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Is Genesis History Bible Study

Is Genesis History More Than A Documentary

Genesis as a Book of History : Clip from Bible Study on Genesis

Produced by Compass Cinema and hosted by Dr. Del Tackett, Is Genesis History? feature film is the first step on a journey toward understanding the history of the Earth according to Genesis. Follow Del Tackett as he travels across the continent with over a dozen scientists and scholars to see fascinating new evidence for creation and a global flood.

Is Genesis History Bible Study Set

Date Released: SKU:

A video study that explores what the Bible teaches about Creation and the Flood. It is intended to complement the film Is Genesis History? by providing an in-depth look at what Biblical authors say about six key doctrines associated with Creation, Adam and Eve, and the Flood. Designed for use by groups, families, or individuals, each lesson contains five parts: Setup, Video, Conversation, Differing Views, and Personal Study .

The book of Genesis includes some of the most foundational events in the history of the world. Our hope is that by the end of this study, you will know exactly what the Bible says about those foundational events.


The Doctrine Of Revelation

The Bible is a book made up of different types of writing: history, laws, songs, prophecy, wisdom, and letters. One thing these writings have in common is their authors assumed they were writing about real people and events. As Peter explains:

For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased, we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain.

There are many internal indicators that Biblical writers were referring to actual events. The authors provide specific dates, identify locations, describe geographical features, or point out man-made monuments that were still existing when the original readers read the text.

Actual events such as the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, the giving of the Law to Moses, or the anointing of King David are the bedrock on which every type of Biblical writing is based.

In other words, the Bible is essentially a book of history. Note that the word history can be used in two related ways:

  • History can refer to the written record of people and events in time
  • History can be used in a more comprehensive sense to refer to the actual people and events themselves
  • Davids Flight from Saul

    What is revelation?

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    Is Genesis History Bible Study Dvd


    Explore what the Bible teaches about the first chapters of Genesis. This study is intended to complement the film Is Genesis History? by looking at six key doctrines introduced in the first chapters of Genesis. These doctrines are related to the gospel and are important to understanding the nature of our salvation. After all, Genesis records the foundational events in the history of the world. Jesus Himself was there at the beginning, forming everything according to His purpose. As the Apostle John tells us, All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. Genesis is therefore central to the work of Jesus Christ. Our hope is that by the end of this study you will better understand how the first chapters of Genesis are related to His plan of salvation.

    Included DVD is not the feature film, but 6 new videos that compliment the study.

    1 in stock

    Is Genesis History Feature Film

    Is Genesis History? Bible Study Book

    A fascinating new look at the biblical, historical, and scientific evidence for Creation and the Flood. Learn from more than a dozen scientists and scholars as they explore the world around us in light of Genesis.Feature Documentary 101 min- Ark Encounter with Del Tackett & 3 Students 12 min- Q& A with Del Tackett & Scientists 13min- The Ice Age & Climate Change: Larry Vardiman, PhD 15min- Engineering the Universe: Stuart Burgess, PhD 18min- The Church and Creation Douglas Kelly, PhD 12min- Meet the Scientists, Del Tackett, Production Company 15minAudio: English

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    A Geological Response To The Movie Is Genesis History

    Our worldview is based on a belief that the Bible is true cover to cover, from Gen. 1:1 to Rev. 22:21. We believe God created the universe, that sin really did enter the world through human disobedience, that Jesus died and rose from the dead, and that there is life and judgement beyond the grave. We further believe that nature, as a reflection of its Author, is orderly and logical that we can trust the story it tells to not be designed to mislead. So now you know the lens through which we offer our critique.

    The cinematography of Is Genesis History? is excellent, with creative artwork at each transition, beautiful landscapes, and technical prowess. We can also commend Dr. Tackett for his desire for the world to know truth. Unfortunately, the narrative that accompanied the rich display of Gods amazing creation fell far short of reflecting what we actually find revealed in nature.

    Moreover, would the truth of an earth of recent creation and violent history need to be propped up on a tangled web of misrepresentations, half-truths, and concealed data? Regardless of whether one thinks the earth to be young or old, Christians should insist on accurately and honestly presented data.

    So what did we see in this film? It would take a book to flesh out all the false assertions made, so well confine this review to a few illustrative examples.

    Notes & References

    When Did The Church Stop Reading Genesis As History

    • 2 minute read

    Dr. Douglas Kelly explains the history of the churchs relationship with Evolution and the Bible.

    DEL: Where do you see all of the sudden the thought beginning to work its way in, that there is something less than historical record found in Genesis?

