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What Does The Bible Say About Relapse

Every Christian Is Faced With The Danger And The Possibility Of Spiritual Relapse

Video 3 The Bible the Brain and Addiction

Backsliding is not necessary, for in the Lord Jesus Christ every provision has been made for us to be more than conquerors all along the line, and to be able to live a life of deliverance to the praise and glory of God . However, it is important to note that there is no position of grace from which a fall is impossible. Read 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, particularly noticing verses 6, 11 and 13. If we depend upon our Lord Jesus Christ, and rely upon the power of the Holy Spirit, we need not backslide and suffer the spiritual and moral relapses that are so common among the people of God. But let us not forget that we are always faced with the danger of backsliding.

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Many people in recovery have been greatly helped by a higher power, a personal relationship to God with the benefits of forgiveness, healing and hope. This personal relationship can give a person the motivation to stay on track towards recovery and sober living. Many people claim that once they surrendered themselves to God, they found their commitment to real recovery. These experiences are exemplary of various biblical scriptures that anyone in a substance abuse treatment program can relate to.

Come To Me All Who Labor And Are Heavy Laden And I Will Give You Rest Matthew 1: 28

The burden of guilt and regret that so many in recovery carry can be difficult to release. Tormented by all the bad they did when under the control of addiction, many people struggle to let go of this heavy load. This verse is a divine invitation to find rest and release from all these things. Think about asking for the burden to be lifted, so that sleep and rest will come. Add Jesus admonition here to your nightly prayers as a final thought before drifting off to sleep.

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Be Kind To One Another Tender

Forgiveness is such an integral part of recovery but its also one of the most challenging steps in recovery, not to mention for anyone. But in the pursuit of forgiveness, remember that self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others are equally important. This is one of the most profound Bible verses about addiction since forgiveness is something each person so desperately needs to let go of past hurts and wrongs and live a fulfilling life.

Tips For Avoiding Relapse As A Christian

RU Recovery

Moving out of rehab and back into daily life can be an intensely difficult thing. While youve likely worked on building the skills to navigate and thrive in daily life, actually doing so is a big step. Its also one that many people fail. As a Christian, you have access to support networks in your Church and your Community. You know that God is there for you and He will be there for you even when and if you fall. While that offers little help in navigating the physical challenges of avoiding relapse, it will offer a wealth of resources as you broaden your emotional and spiritual horizons, let God further into your life, and grow in your recovery.

Whether youre just out of rehab, havent been to rehab yet, or are well along your journey of recovery, these 9 tips for avoiding relapse as a Christian will help.

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You Asked: How Does The Serenity Prayer Act As A Relapse Prevention Technique

  • Does AA still give chips?
  • Reciting the serenity prayer in your head will force you to pause, when agitated, and collect yourself. The serenity prayer is a helpful way to remember the principles of recovery. The serenity prayer can help you decide whether a situation is worth getting upset over, or if it is beyond your control.

    Learn About Addiction And Relapse

    Knowledge is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us against the world, against evil and against ourselves. Understanding how you work, how your body works, and what causes relapse will empower you to be able to avoid it. For example, the three most common triggers causing relapse are stress, re-exposure, and environment. You might have completely different triggers. Understanding what makes you want to drink or use empowers to you think about how to avoid those things, how to resist those cravings, and how to react when you encounter those cravings.

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    What Does The Bible Stay About Addiction

    The Bible may not actually discuss addiction or substance abuse using modern terms, but it still does address the topic. There are verses such as 1 Peter 5:8 that mention sobriety and others such as Proverbs 20:1 that discuss the dangers of heavy drinking . Other verses such as 1 Corinthians 6:20 remind us that the body is sacred .

    While the Bible does warn against addiction, it also offers some hope for those who are dealing with drugs and alcohol. Here are a few verses that you may find comforting.

    What Does The Bible Say About Drugs

    September 2017 Favorite Expert Q& A – Does Temptation Mean Relapse Will Happen?

    Chris Elkins, MA 2 sources

    The Bible has a lot to say about intoxication, sobriety and intentionally harming the body. But it doesnt directly address the disease of addiction because the word addiction wasnt used when the Bible was written.

