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How To Teach Your Kids The Bible

Ways To Teach Your Kids The Bible

How to Teach Your Children the Bible // How We Teach Our Children the Bible

Im a father of three young kids. I cant think of many things more important for them than regular exposure to the living Word of God. If youre a Christian parent of young children, I assume you share the same conviction: Your kids need to hear from God, and you long for them to listen carefully to his good Word.

But its hard. Life is busy, kids are lively, and reading the Bible often struggles to compete with the Disney channel, Legos, and the newest phone app.

Here are six tips my wife and I have found helpful in our rhythm of Bible reading with our young kids .

Purchase Devotional Books On Their Level

52 Commands of Jesus for Children: One Year Devotional with 52 Coloring Pages helps teach your children the Bible, drawing from Jesus practical teaching from parables in the gospels. Each week teaches a command and character quality, with most of the Scriptures being quotes from Christ Himself. Some of the character traits discussed are humility, truthfulness, self-control, deference and resourcefulness. There are also suggested questions to encourage discussion.

Since I happen to know the author , Im pleased to receommend this terrific book to use with your own children!

Show Children The Truths Of Salvation

More than just telling the stories of the Bible, children must be engaged in the truths that the drama of Scripture unfolds. Its one thing to tell a child that Jesus died on the cross. It is another profoundly important thing to explain why He died to save us from our sin and reconcile all things broken by sin. Understanding the gospel message and being able to communicate that message from the stories of Scripture will help children respond to what God has done for them.

A simple outline of the gospel will be useful to connect the stories of the Bible to the overarching doctrines of salvation so that children can directly respond through repentance and faith in Christ.

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Why Teach Your Kids To Study The Bible

Often we dont know where to start when it comes to helping teach our kids to study the Bible.

The Bible itself is a big book and can be intimidating just to read, let alone studying it.

Our kids need help in leading them in how to study the Bible. You are discipling your children when you walk them through this process. Since studying the Bible is learned your children, it means that its also taught you as the parent.

No one else is responsible for this all-important job not the Bible school your children might attend, the Sunday School at your church, or the Christian kids club theyre a part of its no one elses responsibility except yours.

Bible Verses About Teaching Children

How to teach your children the Bible and grow them in the Word

When raising godly kids, use the Word of God and dont try to teach children without it, which will only lead them to rebelliousness. God knows children and He knows what you need to do to bring them up right. Parents are either going to prepare their children to follow Christ or to follow the world.

A child will trust his parents and believe the awesome stories in the Bible. Have fun while reading Scripture to them. Make it exciting.

They will be fascinated by Jesus Christ. Love your kids and be careful to follow Gods instructions, which includes teaching them His Word, disciplining them out of love, not provoking them, praying with them, and being a good example.


  • If we dont teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to.
  • The best learning I had came from teaching. Corrie Ten Boom
  • Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate.
  • Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best. Bob Talbert

What does the Bible say?

1. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go even when he is old he will not depart from it.

5. 1 Timothy 4:10-11 This is why we work hard and continue to struggle, for our hope is in the living God, who is the Savior of all people and particularly of all believers. Teach these things and insist that everyone learn them.

Discipline is a form of teaching your child.

10. Proverbs 29:17 Discipline your child, and he will give you rest he will bring you happiness.


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From Preschool To Preteen

Teaching children the Word of God is the only way of preparing them to make the most important decision of their liveswhere they will spend eternity. A wise man, through observation and the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, came to understand this important truth: Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it Proverbs 22:6.

Regarding children between the ages of 5 -12 years, well-known author and researcher George Barna has this to say

It is during these crucial years that lifelong habits, values, beliefs, and attitudes are formed.

Because it is so important to shape and guide children, God has given them the capacity to receive and understand spiritual truths from an early age.

Children are trusting by nature and will believe whatever adults tell thembe it fairy tales, fascinating facts or Bible stories. They believe the miracles in the Bible without question and find it easy to talk to their unseen friend Jesus. Children are also keen to discover and learn new things. They easily learn new songs and Bible verses, and they love to listen to stories.

Free How To Study The Bible Video Course To Teach Children About God

If you’re wondering how to teach kids about God, the best thing you can do is to:

  • First, introduce your children to Jesus and show them how to have a relationship with Him
  • Second, encourage your kids to create a daily quiet time habit where they learn how to grow close to God each day through Bible study.

Let me introduce you to a simple way to teach your kids to how to study the Bibleusing a simple, step-by-step Bible study method called the 5Rs Bible Study Method.

The 5Rs Bible Study Method consists of 5 steps: Read, Rewrite, Restate, Relate and Respond.

This simple method allows anyone to read any verse, understand it fully, relate it to their lives and then create a simple plan for change today. Learn more about the 5Rs here.

