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How Many Names Of God In The Bible

God Is Real Can Help You Experience All The Names Of God In Your Own Life His Love His Grace His Power His Provision His Peace His Faithfulness His Majesty And So Much More

The name of God

God is the most powerful and most beautiful REALITY there is. He wants to reveal himself to you in a way that will amaze you. How can you experience all God is and all He has for you? Simply: sign up for the free emails of GOD IS REAL and you will learn how to experience so much more of God, the way He is revealed in the Bible.

Dont worry, this is not yet another silly email list. This is truly life changing and it is helping thousands of people worldwide to experience God in an amazing way, just like the heroes in the Bible did! Its for you too. God is just as real today, as He was in the past. He wants you to experience His names for real, in your own life, in ways that will amaze you.

Names In The Bible Have Meaning What About Bible Domain Names

Have you noticed how some people in the Bible had their names changed? Often the biblical text will explain why their names changed. Heres a couple of examples, with emphasis added to show the reason for the new name:

In Genesis 17:1-6, Abram was renamed Abraham:

When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, I am the Almighty God. Obey me and always do what is right…. God said, I make this covenant with you: I promise that you will be the ancestor of many nations. Your name will no longer be Abram, but Abraham, because I am making you the ancestor of many nations.

In Genesis 32:28, Jacob was renamed Israel:

The man said, Your name will no longer be Jacob. You have struggled with God and with men, and you have won so your name will be Israel.

There are many other biblical characters with name changes, as well as peoples names with its meaning explained, like:

Genesis 25:24-26The time came for her to give birth, and she had twin sons. The first one was reddish, and his skin was like a hairy robe, so he was named Esau. The second one was born holding on tightly to the heel of Esau, so he was named Jacob.

Matthew 1:21She will have a son, and you will name him Jesusbecause he will save his people from their sins.

Matthew 1:23A virgin will become pregnant and have a son, and he will be called Immanuel .

How To See Many Amazing Names Of God

Back in the Bible days a persons name usually said something about that persons character or destiny. This is why the many names of God are vitally important for us to see and understand. Each name of God reveals something about His character. At the same time, Gods names show us many different ways in which He is there to help us in our times of need.

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What Is The Significance Of Names In The Bible

In the Bible, names are not just used to identify someone, but often describe certain qualities and characteristics of the person who bears the name.

For instance, the Hebrew name Jacob meanstaking hold of the heel, supplanter, layer of snares. When we read Jacobs story, we find that this name perfectly describes his character throughout much of his life .

However, after Jacob wrestled with God all night, God changed his name to Israel .

Therefore, in the Bible names reveal important information about the person or being.

But what about the names of God in the Bible? What are their meanings? What do they reveal about Him?

God refers to Himself by many different names in the Bible, and with each name we learn more about Him. Often the first time one of His names is used in the Scriptures gives us insight into the quality or characteristic of God that He is revealing by that name.

Lets explore some of the names God uses for Himself in the Bible.

The Names Of God In The Old Testament

Names of God. Jehovah Shalom. Jehovah Jireh. El Olam. El ...

This is a list of Hebrew names of God in the Old Testament. Remember that God is real and these names reveal who He wants to be for you and your beloved ones. He didnt only exist thousands of years ago, when these names were first revealed. He is just as present today, to show you who He is. He loves you with all His heart.

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Jesus Christ Is The Roaring Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah Who Devours His Enemies And He Is The Lamb Of God Who Gave His Life As A Sacrifice For Mankind

A Lion and a Lamb are two extreme opposites yet Jesus Christ is both of them. Many christians only want to know Jesus as the Lamb, or the Good Shepherd. But He is also the fierce, roaring and consuming Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the One Who roars from Zion, through the mouth of His prophets. Jesus Christ is both comforting and terrifying. He gives amazing grace and He demands purity and holiness. He is our best friend and our exalted King.

Read through all the names of God and ask the Spirit of God to open the eyes of your heart, so that He can show you who He truly is, in all His majesty, love and wisdom.

Names Of God In The Bible

Throughout the Bible, people have given many names to or for God. Sometimes they were given in response to something God had done, other times they were to describe who he is. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular names of God.

Most familiar use Jehovah, a variant of Yahweh, which is translated into English as LORD. These are:

  • Jehovah Jireh: The LORD our provider
  • Jehovah Rapha: The LORD our Healer
  • Jehovah Nissi: The LORD our Banner
  • Jehovah Shalom: The LORD our Peace
  • Jehovah Raah: The LORD our Shepherd
  • Jehovah Tsidkenu: The LORD our Righteousness
  • Jehovah Shammah: The LORD is Here

Other names of God in Scripture:

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Principles For Studying Gods Names

There are important methodological considerations for studying Gods names. First, we should pay attention to what the Scriptures explicitly say about Gods names. For example, God explains his name to Moses and in the New Testament we are told that Jesus is given the name above every name .

