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HomeMust ReadWhere To Start With Bible Study

Where To Start With Bible Study

Start A Study Group That Shares

How to start a Bible study in your school.

The best factor to do is to form a workforce that shares their highest verse of the week and provide an explanation for it to everybody else. Then, possibly engaging is discussing what you realize from it, what you think normal about it, and so forth.

  • Starting a staff strictly to study the Bible straight away may not find a lot of individuals. Many receivedt find it fascinating enough.
  • So, select some buddies and talk about one thing philosophically from a verse from the Bible, and inform belongings you relate them to in real life.
  • You can percentage some reports that help you relate whether or not in prefer or in a debate of the verse and ask others if they suspect this is true and is correct.
  • Engage the crowd! It doesnt have to be Bible within the first week itself it can be a one-liner from a well-known film.

What Makes A Good Bible Study Chief

At their core, just right Bible study leaders are beginners who’re in a position to see what God can do on a weekly basis. Good leaders get ready Members understand when a leaders week gets unexpectedly busy, however excellent leaders prioritize preparation. Just as enthusiasm for the Bible is contagious, being ready additionally catches on.

+ Where To Start In The Bible For Study

19+ Where to start in the bible for study

Where to start in the bible for study. You begin by identifying the area on the map in which you want to live. You do not need a priest, preacher, scholar or church denomination to grasp its fundamental teachings . Talk to god about things you may need to confess, and enter your study time peacefully and without anything that may block you from receiving revelation during your study. You can understand the basics of his word all by yourself.

It lays the foundation for our understanding of god, humanity, sin, and redemption. Closely related to the method of study by words is the study according to great topics or subjects: There are no set rules as to how to conduct your bible study, it should be a personal time between you and god. Its helpful to have some tools on hand to make sense of some unfamiliar concepts and traditions. In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth. Keep your bible study a bible study, and make it a topical bible study.

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Use A Bible Study Method To Illuminate Gods Word

You dont have to be overwhelmed when reading the Bible! While you may not understand everything you read, the study methods below will make it simple and convenient to process your time in Gods Word. Plus, the more you read and draw near to the heart of God, the more He will reveal Himself to you.

As a total beginner, the Read & Respond Bible study method worked well for me. It allowed me to process what I read and think through how I could apply it to my life.

Plus, its practical enough to squeeze into a busy schedule. If you have 10 minutes in your day, this Bible study method can work for you!

Watch how simple the Read & Respond method can be in the tutorial video:

As I matured in faith, I was looking for a study method that went a little deeper into the passage and helped me dissect the meaning. The Write the Word study method was a perfect solution, and I enjoyed taking this next step to grow in faith.

Watch the Write the Word tutorial here:

When Are You Going To Start

How to Start a Bible Study Group Outside Church in Your ...

Okay, so now you know whos coming to your group, you know where youre going to meet and how youre going to structure the study, not its time to pick a time and start!

Youre probably experiencing that happily-terrified feeling at this point and thats completely normal. Take a deep breath. Its going to be okay!

For your first meeting I recommend doing something fun and social. You can share the vision for the group and set expectations for 10 minutes or so, but honestly you dont need anything more than that.

Choose a time that works best for everyone and keep it consistent. Let them know youll be back here the same time next week and encourage them to bring friends.

There you have it! My 5 step guide on starting your first small group Bible study. I sincerely hope this is helpful to you!

Have you started a small group Bible study before or are you about to? Feel free to share with us your thoughts, questions or suggestions in the comments below.

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Remember That God Is Love

Love suffers long and is kind love does not envy love does not parade itself, is not puffed up does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13:5-7

Replace the word love with God. Seriously go do that Ill wait.

Now, doesnt that sound like a God you want to know and be close to? Doesnt that sound like a God you can approach when youve made mistakes and been distracted and find kindness and help?

That is who He is! His love is unconditional, and it does not shrink or flee because you lost focus. You are on a journey. Sanctification, or becoming more like God, is a process, and the Father is with you in it.

The Best Order To Read The Bible For The First Time

Now I am not going to make a blanket statement and say you HAVE to read this book first and then give you an order.

I am going to give you a few different book ideas since its your first time reading the Bible.

If you dont want options and are just ready to be told where to start reading the Bible, Ive made a seven day video course just for you. Join right here!

