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What Does The Bible Say About Defending Yourself

Trusting In The Sword

Your Questions, Honest Answers: “What does the Bible say about defending yourself?â?

First of all, it would be a mistake to leave this class trusting in the sword. Guns, knives, weapons these are mere tools, and none of these things can guarantee protection, any more than owning a fire extinguisher guarantees that your house wont burn down.

Psalm 44:6-7 For I will not trust in my bow, Nor shall my sword save me. 7 But You have saved us from our enemies, And have put to shame those who hated us.

We see in Nehemiah 4:14 that the people were armed and willing to use their weapons, but they were also trusting in the Lord:

Do not be afraid of them remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses. 20At whatever place you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us.

Do not put your trust in weapons. They are tools that are useful, but they are only dead, inanimate tools, at the end of the day.

the LORD does not deliver by sword or by spear for the battle is the LORDs.

What Does The Bible Say About Standing Up For Yourself A Christian Study

When standing up for ourselves and our own rights we should look to what the Bible has to say on the subject. We have verses that talk about turning the other cheek while we are also taught that there is a spiritual battle going on around us and that we should be ready to stand in the fight. So which one is right and which should be our guiding principle?

I dont pretend to answer every possible scenario in this article, but I do desire to give a couple of principles that will help you make decisions when it comes to standing up for yourself .

Respond with grace, mercy and love where possible.

Older Women Likewise Are To Be Reverent In Behavior Not Slanderers Or Slaves To Much Wine They Are To Teach What Is Good Titus : 3

We all sometimes struggle with gossip, which is precisely why its briefly addressed by Paul in his letter to Titus. Whether its intentional or not, its far too easy to begin discussing the hows and whys of someone elses decisions or thoughts with our neighbor, our sister, or our friend.

We quickly assume to understand someone elses reasoning for making certain decisions, then package it extravagantly in pretty words and deliver it assertively to undiscerning readers and friends as though it is Truth and they believe it. Its an easy snare to fall into in the blogging world, in personal friendships, and in families, even when we have the best of intentions.

When others misrepresent you, what do you do? Do you maintain a meek and quiet spirit and extend grace? Or do you feel the need to defend yourself?

Elisabeth Elliott eloquently shared this in her transcript Never Defend Yourself,

Further along, Mrs. Elliott says,

If a story gets out about you, the big temptation is to try to run it down. But you know running down the source of a story is hopeless taskabsolutely hopeless. Its like trying to find the bird after youve found the feather on your lawn. I like that metaphor. Like trying to find a bird after youve found the feather on your lawn. You cant do it!

And, in her closing words, the story I love the most,

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God Can Protect You From Sickness Even In Impossible Times

There multiple passages in the bible the shows that Gods healing hand is able to deliver us from any form of diseases

The story of Hezekiah shows that God can heal and take away any disease in seconds

Hezekiah was sick unto death. As he laid on his bed, God spoke to Isaiah to inform him to prepare his household for he would die

That would have been very painful considering how much true and perfect leadership Hezekiah has shown as a king

But he was not discouraged

He understood that the powers of long life and deliverance lie in the hands of God

So, quickly, he returned to God in prayers

He said,

Remember, Lord, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.

As he prayed, he wept and cried before God for deliverance

He knew within himself that God can take our scourge away

He is also able to protect us from death from sicknesses

And while he cried, God spoke to Isaiah, to return to him.

Isiah said,

Go and tell Hezekiah, This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears I will add fifteen years to your life

God delivered him from severe illness

If God can deliver and heal established diseases, Can he not protect you from diseases? He can

He is able to save the righteous and protect them from all temptations of the devil

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Find Wisdom Through A Close Relationship With God

What Does The Bible Say About Self Defence?

The Torah and the Bible say that its important for people to stay closely connected to God since the wisdom that comes from a close relationship with God will empower people to discern whether the angels they encounter are faithful angels or fallen angels. Proverbs 9:10 declares: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

by Spirit & Truth | Aug 9, 2013 | aboutbibleethicsfaqkillingsayself defense

The Bible does allow for killing in self-defense. In a sense, there are different kinds of self-defense. There is personal self-defense, self-defense of the society and there is national self-defense, which we call war. In all of these cases, the taking of another human life is allowed for by God. This booklet has been dedicated to social self-defense, the execution of criminals who are dangerous to society. War is a national self-defense, when people are called upon to protect their nation from outside aggression, and any student of the Bible will attest to the large number of wars recorded therein. Of course, there are unjust wars of aggression for property, wealth, or slaves, and the heads of state who start those wars will be held responsible by God at the Judgment. Furthermore, not all killing in a war is justified, and almost every war has cases of what are now called war crimes.

