an instance where you need to cite the Bible or another sacred text. It can be tricky to know how to properly cite the Bible, since its formatting makes it different from citing other books.

    In this guide, you will find the basics of what you need to know about how to cite a Bible in MLA 9, the current edition of MLA handbook . This guide contains formatting guidelines and examples of how to cite a print Bible, an online version of the Bible, an e-book Bible, and a Bible app, both on in-text and on your reference page.

    Also Check: Do Animals Have Souls According To The Bible

    Christian Apologetics And Evangelism

    REASONABLE FAITH: Saving Those Who Doubt;

    Inside of some Christians unbeknownst to their family, friends or the church, they are screaming, I doubt, I doubt, I have very grave doubts! Ours is an age of doubt. Skepticism has become fashionable. We are urged to question everything: especially the existence of God and the truthfulness of his Word, the Bible.;A;SUBSTANTIAL;PORTION;of;REASONABLE FAITH;is on healing for the elements of emotional doubt. However, much attention is given to more evidenced-based chapters in our pursuit of overcoming any fears or doubts that we may have or that may creep up on us in the future.

    THE GREAT TEACHER JESUS CHRIST: What Made Jesus Christs Teaching, Preaching, Evangelism, and Apologetics Outstanding Effective?

    How can you improve your effectiveness as teachers? Essentially, it is by imitating THE GREAT TEACHER: Jesus Christ. You may wonder, But how can we imitate Jesus? He was the perfect, divine, Son of God. Admittedly, you cannot be a perfect teacher. Nevertheless, regardless of your abilities, you can do your best to imitate the way Jesus taught. THE GREAT TEACHER: Jesus Christ will discuss how you can employ all of his teaching methods.

    THE KING JAMES BIBLE: Do You Know the King James Version?

    DEFENDING OLD TESTAMENT AUTHORSHIP: The Word of God Is Authentic and True

    DEFENDING AGABUS AS A NEW TESTAMENT PROPHET: A Content-Based Study of His Predictions In Acts by Sung Cho


    Ready To Learn How To Study The Bible For Yourself

    How To Study The Bible (Introduction)

    PinPinBy the way, if youre truly interested in learning how to study the Bible for beginners, Id love to invite you to check out my brand new book: Fall in Love with Gods Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women!;

    Practical, encouraging, and full of biblical truth, Fall in Love with Gods Word has everything you need to learn how to:

    • Overcome 7 common obstacles preventing you from spending time in Scripture
    • Discover the personalized Bible-reading routine that works for YOU
    • Learn 15 easy ways to make studying the bible for beginners more meaningful and enjoyable
    • Use Scripture to conquer sin, false beliefs, and negative thought patterns
    • Experience fresh spiritual growth and passion for Gods Word.

    Please visit or your local bookstore to learn more and grab your copy of Fall in Love with Gods Word today!

    Don’t Miss: What Is Love Definition Bible

    Using Our Foremost Research Toolthe Bible

    If your research project involves the meaning of a scripture, start with the Bible itself.

    Examine the Context. Ask yourself: To whom was this text directed? What do the surrounding verses indicate as to the circumstances leading up to the statement or the attitude of the people involved? Such details can often help us understand a text, and they can also add life to a talk in which you might use them.

    For example, Hebrews 4:12 is often quoted to show the power of Gods Word to touch hearts and influence lives. The context adds depth to our appreciation of how that can be so. It discusses the experiences of Israel during the 40 years in the wilderness before entering the land that Jehovah had promised to Abraham. The word of God, his promise to bring them into a place of rest in harmony with his covenant with Abraham, was not dead; it was alive and moving toward fulfillment. The Israelites had every reason to show faith in it. However, as Jehovah led them from Egypt to Mount Sinai and on toward the Promised Land, they repeatedly showed a lack of faith. Thus, by their reaction to the way that God carried out his word, what was in their hearts was made manifest. In a similar way in our day, Gods word of promise shows up what is in the hearts of men.

    How To Study The Bible By Topic + 101 Topical Study Ideas

    The best way to find out what the Bible says about things that impact us is to do a topical Bible study. Learn these tips for how to study the Bible by topic.

    Did you know that the best way to truly become knowledgeable on a certain subject is to examine what the Bible has to say about it?