    Some newer translations of the Bible use the word addicted, but the accuracy of different translations is unknown. This article uses the New International Version of the Bible.

    The concepts of addiction and dependence only developed in the 20th century, according to a 2007 article published in the journal Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience.

    Numerous Scriptures can be interpreted to imply that addiction is a sin, but meanings of Scriptures are debatable. In the first book of Corinthians, were warned that temptations can overpower us, but we are given the resources to overcome those temptations.

    1 Corinthians 10:13
    No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it

    Substance abuse may be one of the temptations that the verse refers to. Alcohol and drug use are relatively common today. Addiction may be considered a temptation. Its difficult for many to bear. But God provides a way out. Rehab and addiction treatment can help individuals overcome the disease, and many people believe spirituality is a key component of recovery.

    Other Scriptures are more direct.

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    Understand You Are Imperfect And Thats Okay

    None of us is perfect, thats okay. There is no version of you that is perfect and no version of you that ever will be. We all make mistakes. Some of us make bigger ones than others. Understanding and accepting that imperfection and that it doesnt matter is key to forgiving yourself and allowing yourself to simply commit to growing and moving on. The Bible has over 200 verses about imperfection, you can accept that and use it to grow.

    Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. Revelation 3:2

    Trust Building Verses About What God Has Done:

    In the Old Testament, the Israelites would set up a pile of stones in a place where God did something big, where He answered prayer in a monumental way. These monuments were called stones of remembrance, explains Catherine Segars in How to Remember God’s Faithfulness When Reality Hurts Those stones became a visual reminder of the great things God did. It can be hard to see Gods goodness during trials, but when we look back and remember all His past works it strengthens our heart to press on and believe He can and will do it again. Here are some scriptural reminders of what God has doneand continues to do:

    Your eyes saw my unformed body all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to bePsalm 139:16.

    He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us2 Corinthians 1:10.

    I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant’ I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my righteous right handIsaiah 41:9-10.

    But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8.

    For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases himPhilippians 2:13 .

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    Oh Lord My God I Cried To You For Help And You Healed Me Psalm : 2

    Who hasnt yearned to be healed from the scourge of addiction? Although the early days of treatment, when the goal of sobriety can seem so distant and unlikely, are tough to endure, constant reminders of the desire to heal kept us going. Prayer is one of the healing methods that lift body, mind, and spirit out of the depths and into the light, helping in a joyous return to health and continued recovery.

    He Restores My Soul He Guides Me In The Paths Of Righteousness For His Names Sake Psalm 2: 3

    RU Recovery

    Renewing a sense of purpose and purposefulness is another rung in the ladder of recovery, one that typically requires a restoration of soul and spirit. There are always choices to make, some that can prove deleterious to recovery goals and even jeopardize sobriety entirely, while others, though difficult to accept and complete are necessary to maintain forward momentum and progress in recovery.

    Continued Support for Recovery

    While these Bible verses about recovery are a great place to find encouragement, hope, and reinforcement, there is no doubt that struggles will continue. Keep in mind there is no shame in struggling with drug or alcohol addiction during recovery, for each of us, even the strongest, struggle in our own way. We encourage you to reach out to your support group, or if you need some form of intervention, reach out to a treatment center that can best serve your mental health care needs so that long-term recovery is more achievable.

    To get started, feel free to contact our caring professional staff at FHE Health for a confidential discussion about treatment options, available resources, and a place to begin the healing journey, or reconnect if additional help is needed post-treatment.

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    What Does The Bible Say About Trust

    The Bible is full of Scripture that instructs believers to trust God. We cherish theseand other passages that show us vivid examples of Godly trust. The Bible Study Tools staff has compiled a list of these encouraging scriptures here in Trust Bible Verses. We use these verses as building blocks of our faith, and who hasnt longed to know God better as a result of basking in Davids trust-filled Psalms?

    But when the storms of life hit so hard that it leaves our faith wavering, the scriptural commands to trust God can sometimes land like a ton of bricks on our already heavy hearts. We know we should trust God during our trials, and we hate ourselves for not being able to follow in the godly footsteps of those who trusted before us. But were stuck, wondering how we can possibly trust God to sustain uswhen He is the one who allowed the storm?