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Stop To Explain And Gauge Comprehension

Even if the passage for the day is only one chapter, that can be a lot for a young child to absorb if read all at once. Its incredibly important to stop often along the way, explain things, ask questions to gauge comprehension, and ensure your kids are following along and grasping what the passage is saying.

Connect Each Passage To Jesus

5 Things to Remember as You Teach Your Kids to Study the Bible

Jesus makes an amazingeven shockingstatement to the Pharisees in John 5: You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life. But it is they that bear witness about me. He is saying, in no uncertain terms, that the Scriptures are centered around himhis incarnation, his life, his teaching, his death, his resurrection, his return.

What does this mean for daily Bible reading with our kids? It means if were trying to help them understand any part of the biblical storyline, we must give them a sense of how that part connects to the major characterand great climaxof that big story.

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Welcome And Encourage All Of Their Questions And Diligently Seek Answers

When my son asked me why God would ask Abraham to hurt his son, I knew I had to answer. Thankfully, I had done quite a bit of study on that passage previously because it was troubling to me, especially after I became a parent.

Well, buddy, I carefully began, God never wanted Abraham to hurt his son. He wanted to see if Abraham trusted him with the person he loved most, his little boy. In that moment, Abraham was trusting God wholly and completely to take care of his sons life.

Thats what life with God is like. He wants our whole heart. He wants to know that we love him and will obey him even when its really hard. God does ask hard things of us, but just like he provided the ram so Abraham didnt hurt his son, God will provide for us, too, when there are times he asks us to give us things that are really hard to give.

But there have also been times that I havent had the answers and Ive said a simple, I dont know but thats a good question and Ill get back to you on it. And its up to me to actually do that. Its up to me to consult commentaries, study bibles, mature Christians and pastors until I get the answer.

Build a foundation of faith for your child that teaches them that God can handle their questions. Help them see that sometimes it takes diligent work to understand Scripture, but life-lighting truth is always worth the work.

Childrens Scripture Memorization Tools

Teaching children to memorize Gods Word is equivalent to equipping them with The Sword of the Spirit. And doing that is one of the best ways to teach kids about the Bible. Because they will need to learn how to wield their Sword in times of temptations, struggles, and hardships.

And there are a lot of great tips and tools you can use to help children learn how to memorize scripture. I talk a lot more about them in my post here. But however you choose to go about it, helping your kids learn to memorize scripture is a must as you teach children about God.

Here are some great tools to help you teach you kids to memorize scripture:

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Read Gods Word Regularly

If nothing else, the simplest and most efficient way to help children engage, apply, and love Gods Word is to read it with them regularly. By sitting together as a family and reading and discussing the Bible daily, you will, over time, build a familiarity with the Bible and a growing love for God through His Word.

We must remember that God promises that His Word will accomplish what He has intended for it to do: Just as the rain and snow fall from heaven and do not return there without saturating the earth so my word that comes from my mouth will not return to me empty, but it will accomplish what I please and will prosper in what I send it to do . This promise should encourage and motivate us to make sure our children hear, read, and understand the Bible. Gods word is sufficient to save, change, and grow our children to love Him forever!

How To Teach Difficult Bible Stories To Your Kids

Teaching Kids the Bible
  • Shelby TurnerAuthor

Mom, why would God do that? Why would he tell a dad to hurt his little boy? We had just finished reading a chapter titled The Gift in the Jesus Storybook Bible and my five-year olds eyes had grown wide as the illustrated pages showed Abraham tying his son Isaac atop an altar of stones and sticks. I locked my eyes with his, I understood the bewildered look that accompanied his question. This portion of the Bible wasnt easy for me to figure out either.

Mom, why would God do that? Why would he tell a dad to hurt his little boy? We had just finished reading a chapter titled The Gift in the Jesus Storybook Bible and my five-year olds eyes had grown wide as the illustrated pages showed Abraham tying his son Isaac atop an altar of stones and sticks. I locked my eyes with his, I understood the bewildered look that accompanied his question. This portion of the Bible wasnt easy for me to figure out either.

I couldnt fathom marching the boy in front of me up a mountain knowing that once we reached the top, I would need to give his very life in obedience to God. It only becomes more complicated when you consider that God gave Abraham Isaac as a son through an incredible miracle and also promised that there would be an everlasting covenant between himself and Isaac. All those promises and then a request for Abraham to kill the promised son? Really, who could comprehend that?

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Tips For Teaching Kids The Bible

The Bible can seem intimidating. Its mere size and vocabulary can be a barrier even to the most learned adult picking up and reading it. When you include the scope of literary genre and complexity of spiritual dynamics as a whole, the Bible seems vastly unapproachable to just about anyone, but especially to preteens and younger.

