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HomeMust ReadWhere To Study The Bible

Where To Study The Bible

Free Printable Bible Study Lessons With Questions And Answers

Tutorial on HOW to study the Bible Exegetically!

Most of the printable Bible study lessons shared above only have worksheets with questions. This is perfect for those looking for more personal approach to their study time so that God can guide you to what He wants you to learn from each lesson.

But if you are wanting to dive into Bible facts, these places offer free printable Bible study lessons with questions and answers. These are perfect for anyone wanting to become more of a biblical 411 as far as who did what and where in the Bible!

Identifying Triggers In Your Marriage Part 1

They were both convinced they had married the wrong person. From almost the very beginning of their marriage, Amber and Guy Lia experienced various tensions and personality clashes related to house cleaning, backseat driving, workaholism, and intimacy. In this two-day Focus on the Family broadcast, Amber and Guy discuss how they bravely faced the triggers head-on, and committed to working on their own relationships with Jesus. As you listen to the Lias story, youll feel hope that you, too, can see real marriage transformation!

All You Need To Do Is Start

Just like any significant undertaking, sometimes the planning and the anticipation is more intense than the project itself!

Armed with these 7 steps of preparation, however, all you need to do now is begin your study. By starting with prayer and seeking out tools and resources as you need them, youll make progress in your knowledge of Gods Word and in getting to know your personal Savior, Jesus Christ.

The only way to go is up!

Read Also: What Does Being Sanctified Mean

Bible Study By Verses

In studying the historical passages of the Bible, such as most of the Old Testament or parts of the Gospels, each verse may have only one simple meaning.

But many verses in both the Old and New Testaments are rich with many great Bible truths that will demand more detailed study. There are many ways for you to study a single Bible verse.

Reasons To Study The Bible And 7 Excuses We Make

Bible Studies

The Bible is the worlds best-selling book, has been translated into over 200 languages, and is the foundational text of Western civilization. When we look at the life transformation this book has had on a global scale, our attention should peak.

So why does Bible study feel so difficult? To overcome this perception, we need to refresh ourselves on some key reasons why digging deeply into Gods Word is so essential, combat excuses, and see that Bible study is a doable, worthy, and awesome pursuit.

Recommended Reading: Old Testament Stories In Chronological Order

Premium Printable Bible Studies

While free things are great, sometimes you need to invest just a bit for something better. There are a lot of really great printable Bible study resources that you can find for a small fee. Many of these offer additional resources to help you really take your Bible study time to the next level.

Megan Allen Ministries has a few really great printable Bible Studies including:

Bible studies are a great way to study and better know Gods word. Luckily there are many sites that offer printable bible studies and printable bible study worksheets/guides for free or at a very low cost.

Its important to find time for spiritual growth and we are blessed with the ability to do so, but sometimes it can be challenging finding a way that works best for your busy schedule. Printable bible studies provide an easy solution!

You dont have to worry about forgetting what you learned in a study or acquiring new materials as often when using them because they come pre-packaged with everything needed all you need is paper and color printer ink. If these tips seem like something you would benefit from, head over here and download some today!

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Read Scripture Verses In Context

As you learn how to study the Bible for yourself, its important that you dont get in the bad habit of reading individual verses in isolation.

This is a common mistake many people make when first learning how to study the Bible for beginners, but it can completely change the meaning of the text.

Instead, youll want to learn how to study the Bible as a whole.

This means finding as many relevant Scripture verses as you can, reading them within the context of the passage or chapter theyre in, and comparing them to see how they fit together.

Tip: BibleGateway is a website that lets you do this easily if you dont have your physical Bible handy.

Here are a few questions you might ask yourself while youre learning how to study the Bible for beginners:

  • Who is writing this passage?
  • Who are they writing to?
  • What is this passage mostly about?
  • What does this passage teach me about Gods/Jesuss character?
  • Are there any lessons I can learn from this passage?
  • Does this passage have any specific instructions for me to follow?
  • Does it provide a good example for me to follow ?
  • What positive changes can I make in my life as a result of this passage?

One passage that really illustrates this point is Ephesians 2:8-9.

In the church I grew up in, they understood this passage to mean that, since we are saved by faith alone, works dont matter at all.

Typically, you can find all the information you need to answer your question by looking up only a handful of verses.

