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Who Is Mother Nature In The Bible

Is Mother Nature In The Bible

Mother Nature or Jesus?

The word Mother Nature or anything connected to is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible.

Mother Nature was first mentioned in some Mycenaean Greek transcripts around 12 and 13 BC, by some pre-Socrates philosophers, and by Aristotle, another notable Greek thinker.

Over the ages, people have believed that nature has its spirit which makes food, shelter, water, and life available for man, and as a goddess who can get angry sometimes to cause natural disasters like wildfire, earthquake, storms, hurricanes, etc.

One Roman Catholic tradition explains it as the wife of God the Father in heaven who rules together with Him.

These beliefs and traditions are contrary to the Bible, and are not from God but from the pit of hell, to confuse people, and make them worship an idol while they believe that they are worshipping the Almighty God.

God is one, He alone created heaven and earth, hence nature is part of His creation. We are not to worship any of the creatures, but only the creator.

What Does God Say About Protecting Nature

When God wanted to create man, He said Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the birds of the heavens, and the livestock, and all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.

What that means is that God wants a creature who will be able to take charge of all other creatures on earth. This creature will lead others in protecting the earth and make it remain as God created it as much as possible.

This is the same reason why God blessed man and said

Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.Genesis 1:28, ESV

Man, the protector of the earth must multiply and fill the whole earth, so that he can effectively play his role.

He gave Adam one major responsibility in the garden of Eden -tending the garden, and making sure that everything is in order as God wants it.

God had ordained that man be nurtured from nature. He can eat plants and animals, but they cannot eat him, hence for him to be sustained he must make sure that nothing goes wrong with the natural order ordained by God.

From time to time, God reminded the children of Israel -the people He had a covenant with- of this all-important instruction.

He even made it part of His laws and statues to them when they left the land of Egypt and became a nation.

Creation And The God It Reveals

We may not be able to arrest or even slow down the descent into paganism which is sweeping across the western world, albeit in its more sophisticated forms. We can, however, by our words and actions, bear witness to the God of creation. The heavens declare the glory of God , and we can contemplate something of the universe He has made.

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Is The Weather From God Or Mother Nature

I often hear folks speak of mother nature. Shes blamed for bad weather and praised for good weather. Who is she? Does scripture speak of her?

Though Ive studied the Bible for years, I find no reference to a weather god called mother nature. In fact, Gods word emphatically states that the Lord God, Jehovah, is the only one who controls these powerful elements He created.

Speaking of Him, the prophet Jeremiah reminds us: He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heaven by his understanding. When he uttereth his voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth: he maketh lightnings with rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures .

Unfortunately, fallen mans heart forges many false gods, giving them names like Baal, Chemosh, and, in our day, mother nature. These false gods are all evil. For example, Baal worshipers offered their children as burnt offerings, hoping for blessings of good weather and plentiful crops which would produce economic stability.

Have you asked this true God to save you, or are you worshipping false gods like mother nature?

What God Says About The Weather

Is the idea of mother nature biblical?

In specific Bible references, the withholding of good weather is revealed at times to be of divine origin.

Sometimes when God has been distressed at peoples sinful ways, He has gotten their attention by holding back the blessing of rain in due season .

In a remarkable prayer at the dedication of the temple in Jerusalem, King Solomon acknowledged: When the heavens are shut up and there is no rain because they have sinned against You, when they pray toward this place and confess Your name, and turn from their sin because You afflict them, then hear in heaven, and forgive the sin of Your servants, Your people Israel, that You may teach them the good way in which they should walk and send rain on Your land which You have given to Your people as an inheritance .

This tells us that the real source of good weather is the Creator God. Upset weather conditions may help focus our attention on the fact that God is not pleased with the way we live as a people.

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It’s Father God Not Mother Nature

Bill Brinkworth

On a regular basis, we are bombarded with terminology that is not biblical and has origins in paganism and other religions. We constantly hear that Mother Nature brought us another hurricane, or Mother Nature brought rain today, or she was responsible for some other earthly phenomena. It is heard so much it is accepted and no one gives the reference to a mythical creature a second thought, but they should!

Implying Mother Nature is somehow in control of the environment, atmosphere, or even how things grow is giving recognition to one that does not exist, let alone deserve any credit. In case you have not stopped to think about it, there is no Mother Nature. There exists no proof, scientific or otherwise that she exists.

