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HomeFactsWhy Was The King James Bible Written

Why Was The King James Bible Written

Why The King James Version

Why Should One Use ONLY The King James Bible/Apocrypha?

The History of Great Britain, Being the Life and Reign of King James the First.

This history of James I’s reign in England describes the events of the Hampton Court conference held in January 1604 in which James heard the religious disputes between the Puritan and Anglican factions. The account makes no mention, however, of the decision to proceed with a new translation of the Bible.

When James I acceded to the throne in 1603, tensions between the conservative elements of the Church of England and the Puritan reformers were high. The Puritans hoped that the new king would be supportive of their reform efforts. In truth, James abhorred many of their views, especially their denial of the divine authority of kings. He believed the Puritans and the Geneva Bible were hostile to the monarchy, while the Church of England reinforced the king’s authority.

In 1604, James convened an assembly of leaders from the Church of England and the Puritan faction at Hampton Court to allow them to air their grievances and talk about ecclesiastical reform. James did not approve of the Puritans’ propositions, but when they mentioned a possible new Bible translation, James jumped at the suggestion. While the Puritans may have wished for a revision of the Bishop’s Bible, instead, James sanctioned a new translation entirely.

Basilikon Doron, or, His Maiesties Instructions to his Dearest Sonne, Henry the Prince.A Svmmarie View of the Government Both of the Old and New Testament.

Typeface Spelling And Format

The original printing was made before English spelling was standardized. They wrote “v” invariably for lower-case initial “u” and “v,” and “u” for “u” and “v” everywhere else. They used long “Å¿” for non-final “s.” The letter “j” occurs only after “i” or as the final letter in a Roman numeral. Punctuation was used differently. The printers sometimes used ye for the, and wrote ã for an or am and so forth when space needed to be saved. Current printings remove most, but not all, of the variant spellings the punctuation has also been changed, but still varies from current usage norms.

The first printing used a black letter typeface instead of a Roman typeface. This contrasted with the Geneva Bible, which was the first English Bible printed in a Roman typeface. It also used Roman type instead of italics to indicate text that had been supplied by the translators, or thought needful for English grammar but which was not present in the Greek or Hebrew. The first printing used the device of using different type faces to show supplied words sparsely and inconsistently. This is perhaps the most significant difference between the original text and the current text.

Reputation Since The Early 20th Century

In the early 20th century the King James Version fell into disfavour among many mainstream Protestant churches, which viewed it as antiquated. Beginning in the middle of the century, they increasingly turned to more-modern translations, such as the Revised Standard Version , the New International Version , and the New Revised Standard Version . The King James Version, however, remained a popular source for the more famous Psalms and for the Gospels.

English-speaking Roman Catholics used an authorized English Bible, the Douai-Reims , which was produced from the Latin Vulgate by English Catholic exiles in France, who also worked from many of the same English sources used by translators of the King James Version. Yet among English Catholics the King James Version was widely accepted from the 18th century moreover, when the Douai-Reims Bible was updated in the mid-18th century, the translator, Richard Challoner , a convert from Protestantism to Catholicism, largely worked from the King James Version. Both the King James Version and the Douai-Reims Bible were finally supplanted in popularity by the Jerusalem Bible .

The King James Version is still the favoured biblical translation of many Christian fundamentalists and some Christian new religious movements. It is also widely regarded as one of the major literary accomplishments of early modern England. A complete New King James Version with modernized spellings was published in 1982.

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The Real Reason The King James Bible Was Created

The King James Bible, sometimes called the King James Version , is one of the most revered religious texts in the world, and it’s certainly one of the most popularly used by different branches of the Christian religion. According to the Christian Post, the KJV is used by Mormons, Episcopalians, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, and Baptists, among others. The Catholic Church, the most old school of all the Christian denominations, most frequently uses the New American Bible’s English translation, as noted by Difference Between, though English other translations are also used. Then of course, there’s the Anglican Church, who among other translations, still uses the KJV, and they have a special relationship with this particular version.

Reasons Why The King James Version Of The Bible Matters

Do Catholics Use The King James Bible (Answered ...

Who wrote the King James Bible and when? The English translation of the Christian Bible also known as the King James Version was published 400 years ago and is still accepted as the favoured version of the English Bible by some Christian groups. Here, Adam Nicolson assesses its legacy

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Why Is The Authorized Version Of The Bible The True Word Of God

Today, there are many other versions of the Bible in circulation, so why is King James Bible, the word of God? Why is the Authorized Version of the Bible the true word of God?

There are many new and young Christians, and I know quite a few seasoned Christians, who need the answer to this question.

So, watch this short Bible study to the end as I answer this question.

