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How To Do Bible Study Alone

Read Scripture Verses In Context

How I Study My Bible (Beginner Tips For Bible Study)

As you learn how to study the Bible for yourself, its important that you dont get in the bad habit of reading individual verses in isolation.

This is a common mistake many people make when first learning how to study the Bible for beginners, but it can completely change the meaning of the text.

Instead, youll want to learn how to study the Bible as a whole.

This means finding as many relevant Scripture verses as you can, reading them within the context of the passage or chapter theyre in, and comparing them to see how they fit together.

Tip: BibleGateway is a website that lets you do this easily if you dont have your physical Bible handy.

Here are a few questions you might ask yourself while youre learning how to study the Bible for beginners:

  • Who is writing this passage?
  • Who are they writing to?
  • What is this passage mostly about?
  • What does this passage teach me about Gods/Jesuss character?
  • Are there any lessons I can learn from this passage?
  • Does this passage have any specific instructions for me to follow?
  • Does it provide a good example for me to follow ?
  • What positive changes can I make in my life as a result of this passage?

One passage that really illustrates this point is Ephesians 2:8-9.

In the church I grew up in, they understood this passage to mean that, since we are saved by faith alone, works dont matter at all.

Typically, you can find all the information you need to answer your question by looking up only a handful of verses.

Make Bible Study Simple

No matter what, strive to study the Bible in a way thats simple and meaningful for you. Dont be afraid to try a new Bible study method or look up commentaries for further understanding.

In fact, streamlining my quiet time with Bible study templates was one the best ways I ignited my spiritual growth. With ready made templates, it took the guess work out of how I would study, and led me to explore Scripture in a fresh way.

The Family Bible Study Toolkit is the perfect quiet time resource to help women , learn to study the Bible for themselves and jump start their spiritual growth.

Bible Study By Chapters

In the Bible there are 1,189 chapters in the Old and New Testaments. In a little over three years, a person could make an intensive study of the whole Bible, taking a chapter a day. It is usually a good practice to start your Bible study in the New Testament.

Time needed: 20 minutes.

Study the Bible by Chapters

  • Read through the chapter carefully.

    Seek to find its main subject or subjects.

  • Give each chapter a title that suggests its main content.

    If you are reading the Gospel of John, for example, you might give each chapter titles like this: ch. 1 Jesus Christ, the Word of God ch. 2 The Wedding at Cana ch. 3 The New Birth ch. 4 The Woman at the Well ch. 5 The Healing of the Man at the Pool of Bethesda ch. 6 The Feeding of the 5,000

  • Reread the chapter and make a simple outline.

    Including its main thoughts. For example, for John 1, you might make an outline like this:Jesus Christ, the Word of God:a. Jesus Christ was the eternal Word of God, 19b. Jesus Christ came into the world, 1018c. John witnesses that Christ is to come, 1928d. John says that Jesus is the Lamb of God, 2937e. Jesus Christ calls His first disciples, 3851

  • Also Check: What Does The Bible Say About Giving To The Poor

    How To Study Your Bible: 7 Effective Ways

    Its one thing to read the Bible, its another to study it. Heres how to get the most out of your Bible study so you can find freedom, healing and hope in Jesus.

    Youve made the decisionyoure diving in!

    The Bible is a unique book. Its got exciting parts, its got boring parts. Its got weird parts and inspiring parts. It can cut to the heart while also filling you with a new kind of peace. It covers the big picture and also zeroes in on the smallest details that still make a difference. The Bible can affect your life in ways you never thought possible.

    For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart .

    The Word of God is Food for the Soul

    It might feel intimidating to begin your studyjust like how it can feel before having to dig into a new textbook at school or begin a new project at work. Whats different about the Bible, however, is that you can take comfort in the fact that it was written for your own benefit.

    Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus .

    Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path .

    Bible Word Study Step : Find Uses Of Your Word

    Man Reading Sitting Bible Alone People Book Holy  The ...

    The next stage is to find other uses of your word in the Bible. Use a concordance, study bible or online bible to find uses of your word.

    Go back to your findings on and scroll down to find the uses of the original Hebrew or Greek word. This is where you often get a few surprises as you note that the word is often translated in different ways. For example, I found that my word was translated persuade, trust and believe as well as being confident. When Paul says being confident of this he means that he has been persuaded to believe and trust.

    Another verse about confidence, Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach Gods throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need kept coming to my mind so I decided to look it up also. The Greek word this time is which is defined as free and fearless confidence, cheerful courage, boldness, assurance and is often translated as speak openly or speak boldly. This gave me a whole new picture of confidence when we approach Gods throne we can do it with bold assurance and speak freely!

    Make a list of the references you find relevant to your study and take notes about what you learn or find interesting.

    Questions to ask yourself might include:

    • How often is the word used in Scripture?
    • Is it only used in one book or by one author
    • What is the context?

    Use the form below to download a copy of my Bible Word Study Worksheet.

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    Learning How To Read The Bible Can Be Fun And Enjoyable

    PinPinBy the way, if youre truly interested in learning how to study the Bible for beginners, Id love to invite you to check out my brand new book: Fall in Love with Gods Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women!

    Practical, encouraging, and full of biblical truth, Fall in Love with Gods Word has everything you need to learn how to:

    • Overcome 7 common obstacles preventing you from spending time in Scripture
    • Discover the personalized Bible-reading routine that works for YOU
    • Learn 15 easy ways to make studying the bible for beginners more meaningful and enjoyable
    • Use Scripture to conquer sin, false beliefs, and negative thought patterns
    • Experience fresh spiritual growth and passion for Gods Word.

