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What Is The Best Place To Start Reading The Bible

The Gospel Of Mark Is Action

How to Start Reading the Bible

The Gospel of Mark is jammed-packed with stories. Its choppy, with new scenes beginning and ending quickly. The word immediately appears 42 times, showing that Jesus wasnt just standing around doing nothing. Its an exciting book to read, one that will surely keep and capture the attention of a new believer.

In his book Kings Cross: The Story of the World in the Life of Jesus, Tim Keller captures this idea well when he writes: Mark does not read like a dry history. It is written in the present tense, often using words like immediately to pack the account full of action. You cant help but notice the abruptness and breathless speed of the narrative. The Gospel conveys, then, something important about Jesus. He is not merely a historical figure, but a living reality, a person who addresses us today.

As You Read Keep Context In Mind

Context is key, the saying goes. And thats true for all situations including reading Scripture! Before you begin doing any type of Bible study, remember that all Scripture must be read in context.

Studying the Bible in context involves not just reading an isolated verse, but reading the verses around it as well. Another way to practice this is to learn the history behind the book of the Bible you are reading, find out who it is written to, and learn to see the verse as it relates to other verses in the Bible.

**If you are just starting out reading the Bible, dont let this overwhelm you. The idea of studying in context is simply something to keep in mind as you read, because it keeps us from misunderstanding what God is saying.

Heres an example of not reading in context :

The story is told of a man who wanted to find out what God had for his future, so he closed his eyes, opened the Bible randomly, and stuck his finger on the page. He opened his eyes and read Matthew 27:5, Judas . . . went away and hanged himself. Not liking that answer, the man tried again. This time, his finger landed on Luke 10:37, Go and do likewise. Again, not liking that answer, the man tried again. This time his finger landed on John 13:27, What you are about to do, do quickly.

Obviously, what those verses seem to be saying arent what they are saying at all!

Heres an example of how to read in context:

The Bible Is A Big Book With Stories Advice Promises Good News How

By titling this article Where to Start Reading the Bible, we dont want to give the wrong impression. So first, a disclaimer: Theres no wrong place to start reading the Bible. But there is a wrong time: Later. Or never.

The Bible is so valuableso importantso life-changingwe are thrilled you have decided to read it. We are glad you want to know where to start reading the Bible.

This article will look at four main approaches to where to start reading the Bible:

  • From the beginning.
  • From the beginning of the New Testament.
  • With a Bible reading program.
  • With a topical study.
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    Where To Start Reading The Bible

    Where to start reading the Bible? Where should I start reading the Bible?

    The Bible is a unique book. Its not like any other book thats out there. Therefore we should approach it differently. Knowing where to start reading the Bible is key to learning and growing from it.

    In this blog post we are going to look at 4 books of the Bible that are great places to start.

    One of the things I often harp on in many of my blog posts is understanding what the Bible actually is and how to read it. Im not going to go too much into that in this blog post, but I would encourage you to check out some of the posts Ive written on that. They will help you better understand the Bible and get more out of your time in Gods word.

    If you want more information about what the Bible is and how to read it Ive written several blog posts on those topics. You can find them here:

    The Gospel Of Mark Is The Shortest Gospel

    Where is a good place to start reading the Bible ...

    You will ask, If you recommend a Gospel for a new believer, couldnt Matthew or Luke or John suffice? The answer is yes, of course, it will. But at 16 chapters, the book of Mark is the shortest of the Gospels, making it less intimidating than, say, Luke, which is 24 chapters long. You can read Mark in less than 90 minutes. Its a book that you can read in one sitting over and over again.

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    Ground Level: The Historical Books

    The bulk of the Old Testament primarily covers a period of time from about 2500 B.C. to about 400 B.C., in the area of the world known by scholars as The Ancient Near East. It specifically focuses on Gods historical and prophetic interactions with the Hebrew people. There are 39 books or sections written by a number of different authors.

    The Old Testament is divided into at least three major sections. The first part contains the history of the Jewish people. Its roughly chronological, and all the narratives fit into the times described in these history books.

    Be Cautious Of Devotionals That Are About The Bible

    I dont know how many times Ive seen quotes from devotionals posted on social media that do not actually represent what Scripture is saying! They are sometimes complete lies, twisted to make the Bible passages say what the devotional writer wants them to say. They are devotionals about the Bible but not actually based on the Bible.