Recommended Reading: Born Sinners Bible Verse

Creative & Unique Methods To Study The Bible

First the creative and artistic methods

  • Bible journaling. Bible journaling is the name for a form of study where you draw and color in the Bible in response to a passage of scripture. It is a little controversial because some people think that writing in the sacred Word of God is sinful, but I personally think it’s a beautiful way to study and react to God’s Word. If you object to writing and coloring in your Bible, you could get a notebook or sketchbook and do your artwork in that. I’ve seen lots of people do that, and they enjoy it just as much as those of us who do our work on the actual pages of our Bibles.I love Bible journaling, and I have been doing it for a couple of years. You can read my best tips for getting started Bible journaling here.To get started Bible journaling, you will need a Bible with margins wide enough to draw and color and stamp. I personally have the HCSB Notetaking Bible and, while I do love the formatting, I do not love the HCSB translation. When I was looking for a journaling Bible, there were not many available and none at all in the NIV or NLT. So I went with HCSB on a friend’s recommendation. There is now a nice NIV Journaling Bible and even better, an NLT Journaling Bible . If I was getting started now, I’d get one of those.
  • The Bible Leads Us To Gods Heart

    How To Study The Bible (Introduction)

    Thomas Goodwin wrote that the Scriptures were written to bring down and lay before us the heart of God.2 The whole of Scripture puts Gods multifaceted glory on display. It shows Gods heart that we might trust him with ours.

    Paul wrote, whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope . God aims to instruct us not as an end itself, but to encourage our hearts with hope. He gave us the Bible because he loves us, and he wants us to feel loved by him. He wants us to hope in him and know, deep down, with an unshakable confidence, that we are his.

    Recommended Reading: How Many Psalms Are In The Bible

    How To Personally Deepen Bible Study

    Here are a few practical ways that you can deepen your experience of studying the Bible.

    The lectio divina is an ancient four-step process of reading the Bible that helps you to liturgically walk through your Scripture reading each day. The four steps are as follows:

    1. Lectio

    The Apostle Paul writes: âThese are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of Godââ.

    2. Meditatio

    The Apostle John writes: “Peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you.â

    3. Oratio

    The Apostle John writes: âThis is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears usâ .

    4. Contemplatio

    King David writes: âCease striving and know that I am God I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earthâ .

    Use this exercise to give your spirit rails on which to run as you establish a daily habit of deepening your Bible study time.

    Be A Doer Of The Word

    Don’t just study God’s Word for the sake of studying. Be sure to put the Word into practice in your life.

    Jesus said in Luke 11:28, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.”

    If God speaks to you personally or through life application principles you find in the text, be sure to apply those nuggets to your day-to-day life.

    You May Like: How Many Fear Not Are In The Bible

    Set Aside At Least 15 Minutes A Day For A Quiet Time With Our Lord

    The purpose of a quiet time is to enjoy the Lord and communicate with Him about every detail of your day. As we read a portion of Scripture and pray each day, we allow Him to speak to us in a personal way.

    Some believers like to read through a small portion of Scripture and meditate on it. Others like to use daily devotional helps. These usually have a short Bible passage and a brief reading to go along with the passage. Your local Christian bookstore contains a wide variety of devotional books, including ones specifically written for men, women, youth, or couples.

    Use a notebook to record insights from Gods Word, your prayer requests, praises to God, and thanks for answered prayer. For the last few minutes, just listen to God. Ask Him to speak to you through His Word. Think about what you have read and thank Him for what He has done for you.

    The Bible Is An Inspired Bookthen

    Bible Study for Men

    According to Hebrews 2:10, the Lord Jesus is the Captain of our salvation. He provides us with an accurate compass. As God, He is omniscient. He knows every fact in the universe. His thoughts are always just, His opinions always right, His knowledge always total. When He speaks, He makes no mistakes, wastes no words, and withholds nothing necessary for our knowledge. Because He wanted to communicate with us in a permanent form we could ponder and pass on to others, He inscribed His message in a book .

    God transmitted a message from His omniscient mind into this accessible book through the process of inspiration, a word that is made up of the prefix in and the term spire, which means breathe. Think of our word respiration, having to do with the lungs. Or the word expire, describing someone no longer breathing. The apostle Paul explained, All Scripture is given by inspiration of God . In other words, God breathed it out, He spoke it, just as we use our lungs to breathe out and form audible syllables. Peter further explained, Prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit .

    Don’t Miss: What Order To Read The Bible

    A Few Other Things You Should Know

    I study one book at a time, instead of skipping around. This helps me to fully grasp the meaning of the book overall and how each chapter relates its message. I am currently studying the New Testament and have been doing so for about a year. I go in the canonical order and finish one book before going to another.

