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HomeExclusiveWhat Is Faithfulness In The Bible

What Is Faithfulness In The Bible

Imitate Christ And Do Gods Will No Matter What

Bible Verses About Faithfulness [FAITHFULNESS IN THE BIBLE!]

When we look at the life of Christ we notice that He was never empty. Why? He was never empty because His food was to do the will of the Father and He always did the will of the Father. Jesus was continually faithful in all situations. He obeyed in suffering. He obeyed in humiliation. He obeyed when He felt alone.

Just like Christ we have to be faithful and stand firm in tough situations. If you have been a Christian for a long time, then you have been in situations where it was hard to serve Christ. There have been times when you felt alone. There have been times where it was hard to obey and not compromise because sin and sinful people were around you.

There have been times where you have been made fun of because of your faith. In all of the difficulties that we may face we must stand firm. The love of God drove Christ to keep going and in the same way the love of God drives us to continually obey when it gets tough. If youre currently involved in a tough trial, remember that God is always faithful to His faithful servants.

13. 1 Peter 4:19 So then, those who suffer according to Gods will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.

14. Hebrews 3:1-2 Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest. He was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in all Gods house.

Revelation 1: 11 I Saw Heaven Standing Open And There Before Me Was A White Horse Whose Rider Is Called Faithful And True With Justice He Judges And Wages War

The name Jesus calls himself at the end of time is Faithful and True. Its not just a monikerits who God is to the core of his being. He has always been faithful, true, and trustworthy.

Remember if you want to dive deeper into studying the promises of God check out my Claiming the Promises of God Bible study!

Now It Is Required That Those Who Have Been Given A Trust Must Prove Faithful 1 Corinthians : 2 Niv

Nobody knowingly puts a thief or one who has no integrity in charge of their assets. Similarly, God has chosen us as stewards, and Paul reminds us that we must prove faithful. We have to think, speak and act according to our convictions.

We cannot waiver in our stewardship because God expects us to remain faithful. The psalmist declared in Psalm 101:2 that he will live a blameless life with God’s help and lead a life of integrity. I pray that we, too, will make this declaration.

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He That Is Faithful In That Which Is Least Is Faithful Also In Much: And He That Is Unjust In The Least Is Unjust Also In Much If Therefore Ye Have Not Been Faithful In The Unrighteous Mammon Who Will Commit To Your Trust The True Riches Luke 1: 10

Many of us are faithful to God when he blesses us bountifully, but our faithfulness fades during trials. God calls us to be faithful in the least of things. Look at Moses. He was a shepherd for 40 years, and he did this faithfully before God awarded him greater responsibility – to lead the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land.

Everything that we own belongs to God, and we are called to be faithful stewards regardless of how much responsibility we have. In Hebrews, we are reminded that God will equip us with everything we need to do his will. Wherever you are called to serve, serve with all your heart and your might as you advance Gods kingdom.

Bible Stories To Teach Kids About Faithfulness

What does the Bible say about faithfulness?

The way things are going these days, its no wonder kids have a hard time with the concept of faithfulness. Our culture supports the pursuit of the immediate and trendy, conditioning the hearts and minds of this generation to move from thing to thing and person to person without much thought. Kids are encouraged to try activities and friendships on like clothing to find the right fit. And though theres nothing wrong with searching for the talents and relationships that will allow our kids to be their best selves, theyll miss out on a big part of Gods plan for their growth if they dont also learn the value of faithfulness.

Faithfulness is the act of being true to your word or promise. Its the ability to follow through on commitments with dedication. The Bible offers several examples of faithfulness, first and foremost in the character of God. But there are many other, ordinary people in Bible stories that can teach our kids what it means to be faithful.

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What Does The Bible Say About Faithfulness To God

In the Bible, faithfulness to God is defined as hearkening diligently unto the voice of the Lord, and observing and doing all his commandments. Deuteronomy 28:1. While this invitation was specifically given to Israel, it is still applicable to us today. Luke 16:10-12 challenges us to be faithful in little and declares that those that can be trusted with little can also be trusted with much.

A blessing awaits the one who shows faithfulness to God, just as he promised to set Israel above all the nations of the earth. Gods faithfulness toward us never ceases as stated in 2 Peter 3:9, The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

As such, we need to demonstrate faithfulness to God because his promises are true, and his love is unconditional.