It may help to think of killing in terms of just or unjust and accidental or on purpose.

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King David Our Example

Without looking at the whole life of David, we can see a few examples of how he practiced these principles of grace and justice. Where necessaryand possibleDavid fled from unrighteous abuse.

When David was still a young lad tending sheep he went to face Goliath. David stood up for what was right in defending God. In this case it meant to go to war and engage in combat. David teaches us that there are times it is necessary to fight for what is right. However, David didnt fight on his own behalf, he fought for the principle of rightness and justice.

Other times in Davids life he refused to fight. He would not kill King Saul even though he had two very easy opportunities to do so . David showed love and grace.

Then there were times when David knew that the best thing to do was to walk away and allow God to have His justice in His time. Towards the end of Davids life he was on the run from his son Absolom. David had the power and authority to destroy Absaloms attacks. However, he chose to remove himself from the situation instead of fight. He would allow God to remove his enemy.

Requiring God To Protect Us From Covid

I was talking with a friend. He was exercised about wearing a mask. He went on and on. About the Governor. About health experts. About his freedom to do as he darn well pleases.

He told me how unfair it was to be required to wear a mask. He thought it was, as he said, stupid. He wished things were like they were before COVID-19 came along.

He told me that he was no longer wearing a mask. After all God decides whos going to get sick and who isnt. And God would protect him from COVID-19.

I choked. Not because of his belief in God. But because of his belief that it didnt matter what he did because God would protect him.

I have no direct route to God anymore than the next person. However, I have a degree in religion and was on track to become a minister.

I recognize there are as many interpretations of a persons relationship with God as there are persons to interpret that relationship.

But when it comes to COVID-19, claiming Gods protection for my friends own irresponsible actions is beyond the pale.

So I took a deep breath and asked him to consider an alternative view.

I referenced three Biblical passages.

First, from the Old Testament Psalms.

He said he knew Psalms were beautiful. Good.

I mentioned that Psalm 91:11-12 sure enough contains comforting words that God will protect you:

I hope so.

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A Natural Instinct Is To Boil This Issue Down To The Question Can I Shoot My Wifes Assailant

My answer is sevenfold.

1) This instinct is understandable. But it seems to me that the New Testament resists this kind of ethical reduction, and does not satisfy our demand for a yes or no on that question. We dont like this kind of ambiguity, but I cant escape it. There is, as I have tried to show, a pervasive thrust in the New Testament pushing us toward blessing and doing good to those who hate, curse, and abuse us . And there is no direct dealing with the situation of using lethal force to save family and friend, except in regards to police and military. This is remarkable when you think about it, since I cannot help but think this precise situation presented itself, since we read that Saul drug men and women bound to Jerusalem .

2) Our primary aim in life is to show that Christ is more precious than life. So when presented with this threat to my wife or daughter or friend, my heart should incline toward doing good in a way that would accomplish this great aim. There are hundreds of variables in every crisis that might affect how that happens.

4) I realize that even to call the police when threatened which, in general, it seems right to do in view of Romans 13:14 may come from a heart that is out of step with the mind of Christ. If ones heart is controlled mainly by fear, or anger, or revenge, that sinful disposition may be expressed by using the police as well as taking up arms yourself.

Are You Still On The Fence

What does the Bible say about self-defense? (#BibleinaYear – Day 122)

My bet is that most people reading this already own a gun or are in the process. And there are some of you that know it is a necessary step but dont feel comfortable yet or dont want a fire arm in your home.

My advice to you is simple, learn about firearms and try to become comfortable. The reason most people are against firearms is because they dont truly understand them. Take a class or go to a shooting range before you make a purchase, then see how you feel.

Give yourself some credit, a responsible gun owner is far different than these people you see on the news that the mass media loves to hate. If you take the time to learn about firearms safety and take gun ownership serious you then become part of the solution regardless how many people say guns are the problem.

