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How To Teach Bible Study To Adults

What Others Have Said:

Adult Bible Study Curriculum Teaching Lesson 2

-John FordBeliever Class Age 60-graduation

God has utilized the Lesson’s from Good Questions to minister to us. The questions are really good for facilitating meaningful conversation. Our class grew from 10 people to more than 40 in one year!!! We don’t have a room big enough for us now. The format saves us time in preparation in order that we might be able to work on the ministry needs of our class.

Jim CoxLubbock, TXIndiana Ave. Baptist Church

I love using your lessons. I use them almost every Sunday. They really do get the conversation going. I usually learn more from my class input in 45 minutes than I do studying the background info, for hours, on each lesson. These lessons nearly always provide insight I would never have seen. Thank you for taking the time to write these lesson questions. I believe my presentation would be a lot less interesting without your help.

Your friend,

Jamestown NCclass age 35-75

Dr. Robert Dickerson

If Max Lucado Ever Mentioned This Week’s Text I Will Find It And Provide It To The Teachers I Serve

I want to make you sound brilliant. I want to provide you with the best insights from the best minds and warmest hearts in Christendom. Toward that end, I have a massive Logos library that I use to provide material for teachers.

Each lesson in Good Questions Have Groups Talking consists of about 20 ready-to-use-questions with answers from world-class writers such as:

  • John MacArthur
  • John Piper
  • Warren Wiersbe

Most curriculum has an inherent flaw. They can often get past it, but it cripples nearly every series made. Here is how it works. A committee gets together and decides on a text and topic. Then, someone is assigned to find someone who can write something brilliant about it. Turns out, this is a very difficult assignment and does not always meet with success. One of the reasons I have been a fan of series is that that series goes at it in the opposite way. They find someone who has already written something brilliantbooks by people like Beth Moore, Billy Graham and John Piperand turns it into a curriculum.

I try to do a similar thing with my lessons. Each question is footnoted with answers taken from some of the best commentaries ever written. John MacArthur, Warren Wiersbe, Holman, Life Application Commentary, and many others. I also include great illustrations and stories from illustration books, trade books and devotional books. Quotes from world-class sources make these lessons different.

What You Need To Know As A Teacher Of Adults

on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 at 7:00 AM

If you have been enlisted to teach adults in Bible study, you have one of the most remarkable assignments in the Kingdom! There are three simple things to remember about your extremely important appointment.

If you have been enlisted to teach adults, you have one of the most remarkable assignments in the Kingdom! There are three simple things to remember about your extremely important appointment.

Recommended Reading: The Order Of The Bible

Four Keys To Becoming A Better Bible Teacher With Teens & Adults

1. Introduce Teens and Adults to the BIG Story Bible Context

Lets say you have heard about a very popular movie that has just been released on DVD or some online streaming service. Its so good that lots of people are talking about it. You purchase the DVD or pay to see it online and set a time to watch it. Which would be more beneficial and enjoyable for you: Begin the movie at the beginning and watch it all the way through, from the beginning to the end? Or, Skip around and watch brief random segments?

There is a chronological unity to the Biblea GRAND NARRATIVE that begins in Genesis 1 and continues through Revelation 22, with hundreds of smaller narratives that are all interwoven into the one BIG Story of the Bible. Its the story of Gods plan of redemption for His creation, truly the greatest story ever told but a story seldom told from beginning to end. Unfortunately, our churches have generally chosen the skip around approach to teaching the Bible rather than tell and teach the whole story progressively from start to finish. Consequently, Christians by and large have never understood the BIG Story unity of the Bible. But we have discovered that for many Christians this new-found chronological perspective of the Bible has re-ignited their interest in studying Gods Word.

2. Engage Teens and Adults in Hands On Bible Study

In short, change your teaching style. Move beyond lecture, and become a facilitator of Bible learning.

Gods Devil: The Incredible Story Of How Satan’s Rebellion Serves God’s Purposes

Adult Classes and Bible Study  Rehobeth United Methodist Church

It has been said that those who are born again take the devil seriously.2 We who believe in the trustworthiness of the Bible are not guilty of disbelieving in his objective existence. We, above all, should take the devil seriously. Very seriously.

But our sincerity does not guarantee that our conception of the devil is accurate, even with the aid of evangelical books and messages that explore the reality of spiritual warfare. Yes, I believe that we are much better equipped to stand against our enemy because of the writings of those who have warned us of his schemes and reminded us of our resources to fight against him. As a young pastor, I was introduced to spiritual warfare by those who knew more about our enemy than I.

However, along with much helpful advice, some distortions have crept into our thinking that could play into the devils hands. Though they do not expressly state it, some writers imply that Satan can act independently of God they speak as if God becomes involved in what the devil does only when we ask Him to. Because Satan is the god of this world, they think this means that he can be free to make his own decisions, inflicting havoc wherever and whenever he wishes.

I respectfully disagree.

Hi! I am Josh Hunt. Pastor. Author. Dad. Granddad. Hiker. Photographer.

I love small groups. And, I hate boring Bible Study lessons.

