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What Does Authority Mean In The Bible

Why Do So Many People Push Back Against The Inerrancy Of Scripture

Lesson Clips: What does the Bible mean by “indirect authority”?

Since God created the world, people have pushed back against His words by asking, Did God really say? When Satan tempted Adam and Eve to rebel against Gods authority, he posed this same question to Eve. And he said to the woman , Has God really said, You shall not eat from any tree of the garden? .

Our point is that Satans attempt to cast doubt into the heart of mankind concerning the authority of God and His Word has continued since the Garden of Eden. But why?

The most basic answer is the sin of pride. We inherited a sin nature from Adam. The root of all sin is pride. Because its roots grow deep into our hearts, were born with the same desire as Satanto sit in the place of God. Our pride naturally opposes embracing the Bible, much less embracing it as inerrant. The Bible contains too many verses about humbling ourselves before God and man to suit our taste. Apart from Christ working in our hearts, we find these verses too hard to swallow. Too offensive.

We naturally fight against believing in the Bible or its inerrancy because if we accepted it, wed have to submit to it. Apart from Christ making us spiritually alive and giving us the faith to believe and surrender to Him and His Word, well never submit to the Bible. Well never embrace it as inerrant. But even Christians can struggle with the fact of the Bibles inerrancy. Believing it contains errors gives us a good excuse to ignore the parts we dont like.

What The Bible Says About Being Established By God

Here are some Bible verses that refer to being established by God, to help us answer the question What does it mean to be established in the Bible? We can also see what it means for us being established as Gods children.

God established creation

You establish the mountains by your power you are robed with strength. Psalm 65:6 CSB

The day is yours, also the night you established the moon and the sun. Psalm 74:16 CSB

In the beginning, Lord, you established the earth, and the heavens are the works of your hands.Hebrews 1:10 CSB

God established a covenant with the Patriarchs

I also established my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, the land they lived in as aliens. Exodus 6:4 CSB

God established a covenant with Moses

These are the statutes, ordinances, and laws the Lord established between himself and the Israelites through Moses on Mount Sinai. Leviticus 26:46 CSB

The Lord will establish you as his holy people, as he swore to you, if you obey the commands of the Lord your God and walk in his ways. Deuteronomy 28:9

You gave them kingdoms and peoples and established boundaries for them. They took possession of the land of King Sihon of Heshbon and of the land of King Og of Bashan. Nehemiah 9:22 CSB

God established a covenant with David

The Lord established his throne

But the Lord sits enthroned forever he has established his throne for judgment. Psalms 9:7 CSB

Your throne has been established from the beginning you are from eternity. Psalm 93:2 CSB

Jesus’ View Of Scripture

This is the viewpoint also of the Sermon on the Mount reported in Matthew’s Gospel: “Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven” . Attempts to turn the repeated declarations, “You have heard that it was said…But I say to you” into a sustained criticism of the Mosaic law have not made their case convincingly against the probability that Jesus’ protest is leveled rather against traditional reductions of the actual claim and inner intention of that law. Indeed, the necessary fulfillment of all that is written is a frequent theme on our Lord’s lips . Whoever searches the Gospel narratives faithfully in view of Jesus’ attitude toward the sacred writings will be driven again and again to the conclusion of Reinhold Seeberg: “Jesus himself describes and employs the Old Testament as an infallible authority ” .

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What Does Establish Mean In The Bible

Bible Reading Plans, Get to know the Bible

As I prepared my Scripture Plan on the Israelites journey to the Promised Land and wondered what to call it one word kept standing out establish. God was establishing his people, his nation, before they entered the land he would give him. But what does it mean to be established? What does establish mean in the Bible? Lets find out before I introduce the Scripture Plan, Established: 30 Days Before the Promised Land.


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  • A Definition Of Authority Of Scripture

    What does it mean that the Bible should be our sole ...

    The next few post will continue to exam the doctrines that are tied to Scripture, such as authority, canonicity and sufficiency. This post provides an introduction to the subject as well as a look at the authority of Scripture.


    The central and pivotal doctrine of Scripture is the doctrine of inspiration, that states that all Scripture is God-breathed and has God as its source. Furthermore, inspiration is the supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit upon the Scripture writers which rendered their writings an accurate record of the revelation, or which resulted in what they wrote actually being the Word of God. As a result, the doctrine of inspiration is made up of four separate doctrines: inerrancy, authority, canonicity and sufficiency. Each of these doctrines are all by-products or derivatives of the doctrine of inspiration.

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    How Can The Bible Be Authoritative

    Originally published in Vox Evangelica 1991, 21, 732. Reproduced by permission of the author.