What Does It Mean To Be Faithful

What does it really mean to be faithful? We can hear about Gods promises and that is all well and good, but do we really believe them? After all, many other promises are made and easily broken.

This promise may sound familiar to you: Do you promise to honor and cherish, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer as long as you both shall live? The response is always a resounding, I do!

But sadly, this promise often turns to I did. The change of heart and mind can come because someone was unfaithful in the vow, changing the agreement. This happens so much that it changes our understanding of the word faithful or the word promise.

This is why we question when God makes promises and dont realize the significance of showing true faithfulness. Thankfully God isnt an erring human and He always keeps his word, no matter what.

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Being Faithful By Giving Thanks

We tend to take everything for granted. One way to remain faithful and to be faithful in little is to continually thank God for the little that you do have. Thank Him for food, friends, laughter, finances, etc. Even if it is not much thank Him for it! I was so blessed by my trip to Haiti. I saw poor people that were full of joy. They were thankful for the little that they do have.

In the United States we are considered rich to them, but we are still unsatisfied. Why? We are unsatisfied because we are not growing in gratitude. When you stop giving thanks you become discontent and you start to take your eyes off your blessings and you turn your eyes to someone elses blessings. Be thankful for the little that you do have which creates peace and joy. Have you lost sight of what God has done in your life? Do you still look back on His past faithfulness to you? Even if God didnt answer a prayer in the way that you wanted, be thankful for how He answered.

8. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

9. Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed,do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

10. Psalm 103:2 Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits.

12. Psalm 30:4 Sing the praises of the LORD, you his faithful people praise his holy name.

A Faithful Person Will Be Richly Blessed But One Eager To Get Rich Will Not Go Unpunished Proverbs 2: 20 Niv

What is REAL FAITH according to the BIBLE?

Get rich quick schemes are all around tempting followers of Christ to participate in unethical activities, schemes that require deceitfulness and perverted judgment. Outside of corrupt activities, Proverbs also warns us not to wear ourselves out to get riches. If we engage in these activities, we will be cursed and miserable.

A faithful man is blessed because he demonstrates integrity and honesty in all his dealings persons will speak highly of him, and his character will show that he is a child of God. Are you faithful in your business engagements? Can others testify to your willingness to keep your word and honor your contracts?

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A Story About Faithfulness In The Bible

As I thought about those four scriptures it dawned on me that there was a story that seemed to touch on all those different aspects of faithfulness and loyalty.

Its a story in the Bible about King David and his family and a time when faithfulness and loyalty were lacking in his family, but were found in an unexpected person when an individual erred in planning evil which led to terrible consequences, however, the loyalty and faithfulness of a little known person helped to preserve the king and uphold his throne.

That story is found in 2 Samuel 15:17-23, but before I share it with you, I need to give you the context and catch you up on whats happened. Its a complicated story.

The relationship between King David and his son Absalom had been strained for five years, going back to a terrible incident involving one of Davids other sons Amnon committing a violent act against Absaloms sister, Tamar.

When David failed to punish Amnon, Absalom had him killed and the strong bond that should have existed for life between father and son was frayed to the breaking point.

Absalom was heir to the thronehe was young, handsome and enormously ambitious but he didnt want to have to wait to rule perhaps because of anger over his fathers treatment, his desire for power, or the fear that his father might choose someone else.

Of course, he said this without even investigating to see if their claims were valid.

The people were with Absalom, David had servants and mercenaries.

What Are The Characteristics Of Faithfulness

We often base our interpretation of faithfulness on our own experience with people who were faithful or those who were unfaithful.

But Jesus answered the question what does the Bible say about faithfulness by beautifully modeling its characteristics. When we live for Jesus we too can show others what are the characteristics of faithfulness.

So, my dear Christian friends, companions in following this call to the heights, take a good hard look at Jesus. Hes the centerpiece of everything we believe, faithful in everything God gave him to do. Hebrews 3:1 MSG

But what happens when we live Gods way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchardthings like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely. Galatians 5:22 MSG

Here are five characteristics of faithfulness that reflect who God is loyal, trustworthy, steadfast in love, patient, and committed. When we begin to embrace these characteristics of faithfulness, we learn to be faithful to God, ourselves, and others because Jesus is consistently faithful to us.

