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What Does The Bible Say About Heartbreak

How Long Does It Take For A Broken Heart To Heal

What Does the Bible Say About Our Heart? | Kids Lesson

How long a broken heart can take to heal is difficult to say. There are too many variables involved including different types of personalities and distinct situations. In most cases, the healing of a broken heart is a process.

Maybe you have been seeking healing and deliverance for your broken heart for a while now and you are thinking, Will my broken heart ever heal?

Let me encourage you to just stick with it. It is a process.

To help you in this process you can use my prayer guide for self-deliverance that I put together for you.

I can remember when I became a Christian God confronted me about the unforgiveness, hurt, and anger in my heart. He showed me that I had to forgive to move on. And so I did.

God touched me, set me free of a bunch of things until years later He brought similar issues up again showing me that we needed to go deeper in the healing process.

It was then when God completely set me free, that I felt a spiritual, emotional, as well as a physical release and I was able to tell that one person genuinely without remorse for the first time after 20 years that I loved him.

That was my Dad by the way. Its a long story, we can talk about that another time.

God had to take away layer after layer until the root of my brokenness was ripe to be plucked out by the Holy Spirit.

After that, I felt so much better. I felt free and was able to love and forgive way more easily than ever before.

Jesus healed my broken heart and wants to do the same with you.

Psalm : 26 My Flesh And My Heart May Fail But God Is The Strength Of My Heart Forever

It is almost a cliche to say that you should let God be your strength, but the fact that the phrase is said often does not mean that it is not true. With God as your strength, you do not need to rely upon your broken heart. You can let your heart rest and heal while you trust God to act as your strength. Anyone who has ever had an emotional wound knows that it is difficult to allow yourself the vulnerability that is needed to heal an emotional wound when you are still trying to be strong. Stop relying on your own strength and rely upon God’s instead so that your broken heart can heal.

God Heals A Broken Heart Scriptures

It is Gods divine nature to care for His children.

That means Gods love is always with us. And He is always there to comfort us when we need Him the most. He will never leave us to face heartache alone. And He will heal our broken hearts with His great compassion.

These scriptures tell us how God heals a broken heart and cares for us when we are crushed in spirit.

The Lord is close to the brokenheartedand saves those who are crushed in spirit.

and binds up their wounds.

Psalm 147:3 NIV

You have taken account of my miseries Put my tears in Your bottle.Are they not in Your book?

Psalm 56:8 NASB

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,

Isaiah 61:1 NIV

Though you have made me see troubles,many and bitter,you will restore my life again from the depths of the earthyou will again bring me up.

Psalm 71:20 NIV

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,A broken and a contrite heartThese, O God, You will not despise.

Psalm 51:17 NKJV

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.

Give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures forever.

Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his steadfast love endures forever

Psalm 136:1-3 ESV

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,

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The Best 31 Bible Verses To Keep Positive After A Hard Breakup

Whether we are ending a friendship, a marriage, or a business partnership, the end of a relationship hurts regardless of why it happened, and even if its a mutual decision. I think when the reason for the breakup is betrayal, the devastation in your heart can be traumatic.

The initial shock of how Ive been deceived, betrayed, and mistreated has been slowly wearing off, but the heartache remains and my wounds are wide open.

I am doing all I can to stay positive during this trial and I want to share some Bible verses about breaking up from the King James Version that have guided me through this new journey Im slowly stumbling through.

Bible Verses About Heartbreak

17 Bible Verses For a Broken Heart  How to Handle Heart Break

As a single Christian woman, I know that the saying time heals all wounds is not completely true. Because in reality, it takes more than timeto heal from heartbreak.

It takes time, strength and support of someone that can help you heal your soul and heart.

In these bible verses for a broken heart, God promises to be by our side as we experience trouble and despair.

Use these scriptures on broken hearts to remind yourself that God is close and that you can call upon him in need.

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Deuteronomy : 6 ~ Aid

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

The #1 fear we experience after breakup or divorce is the frantic fear of being alone. When youre dealing with this sense of emptiness, you may try what I do: I tell myself its even more terrifying to stay with someone that makes you feel alone. Faith can dissipate your uncertainty and summon the Heavenly Help you need.

Philippians : 13 ~ Power

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

I always say BE Positive and Youll BE Powerful and positivity comes from faith. As you focus on that which you pray for and have faith it is possible, you will have the power to co-create it in your life. All things are possible for you through Him.