    I am very grateful for the invitation to give this particular lecture, I should perhaps say that my reflections here arise not so much from reading lots of books about the authority of the Biblethough I have read some of the recent onesbut from the multiple experience I find myself having, of studying and teaching the New Testament at an academic level, of regular liturgical worship in which the Bible plays a central part, and of evangelistic and pastoral work in which, again, though not always so obviously, the Bible is at or at least near the heart of what one is doing. What I want to offer to you has therefore something of the mood, for me, of reflection on reality. I am trying to understand what it is that I am doing, not least so that I can do it less badly, in a less muddled fashion. But I hope that this will not give you the impression that the issues are private to myself. I believe that they are highly important if we are to be the people that we are supposed to be, as Christians in whatever sphere of life.


    Evangelical Views

    Biblical Authority: the Problem

    Timeless Truth?

    Witness to Primary Events?

    Timeless Function?

    Evangelicals and Biblical Authority

    The Belittling of the Bible

    The Bible and Biblical Authority

    All Authority is Gods Authority

    The Purpose and Character of Gods Authority

    How in the Bible does God exercise his authority?

    What The Scriptures Say About Mans Authority

    A godly man is a man who understands Gods Word and whose authority is directed to the accomplishment of Gods will. He makes use of the Scripture to overcome temptation . Joyfully praying without ceasing , he is considered a man of prayer . Such is the man of love and sacrifice as we can read from John 13:1.1 Corinthians 16:13-14 says, Be on your guard stand firm in the faith be men of courage be strong. Do everything in love. With this verse in mind, we can say without a doubt that a true man is vigilant against sin, danger, and is faithful to the Truth. Also, he is brave in the face of opposition, persistent in carrying his cross to follow Jesus Christ on a daily basis, and, above all, loving in all things.

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    How Do We Determine Scripture’s Authority

    To ascribe supreme authority to Scripture naturally begs the question of how we determine that it possesses this declared authority. Where is the evidence? There are at least seven types of evidence we can examine to determine Scriptures authority.

    1. Internal Evidence: Scriptures Self-Attestation

    The first place we look to determine Scriptures authority is to Scripture itself. To look outside of it for confirmation is to look to lesser things. We dont depend on our speedometer or our feelings to determine the authority of the speed limit signs. We depend on the lawgivers. Likewise, we dont look to creation to determine the authority of Gods divine Word. We look to the Creator, who speaks through His Word. The heavens declare the glory of God, but Scripture declares His glory and His Words. The Bible attests to its own authority to rule creation by declaring itself the divine Word of God .

    2. Internal Evidence: Fulfilled Prophecy

    The Scriptures record fulfilled prophecy from Genesis to Revelation. Around 150 years before King Cyrus of Persia lived, God called him by name through the prophet Isaiah. He declared Cyrus would be king and serve His purposes for His own people after the Babylonian captivity .

    3. Internal Evidence: Scriptures Unity

    4. Internal Evidence: Jesus Christs and the Holy Spirits Recorded Testimonies

    5. Internal Evidence: Scriptures Endurance

    6. External Evidence: The Dead Sea Scrolls

    7. External Evidence: Other Archaeological Discoveries

    The Right To Issue Commands Belongs To The God Of The Bible

    Children’s Message: Jesus has Authority

    To begin with, we should define what we mean by the word authority. Authority can be defined as the right to issue commands and demand obedience. According to the Scriptures, this is something that ultimately belongs to the God of the Bible and to Him alone. He is the One who is in absolute control of all things.

    For example, God exercises this authority, or control, by the way in which He rules the universe. The pagan King Nebuchadnezzar gave testimony to the unique authority of the Lord the God of Israel. He said:

    At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High I honored and glorified him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion his kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: What have you done?

    The Lord does whatever He pleases no one tells Him what to do.

    The Apostle Paul also emphasized that the God of Scripture accomplishes all things according to His will. He wrote to the Ephesians:

    In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance, having been destined according to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will.

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    The Human Problem With Submission

    Lutheran reformer Philip Melanchthon wrote in The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, We neither obey the law, nor can obey it, before we have been reconciled to God, justified, and then reborn . Left to his own devices, sinful man will always be lawless. This disregard for Gods law explains his need for a Savior.

    Only the Savior can transform disobedient, lawless creatures into obedient, submissive citizens of heaven and earth. A sinner desires to satisfy the corrupt nature by indulging lawlessness. He relishes rebellion against God and his commandments.

    Christians struggle with submitting to authority, including teachers, bosses, and government officials, that reflect our recalcitrant attitude toward Gods laws and his kingdom. However, through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit, Christians possess a renewed mind and conscience which guides them to obey. And when they dont obey the Holy Spirit pricks the conscience and prompts them to repent. Repentance brings awareness of our need to submit.

