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How Should I Read The Bible

Fall In Love With Gods Word

How and why should I read the Bible? | Nicky Gumbel

Reading Gods Word truly CAN be fun, enjoyable, encouraging, inspiring, and so much more.

If youre truly interested in learning how to read the Bible for beginners, Id love to invite you to check out my brand new book: Fall in Love with Gods Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women!

Practical, encouraging, and full of biblical truth, Fall in Love with Gods Word has everything you need to learn how to:

  • Overcome 7 common obstacles preventing you from spending time in Scripture
  • Discover the personalized Bible-reading routine that works for YOU
  • Learn 15 easy ways to make reading the Bible for beginners more meaningful and enjoyable
  • Use Scripture to conquer sin, false beliefs, and negative thought patterns
  • Experience fresh spiritual growth and passion for Gods Word.

Please visit or your local bookstore to learn more and grab your copy of Fall in Love with Gods Word today!

Need A Way To Keep Track Of Your Bible Reading Plan For Beginners

When I was learning how to read the Bible for the first time, I loved checking off each book and chapter as I read them, so I could easily see my progress.

My NIV study Bible came with a built-in reading plan checklist right in the front. If yours doesnt, youre welcome to print off this Bible Reading Checklist to keep track of your progress.

It comes straight out of my Fall in Love with Gods Word WORKBOOK, but youre welcome to have it for free.

Print it out and stick it in your Bible, or hang it on your fridge where youll see it often as you work your way through your Bible reading plan for beginners.

Bible Verses About Reading The Bible Importance Of Reading The Bible

Reading the Bible is like reading the manual of life. Its our #1 way we can learn about God and who he is, and its the #1 way we learn who we are and how we are called to live life.

And for most Christians, reading God’s Word is the biggest way we can develop our personal relationship with God.

If you are looking to build your relationship with God, download a free, Spiritual Goals Worksheet, which will help you define how you are going to grow spiritually.

This worksheet includes examples of spiritual goals to consider that will help you set your own plan for reading the Bible and growing closer to God.

The Word is God himself, and the more we read the Bible, the more we understand the heart of God.

God speaks to us when we read the Bible through the Holy Spirit reading the Bible is one of the primary ways that God speaks to us.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 ESV

Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. Matthew 7:24 ESV

Gods Word teaches us how to live and guides each one of us personally as we seek Gods guidance for our lives.

It doesnt matter what decision or situation you are facing. If you are praying about whether you should take that job, marry that person, or move to a new city God will speak to you as you pray and read his Word.

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17 NKJV

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Best Bible Recommendations For Beginners

There are the bible translations that I recommend for beginners based on their accuracy level. Ive also included a sample of the same scripture from each translation.

Word for Word Translation

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God John 1:12

In What Order Should I Read The Bible


The journey of reading the Bible as it is presented over multiple covers is very intimidating and complicated. Based on the type of book the Bible is, its book types are used to arrange its books. In this case, it doesnt have to be read in its entirety. A personal choice can be made in order to read the Bible. The Bible isnt ordered or suggested in a particular manner.

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What Does It Mean To Study

If we look at the definition of the word study according to it says: application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection.

When we purpose to study Gods Word as opposed to simply read His Word, it will require us to slow down and read fewer verses. As this will help us to reflect on its meaning.

But his delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on His law he habitually meditates by day and by night. ~ Psalm 1:2

The bottom line is studying His Word has no time barrier.

The Psalms Ancient Songs Which Still Resonate

Many daily reading plans will also include a Psalm. The book of Psalms is in the Old Testament about half way through the Bible. The Psalms are songs and were the hymn book of the ancient Jewish people. There are 150 Psalms. Some are very short. The Psalms cover every human emotion, so they still have an impact on modern readers. They include love, anger, joy, doubt, frustration, despair, hope and the desire for justice.

Its also a good idea to explore different versions of the Bible. The meaning is the same, but some versions use more contemporary language. It is important to find one that works for you. Many Bibles include side notes or commentaries which explain what is being said and give helpful background information.

Bible notes will help as you begin to explore the complexities of the Old Testament. Much of it is the extraordinary story of Jewish people over about 1,500 years. Some of the events and characters are well-known in modern culture: Moses leading the Jews escape from slavery in Egypt Joseph and his multi-coloured coat abandoned by his brothers Noah and the flood Abraham – a key figure for Jews, Christians and Muslims King David, who ruled Israel and wrote many of the Psalms.