    DOUG: Dr. Nigel Cameron, who did a book a number of years ago which unfortunately its out of print, Evolution and the Authority of the Bible, in which he shows convincingly to me after serious study on his part that the whole church as far as commentators and creeds on into Protestant confessions held straight six day creation, until the European enlightenment. And particularly two things happen, well many things happened in the European enlightenment but two things particular reference to creation. One is there was the introduction of the thought of vast geological ages being evidenced by geological structures. That was happening largely in the 18th Century, late 18th Century. And then in the 19th Century of course we have Charles Darwin. It was not that theories of evolution were totally novel. They werent, because if you go back to certain pre-socratic philosophers, Democritus, Lucretius and others, they held some kind of evolution, but that Christianity had purged that out and said its ridiculous and it goes way underground.

    DEL: It happened that fast.

    DOUG: It happened that fast within six or seven years. Now there were exceptions. Good Bishop Wilbur Force resisted it, but thats how quickly it happened.

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    Is Genesis History Bible Study Curriculum

    An in-depth exploration of what Bible teaches about Genesis 111. Intended to complement the documentary film, this study can be used by churches, families, or individually. Includes: Leaders Guide/Study Book & 6 Videos from material not included in the film.

    Lesson Titles: 1. Genesis as a Book of History – Dr. George Grant, Pastor 2. The First Seven Days – Dr. Stuart Burgess, Engineer 3. Man, Life, & Science – Dr. Kurt Wise, Paleontologist 4. Adam, Eve, & the First Sin – Dr. Douglas Kelly, Theologian 5. The Global Flood – Dr. Marcus Ross, Paleontologist 6. The Importance of History – Dr. Paul Nelson, Philosopher

    Includes Dvd With 6 New Video Clips For Use In Small Group Studies

    1: What is the Origin of Literally Everything?

    Lesson Titles:

  • Genesis as a Book of History: The Doctrine of Revelation â Dr. George Grant, Pastor
  • The First Seven Days: The Doctrine of Creation â Dr. Stuart Burgess, Engineer
  • Man, Life, & Science: The Doctrine of the Image of God â Dr. Kurt Wise, Paleontologist
  • Adam, Eve, & the First Sin: The Doctrine of the Fall â Dr. Douglas Kelly, Theologian
  • The Global Flood: The Doctrine of Judgment â Dr. Marcus Ross, Paleontologist
  • The Importance of History: The Doctrine of Providence â Dr. Paul Nelson, Philosopher
  • *Feature film not included in set.

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    Explore What The Bible Teaches About Genesis 1

    This study is designed for use by groups, families, or individuals, each lesson contains five parts: Setup, Video, Conversations, Differing Views, and Personal Study .

    The book of Genesis includes some of the most foundational events in the history of the world. Our hope is that by the end of this study, you will know exactly what the Bible says about those foundational events.

    Lesson Titles:

    1. Genesis as a Book of History Dr. George Grant, Pastor2. The First Seven Days Dr. Stuart Burgess, Engineer3. Man, Life, & Science Dr. Kurt Wise, Paleontologist 4. Adam, Eve, & the First Sin Dr. Douglas Kelly, Theologian 5. The Global Flood Dr. Marcus Ross, Paleontologist 6. The Importance of History Dr. Paul Nelson, Philosopher

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    Ed Stetzer,

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    Is Genesis History Or Not Decide On Evidence

    Do we have to believe the biblical account of creation on blind faith? Or is there solid scientific evidence for the biblical account? Thomas Purifoy Jr. provides some evidence for you to evaluate in the documentary Is Genesis History? If you will click on the link, you will find an introduction and overview as well as extra resources below the film. I believe the film is worth the 1 hour and 45 minutes that it takes to watch. So set aside some time for this.

    Before you begin, its helpful to know that the Seventh-day Adventist view differs from the view presented in a key aspect: We do not believe that God created the whole universe by divine fiat on the first day of Genesis 1 only this earth or solar system. So we are not burdened with having to explain how we can see star light from stars millions of light years away on our young earth. But the video is very good in going over the main lines of scientific evidence and seems suitable both for the average person and the scientifically inclined. I was happy to find this documentary available for free on Youtube and share it with you here:

    After you watch the video, we would love to have you post your comments or questions below.

    Reflections On Is Genesis History Part Ii: Where Do The Lines Of Evidence Lead

    Is Genesis History? Bible Study Combo (Pack)

    The question posed in the title of the documentary-style film Is Genesis History? sounds provocative, but the answer was never in doubt in the mind of the filmmakersor the primary audience. The producers surely hoped that non-Christians and Christians alike with questions about origins/natural history/science would be drawn in by the title query and subtitle two competing worldviews, one compelling truth. Indeed, when I saw the film, I sat next to a man who knew nothing of young-earth creationism , was Catholic and told me he had always wondered what to make of the early chapters of Genesis, so he showed up to find out. However, he was a distant outlier among the theater goers. The vast majority of the audience likely were there because they hoped the film to support their belief in a young earth. They had most likely heard about the film through promotions run by young-earth creationist organizations.

