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How Do I Study My Bible

Praying Scripture Over Your Childs Life


Jodie Berndt loves to pray for her children. Shes been doing that for the past thirty years. Now she helps other parents to talk to God, asking for the salvation of their kids, and for wisdom, self-discipline, purpose, a future and much more. She offers fun and practical encouragement that moms and dads can put to work immediately in their daily lives as they prepare their children for a life in Christ.

What Do I Put In Each Section


At the front of the notebook, clip in the pencil pouch and fill it with writing utensils. Its handy to have an assortment of pens, pencils, highlighters and colored pencils available when you study Gods Word.


Use the prayer request section to track prayer requests, rejoice over praises and even write out your own prayers. Its a gift to be able to reflect on what God has done and how He changes lives through prayer!


In the favorite Scripture tab, write down verses that speak to you as you are studying. When the hard times come, these verses will anchor your soul and keep you rooted in Gods Truth. What a blessing to have your favorite verses compiled in one place for easy reference!


As you dive into Gods Word through Bible study, use the Bible study section as a place to store all of your notes. At the end of each month, you can move all your study notes to the appropriate month as a record of all youve learned! You may wish to incorporate the following study methods if you are looking for tips on how to study the Bible:

  • Summarizing the Scriptures


Each time you attend church or listen to a sermon, take notes and add it to the Sermon Notes section of your notebook. This will help you retain the message and remember the Good News that was shared.


In addition to our FREE BIBLE STUDY SHEETS, the Bible study notebook printables shown in this post come from our Love the Word Bible Study Binder.

Note Big Theological Concepts

I also note big ideas that stand out to me theologically.

For example, many Jewish people walked around Samaria because of their disdain for Samaritans, so when the Bible says that Jesus had to walk through Samaria, it doesnt mean geographically maybe its because he knew he had to meet the Samaritan woman to give her this new beginning.

So what that teaches me is that God will out of His way, into the darkest places, to meet people and offer them rebirth.

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How To Personally Deepen Bible Study

Here are a few practical ways that you can deepen your experience of studying the Bible.

The lectio divina is an ancient four-step process of reading the Bible that helps you to liturgically walk through your Scripture reading each day. The four steps are as follows:

1. Lectio

The Apostle Paul writes: âThese are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of Godââ.

2. Meditatio

The Apostle John writes: “Peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you.â

3. Oratio

The Apostle John writes: âThis is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears usâ .

4. Contemplatio

King David writes: âCease striving and know that I am God I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earthâ .

Use this exercise to give your spirit rails on which to run as you establish a daily habit of deepening your Bible study time.

How To Create Your Own Bible Study Notebook

How do I study the Bible on my own?

**A Bible Study Notebook can be a great tool to help you efficiently organize your quiet time, so you can focus on spending rich, quality time in the Word.**

Do you ever struggle with distraction, disorganization or discouragement in your Bible reading time?

I think weve all been there at one time or another!

In fact, for years I felt this way! I would get distracted, lose focus, become demotivated and just eventually stop reading the Word.

With 5 kids at home who were either infants or homeschooling, I found it hard to spend the rich, quality time in the Word. I was always getting distracted or interrupted.

I eventually realized that I needed to be intentional. But even more than intentionality, I needed a plan.a structured way to keep me focused, organized and on task when I sat down to dig into scripture.

Thats how my Bible Study Notebook was born.

Perhaps youre in a similar place right now. You have the desire to spend quiet time with God and dig deeper into scripture, but you just cant seem to figure out where to begin or how to structure it.

Friend, I truly believe that a Bible Study Notebook will help you get there!

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How Do I Assemble My Bible Study Notebook

Showing is better than telling, so how about a video from Jennifer on how she assembled her Love the Word Bible Study Binder!

While there are several ways to organize a Bible study notebook, my favorite way is to group by topic. You can also organize by month, or a combo! This simple system allows quick access to a particular topic and section of study.

First, create a tab for each of your selected categories. You can customize the sections however youd like but some popular sections include:

  • Prayer
  • Bible journaling or Illustrations
  • Months of the year to track chronologically

Feel free to add additional Bible study binder tabs to fit your own needs and style. Personalizing your system will help it be yours, create routine and ensure you use it often. Here is our example from the Love the Word Bible Study Binder:

Five Bible Study Principles

“Continue in what you have learned . . . You have known the Holy Scriptures, which areable to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” — 2 Timothy 3:14-15