Jesus said, But now whoever has a purse or a bag, must take it and whoever does not have a sword must sell his cloak and buy one.

Luke 22:36

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What Does The Bible Say About Self

The Bible does support self-defense. While Christ does denounce retaliation and revenge, He does not prohibit acting in self-defense. Therefore, believers are not sinning when they defend themselves or others from harm and suffering.

Security is important in the modern world. Cybersecurity, advanced technological home safety systems, and knowledge of self-defense tactics are abounding in society. Christians also seek security in their churches and home, with self-defense classes sometimes offered by churches.

Although it can be easy to make assumptions about safety, the first concern for the follower of Christ should be what the Lord says about any subject, including personal safety and defense.

Relevant passages about self-defense can be found in Scripture, which includes specific statements and examples of faithful followers of God engaging in the protection of themselves and others.

What Does The Bible Say About Carrying Weapons For Our Own Protection

Though I am sure there are those who would take exception to my answer, I think this can be answered from a couple of perspectives. First, in the OT we find that Gods people obviously kept weapons to defend themselves and their nation. Abraham is a case in point in connection with Lot.

Further, in order to demonstrate His power over the demons and Satans kingdom, the Lord, it seems, drew on what He considered a basic right that people have and seek to exercise against those who would harm their families or plunder their homes to illustrate His point. He said, Or how can anyone enter the strong mans house and carry off his property, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.. The point being that a strong man would seek to protect his property unless he was first bound in some way.

More specifically, in Luke 22:35-38 we read, And He said to them, When I sent you out without purse and bag and sandals, you did not lack anything, did you? And they said, No, nothing. And He said to them, But now, let him who has a purse take it along, likewise also a bag, and let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one. For I tell you, that this which is written must be fulfilled in Me, And He was numbered with transgressors for that which refers to Me has its fulfillment. And they said, Lord, look, here are two swords. And He said to them, It is enough.

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What Does The Bible Say About Killing In Self

by Spirit & Truth | Aug 9, 2013 | aboutbibleethicsfaqkillingsayself defense

The Bible does allow for killing in self-defense. In a sense, there are different kinds of self-defense. There is personal self-defense, self-defense of the society and there is national self-defense, which we call war. In all of these cases, the taking of another human life is allowed for by God. This booklet has been dedicated to social self-defense, the execution of criminals who are dangerous to society. War is a national self-defense, when people are called upon to protect their nation from outside aggression, and any student of the Bible will attest to the large number of wars recorded therein. Of course, there are unjust wars of aggression for property, wealth, or slaves, and the heads of state who start those wars will be held responsible by God at the Judgment. Furthermore, not all killing in a war is justified, and almost every war has cases of what are now called war crimes.

It may help to think of killing in terms of just or unjust and accidental or on purpose.

Murder: unjust and on purpose.Manslaughter: unjust but accidental.Execution of criminals : just and on purpose.Killing in war : just and on purpose.Killing in personal self-defense: just and on purpose.Self defense resulting in an accidental death: just but accidental.

Rabbi Shlomo Bar Yitzchak Solomon The Son Of Isaac Also Called Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki Hence The Acronym Rashi

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Rashi is celebrated for his detailed word-by-word commentaries on the Torah and Talmud, comprising an enormous volume of work which is still studied as an essential text. The Rashi commentary on the Torah remains very widely read, with most observant Jews have a Torah with Rashi in their library.

In Exodus 22:1 we read: If, while breaking in, the thief is discovered, and he is struck and dies, he has no blood.

Rashi, who gathers together millennia of interpretation, comments: He has no blood. this is not murder. It is as though he is dead from the start. Here the Torah teaches you: If someone comes to kill you, kill him first. And this one has come to kill you, because he knows that a person will not hold himself back and remain silent when he sees people taking his money. Therefore, he has come with the acknowledgement that if the owner of the property were to stand up against him, he would kill him .

Under Jewish Law there is an obligation for a private citizen to assist another in trouble: You shall not stand by your fellows blood. I am the Lord and as Rashi comments, quoting the legal texts of the Talmud: You shall not stand by your fellows blood. watching your fellows death, when you are able to save him for example, if he is drowning in the river or if a wild beast or robbers come upon him.

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