Linguistic principles should guide the interpretation of Gods names. Along with attention to context, we should use etymology with caution. It is safest to proceed here when the Bible does. For example, Scripture unpacks the meaning of YHWH and the meaning of Jesus name .

We should observe what God reveals about his name. The Lord reveals himself first as El Shaddai and later more fully as YHWH . Nevertheless, it is the same God. YHWH tells Moses that he is the God who made a covenant with the patriarchs . In the New Testament God reveals his name to include the Son and the Spirit . But this one God is still the God of the patriarchs .

Finally, we should note what the Bible does not say about divine names. The Scriptures never teach Israel to use Gods name as an amulet or magical formula. Likewise, despite the deference for Gods name, the Bible never tells us not to pronounce or say his name.1

The Names Of God In The Bible

Which Name of God Did Jesus Use? – Yahweh / Jehovah / Adonai

Take a moment to think about your name. Would you say it adequately describes who you are to someone whos never met you? In the West, we tend to name children after beloved family members or find names that are popular, interesting, or unique. But in many other cultures, naming things is much more significant.

The ancient Israelites attached a lot of meaning to names. They described someone in a significant and meaningful way. Here are a few examples of Old Testament names and what they meant:

  • Eve: To breathe, to live
  • Abram: High father
  • Daniel: God is my judge
  • Delilah: Delicate, weak
  • Elijah: My God is Yahweh

In the same way, the names that were given to God in the Old Testament offer us a glimpse into Gods character and how people saw and experienced Him. This is why Jesus begins the Lords prayer with the words, Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name . To honor Gods name is to esteem His character.

Lets look at some of the names biblical writers used for God.

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The Names Of God By Ken Hemphill

For example, the very first reference to God in Genesis 1:1the name Elohimteaches and reveals the triune nature of God. We are commanded to honor the name of God, but to do that adequately, we must understand the inherit greatness of the names which God uses to refer to Himself.Ken Hemphill takes the reader through an in-depth devotional study of the names of God, teaching the significance of each name and the keys it possesses to growing us in relationship with God. God’s names are not only our protection but also reveal the very nature of God Himself. This is why we are to honor His name.” —goodreads

The Names Of God By Ann Spangler

The Names of God: 52 Bible Studies for Individuals and Groups

By studying such rich and varied names as Adonay, El Shadday, Abba, Yeshua, Lamb of God, and Prince of Peace, readers will encounter a God who is utterly holy, powerful, surprising, merciful, and loving.Each weeks study includes:

  • Background information to help readers understand the name
  • A key Scripture passage in which the name was first or most significantly revealed
  • A series of questions for individual or group study
  • A list of Bible passages for further reflection

Based on Praying the Names of God and Praying the Names of Jesus but containing additional questions for reflection and study, this unique Bible study is designed to help individuals and groups explore the most important of Gods names and titles as they are revealed in the Bible.


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The Heart That Heals: Healing Our Brokenness Through The Promises Of God

Read Chapter 1 For Free Today Two things I want today:

  • I want you to thrive, live good days and love life, but most of all I want you to love God!
  • I want to see how God changes lives through this book.
  • Are you looking for fresh, Scripture-based material for your women’s small group or Bible study? This 10-week study covers issues we all face and issues we all need help with.If you and I were Pen Pals, The Heart That Heals is the letter I would write to you if youd lost a child, a husband, a best friend, or a sister. Its the kind of letter I would seal with a heart-shaped sticker that says, God Loves You, you know, that kind of sticker you used to get in Sunday school. Youd read my letter and youd know, yes, you would know, He truly loves me!

    The Heart That Heals: Healing Our Brokenness Through the Promises of GodEL OLAMel o-lawm’Use:Meaning:ELOHIMel-o-heem’Use:Meaning: QANNAkan-naw’Use:Meaning:JEHOVAH JIREHyeh-ho-vaw’ yir-eh’Use:Meaning:JEHOVAH SHALOMyeh-ho-vaw’ shaw-lome’Use:Meaning:JEHOVAH SABAOTHyeh-ho-vaw’ se ba’ôtUse:Meaning:Contents of this document sourced from Blue Letter Bible.

    These Names Of God Reveal Who God Wants To Be For You

    Name Meanings: How Is Your Name Prophetic?

    YahwehThe self-existent One. He has always existed and will always exist. You can always rely on Him because He is your eternal source of strength.

    AdonaiGod is the Lord over all. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, He reigns forever. Therefor you find safety in Him and Him alone.

    Yahweh-MaccaddeshemThe Lord your sanctifier. He forgiveness your sins and His Holy Spirit works in your life to become like He is: pure, loving and true.

    Yahweh-RohiThe Lord my shepherd. He cares for you, the way a shepherd tends his sheep. He cares for you and leads you to still waters and green pastures.