    That is why I firmly believe it is SO incredibly important when you are a newer believer to read the Bible for yourself first with minimal commentaries. Using a reliable Bible translation with a simple commentary that helps you understand context, etc, is just fine.

    When you know the Bible for yourself, and allow the Holy Spirit to instruct and teach you first, then you can begin to see which devotionals represent Gods Word in the right way and which are simply the ideas of others with a few verses thrown in for good measure.

    I would also highly recommend doing a Bible study with a more mature Christian if at all possible. I would also recommend finding a resource that will give you a simple tool to write or read through Scripture verses without a lot of additional ideas so you can form a Spirit-led understanding of the Word.

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    Where Not To Start

    I have actually had non-believers ask me this more than new Christians and this is a great question. The Bible is not strictly written in chronological order. For example the book of Job belongs in the time frame of the book of Genesis. Some have tried to start at Genesis and begin through the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, then Deuteronomy, but when they get to certain sections of the Old Testament they can get bogged down in the lengthy genealogies. A good example is found in I Chronicles 9:11-12: Azariah son of Hilkiah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, the official in charge of the house of God Adaiah son of Jeroham, the son of Pashhur, the son of Malkijah and Maasai son of Adiel, the son of Jahzerah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Meshillemith, the son of Immer. You get the idea.

    Journey Through The New Testament

    BEST Place to Start Reading in the BIBLE

    Here is another thing I would do: If they are utterly unacquainted with the New Testament, I would take five minutes and sit down with them and show them how the New Testament is laid out. I would say,

    Here are four books called the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These are the books about the historical foundations of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Second, here is the book of Acts. This is the story of how the early church got started and launched by the power of the Holy Spirit after Jesus went back to heaven, and how the church took root because of what Jesus had done. And then here is this group called Letters. These are the authoritative apostles the spokesmen for the risen Christ teaching the church how to live in the church and in society. And then here is this strange book at the end called Revelation which describes the victory of God at the end of the age.

    A new believer needs a church with solid preaching, vital corporate worship, and a small group of relationships where he can ask lots of questions.

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    The Bible: Your Own Personal Library

    Try seeing the Bible less as a single book and more as a library of love letters from God to you. In these letters, He tells you His story. He tells you how this beautiful universe came into being. He tells you how He created and cared for the first humans. He tells you how His people constantly wandered off the path when they should have been following Him. He tells you how He ultimately redeemed their inherent ability to mess up. And He tells you how all this applies to YOU and YOUR life today.

    It’s pretty wild if you think about it that way. Over the span of 1500 years, God spoke to different authors in several languages and brought these words together into the Bible for YOUso He could have a redeemed relationship with YOU. For eternity. And that’s just a tiny indicator of how much He loves you.

    Best Bible Recommendations For Beginners

    There are the bible translations that I recommend for beginners based on their accuracy level. Ive also included a sample of the same scripture from each translation.

    Word for Word Translation

    Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God John 1:12

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    Best Chronological Bible Reading Plan Printable

    Ultimately, the order you read the Bible in is up to you. There are many different methods and plans online that can help guide your study time each day for a deeper understanding of Gods message to us through His word.

    However, I would encourage you to read the Bible in its entirety at least once for a big picture overview of what the Bible says about Jesus Christ. There is no one right way to read the Bible however if you do choose to read the Bible chronologically, be sure to to keep track of your daily readings.

    Printable Chronological Bible Reading Plan

    Pin on Best of The Purposeful Mom

    Do you want to follow the Bible verse by verse in chronological order? This is a great way to really get an understanding of how the Bible connects and its easier than ever with this one year chronological Bible reading plan pdf! All you need is paper, a pen or pencil, and your favorite Bible translation.

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    Where To Start Reading The Bible For The Beginner

    If you are asking Where do I start reading the Bible? this post was written for you. There are so many ways we get to this question like maybe we are seeking direction from God, or we want to grow closer to Him, or we have questions about who He is. Well I love sharing my passion for Scripture with others and this is a simple guide to get you started reading the Bible.

    The New Living Translation Is A Great Bible Translation For Learning How To Start Reading The Bible For Beginners Since Its Pretty Easy To Read

    Where should i start reading the bible reddit. A bible reading plan for kids and reset: Niv if youre new to reading it and kjv once you get more advanced It is easy to get into a habit of trying to focus only on application when.

    Matthew, mark, luke, and john. And it communicates the message that jesus is the god in the flesh sent to save his children.. Some reach that goal, but most dont.