    Also, I only study one chapter per day. Going slowly helps me to really take in and absorb the meaning and application of what I am studying.

    How To Study The Bible For Yourself

    With that said, lets look at some super practical tips for learning how to study the Bible for yourself.

    Studying the Word really doesnt have to be intimidating, time-consuming, or difficult. You simply need to know how to study the Bible for beginners! And in this Bible study guide, Im going to show you how.

    There are tons of Bible study methods for beginners but this is my favorite method of teaching you how to understand the Bible because its easy, straightforward, and very adaptable.

    This is the same method I teach in my book, Fall in Love with Gods Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women.

    Recommended Reading: 365 Bible Verses About Fear

    Reasons We Should Study The Bible

    1. We quest for meaning beyond ourselves. In the Word, we find our ultimate meaning in a Person, not a concept. Our goal in studying is to come closer and closer to the meaning God intends us to receive, and ultimately closer to him. Scripture is the breath of God carrying the weight of who he is with its message, which means the more we interact with it, the more we personally engage with the Spirit himself. When we refuse to open Gods Word, it is not just a rejection of a material book, it is a rejection of a relationship with God himself.

    2. His Word creates life. Paul often begins his letters with some form of grace TO you statement and concludes with some form us grace be WITH you phrase. When we open Gods Word, its truth will be imparted to us in some way, and when we close it, we are left WITH his Word to shape us further. You see, Jesus words are his actionsjust like Christ created life at the beginning of time, his words to us now are living and active to create new life in us . Gods Word promises to accomplish what it sets out to change within us . I am not alive, the Bible is, and when I read it, it makes me come alive.

    6. Bible study grounds evangelism. Scripture is beneficial not only for the discipleship of believers but for bringing us to Jesus at salvation .

    What To Expect From Yourself

    How to Study the Bible for Beginners | Faceovermatter

    One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a Christian is comparing yourself to other Christians.

    God created us differently. Just because Sister Sally and Brother Jim spend hours every day in Bible study doesnt mean you have too.

    Just because your Bible doesnt have tons of underlined scriptures or notes in the margins doesnt mean youre a bad Christian.

    My advice is to do what works best for you. We all learn differently. Find a few Bible study methods you enjoy and stick with those.

    Also Check: What Does The Bible Say About Dreams Of Snakes

    Free Bible Study Printable Resources

    Everyone learns differently which is why you need to find the right Bible study worksheets and other printables that work for your particular learning style. And the good news is that there are plenty of options to choose from to make sure you find the one best for you!

    What kind of printable Bible study resources are there?

    • Bible Study Worksheets
    • and more!

    Whether youre looking for a bible verse to help with your relationships, or you want to find the meaning behind a certain biblical story, hopefully, you will find at least a few from the list below so you can really take your Bible study time to the next level.

    A Commitment To Study The Bible

    Most believers will admit that knowing Gods Word is important. The problem arises when we acknowledge the central place Gods Word should have in our lives but do not change our lifestyle to reflect that fact.

    The psalmist says in Psalm 119:48, You have charged us to keep your commandments carefully. Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your principles! Then I will not be disgraced when I compare my life with your commands. When I learn your righteous laws, I will thank you by living as I should! Living as I should means having an attitude of expectancy and a desire for righteousness as we open Gods Word. It also means determining ahead of time that we will make Bible reading and study a priority in our life.

    For many years, I have had an incredibly full schedule of travel, with approximately three hundred days a year away from my home and office for meetings and speaking engagements. It would be easy for me to say, I have so many commitments today that I just dont have time to spend with God in prayer and reading His Word. Yet if I miss that time alone with my Savior and Lord, I miss the best part of my day and do not accomplish all that God wants me to do in the remaining hours.

    Recommended Reading: Pray Without Ceasing Means

    Studying The Bible Matters Because God Matters

    We study the Bible because it is Gods word to the world. We want to hear him. We want to slow down and carefully, thoughtfully, and reverently hear what he has to say to us.

    How valuable are these words? More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb . Two of the greatest pleasures our world pursuesmoney and foodand the Bible satisfies us more than both.

    The apostle Paul wrote, All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness . Just as you breathe out every word of yours, God breathes out every word in the Bible. It alone is inspired in this sense. We cannot say this about any other book on any other shelf anywhere in the worldonly the Bible.


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