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The Word Of God Is Very Powerful

Broken heart bible verse. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you if you repeat these texts out loud or softly to yourself. Soak your whole being with it, because if your heart is filled with truth, God will richly bless you. After all, your heart is open to believe and to trust and thus to take the right steps and to receive from God.

My plan is clear: I want happiness and not an accident for my people. A promising future I promise. Whoever seeks me with heart and soul will find me. I promise that I will be found.

The Lord is my shepherd, I will not lack anything. He brings me to green meadows, let me rest by the water. He gives me strength and leads me along safe paths, as he promised. Even though I go through a deep dark valley, I do not need to fear any danger, because you, Lord, are with me, Your staff and your stick protect me. Lord, you invite me to your table, My opponents must face it You anoint my head with oil You fill my cup until it floods. I experience your goodness and your love, All my life, I can live in your house, for days to come.

Just ask and you will receive, and your joy will be perfect.

God is good, patient and loving. He takes away the sins of us, and throws them far away from us, as far as the east is from the west. Like a father loves his children, So he loves those who worship him. He knows our fragility, He knows that we are just dust.

What Is The Holy Ghost

Bible Verses About The Heart | What Does the Bible Say About Heart?

The holy ghost is a member of the Godhead. This is explained in 1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

We are blessed with the Holy Ghost after our Baptismal covenant. This means that we have the privilege to have the gift of continual guidance and inspiration from the holy ghost. This does not mean that we get the Holy Ghost and then we can act however we want. We must maintain our spiritual cleanliness in order to keep the Holy Ghost with us. 1 Corinthians 3:16 -17

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you. If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy, for the temple of God is hold, which temple ye are.

Once you have experienced the presence of the Holy Ghost you will want him to reside within you always. The holy ghost is a guide, comforter, revealer of truth, sanctifier and brings a feeling of deep everlasting peace.

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What Can You Do If Your Heart Deceives You

Don’t listen to your heart!Objective Truth is the only thing that can give you proper direction if you look for guidance from your heart that guidance is subjective, it is based on your feelings, emotions and instincts. That is wrong and dangerous!We just read in Jeremiah 17:9 that the heart is deceitful above all things and mortally ill.Deceitful = deceitful, sly, fraudulent, crooked. In the original sense, from the idea of a hill or a knoll that hinders and keeps back those who go up.Mortally ill = incurable, extremely sick, mortally ill. Used to describe a disease that is hardly curable. You cannot cure and heal your heart, you need a new heart!

Comforting Bible Verses For Breakups And Heartbreak

by Ryan Hart | Updated on May 8, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

In this post youll discover the most comforting bible verses for breakups and healing a broken heart after a relationship ends.

In fact:

These are the same scriptures I read when I need help letting go of someone I love. And I hope this spiritual advice will help you, too.

Lets get started.

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What Are The 7 Signs Of A Hardened Heart

A hardened heart is basically a heart that is unmoved by things others would be compassionate about. It is a heart that is rebelling against God. But, theres more. Here is a list of 7 strong warning signs that a heart has hardened and needs repair:

  • Lack of ability to perceive, remember, or grasp events or ideas coming from God.
  • Insensitivity to sin, sinfulness.
  • One is easily offended, resentful, lacks ability to forgive.
  • Indifference to the Word of God.
  • Unbelief, drawing away from God.

And, if we think a hardened heart only occurs in someone who does not believe in God or perhaps in the most notorious of hardened hearts owners, Pharaoh, were mistaken. Yes, Pharaoh was the ruler described in the Book of Exodus in the Bible who would not let the Israelites leave their slavery and his country, Egypt. No matter how many plagues God sent on him and the Egyptians, Pharaoh continued to have an increasingly hard heart and would not let the people go.

Samuel : 10 ~ Permission

What Does the Bible Say About the Heart and Mind ...

And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore.

As recorded in the Bible, it is natural to go through a wide range of emotions during a painful situation, and its the same for a breakup, especially if betrayal is the culprit. Give yourself permission to cry, mourn, and to fully feel and express all the grief, sorrow, rage, and any and all emotions you may be feeling it is a powerful way to heal.

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Stories Of Heartbreak In The Bible

The Bible is full of several examples and stories of heartbreak.

In Genesis 21, Hagar was heartbroken after Abraham sent her and Ishmael away.

And in 1 Samuel 1, Hannah was grieving her hearts unfulfilled desire to get pregnant.