The credit for all in this earth belongs to God the creator only. He is the one that allows the rain, flowers to bloom, birth, and death of species, and even created everything. He is a He!

He is a He! In the Genesis account of creation alone, God is referred to as a male at least 14 times with the pronoun he. In the rest of the book, he is used also to describe a male God at least 15 times. Even the Hebrew words for God are masculine. Nowhere in the traditional, time-honored King James Bible is God referred to as female. If the Word of God names him as male, where did the notion come from that His domain and creation are really controlled by the mystical Mom Nature?

This article was featured in The Bible View #157.

What Does The Book Of Genesis Say About Nature

The book of Genesis is the book of the beginning. It introduces us to how nature came to be. God created it according to His divine will.

He created the earth with all the inhabitants in the following order.

Day 1 Light

Day 2 Sky or firmament

Day 3 Dry land, seas, plants

Day 4 Sun, Moon, and Stars

Day 5 Sea creatures, Birds that fly

Day 6 Land animals, Man

Day 7- God rested.

After He created Adam and Eve, He charged them to have dominion over the earth, and keep it.

He visited them several times in the garden of Eden where He placed them, to teach them more about their roles.

When they sinned against God by eating the forbidden fruit, He drove them away from the garden, and cursed the ground for their sake, making the ground not yield its full resources to man any longer, and making him toil before getting anything from it.

God had given nature to man to use for his sustenance, but one thing is clear, man must use it in total submission to His will.

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The Creation And The Covenants

God in wondrous condescension and grace has stooped to enter into covenants with His creatures. There are three covenants distinctly related to earth the Noahic, Abrahamic, and Davidic covenants. There is one covenant, the New, whose blessings are known by a heavenly people now, and whose terms for blessing will be known by the nation of Israel in a coming day.

Those covenants, made exclusively with a view to the earth, are all linked with a visible token in the sky.

God made a covenant with Noah assuring him there would never again be a world-wide, destructive flood. As an assurance, He gave him the sign of the bow in the clouds. The bow became a token that the LAND would never be destroyed.

When God made a covenant with Abraham, He gave him the promise not only of the LAND but also of the LINEAGE. His people would be as the stars in the sky: So shall thy seed be . To a barren and aged man, God made a promise and gave him the assurance of its completion by the sign in the sky. Only recently, scientists have estimated there are as many stars in the sky as grains of sand on the seashore!

Centuries later, during one of the darkest days in Israels history, as the Babylonish hordes besieged the city, God reiterated His promise through Jeremiah. Thus saith the Lord which giveth the sun for light by day the stars for a light at night if these ordinances depart from before Me then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before Me .

Did Someone Upset Mother Nature

The Mother Nature | Dr. Patricia Morgan | Go For God

Some jokingly attribute such weather catastrophes to Mother Nature. But more seriously, should we reflect on whether such disasters at times involve sinwhether nationally, globally or personally? After a disastrous tornado, a man once said: Maybe someone up there isnt happy with us. There is biblical precedent for considering this.

Recommended Reading: Chronological Order Of Bible

Bad News And Good News

The short-term bad news should make us pause and ask: Can we continue to believe that all these weather catastrophes are just random, isolated events?

The long-term good news is about what will become normal weather in the future. God said to the ancient Israelites, And it shall be that if you earnestly obey My commandments which I command you today, to love the LORD your God and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul, then I will give you the rain for your land in its season, the early rain and the latter rain, that you may gather in your grain, your new wine, and your oil. And I will send grass in your fields for your livestock, that you may eat and be filled .

Imagine rain in due seasonevery time, predictable! Wouldnt this be a wonderful benefit for obeying our Creator? Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows seed . Can you imagine this as normal weather year after year?

The prophet Ezekiel records God saying of the future: I will call for the grain and multiply it, and bring no famine upon you . The preceding verses show this is a reward after a new heart and a new spirit moves people to keep Gods decrees and laws .

Its Father God Not Mother Nature

On a regular basis, we are bombarded with terminology that is not biblical and has origins in paganism and other religions. We constantly hear that Mother Nature sent us another hurricane, or Mother Nature brought rain today, or she was responsible for some other earthly phenomena. It is heard so much it is accepted and no one gives the reference to a mythical diety a second thought, but they should!

Implying Mother Nature is somehow in control of the environment, atmosphere, or even how things grow is giving recognition to one that does not exist, let alone deserve any credit. In case you have not stopped to think about it, there is no Mother Nature. There exists no proof, scientific or otherwise that she exists.