  • Be willing to spend time. Take Bible study seriously.
  • Don’t be overwhelmed by the talk about Bible “chapters.” Most Bible chaptersare only one page long. With few exceptions, each of what we call a Bible “book” is about aslong as a chapter in an average book.
  • Be honest with the Bible. Be willing to listen to what it actually says — not what youcan make it mean.
  • Do not “read” the Bible” by pulling out and dissecting isolated verses. Only one book –Proverbs — is a collection of stand-alone sentences or slogans. Instead, really “read the Bible.” Devour entire books or at least read large sections of the Bible. It was written to be read thatway
  • Approach the different parts of the Bible according to their literary types. Some, like theentire book of Psalms are poetry. Others, like 1 and 2 Kings, are history. Titus is a letter to anindividual. Romans is a letter to an entire church. Parts of books like Genesis containbiographies of people’s lives. Job’s story plays out like a drama with various actors. Scholarsconsider books like Hebrews and some of the Old Testament prophetic books to have beensermons. Revelation is a look into the future and thus is a prophecy. So, as you study the Bible,be conscious not just of the words, but of the type of literature that you are reading.
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    So How Often Should We Read The Bible

    As often as we can! Especially if you are a new believer, I highly recommend studying the Bible daily and gaining an overview of the Bibles message. It will help you see the world through Gods eyes and live accordingly.

    Studying the Bible every day is not a direct command. Its not a sin to skip reading your Bible. I dont want you to look begrudgingly at studying Scripture as a duty that you need to fulfill daily. Rather, ask yourself what you have to gain from reading Scripture, such as finding out and reminding yourself of Who God is, how to follow Him, and what truths He teaches. It will equip you for a godly life.

    So dont stress if you miss a day of Bible study, but dont do away with it altogether. Try to incorporate Bible study in your daily routine. If you truly cant find time every day, what about 3-4 days a week? Do what you can and keep on dwelling on Scripture and reminding yourself of truth.

    Word Study By Bible Books

    How I do my Bible Study.

    Certain words have special significance in certain Bible books. For example, after studying the Gospel of John as a book and by chapters, youll find it instructive and inspiring to trace the words believe and belief. They occur almost 100 times. By reading the book hurriedly and underlining each passage where the words believe and belief occur, youll understand why Bible scholars contend that the purpose of the Gospel of John is expressed by the author in John 20:31.

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    How To Study The Bible For Yourself

    With that said, lets look at some super practical tips for learning how to study the Bible for yourself.

    Studying the Word really doesnt have to be intimidating, time-consuming, or difficult. You simply need to know how to study the Bible for beginners! And in this Bible study guide, Im going to show you how.

    There are tons of Bible study methods for beginners but this is my favorite method of teaching you how to understand the Bible because its easy, straightforward, and very adaptable.

    This is the same method I teach in my book, Fall in Love with Gods Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women.

    Identifying Triggers In Your Marriage Part 1

    They were both convinced they had married the wrong person. From almost the very beginning of their marriage, Amber and Guy Lia experienced various tensions and personality clashes related to house cleaning, backseat driving, workaholism, and intimacy. In this two-day Focus on the Family broadcast, Amber and Guy discuss how they bravely faced the triggers head-on, and committed to working on their own relationships with Jesus. As you listen to the Lias story, youll feel hope that you, too, can see real marriage transformation!

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    Where To Start When Studying The Bible For The First Time

    It can be hard to know where to start reading the Bible. If youre struggling with the best order to study the Bible, or where to begin, the book of the Bible I recommend starting with is John. Its one of the Gospels in the New Testament and a great place to begin. When youre new to studying the Bible or are somewhat unfamiliar with reading the Bible, youll get a lot out of John because he covers the entire life and ministry of Jesus. He was one of Jesuss twelve disciples, and he witnessed many of Jesuss miracles firsthand. It gives you a powerful glimpse into the life, works, and character of Jesus Christ.

    As you become more seasoned with Bible study, dont be intimidated to try more difficult books, even if they dont seem very interesting at first. There are different ways to study, and many of them are fruitful. Be cautious about allowing your heart to guide what you study. We need to also work through books like Leviticus and Numbers just save them for later, when youre a bit more comfortable with knowing how to study the Bible.

    Bible Study Through Biography

    How I Study My Bible (47 min)

    The Bible is a record of Gods revealing Himself to people and through people. The Old Testament as well as the New is rich in such biographical studies. Here are a few:

    • Noah: Genesis 5:3210:32
    • Deborah: Judges 4 5

    Let us summarize various methods for studying the great Bible biographies:

  • Read the Bible book or passages in which this persons life is prominent, for example, Abraham in Genesis 1225, plus references to Abraham in Hebrews 11 and Romans 4 .
  • Trace character with your concordance.
  • Be careful to note indirect references to the person in other portions of Scripture.
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    How To Study The Bible: A Master Toolset On Bible Study For Beginners

    When I first became a Christian, I had no idea how to study the Bible.

    Thatâs why I went on a wild quest to understand this book.