My name is Leroy Daley! Welcome to my blog. On this website, I utilize the Word of God to teach the Word of God.

I do not teach my opinions. I use scriptures, here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept on precept to explain the Word of God.

Precepts must be on other identical precepts or else we will have confusion.So today, in this Bible study, I will not attempt to explain the history of the King James Bible or how it was printed or what it experienced.

If you would rather watch the video of this Bible Study, click this link!

The Cambridge Revisions Of 1629 And 1638

The original 1611 editions of the King James Version contained errors, as seen in the He and She Bibles, as well as many others. Some of the errors were due to the desire to maintain a consistent appearance of the text in columns, and led to inconsistent use of contractions, spellings, and other issues. Careless printing also led to errors, including the infamous omission of the word not in an edition which became known as the Wicked Bible, which exhorted its readers Thou shalt commit adultery. By the 1620s there were over 1,500 errors of printing in editions of the Authorized Version, and an attempt was made in two revisions at Cambridge to correct them in 1629 and again in 1638.

The Cambridge editions addressed the inaccuracies induced by poor quality control, attempted to standardize the spelling to match that of the English of the time, and made more than 200 changes to the text provided by the original translators. The Cambridge revisions were not new translations, but revisions to the existing 1611 translations, and mainly inserted marginal notes, many of which had come from the Geneva Bible, into the main text of the work. Thus the main text of the Authorized Version was changed without additional reference to the source data provided by the original manuscripts, in an attempt to render the work in the vernacular of the people who were not educated in the ancient languages of Latin and Greek.

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Why The King James Bible Endures

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By Charles McGrath

The King James Bible, which was first published 400 years ago next month, may be the single best thing ever accomplished by a committee. The Bible was the work of 54 scholars and clergymen who met over seven years in six nine-man subcommittees, called companies. In a preface to the new Bible, Miles Smith, one of the translators and a man so impatient that he once walked out of a boring sermon and went to the pub, wrote that anything new inevitably endured many a storm of gainsaying, or opposition. So there must have been disputes shouting table pounding high-ruffed, black-gowned clergymen folding their arms and stomping out of the room but there is no record of them. And the finished text shows none of the PowerPoint insipidness we associate with committee-speak or with later group translations like the 1961 New English Bible, which T.S. Eliot said did not even rise to dignified mediocrity. Far from bland, the King James Bible is one of the great masterpieces of English prose.

This is the opposite, of course, of the procedure followed by most new translations, starting with Good News for Modern Man, a paperback Bible published by the American Bible Society in 1966, whose goal was to reflect not the language of the Bible but its ideas, rendering them into current terms, so that Ezekiel 23:20, for example becomes She was filled with lust for oversexed men who had all the lustfulness of donkeys or stallions.

Should We Believe The Scholars Or Jesus

Rick Flanders: Why We Use the King James Version of the Bible (Lancaster Baptist Church)

One can accept the vague musings of scholars or the clear words of Jesus who said that the smallest particle of Gods Word would not be destroyed. Jesus said that God would preserve His Word, and that is exactly what has happened. God not only inspired holy men to write his Word, he used faithful churches to preserve that Word even unto the present day. We have Gods unerring Word in the Textus Receptus, because it is based on the majority of manuscripts preserved by the churches.

Since 1881, many Christians have followed Westcott and Hort into error. Even many of the major Bible societies have fallen into this error. As for Baptist Bible Translators Institute, we stand with those faithful churches that have preserved Gods Word through the centuries. We stand on the Word of God in the King James Version, because it is the only translation in the English language that is free from the presuppositions of modern Gnosticism. There is no reason for us to move into the Gnostics camp where it is a matter of one opinion versus another opinion. We must not follow anyones opinion. If we do, we will be shifting constantly and every man doing that which is right in his own eyes-the deplorable state of modern man.

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What Bible Did The Pilgrims Use

The Pilgrims arrived in 1620 and brought with them the Geneva Bible, not the King James Bible. The KJV was seen as the Bible of the English King and the state Church of England which had been persecuting them. But by the mid-1600s, the King James Bible was arriving in the New World with the increasing flow of settlers.

What Is The Difference Between Catholic Bible And King James Bible

Catholic Bible is the book followed by the Catholics, or accepted as the Holy Scripture by the Catholics. King James Bible is the Protestant bible.

One remarkable difference between Catholic Bible and King James Bible is the content. Originally, the King James Bible as well as Catholic Bible had the books from Old Testaments, which are known as the Apocrypha or the Deutercanonicals. However, later versions of the King James Bible do not have these books as the bible publishers considered them less important. As a result, Catholic Bible has Apocrypha while King James Bible does not.