In 2 Samuel 11, Bathsheba had a broken heart after her husband was killed in battle.

And in 2 Samuel 12, even though David had an affair with Bathsheba, he was healing from a broken heart after the death of their baby.

In the book of Job, Job was suffering from heartbreak after he almost lost everything that mattered the most.

In John 11, Mary & Martha experienced heartbreak when their brother, Lazarus died. Even though Jesus rose him from the dead, they still grieved and experienced a broken heart for a few days.

And in the book of Ruth, Ruth and Naomi experienced heartbreak after the death of both their husbands.

And we can only imagine how heart broken Leah must have felt as her husband loved and favored her sister more than her in Genesis 29 & 30.

So if you feel like youre the only one with a broken heart, you are not alone. Let these examples of heartbreak in the Bible show you that God is the ultimate healer of broken hearts.

AS God heals your broken heart, pray these Bible scriptures for a broken heart.

And if youre not sure how to pray these Bible verses for heartbreak, pray these prayers for a broken heart.

Psalm : 3 He Heals The Brokenhearted And Binds Up Their Wounds

Heartbreak can feel like a physical wound. In fact, it can have many of the same dangers and complications that an actual, physical injury would bring. Emotions effect your body, and the maelstrom of pain and stress that follows heartbreak can do very real damage to your body. Just like a physical wound, emotional healing is not always easy. It is painful and can be messy, but it must be done. Unlike physical injuries, however, emotional wounds will not close on their own. You must put forth the work to reach for emotional healing and allow God to help you mend your broken heart.

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Bible Verses For The Broken Heart

The writer of Proverbs emphasizes the importance of our hearts when he writes Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from itProverbs 4:23 NIV. The Hebrew word for heart here is leb which refers to the inner self, comprised of our mind, will, understanding, and inclination as well as our emotions. God tells us in this simple proverb that everything we do flows from our hearts. This would make our hearts likely targets for our enemy, Satan, and so God cautions us to guard them. There are times, though, when we do take the hit!

In the armor of God, described in Ephesians 6:10-17, the piece that would cover our hearts is the breastplate of righteousness.

Of course, we know our own righteousness would never be sufficient protection. But we are all like an unclean thing, And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags Isaiah 64:6 NKJV. Its the righteousness that is ours in Christ Jesus that provides protection for our inner being. And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord1 Corinthians 1:30-31 ESV.

Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted. In Him, there is no condemnation. He knows we live in a fallen world. He knows we are engaged in a spiritual battle. We become injured. We break our hearts. He is here for us with His presence and with healing.

Bible Verses About Letting Go Of A Relationship

What the Bible says about Following Your Heart and your feelings

Proverbs 4:25-27

Let your eyes look straight ahead fix your gaze directly before you.Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.Do not turn to the right or the left keep your foot from evil

Isaiah 26:3

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,because they trust in you

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Bible Verses About Letting Go Of Hurt

Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

Romans 12:19

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine I will repay, saith the Lord

What Does The Bible Say About The Heart

One of the things the Bible speaks about quite frequently is the heart. The number of times this word appears depends on which translation you use.

For example, in the New International Version the word heart appears more than 500 times. In the King James Version the word heart appears more than 800 times. When something is mentioned this many times, it is important and we should pay attention to it.

Understanding what the Bible says about the heart is really understanding a lot about our human nature.

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What Does The Bible Say About A Glad Heart

The heart of the wise craves knowledge, while the tongues of idiots feast on nonsense. A joyous heart heals the bones, but a shattered soul dries them out. Those who gaze to him are dazzling, and they will never be embarrassed of their appearance. A happy heart produces a joyful smile, while a sad heart crushes the soul.

Serve the LORD gladly, and come before Him joyfully singing. Allow me to hear your excitement and gladness. “Let the bones you’ve broken rejoice.” You will be filled with pleasure and gladness, and many people will celebrate at his birth. Solomon’s Proverbs A intelligent son brings joy to his father, while a stupid son brings anguish to his mother.

The syntax, structure, and style of those languages differ greatly from English, making a direct word-for-word translation impossible. As a result, the number of times a single term appears in each edition of the Bible varies. Word New American Standard Version1995 ed. , King James Version

Rejoice and be joyful, because your recompense in heaven is great for they persecuted the prophets before you in the same manner. But, to the extent that you share Christ’s sufferings, continue to rejoice, so that when His glory is shown, you may also celebrate with exultation.


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