    Yahweh-ShammahThe Lord who is present. He never leaves you, nor forsakes you. He is with you forever. Your best friend, who never betrays you.

    Yahweh-RaphaThe Lord our healer. By His stripes were are healed declares the Bible. Jesus Christ died to give you life. Not only was God the healer in the Old Testament, but Jesus Christ revealed the healing heart of God for all of us, more than ever.

    Yahweh-TsidkenuThe Lord our righteousness. When we believe in Jesus Christ, He becomes our righteousness. He forgives our sins and washes us with His blood.

    Yahweh-JirehThe Lord will provide. Jesus Christ said that Father cares for us and we never need to worry about provision. He is our source of life, in every way.

    Yahweh-GhmolahThe God of Recompense. The Lord says in Romans 12 vengeance is mine, I will repay. We should never avenge others for what they do to us, but leave it in Gods hands.

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    What Name Will You Use

    As you can see, names are very important in the Bible. Now that .BIBLE domain names are available on the Internet, these new web addresses can be very important and meaningful too.

    From this short Bible study above, we see how people who already had names were given new names. This means that if your website already has a domain name, you might be inspired to take on a new domain name that emphasizes its intent to communicate Gods message in the Bible, quickly identify with the Bible, or to indicate a stronger focus in your websites ministry.

    If you have a brand new digital ministry idea that is Blbie-related, it can be launched with a new .BIBLE domain name to show its meaning, purpose, and destiny, just like how a biblical name was given to a newborn baby. For example, you can help people with how to name a newborn child using names in the Bible. You could easily launch a website with a .BIBLE domain name like BabyNames.Bible that’d perfect for that!

    The time is here and now. Individuals and organizations can now register .BIBLE domain names that are more shareable, memorable, and meaningful at any accredited registrar.

    God Will Not Do Everything

    Nothing is permanent in this world except for 2 things God and His words. As long as we believe in Him, we should also trust His words. However, trusting in Him is not the same as assuming that there is nothing He can not do. According to the Bible, there are 2 things that God will not do lie and change His ways towards us.

    Hebrews 6:18:

    It is impossible for God to lie.

    Titus 1:2:

    In hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began.

    Malachi 3:6:

    For I am the Lord, I do not change.

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    Reasons Why Names Are Important In The Bible

  • A biblical name could record some aspects of a persons birth.
  • Biblical names sometimes expressed the parents reaction to the birth of their child.
  • Biblical names were sometimes used to secure the solidarity of family ties.
  • Biblical names could be used to communicate Gods message.
  • Biblical names were also used to establish an affiliation with God.
  • Biblical names are given to establish authority over another, or to indicate a new beginning or new direction in a persons life.
  • Yhwh Yahweh And Adonai

    God’s Story: The Bible

    At the beginning of time, God revealed His name to Moses and wrote it in the Bible. Concluding from the ancient manuscripts such as Codex Sinaiticus, the romanized name of God Moses talked to was YHWH. Since the versions available to us these days are translated from ancient Hebrew or Greek, no one knows what is the correct pronunciation or even to articulate. Other religious sectors supplied the vowels for Tetragrammaton , hence the name Yahweh.

    On the other hand, the Jewish culture considered it a taboo to pronounce a name as it is written. For that reason, Judaists use the word Adonai which means Lord or someone to serve.

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    The Lord Who Sanctifies You

    Tell the Israelites, Surely you must keep My Sabbaths, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am the LORD who sanctifies you.

    You must be sure to obey My statutes. I am the LORD who sanctifies you.

    You must not profane My holy name, and I will be sanctified in the midst of the Israelites. I am the LORD who sanctifies you.

    Yahweh: The God Who Is Always There

    Yahweh is the most commonly used name for God in the Old Testament. It occurs more than 6,500 times. It is the same name as Jehovah. Jehovah is actually a sort of made up word with an interesting story.

    Ancient Hebrew was written using only consonantsno vowels. So Yahweh was written YHWH. Around the first century AD it became common for Jews to avoid speaking Gods name, Yahweh, for fear of doing so too casually and thus breaking the second commandment, You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, . So when they read Scripture aloud, they substituted another of Gods names, Adonai for Yahweh.

    Eventually, as written, Hebrew began using vowels as well as consonants, some scribes who copied the Old Testament scriptures placed the vowels for Adonai in the consonants for YHWH to alert the reader to say Adonai instead of Yahweh. Thus the name YHWH now appeared written as Yahowah. In the 13th century Christian scholars reading the Hebrew Old Testamentand not knowing this complicated backgroundLatinized Yohowah into Jehovaha word that is made up of the consonants of Yahweh and the vowels of Adonai.

    The name Yahweh comes from a Hebrew word meaning to be or to exist. Thus it signifies God as the Self-existing One. That is why in Exodus 3 when Moses asked God, Who shall I tell Pharaoh has sent me? God replied, I AM. Tell Pharaoh I AM has sent you.

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