The biggest difference between Catholic Bible and King James Bible lies largely on the printed words themselves. The King James Version has been known for centuries all throughout the world as the one that makes use of what is considered as the Old English language. On the contrary, the Catholic Bible is written in the modern day English.

Knowing about what the two versions of the Holy Scripture have to offer is a great help in determining which one to get a hold of. It also helps to ask other people who share ones faith and beliefs in choosing the one among the different variations of the Bible.

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Why Is The Kjv Still Popular Today

For a book that was published in 1611, it’s amazing how influential and widely read the KJV still is today. Though there are hundreds of versions and translations of the Bible, the KJV is the most popular. According to market research firm Statistica, as of 2017, more than 31% of Americans read the KJV, with the New International Version coming in second place, at 13%. Five large denominations of Christianity Baptist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Latter-day Saints and Pentecostal use the KJV today.

The KJV “works as both a word-for-word and sense-for-sense translation,” meaning it acts as both a literal translation of many of the words believed to have been used by Jesus Christ and his Apostles and accurately conveys the meaning behind those words and events, Gordon said. One line of manuscripts used in the KJV the Textus Receptus of Erasmus, translated from Greek to Latin by the 16th-century Dutch scholar and philosopher Desiderius Erasmus is thought by some to be a particularly important inclusion in the KJV, especially for those who see it as the purest line of the New Testament going back to the Apostolic Age , Gordon said.

Despite the KJV’s popularity throughout the centuries, Gordon said some scholars now view parts of it as outdated. He cautioned that there have been other ancient manuscripts discovered since the KJV was commissioned that enhance scholars’ understanding of some biblical events and possibly even change the meaning of certain words.

Who Wrote The King James Bible And Why

On This Day In History: The King James Bible Is Published ...

One individualRichard Bancroft, the archbishop of Canterburywas notable for having the role of overseer of the project, something akin to a modern editor of a collection of short stories. The actual translating of the KJV was done by a committee of 47 scholars and clergymen over the course of many years.

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Who Was King James

It would probably make sense to know who this King James fellow is anyway. For the younger sports fans out there King James is not Lebron James. He did not write this Bible.

To help you understand who this person was here is a little historical perspective. King James had a very interesting beginning to his reign as King. He was crowned King of Scotland at the grand old age of 1. He was born on June 19,1566 to Mary Queen of Scots and her second husband Lord Darnley. Lord Darnley was murdered when James was eight months old and his mother was forced to abdicate the throne on June 24, 1567. After this abdication, her son was made king. Eventually in 1603 he would be crowned King of England after the death of Queen Elizabeth. Just for clarity sake, you may see him referred to as James IV of Scotland and James I of England. These are referring to the same person.

The issue of James religious background is not so simple. When he was born, his parents were Catholic so he was baptized as an infant as a Roman Catholic. During his time there was not total religious unity or tolerance. As he got older it appears that he became a Protestant, however he still had to deal with the various religious factions of his day. Mainly Presbyterians, Anglicans, and the influence of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Gentiles Did Not Have The Word Of God

The Roman Catholic church had a Bible that was locked up in an old and dead language, Latin.

But that Bible was inaccessible to the masses of people for two reasons. First, you had to be in the Roman Catholic Church to have access to that Bible.

And secondly, you had to be able to understand and speak Latin. And in both cases, the masses of people did not have access to any of these.

They didnt have access to the church and they couldnt read nor understand Latin.

So they didnt have the Word of God. The Roman Catholic church had it locked away, so the general people couldnt access the Word of God for themselves.

The church could tell them whatever they want because it was, they had the word of God locked away in Latin.

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King James Bible Vs Geneva Bible

The difference between the King James Bible and the Geneva Bible is that the King James Bible, also called the Authorized Bible, was published in 1611 under King James after he declared the Geneva Bible seditious and incorrect while the Geneva Bible, also known as the Breeches Bible, was published by a group of protestant scholars in exile from England in 1560. Both these Bibles are two different English translations of the Bible for the Church of England.

The King James Version is considered one of the most important religious scriptures of all time, not only for its most widely accepted portrayal of Christianity but also for its ability to spread the English language worldwide. This Bible was commissioned and published in 1604 and 1611 respectively for the Church of England after its predecessor, the Breeches Bible, was considered unorthodox.

The Geneva Bible is also an English translation of the Holy Bible published in Geneva in 1560 by a group of protestants in exile. They worked under the directions of scholars and priests. This Bible is also one of the most historic translations into English. It portrays Protestantism. It was used by great scholars and thinkers and was one of the Bibles taken to America on the famous ship, the Mayflower.


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