    Its easy to blame God when life goes wrong. He can do anything. Stop anything. Change anything. But sometimes He doesnt. People have free will. The world is full of death and disease and sin. Bad things happen to good peopleeven good Christian people And thats where the disappointment comes in, hitting the hardest when I confuse what I think God owes me with what He actually told me. explains Lori Freeland, in How to See Gods Purpose in Your Disappointment.

    The Bibles Teachings On Addiction

    The ancients were not immune to addiction. Alcohol and other substances were certainly known to the people of Bible lands and, like many today, people back then could also fall prey to addiction. Although we can now view substance addiction through the lens of disease treatment and medical understanding, we can also rely on the Bible for its words on addiction and the temptations that invariably accompany it. JCs Recovery Center is a faith-based rehab we offer Christian support alongside evidence-based therapies to help those suffering from addiction on their recovery journey. During our group sessions, we sometimes discuss what the Bible says in reference to addiction and the temptations that sufferers experience.

    Continue reading for a selection of Bible verses that touch on the subject of addiction and what they teach us.

    Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19-21

    They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved. 2 Peter 2:19

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    God Doesnt Value You Any Less

    Its a dangerous lie to believe that God is angry with us when we give in to sin. Christ utterly absorbed and dispelled the wrath of God on Calvarys tree. Romans 8:1 reminds us there is no condemnation. Our sins are forgotten by God.

    Nevertheless, we forget Gods abounding love for us when we relapse because weve fallen into a sin that sometimes seems insurmountable. What God does see in those moments is our pain and our brokenness, and He desires to reside with us in those dark, deep places. He also grieves over the natural consequences of our sin, which in cases of addiction, can be severe. Gods desire for us is deliverance from addictive behaviors, and through therapy, medication, Christian community, prayer and careful attention to our choices, we can come to a point where we truly experience freedom.

    The Thoughts After Recovery

    Did Mary Magdalene Relapse after meeting Jesus?

    It is safe to say that anyone who has struggled with addiction is never immune to tempting and dangerous thoughts. It is a strange thing to have made it through the hard part of the recovery process and still struggle with the idea of using. To think about going back to a lifestyle that is so destructive and detrimental to the lives of the user and the users friends and family. I call it strange because after becoming sober, truly confronting your past, and going through the painful process of reconciling with that past, the devastation caused is so clear. However, we feel that inevitable pull from the darkness. So, why does such a horrible lifestyle continue to haunt us after we have been sober for some time? How can we effectively and successfully battle these urges?

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    Five Tools For Avoiding Relapse

    So lets get practical. When were in that moment, feeling tempted, what do we do? Here are 5 specific tools we can use to avoid relapse.

    #1 Submit Yourself to God

    Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. James 4:7-8a

    The first thing you can do to avoid a relapse is submit yourself to God, which simply means praying and acknowledging that He is God and we arent. There is no mystical, magical ceremony that we need to perform. Just talk to Him like you would talk to a friend. If I wanted to talk with my friend Tom, for example, I wouldnt go to a special building and light a bunch of candles, and then repeat his name over and over like a mantra: Tom! I call out to you Tom! You are my friend, Tom! No! I would just pick up the phone and call him. The same is true with God. Sometimes its as simple as just saying God be with me.

    So the very second you recognize that youre feeling tempted, stop and ask God for the will to remain abstinent for today. Or just for the next hour, or just for the next minute. Whatever it takes. He WILL give you what you need.

    #2 Reach Out!The second thing we can do is reach out for help. Dont try to fight the temptation alone. Instead go directly to your support network because relapse happens in isolation. Reach out to a sponsor, accountability partner or even a friend and just start talking about what youre feeling.

    May The God Of Hope Fill You With All Joy And Peace As You Trust In Him So That You May Overflow With Hope By The Power Of The Holy Spirit Romans 1: 23

    These words are a beautiful encouragement to those who feel hopeless that God is a God of hope and hope is an emotion thats crucial to ongoing recovery. When stumbling or experiencing a setback, hold fast to trust in God. There is no greater joy than being filled with hope, which the Holy Spirit can convey to each person who genuinely requests it.

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