    He is author of more than 50 books, including desiring god: Reading some of the rough stuff in the. It is possible to read the bible from sequentially from start to end, but you might get stuck by the time you get to leviticus, the third book, full of dos and donts.

    The message is another option. My opinion on order for reading the bible: They are the best place to start because they introduce you to the incarnate god, jesus christ.

    Start with a gospel, an epistle, or genesis. At least one other good option would be to follow either a three or one year lectionary which are designed to take one through the bible based on the church year. Many people recommended reading the bible to decrease hate of islam.

    It makes sense then to begin your biblical journey in the gospels, and marks is a great place to start. If you do start in a gospel, take the time to learn about who the author was, who he was writing to, and what the basic themes are of his gospel account. While reading the bible on a regular basis is a great start, it is also important to approach the bible in a proper manner.

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    The Holy Spirit Can Help You And You

    Where best to start reading the bible. As you read your bible regularly, you will begin to understand more of it. Laridian offers mobile device bible software programs for several operating systems, with multiple translations and features that help you track your reading. How to read the bible.

    I would recommend that they do not start in the book of revelation or in genesis and start reading it through from start to finish. This book will give you a good understanding of who jesus is and what his ministry is about. Back before i knew how to start studying the bible, i couldnt tell numbers from, well, a math textbook.

    However, if you want to understand the bible, you have to learn how to study the bible. Once you have read through these, dig deeper into the life and teachings of jesus christ starting in the book of john, in the. Running the length of a longer magazine article, it should take less than two hours to.

    How to start bible study: Includes options to set the start month and to read the bible online. When asked by a new christian where he should begin reading the bible, mr.

    Ill be honest with you: Although this is not an exhaustive list, the passages found in jesus on every page: It lays the foundation for our understanding of god, humanity, sin, and redemption.

    Therefore, any first reading of the bible should probably begin with the gospels. Start with a gospel, an epistle, or genesis. Although the other gospel accounts do this, the book of john particularly.

    These Are Gods Very Words

    WHERE TO START READING THE BIBLE: What Book of the Bible Should I Read First? | Bible For Beginners

    You may have heard the Bible referred to as The Word of God. This idea comes from within the Bible itself. The authors of the Old Testament referred to the words they recorded as the Word of God. And in the New Testament, Jesus himself referred to the words recorded in the Old Testament as being the very words of God.

    This means that these very words carry Gods authority and speak the truth about Gods character, his actions and his plans for the world.

    The Bible reveals that God is a God who speaks with authority. Much of the Bible is a recording of Gods instructions, corrections and blessings that he spoke both audibly and through his Spirit in visions and dreams to his people. It is difficult to pick just one example from the Bible that illustrates this idea because there are so many!

    The Bible clearly contains the understanding that Gods spoken word is true and authoritative in creation and the lives of His people. Over and over the words, God said, or The Word of God, or The voice of the Lord, occurs in the Old Testament.

    In the New Testament, the author of the book of Hebrews explains it like this:

    In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.

    Hebrews 1:1-2

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    Day Bible Reading Plan

    If you want a plan to read the Bible in a year, but want a little flexibility, you might like the 5-day Bible reading plan that allows you to read through the entire Bible in a year, using just five days a week. This plan breaks the Old Testament into two parts and arranges them chronologically. It also arranges the New Testament chronologically. This approach provides the advantage of having the weekends free for additional reading, or for catching up. The number of sections youll read per day will vary.

    Faith : Where Should I Start Reading The Bible

    Salt& Light // May 28, 2019, 1:50 pm

    An overview of the entire New Testament of the Bible in pictures. This is one of many charts created by The Bible Project which produces animated videos. Photo by The Bible Project.

    The Bible is the worlds best-selling book of non-fiction, according to Guinness World Records!

    That, in itself, may not be a compelling reason to read the Bible. But more compelling is this: The Bible is where you can encounter God.

    Literally speaking, the Bible is a collection of 66 separate books 39 books under the Old Testament, and 27 books under the New Testament. These books are ancient scripts of different writing styles, including narrative, poetry, songs, and prose, in forms ranging from letters to laws. They were originally written in Hebrew and Greek, but have since been translated into a multitude of languages.

    You will find timeless wisdom in the Bible for living, and a treasure trove of truths about God and the world we live in, both seen and unseen.

    To find out more, check out The Bible Project an animated video guide to reading the Bible.

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