In order for you to evaluate whether these lessons are a fit for you, I have provided several series for you to use and evaluate.

Recommended Reading: Do Not Dwell In The Past Bible

A Growing Teacher Knows Who You Are Teaching

You teach people who are experiencing remarkable life transitions and stories. You teach adults who God has influenced to intersect their life with your class. It is interesting how many people remember the most influential teacher in their life. These teachers showed care, concern and personal attention to the needs of the student.

Your job is to teach PEOPLE. Although you are never able to fully know each person in your class, each person will feel more part of the group and open to learning opportunities as they feel they know and can trust you. God has placed people in your group who He is calling to love, trust, and obey Him. You can involve other persons to invite their friends, relatives, associates, neighbors and other prospects to the group. You can involve other persons to help members and prospects connect with and minister to persons in the group. You can involve other persons in learning how to teach as you encourage at least one person in the group as an apprentice teacher.

Vi Preparing A Lesson From Poetic Materialpsalm 23

We chose Psalm 23 because it is short and you probably know it fairly well. We will not go into great detail in this section on poetry, but we will show you how we outlined the poem and then how we developed that exegetical outline into a homiletical outline according to the big idea. We followed the same method as with John 1 and 9, but we were sensitive to looking for images, emotions, and ideas, and outlined our material according to that. Suffice it to say that poems can generally be broken up into manageable units not according to scenes or episodes as we have in stories, but according to the ideas and images present.

After making numerous observations, and asking and answering many questions on the passage, we developed the subject/complement and outlined the passage as follows:

Subject/Complement: YHWH is a faithful shepherd and a gracious host to the psalmist, and for that reason, the psalmist gives thanks and expresses his confidence that he will always dwell in YHWH’s Temple, in close relationship with Him.

    I. Introduction

      A. So why should we trust God in todays world? Repeat big idea.

      B. Illustrate with examples of people who have trusted God

      C. Invite them to Deepen their trust in God.

1The term homiletical idea means preaching idea and reflects the attempt to move from the bare bones of the text in its original context to a sermon or lesson that people in the twentieth century can relate to. It is often referred to as bridging the gap.

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Teach The Word Not Your Opinions

Someone once said that opinions are like the nose on your face everyone has one! A teacher needs to teach the Word, not merely ideas and opinions. The fact is, our opinions will never change anyones life only the Word of God changes lives.

Teachers need to Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season . Gods Word stands up by itself. It is powerful. Have the people you teach look up the Scriptures you are using, so they can see it for themselves. Remember, Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God .

Bible Study By Chapters

Adult Bible Study Curriculum Teaching Lesson 4

In the Bible there are 1,189 chapters in the Old and New Testaments. In a little over three years, a person could make an intensive study of the whole Bible, taking a chapter a day. It is usually a good practice to start your Bible study in the New Testament.

Time needed: 20 minutes.

Study the Bible by Chapters

  • Read through the chapter carefully.

    Seek to find its main subject or subjects.

  • Give each chapter a title that suggests its main content.

    If you are reading the Gospel of John, for example, you might give each chapter titles like this: ch. 1 Jesus Christ, the Word of God ch. 2 The Wedding at Cana ch. 3 The New Birth ch. 4 The Woman at the Well ch. 5 The Healing of the Man at the Pool of Bethesda ch. 6 The Feeding of the 5,000

  • Reread the chapter and make a simple outline.

    Including its main thoughts. For example, for John 1, you might make an outline like this:Jesus Christ, the Word of God:a. Jesus Christ was the eternal Word of God, 19b. Jesus Christ came into the world, 1018c. John witnesses that Christ is to come, 1928d. John says that Jesus is the Lamb of God, 2937e. Jesus Christ calls His first disciples, 3851

  • Don’t Miss: Chronological Order Of Bible Books

    Map Out The Different Groups

    The Lord may choose to reach the whole school through an assembly or some other event. But most likely it will be in smaller parts at a time. In Acts 1:8, Jesus gave us an example of reaching the smaller areas in order to reach the whole. So, in order to reach your school, you need to map out the different groups. Your school yearbook will help you break down the whole into parts you can target to reach. See how many groups you can list.

    Experience That Matters To You

    As an accredited Christian college with a 7,000-acre campus in Lynchburg, Virginia, Liberty University offers you an education that is both academically challenging and rooted in a biblical worldview.

    At Liberty, youll benefit from 35+ years of learning, growing, adapting, and innovating for the distance learner and more than a decade of researching the needs of the online student. You can be confident that weve taken the time to learn whats important to you.

    And whats that?

    • Accessibility
    • Academic Quality

    These important factors challenged us to find new financial solutions, get ahead of industry trends, and blaze trails into cutting-edge career fields and its paid off. Thats the difference experience makes.

    Also Check: Do Not Be Afraid Bible Verse 365

    Iv Preparing A Lesson From Expository Materialjohn : 1

    A. Pick the Passage: John 1:1-18

    B. Study the Passage Using Observations and Questions/Answers

    We completed this in the previous lesson. Go there now and review the material if you need to. Think through the words, structure , mood, as well as the type of literature youre working with. We gave you a little help above with teaching three different kinds of literature, e.g., expository, narrative, and poetic.