The credit for all in this earth belongs to God the creator only. He is the one that allows the rain, flowers to bloom, birth, and death of species, and has created everything.

He is a He! In the Genesis account of creation alone, God is referred to as a male at least 14 times with the pronoun he. In the rest of the book, he is used also to describe a male God at least 15 times. Even the Hebrew words for God are masculine. Nowhere in the traditional, time-honored King James Bible is God referred to as female. If the Word of God names him as male, where did the notion come from that His domain and creation are really controlled by the mystical Mom Nature?

Nature is the art of God Eternal. Alighierei Dante: De monarchia

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The Sermons Of The Sun

The eloquence of the sun rivals that of any evangelist or teacher. It has a greater audience, embracing the entire population of earth . It has a varied message which tells of the glory of God, His faithfulness, and His promises. It requires no interpreter for its language to be understood . As it makes its circuit in the heavens, the strongman running his race trumpets its message to the entire globe.

It tells of the glory of God. The brilliance of the sun shining and warming the earth, giving life to all it touches, is a fitting reminder of the warmth and healing that comes when Gods face shines upon His people. This was the prayer of the High Priest uttered in Numbers 6:25, repeated six times in the Psalms, and then uttered in Daniels moving prayer for His people .

It tells of the faithfulness of God. The Lord Jesus spoke of God causing His sun to rise on the evil and the good . Each day, the sun which God created sheds its warmth and brings attendant blessings on men who defy God, deny God, and deride Him. Yet, He continues to show kindness and mercy to them. Upon men who raise their fists in blasphemous defiance against God, the very same God rains down daily creatorial blessings.

The Study Of The Stars

Mother Nature

The Milky Way galaxy contains a mere 200 million stars. He made the stars also, , must rank as the greatest understatement ever made. Now , assume there are a mere 100 million galaxies, each containing from millions to billions of stars. And He made every one. More than this, He knows their names . If God knows the names of billions upon billions of stars, and at evening roll-call, they all appear , can we ever begin to think that He forgets us or does not know the way we take ?

If the vastness of the universe shouts to all humanity the mighty power of God, the song sung by the stars is testimony to His wisdom. This God of infinite power and wisdom is our Father. This wisdom and power are not only directed to creation, but are available for us. In His prayer in Ephesians 1:15-21, Paul prayed that the Spirit of wisdom might enlighten us, and that we might know the exceeding greatness of His power. He points to a power even greater than creatorial power it is the power exerted when He raised His Son from among the dead . Again, in Colossians 2:2-3, it is in Christ all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found.

Recommended Reading: Rhema Correspondence Bible School

What Does The Bible Say About Creation Of The Earth

The Bible tells us that God is the creator of the earth. He alone conceived and planned how He wanted it to be. He called the creatures into existence as if He had kept them somewhere waiting to be summoned.

At the beginning of creation, the earth was shapeless, dark, and empty, but Gods voice sounded, calling what He wanted to be created to appear one after the other. He finished the whole work in 6 days.

On the sixth day, He created man, a special being who takes after His image and likeness, and who is to dominate over all other things He created.

The story of creation as recorded in the Bible shows the power, wisdom, greatness, and love of God.

Is Mother Nature Jewish

by Leib Kaminsky | Apr 20, 2022 | Opinion

Stock Photo Illustration

Is Mother Nature Jewish? Of course not.

Nature goes beyond religion and theology, but she certainly follows many Jewish values. Judaism believes that when G-d created the world, they gave humans the responsibility to guard it, cultivate it and sustain it.

This stewardship is an obligation of all people to respect the earth and leave it as they found it. But how is this possible with so many different agitators attacking Mother Nature?

Investing in good stewardship may not be related to money or infrastructure it may mean taking a step back and letting nature drive its own course.

Several weeks ago, on a crisp March morning, I was sitting with my mother in her synagogue. My mother has Alzheimers, but she is so excited to be in services. She hums the melodies and greets all the congregants as they trickle in.

There is a giant floor-to-ceiling window next to the Ark, where the Torah scrolls are stored. Since we sit in the back, we had a full view of the trees and flowers about to burst forth in bloom.

This window into nature, whether on purpose or not, connects the congregations religious life to Mother Nature. And as we prayed diligently, we saw a deer come up and nestle below one of the trees.

The deer stared intently into the window, probably just seeing her own reflection. She sat patiently, as we did, for two hours until the end of the service, when we all departed.

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