    I abandoned my previous lifelong goals of attending West Point and instead applied last-minute to a Bible college, where I learned Greek and Hebrew in order to read the Bible in the original languages. And add onto that an M.Div. and a Ph.D. in theology and, 14 years later, it was very clear to me:

    Bible study doesnât have to be complicated.

    Yes, of course, the Bible is a bottomless ocean of mystery, historical complexity, and documentary fragmentation. However, its divine author preserved it in exactly the form he desired across millennia of authors and scribes, jumping parchment to parchment, from Paulâs parchment to our smartphones.

    Here, I am going to explain to you a very simple way of reading and applying the Bible in a way that you can understand, which will grow with you as your understanding of Scripture grows.

    Weâll cover:

  • How to personally deepen Bible study
  • Letâs dig in!

    Obedience To The Teaching And Commands Of The Bible Results In Joy And Victory

    A believer cannot walk in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit and radiate the love of Christ unless he is spending time in Gods Word. But if he faithfully studies the Bible daily, he will avoid the emotional and spiritual problems that many believers experience and consider inevitable.

    The Christian life is not without trials. While some are caused by events we cannot control, most are a result of disobedience to Gods commands. The Christian who saturates his mind with Gods Word will want to please the Lord in every way. Gods Word will show him how to deal with temptation so he does not reap the consequences of wrongdoing.

    When we read and obey Gods Word, we learn how to live above our circumstances. We find the answers to the deep questions of life. As a result, we will live a life of incredible joy and victory!

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    A Few Other Things You Should Know

    I study one book at a time, instead of skipping around. This helps me to fully grasp the meaning of the book overall and how each chapter relates its message. I am currently studying the New Testament and have been doing so for about a year. I go in the canonical order and finish one book before going to another.

    Also, I only study one chapter per day. Going slowly helps me to really take in and absorb the meaning and application of what I am studying.

    Love In Every Season: Understanding The Four Stages Of A Healthy Relationship

    How I Study My Bible // Taking Notes in My Journaling Bible

    Every relationship goes through four life-changing seasons: Spring. Summer. Fall. Winter. Each season plays an important role in taking your relationship to the next level. And depending on how you navigate each season, your relationship will either flourish and grow, or it will slowly die. Whether youre single, dating, engaged or married, join licensed professional counselor and relationship expert, Debra Fileta as she takes you on an eye-opening psychological and spiritual journey through the four seasons that she has observed in every healthy relationship.

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    Tips For Studying The Bible Effectively

    The Bible is a big book. It can be intimidating to read, so many of us prefer reading books about the Bible. And if we do read the Bible, we can sometimes treat it like a mere instruction manual. We use it if needed, but otherwise we try to do things ourselves. It reminds me of trying to put together IKEA furniture without a manual. Unfortunately, as many of us have experienced, the instruction manual needs to be respected and read properly. Otherwise, our furniture may look disjointed in the end. Things are similar with the Bible. Failing to read it properly can lead to all kinds of trouble.

    As we know of course, the Bible is much grander than any IKEA instruction manual. Its a book with heights and depths, poetry and prose. Reading it requires even more purposefulness than reading other books. As Ive read the Bible over the course of my life, here are a few things Ive learned that have helped in my understanding it.

    Believe. Its important to remember that understanding the Bible requires faith. We have to believe it. Augustine challenged us, Believe so that you may understand. Augustine said those words because he himself never properly understood the Bible until he believed. The Bible is much like polarized lenses that fishermen use. Without polarized lenses, the water has an intense glare. But with polarized lenses, one can see into the water. The Bible requires faith for us to see its depths.

    Staking Our Lives On The Word Of God

    Can you imagine living alone in darkness for six months? During his first Antarctic expedition, Admiral Byrd flew to the South Pole all by himself. He built a small hut to shelter himself from the brutal six-month-long winter night. Blasts of arctic wind and biting, blowing snow buried his small hut every night. Each day, Admiral Byrd shoveled his way to the surface of the snow. When he broke through, the light was so dim he could see only a dozen yards. If he left his hut, he used the stovepipe sticking out of the snow as a reference point to find his way back.

    Do you ever feel like you are wandering through darkness in your life? All of us feel that way at times. Circumstances can overwhelm us. Ailing parents, loss of a job, high mortgages, too many bills, family crises, sickness, and other problems can make us wonder how we will ever find our way. The world tells us that we have no reference point to help us solve our difficulties. Definite standards and rules are obsolete and intolerable. The future is unknowable and unchangeable, so we should live it up now.

    But as Christians, we do have a reference pointthe Bible. When we stake our lives on its teachings and principles, God gives us guidance on how to live. When we love, trust, and obey Him and His Word, we will enjoy the abundant life He has promised every believer.

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