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Bible Verses About Faithfulness

Here are 10 Bible verses about faithfulness that will sustain and encourage you when you struggle with faith in Gods timing and releasing control of a situation.

Reading and understanding these verses helps us understand what does the bible say about faithfulness so we can trust God and be faithful to others in our life.

What about you? Are you confident in Gods undeniable faithfulness to you? If not, pray and ask Him to reveal Himself to you and send His Holy Spirit to surround you with His love.

Before you goI would love to hear your thoughts on what does the bible say about faithfulness or how the benefits of faithfulness to God have shown up in your life!

Christian Quotes About Faithfulness

The 10 Best Bible Verses About Faithfulness

We can walk without fear, full of hope and courage and strength to do His will, waiting for the endless good which He is always giving as fast as He can get us able to take it in. George Macdonald

Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservations. Elton Trueblood

Never give up on God because He never gives up on you. Woodrow Kroll

Faithful servants never retire. You can retire from your career, but you will never retire from serving God.

Christians do not have to live they have only to be faithful to Jesus Christ, not only until death but unto death if necessary. Vance Havner

Faithful people have always been in a marked minority. A. W. Pink

God wants us to be dependable even when it costs us. This is what distinguishes godly faithfulness from the ordinary dependability of secular society. Jerry Bridges

This job has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege. Therefore, it is an offering I may make to God. Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn Gods way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness. Elisabeth Elliot

Biblically speaking, faith and faithfulness stand to each other as root and fruit. J. Hampton Keathley

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Are You Wondering How To Be Faithful

Once someone puts their trust in Christ and becomes saved the Holy Spirit immediately dwells in that person. Unlike other religions, Christianity is God in us. Allow the Spirit to lead your life. Yield yourself to the Spirit. Once this happens being faithful is not something that is forced. Being faithful is no longer accomplished legalistically. The Spirit produces faith so being faithful becomes genuine.

Its so easy to do something out of duty rather than love. When we yield to the Spirit Gods desires become our desires. Psalm 37:4 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. One of the most important aspects of being saved is getting to know and enjoy Christ.

Through Christ you have been saved from the wrath of God. However, now you can begin to know Him, enjoy Him, walk with Him, have fellowship with Him, etc. Once you start becoming more intimate with Christ in prayer and once you get to know His presence, your faithfulness to Him will grow along with your desire to please Him.

To be faithful to God you have to realize how much He loves you. Remember how He has been faithful in the past. You have to trust and believe Him. To grow in these things, you have to spend time with Him and allow Him to speak to you.

32. Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control against such things there is no law.


Blessed Is The One Who Perseveres Under Trial Because Having Stood The Test That Person Will Receive The Crown Of Life That The Lord Has Promised To Those Who Love Him James : 12 Niv

Nobody likes trials, and if we are given a recipe to avoid them, we will seize the opportunity with both hands. But James assures us that when we remain faithful to God through difficult seasons, not only will we be blessed here and now, but we will be rewarded with the crown of eternal life. In the first verses of chapter 1, James exhorts us to consider it pure joy when we face different trials. This is easier said than done, but God will give us the strength to endure. Our faithfulness to God will be rewarded hang in there!

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Being Faithful In The Small Things

As we wrap up the end of the year, lately God has been leading me to pray for more faithfulness in the little things. This is something that we all can struggle with, but we never notice that we struggle with it. Dont you realize that God in His sovereignty has placed people and resources in your life? He has given you friends, a spouse, neighbors, unbelieving co-workers, etc. who will only hear Christ through you. He has given you finances to be used for His glory. He has blessed us with different talents to bless others. Have you been faithful in these things? Have you been lazy in your love towards others?

We all want to be promoted without moving a finger. We want to go to a different country for missions, but are we involved in missions in our own country? If youre not faithful in little, then what makes you think that you are going to be faithful in great things? We can be such hypocrites at times, myself included. We pray for opportunities to and give to others. However, we see a homeless person, we make excuses, we judge him, and then we walk right past him. I have to continually ask myself, am I being faithful with what God has put in front of me? Examine the things that youre praying for. Are you being faithful with the things that you already have?


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