As great as those obstacles seem, the Bible and its message is not something that should be avoided until a person reaches adulthood. We dont simply need more Bible storybooks we need kids actually reading Gods Word in its full form.

At the very center of Jewish family life was the importance of teaching children the Bible. The call to Israel was to take the Word of God and, Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up . For Jewish families, being faithful to God meant teaching their children the Bible and all that it teaches. Passing the stories of Gods greatness and goodness from one generation to the next were paramount to ensuring trust and faith in God. For example, Israelites who werent even born during the Exodus still identified with the story of Gods work there as it was passed down first by oral tradition, and then in the pages of the Hebrew Bible itself.

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Newest Release – Episode 5: Its Going to be Amazing!

After a couple has chosen life, hear the heartwarming stories of children that culture would have cast aside, yet are making tremendous impacts in their communities. Whether the diagnosis was adverse or the circumstances were difficult, these stories will inspire you to come along side of families who have chosen life!

Yes, I Promise to Pray for the Pre-born and Their Moms!

Will you pray for the pre-born and moms that are facing unexpected pregnancies? We will send you a 7-day prayer guide that will help guide you along this journey with us!! You can even choose to receive this great resource by text!

Newest Release – Episode 4: Sometimes the Choice is Hard

Hear real life stories of parents who have made the decision to choose life even though the circumstances were overwhelming. Youll see why ALL life is precious to God and why choosing life is always the right decision!

Yes, I Promise to Pray for the Pre-born and Their Moms!

Will you pray for the pre-born and moms that are facing unexpected pregnancies? We will send you a 7-day prayer guide that will help guide you along this journey with us!! You can even choose to receive this great resource by text!

Newest Release – Episode 6: Families Helping Families!

Yes, I Promise to Pray for the Pre-born and Their Moms!

Newest Release – Episode 3: The Power of a Picture

Newest Release – Episode 2: Heroes Providing Hope

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What Bible Books Should Kids Read

  • The Children of God Storybook Bible byArchbishop Desmond Tutu is available for purchase
  • This is Kim Shin-Joongs Power Bible.
  • Trillia J.s Gods Very Good Idea is a great book
  • Zondervan and Omar Arandas Once Upon a Time for Little Ones is a story about little ones
  • The Bible Stories Told by a Freeman of Color: Let My People go by Patricia C. Freeman.
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    How to Teach Your Toddler about Jesus // Bibles for Kids, Bible Crafts, Prayer, and more!

    If God is everywhere, is he in the bookshelf? our then-five-year-old asked.

    Um, not exactly I replied, Or maybe yes, since he is everywhere? … But then again, were not pantheists, hes not in a plank of wood … You know, Ill get back to you on that!

    How had I not thought to research how Gods omnipresence intersects with pantheism before our bedtime Bible stories?!

    Family Bible times dont always go where we expect them to. To be honest, sometimes they dont even start how we intend! Someone is shoving their brother, another child only seems capable of being upside down Their attention span is suddenly so short! And yet the Bible is full of gripping true stories, entertaining illustrations, and of course is Gods life-changing word.

    So is Bible time distraction just a spiritual battle, or can we do more to help?

    “When Jesus and the Old Testament prophets communicated God’s Word, they also used engaging communication methods like stories, pictures, questions, and drama.”

    Also Check: What Does The Bible Say About Mixing Races In Marriage

    Make Learning The Books Of The Bible Fun

    No more searching for a fun way of learning the books of the Bible. Youve found lots of ideas here! And all these activities are fun, easy, and effective.

    So click around and check out these fun activities for learning the books of the Bible. Remember if you want the free printables too, all you need to do is sign up and Ill be happy to send them your way! And if you want even more ideas, be sure to grab Gen to Rev: 10 Fun Activities to Teach Kids the Books of the Bible.

    And have fun passing the faith along to your kiddoes!

    Thanks for signing up at BibleBaton! Check your email now to confirm your subscription and get your free printable . I’ll see you there!

    Hi, I’m Sarah!

    I help Christian women successfully teach the Bible to kids using creative lesson plans, simple crafts, and unique activities.

    I’m a certified Montessori teacher with a Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies, plus over 10 years of experience working with kids. And I love creating materials for teaching the Word of God to children!

    If you’re frustrated with trying to find fun yet biblically sound materials for your Sunday School or children’s ministry then I’d love to share share exclusive freebies with you by email…

    Please enter your name and email address below, and I’ll send your first free printable straight over to your inbox! 😀

    Thanks for signing up at BibleBaton! Check your email now to confirm your subscription . I’ll see you there! 🙂

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