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What Does The Bible Say About Depression

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What does the Bible say about Depression?


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What Does The Bible Say About Depression Heres The Key

The key is, we have to be in agreement with God and allow Him to do that work. If we agree with a spirit of heaviness, oppression, fear, guilt, shame, or whatever the case may be, we are not listening to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. Our focus is feel like to stuck on the negative things, and we are missing out on the good things in our lives.

What Does The Bible Say Depression Is

Depression is a relatively newer psychological term, coined in the early 20th century as doctors began to learn more about it, but its a disorder that has cropped up in ancient texts, including the Bible. A number of people throughout the Bible experienced what appears to have been depression, from Moses to King David.

Still, the word depression doesnt appear in Scripture as it is used today with the exception of Proverbs 12:25, which offers just a quick note among other snippets of wisdom: Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up. The Hebrew word for weighs down is shachah, which translates to bow down or depress.

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Thankfulness And Gratefulness Are Keys

If you are depressed about material things or worldly possessions, seek God first and all your desires will be added to you . If youre worried about a business or project at your job, be thankful.

The Bible says even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we are not to fear any evil because God is with us and will comfort us . Ultimately, if you are depressed Jesus asked you to do something .

Go to Jesus, all who work hard and have heavy burdens resting on you go to Jesus and Jesus Christ will give you peace. Take your burdens to the burden-solver and know that the battle is the Lords. God bless you today in Jesus name. Amen.

Reinforce The Grace Of Belonging To Inspire Change Vs Spiritual Fighting To Get More Blessings

What does the Bible really say about... Depression  Day ...

For someone struggling with depression, anxiety, and other challenges, this mindset of fighting to get Gods blessings for personal breakthrough or to keep the enemy at bay leans more toward, “behavior rewards belonging , as opposed to a healthier view of “belonging inspires behavior.

When we face challenges like depression, anxiety, or any mental or emotional challenges we will naturally start to question ourselves, God, others and introspectively look for whats wrong .

However, our identity in/with Christ is not a behavior issue, its always on the basis of our relationship with and in Jesus our constant belonging and connectedness to Jesus no matter our condition, period!

Gods unconditional love gives us an unconditional identity in Him no matter the condition, period!

Think about it this we always act accordingly to the people we are connected to. My wife and I deeply love our children and when they have made mistakes and go through painful hurts in life, we actually draw closer and even run after them and we cant stop thinking about them. In fact, I have a specific and special ring and text tone just for my family – Im always available to respond ! When they suffer, we help them figure and sort things out so they learn and are empowered. We dont pull away, make them cry out to us for help, or make them work for our attention to bless them because they are always unconditionally loved and bear an unconditional identity of always being our children!

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Even Jesus Himself Was Deeply Anguished Over What Lay Before Him

He knew what was to come. He knew that God had called him to a journey of great suffering, he knew what must happen in order for us to live truly free. Our Savior and Lord was willing to pay the price on our behalf, but it wasnt an easy road. Isaiah prophesied that Christ would be “a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.” Isaiah 53:3

We can be assured, that in whatever we face, Jesus understands our weakness and suffering, our greatest times of temptation and despair, because he too traveled that road, yet without sin.

In the garden, through the night, Jesus prayed, all alone, calling out to His Father, asking Him for another way:

And He said to them, ‘My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death remain here and keep watch.’ And He went a little beyond them, and fell to the ground and began to pray that if it were possible, the hour might pass Him by. And He was saying, ‘Abba! Father! All things are possible for You remove this cup from Me yet not what I will, but what You will.'”

The Bible says that so great was his anguish, that he sweat drops of blood.Luke 22:44

Whats true about all of these stories and many others is this: God was with them. Close. Near.

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.Ps. 34:18

He cared.