    C. State the Subject/Complement:

    We said that the subject/complement for John 1:1-18 was something like: The reason that the eternal Word of God became flesh was so that he might reveal God to all men and that they might believe in him and become Gods children.

    D. Develop the Textual Outline of the Passage

    We prepared the following general outline:

    E. Develop the Subject/Complement

    In order to develop the subject/complement we ask three questions in light of one primary question. The primary question is: What is the purpose for this lesson? What do I want to accomplish with this lesson? Well, the purpose I choose should be consistent with the purpose for the passage as originally givenas far as we can tell. Now it is clear that John wrote the prologue to his gospel in order to foster genuine and full belief in Jesus. So, his purpose was directly related to the salvation of people as well as their subsequent growth in the Christian life.

    F. Develop the Lesson from the Outline

      I. Introduction

        A. Summarize the Big Idea. Say it Again.

        B. Illustrate and Appeal

    Bring Your Adult Bible Study Lessons And Class Discussions To Life

    Adult Bible Classes

    The lesson you present this coming week in your church class or small group could spark the most stimulating discussions you’ve ever had!

    When you show students that the Bible is alive today by relating it to news events happening here and now, you can make a real difference in people’s lives and their spiritual growth.

    Don’t Miss: Bible Schools In Maryland

    What Will You Learn In Liberty Universitys Bachelor Of Science In Bible

    • Biblical theology
    • Practical methods for teaching Scripture
    • Writing for religious disciplines

    Our B.S. in Bible degree offers an overview of the entire Bible. In addition to the topics listed above, you will study Daniel and Revelation, the Pentateuch, Pauline and General Epistles, the book of Acts, and much more. By choosing Libertys B.S. in Bible, you are choosing a degree that can help launch your career in ministry to new heights. Taught by expert professors, the courses of this degree can strengthen your understanding of the Bible and help you stand out among your peers.

    Tips For Teaching Better Bible Classes

    by Wes | Sep 28, 2016 | Church

    Whether youre teaching teenagers, adults, women, or men, I know you want your Bible class to be as effective as it can possibly be. I know you want people to see the relevance of Scripture. I know you want people to learn and to grow. But sometimes, lets face it, its hard to know how to do that. Its hard to know how to teach an effective Bible class. So I want to share with you a few things Ive found helpful when teaching Bible classes. I hope you find these helpful as well.

    1. Pray.

    Dont underestimate the role prayer plays in teaching an effective Bible class. This is Gods word youre teaching and Gods people to whom youre teaching it. Ask God for His help.

    You could pray for your class what Paul prayed for the church in Ephesus . It could sound something like this:

    Pray when youre preparing your lesson. Pray when youve finished preparing. Pray at the beginning of your class. Pray at the end of your class. The more you invoke God in prayer, the more effective your class will be.

    2. Know the text.

    You dont have to know everything there is to know about Scripture when you teach a Bible class, but you do have to know the text you are teaching. Read through it as many times as possible. Read it in multiple translations. Read various commentaries on the text. When you go into class, try your very best to know that piece of Scripture forwards and backwards.

    3. Have a point.

    4. Outline what youre going to say.

    Wes McAdams

    Don’t Miss: What Is The Chronological Order Of The Bible

    Study It By The Verbs In The Verse

    For example, if you were studying John 3:16 you would find the following verbs: loved gave should not perish have

    You could make a comparative list like this:God loved Humankind believesGod gave Humankind shall not perish Humankind has everlasting life.

    Or simply take the nouns in this wonderful verse: God world only begotten Son whoever everlasting life.

    Bible Studies For Sunday School Classes And Groups Of All Ages

    Bible Studies for Life Adults: Teaching a Session

    From Lifeway Christian Resources, a Leading Provider of Sunday School StudiesChoosing the right Bible study can sometimes be overwhelming as different groups have different approaches to studying Scripture. That’s why we offer distinct Bible study approaches for your groups. Whether you’re looking for a chronological Christ-centered study, a book-by-book study, or studies that look at real life issues, you’ll find something that fits the needs of all ages in your church.

    Also Check: Does The Bible Say Anything About Living Together Before Marriage

    Use Visuals And Illustrations

    Many people are visual learners. Mental pictures always help to focus a message and make it easier to remember. A man in the African bush once asked an American what the Empire State Building looked like. The American used a mental picture the man could relate to. He said it looked like 200 mud huts stacked on top of each other with a banana leaf sticking out of the top. To a man who had never seen a tall building, it was the closest thing he could understand. Be practical in your teaching and use illustrations people can readily understand.

    Jesus constantly used parables or story illustrations that conveyed a spiritual meaning when He taught. All these things Jesus spoke to the multitude in parables and without a parable He did not speak to them . Jesus knew that spiritual things are often not tangible until we see a natural illustration that points us to the spiritual implication. Jesus used mental pictures of a sower sowing seeds or a lost sheep or a hidden treasure. These pictures helped the people understand what He was saying. A good teacher will use stories describing current events or famous people to relate a spiritual concept to the people he is teaching.


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