Jesus Christ often referred to Old Testament writings in his teaching, so it is important to understand them so that you can understand what he was saying.

Don’t Miss: Where Your Heart Is Bible Verse

Reading Devotionals To Meditate On Gods Word

I love devotionals but they should not replace reading the actual Bible. Most devotionals include one or a few bible verses and a summary to reflect on.

Again, devotionals often include the authors opinion and revelations, which can be useful, but devotionals should be used to supplement your bible reading.

I like to start my morning time with God by reading a devotional, I think of a devotional book as my warm-up. It only takes a few minutes and it gets me fired up to read the Bible, which is like the main workout.

And I like to end my day with a devotional before bed as an easy way to read Gods Word at night.

If you’re looking for some beach devotions for summer or to read on vacation, check out my 40-day summer devotional pdf, God, You, & The Ocean Blue.

How To Start Reading The Bible How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth

What Book Of The Bible Should I Read First?

The first step to reading the Bible is deciding to put God first and to make the Bible a priority. Showing up everyday to read the Bible is half the battle.

And once you sit down to read, it’s important to understand how you should meditate on God’s Word.

Thanks to a wise Pastor at my church, Ps. Kwacha Davis pointed out that God doesnt say that you should read the Bible.

Rather, God says that you should meditate on his Word, to observe it carefully, and to study the Word of God.

The best way to read the Bible for all its worth is to read it slowly. Dont be in a rush.

Reading the Bible shouldnt feel like a chore or something you check off on your to do list every day.

God wants us to study his Word so that it can live in our hearts. He wants to speak to us through his Word and he wants us to live out the Word in our everyday lives.

God wants you to have revelations when you read the Bible, where you have lightbulb moments of understanding where God reveals something about a particular situation.

As you read the Bible, its important to remember that God wants you to soak up his Word. Reading the Bible isnt about how fast you can read the Bible, its about how much you can learn and how you start living Gods Word in your life.

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A Letter To Believers: Ephesians

Unlike the gospel of John and the book of Acts, Ephesians is a letter from the Apostle Paul to the believers in Ephesus.

Christianity begins not with a big DO, but with a big DONE God has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing.

Watchman Nee, a Chinese church leader and teacher, distils the essence of Ephesians into three simple words: Sit. Walk. Stand, and says Ephesians abounds with spiritual riches, and yet is intensely practical.

He writes: Christianity does not begin with walking it begins with sitting.

For Christianity begins not with a big DO, but with a big DONE. Thus Ephesians opens with the statement that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. And we are invited at the very outset to sit down and enjoy what God has done for us not to set out to try and attain it for ourselves.

Introduction to the book: In the book of Ephesians, we see how the Gospel story affects believers everyday lives. God, the Father, planned throughout history for Jesus to create a multi-ethnic community of followers. Consisting of Jews and non-Jews, these followers form the family God promised to Abraham. They live in unity as one body in their families, neighbourhoods, and churches because of Gods grace.

It Can Change Your Life

The Bible is a life-changing book. So many people go to the self-help section of the bookstore to look for a magic solution to their problems. However, most of those answers sit in the chapters of the Bible. It can give us insight, help us grow, explain our depression, explain our behaviors. The Bible can make a huge difference in our lives.

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Soap Method Bible Study

Write out a scripture or bible verse that speaks to you.

O Observation

What stands out to you about this verse? What is the context of the verse? Who is God speaking to in this verse?

A Application

How does this verse apply to your own life? How does it apply to a specific situation you are facing?

P Pray

Pray and ask God how he wants you to apply this verse to your life.

Make Bible Reading A Habit

Why and How Should I Read the Bible

It might be tough at first. You might doze off, but you have to strengthen your muscles because your devotional muscles are weak now. However, the more you devote yourself to Christ and His Word the easier it gets. Reading Scripture and prayer will become more enjoyable.

Satan knows how to distract you and he is going to try to distract you. It might be with TV, a phone call, a hobby, friends, Instagram, etc.

You are going to have to put your foot down and say, No! I want something better than this. I want Christ. You have to make a habit of turning down other things for Him. Once again, it might be rocky at first. However, dont get discouraged. Keep on going! Sometimes you have to separate from your groups so you can spend uninterrupted alone time with Christ.