A Guide For Walking Through Suffering

Depression is best thought of as a form of suffering. It is mental and emotional pain and difficulty just as a physical illness or injury presents us with physical pain and difficulty. But the good news is that the Bible as A LOT to say about suffering. In fact, the Bible offers a full manual on how to think about suffering, how to walk through a life of suffering, and how God views suffering. All of this speaks to the person walking the road of depression.

The Bible tells us, for instance, that God is with us in suffering. It tells us that God never leaves us nor forsakes us . It tells us that God is always present with us, not just as a companion, but as a shepherd guarding us and guiding us through the valley of the shadow of death . It tells us that the God of peace is eager for us to call out to Him in the midst of suffering, with all prayer and supplication .

The Bible declares that God is sovereign over suffering, it is never out of His control, and that He uses suffering to draw us near to Him and shape us to be more in His image . The Bible even tells us to rejoice in our sufferings because they are the means by which God works . Joy and depression seem like oil and waterbut Scripture calls us to find hope and joy because of our suffering, even the suffering of depression.

3. The Bible puts us in a story that ends in hope.

He who calls you is faithful he will surely do it.

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Do Not Be Anxious Over Anything

Once you have given your problems to the Lord Jesus, they are in good hands. The Bible clearly tells us to trust in the Lord with ALL our mind and to not lean on our own understanding of things further we are to acknowledge Him in all our ways for our paths to be straighten .

At the end of the day, we will have hard moments come upon us. How we respond is what really makes the difference. The Bible tells us that we should not be depressed, but if we are, we have our God to take our problems to.

We can go to the Lord to get the answers we need and help we need to get out of depression. We do not need to be anxious over anything but to simply stay in prayer and supplication with thankfulness to our God .

Gods Love And Faithfulness Never Depend On You

What does the BIBLE say about DEPRESSION & ANXIETY?

Depression makes it hard to make some of the right Christian choices you might normally. I did not usually trust God, make a gratitude list or even recite prayers and Scripture during my darkest moments. My shield of faith often lay next to me on the ground, unused.

I wish I had done those things. But in my not doing them, God taught me the most valuable lesson of my life: His love for me is solely dependent on His character, grace and goodness.

Thats it.

Because Ive placed my faith in Jesus and Hes paid for all my sin and brokenness on the cross, He will never walk away from me.

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Side Effects Of Prescription Medications For Depression

Although many people find the help they need through antidepressant drugs such as SSRIs, NDRIs, SNRIs, TCAs, MAOIs and others, it is important to understand the significant risk of harmful side effects. Studies and package warning labels include all of the following as known side effects of taking prescription antidepressants:

  • Cancer
  • Reproductive System Disorders, Birth Complications & Defects
  • Mood Disorders like Depression, Serotonin Syndrome, Mania & Psychosis
  • Self-Harm, Suicide Attempts or Suicidal Behavior, & Doubled Suicide Risk
  • Circulation Issues, Bleeding & Blood Disorders, and Blood Pressure Changes
  • Muscle Problems, Risk of Falls & Fractures and Nervous System Disorders
  • Behavioral Changes like Hostility, Aggression, Irritability, Homicide or Homicidal Ideation, & Violence
  • Coma, Stroke, Death or Increased risk of Mortality

As upsetting as these risks are, perhaps the most injurious is that these drugs may make the presenting symptoms worse in addition to causing new and more dangerous physical and psychological symptoms.

Conventional treatments also include various forms of talk therapy and lifestyle changes. This is especially important when someone desires to minimize the risks of side effects associated with long-term use of prescription antidepressant drugs.

What Does The Bible Say About Depression

Proverbs 12:25 mentions depression directly, “Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad” . That’s a good place to begin. In this little couplet God, via the wisdom of Solomon, provides both a diagnosis and prescription that can help people grow beyond depression. A heart full of anxiety is the culprit. Jesus said:

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light”.

Matthew 11:28-30

In broad strokes, many Christians suffering from depression can find hope in biblical foundations. You can also find stories of the Bible where certain people experienced depression: Moses , David , Elijah , Job, Jonah , Psalmist .