Thank you!

Go check your email now!

Before that lets dive into a few facts about the Bible so you can understand the book a little better.

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Ready To Learn How To Study The Bible For Yourself

By the way, if youre truly interested in learning how to study the Bible for beginners, Id love to invite you to check out my brand new book: Fall in Love with Gods Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women!

Practical, encouraging, and full of biblical truth, Fall in Love with Gods Word has everything you need to learn how to:

  • Overcome 7 common obstacles preventing you from spending time in Scripture
  • Discover the personalized Bible-reading routine that works for YOU
  • Learn 15 easy ways to make studying the bible for beginners more meaningful and enjoyable
  • Use Scripture to conquer sin, false beliefs, and negative thought patterns
  • Experience fresh spiritual growth and passion for Gods Word.

Please visit or your local bookstore to learn more and grab your copy of Fall in Love with Gods Word today!

Remember That Scripture Has One Meaning And Many Applications

â© How To Start A Bible Study With Your Friends â© Tips for Beginners

Sometimes I hear the words, this is what this Bible verses means to me. However, thats not an entirely accurate way to describe Scripture. Each verse we read means one thing. The beauty of the Bible is that these verses can apply to our individual circumstances in many ways.

A verse such as delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart , does not mean when I want something, I ask God for it and hell give it to me. It means just what it says: when we draw closer to God and read His Word, Hell show us what the true desires of our heart should be and give them to us! And then, since all of us have many different experiences and situations, we know that the verse can apply to our particular situation .

I hope that these key truths of reading Scripture as a new believer have been helpful to you! Dont allow yourself to get overwhelmed by the idea of starting to read the Bible, and dont let Satan discourage you. Gods Word is available for anyone, and the Holy Spirit will teach you! Just ask Him for wisdom!

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Order Your Own Illustrating Bible

I own a lot of Bibles, but this one is my current favorite. Just look at this beautiful design! As an avid note-taker and artist, I was PUMPED to find not only a Bible with tons of space to write in, but one that is SPIRAL-BOUND!

It comes in pink and gray for the NIV :

In green for the CSB Version:

And they even just came out with two exclusive versions for The Gospels and a separate one for Psalms/Proverbs. They are both using the NIV edition.

Some Books Have Multiple Genres

Theres definitely some genre-hopping going on throughout the books of the Bible. Daniel is both historical narrative and apocalyptic literature, and Acts works as both history and Gospel. Proverbs is a wisdom book that includes poetic elements. But the point is that learning to see these books through the lens of genre can help make Scripture reading a lot easier.

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Dont Be Afraid Of Getting Real

Speaking of which, you should try to create intimacy with those in your group. Community isnt just some Christian code word that churches throw onto promotional material. It means that believers are coming together to form new relationships and pursue God. Assuming everyone in your group is a believer, it is a good idea to share your struggles and to discuss how Gods word provides an answer to the issues. If someone attending your group doesnt know Christ personally, you may want to speak with them in private so that you can figure out how to minister to them and understand why they came in the first place.

There are several ways to develop intimacy and community within a Bible study, the easiest being to share prayer requests. We are all struggling with our own issues. A great way to open up is during a time of prayer. Just be sure that you are sharing your own requests and not airing someone elses laundry in a way that could be mistaken for gossip. Text or call each other throughout the week to see how things are going or maybe even just for fun. The best Bible studies are when you feel part of a group rather than being taught by someone with whom you dont have a connection.

Read Each Verse In Multiple Translations

Struggle with studying the Bible? Not sure how to read or ...

Another exercise that can be extremely helpful as youre learning how to study the Bible for beginners is studying the Word in multiple translations.

Remember: The original Bible texts werent written in English. The English versions we read today are just translations, and not every translation always gets it right. Even something as simple as switching a and the can make a huge difference in meaning.

While most of these differences dont change the meaning enough to be noticeable during daily Bible reading, they can make a huge difference when youre trying to study a concept and form a doctrinal belief.

Therefore, youll want to look over at least a few different translations to make sure that the one youre reading fits in line with what Bible scholars as a whole think it means.

Thankfully, you dont need a whole stack of Bibles of various translations in order to compare. You can do this incredibly easily right on Bible Hub. Simply search for the verse youre researching, and scroll down.