Joshua 1:8-9 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

Have accountability partners

Im starting to be more accountable with my Christian friends. I have a group of men who keep me accountable in my personal Bible study. Every day I check in with a text and allow them to know what God has been telling me through His Word the night before. This keeps me accountable and it allows us to motivate each other.

Start now

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Where To Start Reading The Bible For Beginners

New Christians or people seeking to learn more about Christianity should start in the New Testament.

The New Testament covers the life of Jesus, the history of the early church, and ethical and moral guidelines for Christians.

To get an excellent overview of this information, I recommend the following reading order:

The Gospel of John Having a firm understanding of who Jesus is and why he came is important to your faith as a Christian. The book of John does a marvelous job of explaining who Jesus is and what his ministry is about. The other Gospels detail Jesus ministry, but they focus more on the things Jesus did.

Acts- The book of Acts was written by Luke, who also wrote the Gospel Luke, and records the history of the early church. Starting with Jesus ascension and commission of the disciples, the persecution of the early church, and the spread of the Gospel throughout the known world.

Romans- Every Christian should read the book of Romans. If you want to build your faith and gain a clearer understanding of the Good news of Jesus Christ, this is the best place to start once youve read the two books.

Once youve read through these first three books you should have a firm understanding of who Jesus is, the history of the early church, and a better understanding of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

After youve read these books, you can dive into the Old Testament and read:

Fresh Ways To Read Your Bible In 2021

Turning to Scripture should be an intuitive response for Christians when we feel anxious about the world we live in. Yet the American Bible Societys annual State of the Bible 2020 report found an alarming trend: A mere 9 percent of Americans read their Bible each day in 2019the lowest number in ABSs decade of research and decreasing more in the first few months of the pandemic. But if 2021 carries even a fragment of the uncertainty we experienced in the past year, we need Scripture for guidance and reassurance even more. In my years of leading in-person Bible studies and an online Bible reading group, Ive found sometimes we need practical ideas for getting started or picking the Bible back up again. Here are ten ways to read the Bible with fresh eyes in the new year.

1. Add a new translation to your bookshelf.

2. Read Scripture out loud.

3. Listen while driving, cooking, or walking.

4. Take a year to read the Bible chronologically.

5. Use a commentary or study-aid tools.

Use a new-to-you commentary to aid in researching the passage or book youre reading. Commentaries go further than a study Bible in offering historical background and cultural context, and they help tie together the narrative of Scripture in a holistic way. Other multimedia resources, such as She Reads Truth, The Gospel Coalitions free courses, or BibleProjects videos and studies, can complement our daily reading of the Word.

6. Read a whole book in one sitting.

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I Want To Read The Bible How Do I Start

Hey, Sis, I have a question. Where does it say in the Bible.? This question came one night from my younger brother who had just gone through a traumatic experience, which left him broken and bleeding, emotionally and spiritually. And in that place of brokenness, he had attempted to read the Bible. He tried searching for answers, tried to find hopebut he didnt know where to begin. Or how to begin.

For many like my brother, reading the Bible can seem daunting, confusing, down-right overwhelming. Theres no denying that it is big, being made up of 66 books, letters, and narratives. Where should I begin when I read the Bible?

Before we can answer that question, we must answer the why:

Apps To Help You Read The Bible

Alpha Film Series Episode 06 How and Why Should I Read the Bible

The best app Ive run across is the Bible app. Its the most popular app and for good reason. Not only does it give you multiple options for reading through the Bible in a year, 90 days, 30 days, etc. but it also gives you special devotions. It offers quite a few versions of the Bible and so much more. is my favorite app for listening to the Bible. You can listen to the Bible dramatized which Ive found makes the stories come alive. This app is also great for listening to the Bible with your whole family.

Audible is another great app option for reading the Bible that you can listen to while youre doing other tasks. Daily Bible Verse is an app I have enjoyed as well.

Recommended Reading: Rhema Correspondence Bible School

Commit To Read The Bible

If you want to have a daily regimen of Bible reading, pick a day and start with a 10 minute reading session. Gradually work up the time to where you want to be. Try to find a quiet place to read and remove distractions like TV or games. If you choose to read the Bible on the internet, close all other windows and tabs.


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