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We Should Show Active Love For God And Others

Love for God and others is essential because we all at some time or another find ourselves sucked into a vortex of morbid self-involvement, which keeps us from following the heavenly prescription given by the Great Physician, the medicine that many need above all else .

Teacher, which command in the law is the greatest? He said to him, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.

Matthew 22:36-40

When we begin to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and demonstrate love to others, we find true hope in God’s active love.

To The Depressed Christian

What does the Bible say about depression?

I close my eyes, turn toward the back of the couch and curl my knees up to my chest.

Dont hang up, I cry softly into the phone. Im afraid to be alone.

My husbands coming home early. Todays one of the bad days.

If I admit my thoughts to someone, theyll think Im crazy. Am I going crazy?

No, youre not.

For me , depression came with the winter, though warning signs could be felt and seen much sooner. A born and bred Southern girl, Id gotten married, started a new job and moved across the country to Minnesota all within two weeks, and just in time for the cold.

I was tired. Really tired. I was edgy and emotional and anxious. I began noticing that I felt exactly like it looked outside gray and miserable. Numb. I sank further and further until finally breaking down one day at a work conference. I just could not go through the motions anymore. I felt like I was dying inside.

If youre in the thick of the dark and lonely place that is depression, I wish I could wrap my arms around you and cry with you, because I know how badly you hurt.

I am a Christian, but depression tempted me to distrust God. I was desperately seeking deliverance. He seemed to be withholding it from me.

Why will you not lift me out of this pit? Id cry. Are you not a deliverer? Why do the voices of despair sound so much louder than yours?

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While Depression May Seem Like A Modern Illness That Has Recently Become More Of A Public Topic Of Discussion Its Existed Since The Beginning Of Time

For as long as people have been able to feel hurt or sorrow, depression has existed. This complex disease has affected many people, both in the past and in the present. As a Christian rehab in Florida, were familiar with the presence of addiction and mental illnesses like depression in the Bible. Were sharing what we found when taking a deeper look at depression in the Bible and some examples of people in Scripture who experienced this mental disorder.

This Is My Prayer For You:

Father God, I pray that you will meet your sons and daughters by your Spirit. That you begin to open their hearts to hope and life again. Meet them in the broken and desolate areas of their heart and help them to receive your unconditional love for themselves so that any brokenness can be healed.

Father, if there is anyone who has hurt them, or torn them down with their words, help them to forgive that person and to release that person. Teach them to put on the garment of praise when the spirit of heaviness tries to tempt them. I also pray that you give them courage and endurance in their overcoming journey. Renew their minds by your Word and help them to recognize your voice over the enemys voices. Help them to put all of their hope and trust in you so that you truly can be their deliverer.

Finally, raise them up to be the person that you created them to be, help them to find their purpose and identity in you so that they, too, can experience the fullness of your righteousness, peace, and joy.

In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

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Stage : Disappointment Can Lead To Discontentment

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:1113

Disappointment with our circumstances can easily move into discontentment if left unchecked. Sometimes it is healthy to experience some discontentment because we know that God desires more from us or through us. However, prolonged discontentment will draw us away from God, not closer to him.

In verse 13 above, Paul offers to us strength and power in the midst of our difficult circumstances. He doesnt say you need to ignore or take an unrealistic view of your troubles. However, a mature response sees opportunity in difficulty and the discontentment puts a mature person into action with Gods help to respond in a healthy way to the stressor.

If we focus on the loss without focusing on the solution we have in Christ, we will only experience more deep-seated discontentment.

Elijah Was Discouraged Weary And Afraid

What Does The Bible Say – Depression

After great spiritual victories over the prophets of Baal, this mighty man of God feared and ran for his life, far away from the threats of Jezebel. And there in the desert, he sat down and prayed, defeated and worn:

I have had enough Lord, he said. Take my life, I am not better than my ancestors. 1 Kings 19:4

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