This is a fantastic resource for anyone learning how to study the Bible for beginners. And I still use it all the time to help me better know how to understand the Bible. I love how easy it makes to compare multiple translations all in one place with just a few clicks of the keyboard.

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Where To Start Reading The Bible For The Beginner

If you are asking Where do I start reading the Bible? this post was written for you. There are so many ways we get to this question like maybe we are seeking direction from God, or we want to grow closer to Him, or we have questions about who He is. Well I love sharing my passion for Scripture with others and this is a simple guide to get you started reading the Bible.

Look Through Bible Commentaries

Another exercise that can be incredibly helpful as youre learning how to study the Bible for beginners is reading through various Bible commentaries on the key verses youre reading.

Basically, Bible commentaries are big books where really smart theologians explain a lot of background on the text and what it means in the original language. This is where you can find some of the words in the original Greek or Hebrew, along with expanded word definitions that help you really capture what the full extent of what the author was trying to convey.

You can , borrow them from your library, or just do your research online on Bible Hub while youre looking up various verse translations. Just scroll down and youll find a bunch you can read and compare.

This is SO helpful when youre first learning how to study the Bible for beginners, because theyre easily accessible and free!

For example, one of the most helpful commentaries I looked up was on Exodus 20:3, which says You shall have no other gods before me.

At first reading, the text looks pretty straightforward. God is telling Moses that the Israelites should put God first on their list of priorities. But this isnt actually what the text means at all.

Instead, if you , particularly the second half of Ellicotts Commentary for English Readers, youll see that God wasnt asking to be our FIRST god. Hes asking to be our ONLY God. Thats a pretty big difference!

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B Have A Bible Study Reading Plan

Whether on the Internet or in books, there are many ways to read the Bible. Some will help you to read the Bible in one year, two years, or even three years, from the 1st to the 66th book.

Other reading plans will lead you through the Bible in a different order but with a particular theme in mind.

How To Start A Bible Study: Tips And Ideas

How to Start a Bible Study Journal! (Bible Note Taking)

Community and studying scripture are two very important aspects of Christian life. It is recommended to read the Bible on your own time each day, but bringing others together to study a theme or book on top of that has its own advantages. Theres a strong chance that at some point during your life you will be invited to take part in a Bible study of some kind. Other times, you may feel called to begin your own. Maybe you dont know how to start a Bible study, though. The good news is that anyone can do it. You dont have to have a certain skill set or spiritual gift. If youre willing to put in the time, you can create a Bible study that will help people draw closer to God. Here are a few tips and ideas that will help you know how to start a Bible study on the right note.

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Making A Clear Case For Launching The Bible Study Group

One of the best books Ive ever read about building church cell groups was a book called Helping You Build Cell Churches. The first chapter of the book lays out the Biblical case for cell groups.

God created us for community, God Himself is a Triune community! And He works in groups of people to reach people.

Look at the early church, they all met in each others homes. Acts 2:46-27 says:

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Youll want to state clearly from the very beginning what the purpose of your Bible study group is. I can tell you what the purpose of achurch small group is its to help members:

1) Connect with God through worship and the Word

2) Connect with each other

Having a clear purpose makes sure everyone is on the same page and going in the same direction from the get go.

When I Was A Kid I Had The Notion To Read All The Encyclopedias From A To Z

My beloved Encyclopedia set lined the bottom of my closet, and I would curl up in there with a flash light and read until someone told me to go to bed.

No matter how many times I set out to accomplish this goal, I never made it past Johnny Appleseed.

I sometimes wonder how far I would have made it if I hadnt insisted on starting at the very beginning of the set every.single.time. If I had just picked up where I left off the first time, I might have finished the As at least.

Nevertheless, I was a perfectionist, and I like things done the right way if its going to be done.

If I say Im going to read through all of the Encyclopedias, then I should read through them all front to back, cover to cover, never missing a line or getting out of order.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that when I became a Christian and wanted to get to know the God I served through His written word, I thought starting at the very beginning and reading straight through was the only way to do it right.

Genesis to Revelations here I come!

Time and time again, Id set the goal of reading the entire Bible beginning to end, and no matter how many times I tried, I never made it past the list of Noahs descendants in Genesis 10.

I felt like such a failure. What sort of Christian cant even read the Bible let along study it?

In his book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, Donald Whitney says:

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