    For the filmmakers, the verdict was never in doubt. The question was never one whose answer was unknown. The verdict was in hand before evidence was brought to bear on the question. This is not unlike a trial in which the lawyers for one side will only present supporting evidence for their side and seek to provide alternative interpretations for, or outright dismissal of, evidence that is said to conflict with their position. Only in this case, there was no opposing counsel, no exculpatory evidence and no appeal by the defense. It seems to be a Kangaroo Court


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    Beyond Is Genesis History Vol 1 3

    When youve watched the documentary film and want to learn more, this is your next step!Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 1: Rocks and Fossils explores the fields of geology, paleontology, and atmospheric science. Vol 2: Life & Design looks at biology, genetics, and intelligent design. Vol 3: Bible & Stars examines Archeology, Astronomy, Biblical Studies, Culture, and Theology.The fascinating segments are approximately 20 minutes each and include an incredible depth of material not included in the film. They are perfect for families, churches, schools, and homeschools wanting to learn how Genesis explains the world around us.Duration: 15 hoursVideos: 38 videosFeaturing: Del Tackett, Steve Austin Art Chadwick, Marcus Ross, Andrew Snelling, Larry Vardiman, Kurt Wise, Todd Wood, Robert Carter, Kevin Anderson, Paul Nelson, Stuart Burgess, George Grant, Danny Faulkner, Doug Petrovich, Douglas Kelly, and Steve Boyd.

    Beyond Is Genesis History

    In Beyond Is Genesis History?, 48 video segments that run about 20 minutes each expand upon individual topics addressed in the main film. These were obviously filmed at the same time as the footage for the main video described above. With a total of more than 15 hours of content, these video segments offer viewers the opportunity to go deeper into topics they find intriguing.

    These video segments are divided into three volumes:

    • Volume 1, Rocks and Fossils delves into geology, paleontology, and atmospheric science with 20 video segments such as, Mount St. Helens: Catastrophic Geology, The Great Uncomformity and Megasequences, The Fossil Record and Design, and The Ice Age and Climate Change.
    • Volume 2, Life and Design includes 16 video segments on biology, genetics, and intelligent design. Some of the titles are: The Power of Natural Selection, Humans and Apes, Diversity and Design in the Ocean, The Extraordinary Design of DNA, and Soft Tissue in Dinosaur Bones.
    • Volume 3, Bible and Stars explores astronomy, archaeology, biblical studies, history, and theology. The 12 video segments in this volume include titles such as The Importance of Genesis to Our Culture, The Extraordinary Design of the Universe, Carbon Dating and the Septuagint, and The History of the Church on Creation and Evolution.

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    Genesis Records The Foundational Events In The History Of The World

    Jesus Himself was there at the beginning, forming everything according to His purpose. Genesis is therefore central to the work of Jesus Christ. Our hope is that by the end of this study you will better understand how the first chapters of Genesis are related to His plan of salvation.

    This study is intended to complement the film Is Genesis History? by looking at six key doctrines introduced in the first chapters of Genesis. These doctrines are related to the gospel and are important to understanding the nature of our salvation.

    Is Genesis History Bible Study

    Adam, Eve, & the First Sin : Clip from Bible Study on Genesis
    • UPC:
    • Includes optional English subtitles

    This study is intended to complement the film Is Genesis History? by providing an in-depth look at what Biblical authors say about six key doctrines associated with Creation, Adam and Eve, and the Flood. Includes study guide book and video clips. Full-length documentary not included.

    Checking for more in this series.

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    Is Genesis History Bible Study Now Available

    We are thrilled to promote Is Genesis History?a fantastic and powerful documentary hosted by Del Tackett, featuring several AiG scientists among other experts. This documentary is now on DVD for you to view again and share with others. And a Bible study book is now available to turn this documentary into a study of the first 11 chapters of Genesis.

    This study is intended to complement the documentary by providing an in-depth look at six key doctrines associated with creation, Adam and Eve, and the Flood. This video-based study includes clips not shown in the film, and its six lessons are designed for use in groups or in your personal study.

    Youll explore Genesis as a book of history, the doctrine of original sin, what we can know about the first seven days of the universe, and much more. Each lesson contains a daily individual study of selected Scripture passages to encourage study throughout the week.

    I encourage you to consider hosting an Is Genesis History? Bible study in your home or church. Believers will be equipped to view Genesis as history and answer the questions of our day. And consider inviting unbelievers to challenge them to consider the truth claims of the Bible and to see that Gods Word can be trusted from the very beginning.

    Learn more and order your combo pack containing the DVD and Bible study at

    Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken


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