    Why Is Power And Authority Important

    Power and authority are extremely important because they provide you with a practical means for achieving organizational goals through leading the effort and productivity of other people. Authority and power, wisely used, are never dissipated. Both authority and power are most effective when they are least evident.

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    What Does The Number 12 Mean In The Bible

    The number 12 is a sign of Gods perfect governmental foundation and divine authority. Because this number symbolically represents completeness, most Christians who have a strong belief in Bible prophecy associate it with the second coming of Jesus Christ.

    The New Testament tells us time and time again of the impending judgment of God on the Earth upon His Sons second coming. This is recorded in the Book of Revelation when the world will be created anew and Gods Kingdom will be established.

    The number 12 is a symbol of perfection and authority. Sometimes, it can also be used to represent the Christian faith and the Church in general. In the New Jerusalem, God will establish His divine rule and perfect government over all His chosen people.

    The Clear And Sufficient Word

    The Bible as a source of authority for Christians ...

    The question of the clarity of the Bible must be approached from two perspectives: the authorship and the readership. From the point of view of authorship, the Bible has been given to us in perfect clarity. The Bible as the divinely breathed word of God reflects Gods perfection, and this perfection includes clarity. As God is coherent, rational, and articulate, so is the Bible. When he addresses his words to human beings, his words communicate with unfailing clarity. The Bible is therefore understandable to the degree that one understands the meaning of the divine author it is not accessible only to an elite and specially favored few. That the books of the Bible were written by many human writers from diverse places over many centuries does not undermine its clarity, for the singularity of the divine authorship guarantees the continuity and organic unity of its contents and message.

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    Who Gave Jesus This Authority Which He Has Today And Did He Not Always Have This Authority Even In Eternity Past

    In Matthew 28:18, Jesus said, All authority has been given to me. By whom? The answer is: God the Father gave it to him.

    Matthew 11:27. All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.

    John 3:35. The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand.

    John 13:3. Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God . . . knelt down and washed the apostles feet.

    Ephesians 1:2021. God raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.

    John 17:2. Father, the hour has come glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you, since you have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him.

    Thats the closest parallel to Matthew 28:18 . . . authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him. What a picture of absolute authority in the great enterprise of world evangelization! The Father knows his sheep and they are his. He gives them to the Son. He gives life-giving authority to the Son. And the Son gives life to all that the Father has given him!

    Does The Bible Contain Contradictions

    We all make mistakes. Who hasnt uttered this statement? More than 40 men from three different continents over a span of 1500+ years wrote Gods words into 66 books, which we now call the Bible or Scripture. Surely such a book contradicts itself somewhere. This reasoning, however, denies Gods ability to guide the writers and preserve His Word.

    The supposed contradictions, however, are easily resolved through proper interpretation of the text and recognizing that copyists made errors. The original author didnt make errors, but those who copied the original manuscripts did at times make minor errors. Fortunately, these errors didnt change the meaning of the message.

    Some people point to the differences between accounts, such as the four Gospels. Matthew and Mark mentioned one angel at Jesus tomb after His resurrection. Luke and John mentioned two. Their accounts would contradict each other if Matthew and Mark wrote that only one angel appeared. Leaving out an event or person who was present but not mentioned isnt a contradiction.

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    Summary Question 1 What Does The Bible Have To Say About Its Own Authority

    The issue of who can speak with ultimate authority is of the utmost importance. The Bible says that the God of Scripture is the living God who speaks with absolute authority on all matters. He has revealed these truths to us in a Book the Bible. Four things are clear:

    First, God has spoken audibly to certain human beings. The Bible records numerous instances where this has happened.

    Second, God used specially chosen humans to be His spokesmen. Scripture gives many examples where Gods chosen spokesmen, the prophets, spoke to the people for Him.

    Third, the words of God, as well as those of His specially chosen spokesmen, were written in a number of sacred books. Today, they have been collected into one Book the Bible.

    Fourth, because the Bible contains the words of God that were spoken, either audibly, or through His chosen spokesmen, it is absolutely authoritative on all matters in which it speaks. Since it contains the authoritative words of God and His spokesmen, it carries His divine authority. This record of God speaking is the final word on all matters of faith and practice.

    The Bible, therefore, is a book that is both human and divine it is Gods Word written by human beings.

    Finally, we must emphasize that the idea of an authoritative, divinely inspired Scripture is not something that the church invented it is the testimony of the biblical writers themselves. Therefore, the words of the Bible should be believed and obeyed.


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