    Psalm 1 speaks about becoming like trees planted by the waters, prospering in whatever we do. The way we do this is by saturating ourselves in the Word of God. In this post, we will discuss some steps you can take to become better acquainted with what the Bible says on any topic of your choice.;

    Recommended Reading: What Does The Bible Say About Trauma

    Old Testament Research Paper Writing

    Old Testament research paper due and dont know how to begin researching for it? Here is Paper Masters suggestion for researching Old Testament theology:

    The Old Testament is considered by many an obsolete compilation of biblical history that has little bearing on Christianity today. A dedicated study of the Old Testament however would prove that this opinion is largely unfounded. You may want to emphasize in your Old Testament research paper that it presents a fertile groundwork for any researcher or student attempting to understand and explicate Gods plan for His people, both Jew and Gentile. Although it deals predominantly with old laws and covenants, its content has significant bearing on the context of the New Testament. As such, it also has significant application to the lives of Christians today.

    There are many parallels in the events and personalities of the Old Testament and those exhibited today, which reinforces the importance of the Old Testament as a guide for contemporary living. Despite the backdrop of an ancient setting, the people of the Old Testament, their problems and triumphs as well as their spiritual aspirations, are not very unlike those of modern man. Similarly, the implications of Old Testament principles and teachings can be applied for both.

    Facts On How Americans View The Bible And Other Religious Texts

    15 Benefits of Consistent Bible Study by Ralph Drollinger

    This year, the Jewish festival of Passover April 10 to 18 coincides with the Christian celebration of Easter. And Easter, somewhat unusually, falls on April 16 in both the Orthodox and Western calendars.

    Both Passover and Easter are based on biblical accounts. Passover commemorates the Israelites Exodus from Egypt, as described in the Hebrew Scriptures. Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus, as described in the Christian Gospels. In;this important season for both traditions, here are five key facts about Americans and their holy texts.

    1About a third of Americans say they read scripture at least once a week, while 45% seldom or never read scripture, according to 2014 data from our Religious Landscape Study. Frequency of reading scripture differs widely among religious groups. Majorities of Jehovahs Witnesses , Mormons , evangelical Protestants and members of historically black Protestant churches say they read scripture at least once a week. By contrast, 65% of Jews say they seldom or never read scripture.

    2Three-quarters of Christians say they believe the Bible is the word of God. Eight-in-ten Muslims say the Quran is the word of God, according to the 2014 survey. Far fewer Jews say they view the Torah as the word of God.

    Regarding other religious texts, four-in-ten Americans knew that Jesus appeared to followers in the Americas according to the Book of Mormon, and 54% correctly name the Quran as the holy book of Islam.

    Don’t Miss: Does The Bible Say Anything About Gays

    The Bibles Position In Society

    Both formal and informal congregations believe that the Church should work towards a society which takes the Bible more seriously. Such a generally expressed intention is not always helpful, but in this case there is some allied data. Approximately 60% of formal and informal congregations agree that the Church should exert more influence in society, for example through the presence of the most senior Bishops in the House of Lords. More informal congregations than formal ones believe that the Church should work hard to promote Biblical principles across society. Preserving the same relation between formal and informal congregations between 55% and 65% of the sample believe that the development of Biblical public policy is desirable. Similar trends were observed in the leadership groups.

    The Type Of Bibles People Have

    More than half did not know which version they had at home. Amongst the 18-24s this was particularly noticeable with nearly 7 out of 10 claiming to not know. Even amongst the over 65s the age group by far the most likely to know only half knew which version they had.

    Of those who thought they knew what version of Bible they had, 40%;claimed it was a;King James Bible, with a further 18% thinking they had the New King James version. The under 45s were much less likely to have a King James version 20% of 18-24 year olds and 26% of 25-44 year olds compared to 49% of 45-64 year olds and 44% of the over 65s.

    Having asked respondents which Bible they thought they had at home, we then read out the same short passage from each of three versions asked which of these was most like the one they had at home.;Two different passages were used, each on half of the sample.

    More than half thought their Bible was most like the King James, with 27% thinking theirs was more like the New International version and 20% going for the Good news Bible.

    Don’t Miss: What Does The Bible Say About Discipleship


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