    Please visit or your local bookstore to learn more and grab your copy of Fall in Love with Gods Word today!

    Bible Word Study Step : Define Your Word

    When I decide to look into a word the first thing I do is look it up in a dictionary, thesaurus and Bible dictionary to clarify its meaning.

    This step alone can open up so much more from the text, as I widen my narrow understanding of the word.

    Them write down the definitions and lists of synonyms as you start to form your understanding of the word.

    Since the Bible wasnt written in English, my next step is to look for the original word in Greek or Hebrew.

    Dont panic! You dont have to be able to read or write these languages, there are tools you can use to find these words and their meanings without needing background knowledge.

    I like to use

    Search for the verse containing your word and then go to tools interlinear.

    You will now see the verse written in Greek or Hebrew with all the words listed below. Click on the Strongs concordance number to get all the detail about your word.

    Here you can scroll down to see the definition, part of speech, and a concordance of all the times the word has been used in the Bible. Well get back to this last part at the next step.

    Dont get bogged down in all the detail, just look for what is relevant to you.

    Now write down a summary of the meaning of your word.

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    Respond With Openness And Prayer

    We should always end our time with Gods word by responding to it. God says, this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word . We should humble ourselves before him and seek to respond appropriately. After reading Scripture, pause to askeven brieflyhow you think this should change your thinking, your desires, or your actions.

    We were made to know God, and we were made for community. Reading Gods word with others fulfills both of these purposes. Reading the Bible, like eating a meal, isnt only for individual consumption. Some of the greatest joys come when we enjoy God and his word together with others.

    Drew Hunter is the author ofUnfolding Grace Study Guide: A Guided Study through the Bible.

    Drew Hunter is the teaching pastor at Zionsville Fellowship in Zionsville, Indiana. He is the author of Made for Friendship and the Isaiah and Matthew volumes in the Knowing the Bible series. Drew and his wife, Christina, live in Zionsville, Indiana, and have four children.

    What Are Some Bible Study Methods

    Intro to How to Study the Bible

    Bible study can be a difficult process without an understanding of Bible study techniques. Bible study is not just reading the Bible and thinking about what you read, it is much more than that. Bible study takes time and effort to get the most out of it. It requires patience and perseverance in order to see all that God has for us in His word. In this article we will discuss four different Bible Study Techniques: 1) Reading, 2) Memorizing, 3) Prayerful Meditation, 4) Journaling Bible Studies.

  • Family Bible is great, it is the whole bible that you can highlight and make notes in.
  • Audio Bibles are fantastic cassette, CD, on Your Cell Phone are powerful ways to study Gods living Word.
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    Highlight The Words You Want Clarity On

    Using your highlighter or pen, circle or highlight the words you arent very clear on. You can use a dictionary you have on hand or utilize an online dictionary site. Do a call out from each highlighted word and write down the meaning for each selected word. You can also utilize a Thesaurus for further comprehension.

    This process will help you to gain a deeper understanding of the verse as you clarify the meaning of key words. Pro Tip: If you regularly do scripture writing plans, verse mapping is one way in which you can dig deeper and gain greater understanding as you complete your monthly bible reading plans.

    Be A Doer Of The Word

    Don’t just study God’s Word for the sake of studying. Be sure to put the Word into practice in your life.

    Jesus said in Luke 11:28, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.”

    If God speaks to you personally or through life application principles you find in the text, be sure to apply those nuggets to your day-to-day life.

    Recommended Reading: Family Relationships In The Bible

    Choosing A Study Bible

    Before we choose a Study Bible, it is essential that we first explore What is A Study Bible? A Study Bible helps provides more clarity on the passage that you are reading. Ever read a text but you are unsure as to its meaning? This is where a study Bible can help and offer its interpretation for moments when you are unsure. A Study Bible helps by providing context, maps or photos and also includes study notes.Popular study Bibles include, the McArthur Study Bible, Zondervan Life Application Study Bible or the Jeremiah Study Bible.

    As you consider which Study Bible to purchase, you need to consider what translation is used. Is it a paraphrase, a literal translation or a thought for thought translation. In the following post we deep dive into which Bible translation is best.

    A Literal Translation is a word for word translation of the Greek and Hebrew text.The King James Version would be an example of a literal translation. Paraphrased translations use modern language and idioms to try and capture the essence of the text. The Living Bible would be an example of a Paraphrased translation. In a thought for thought translation, translators take a look at the whole sentence then attempt to translate it as a unit. The New Living Translation Bible would be an example of a thought for thought translation.

    Bible Study By Verses

    You Are Never Alone Study Guide

    In studying the historical passages of the Bible, such as most of the Old Testament or parts of the Gospels, each verse may have only one simple meaning.

    But many verses in both the Old and New Testaments are rich with many great Bible truths that will demand more detailed study. There are many ways for you to study a single Bible verse.

    Also Check: Bible Says About Cremation

    How To Do Bible Study Without Chapters And Verses

    Weve been making the case over the last few months for rediscovering the power of Bible reading. In many ways, simple and straightforward reading has been the forgotten practice in the modern era of the Bible. We contend that reading whole books remains the first and most natural thing to do with the Bible.

    But what about all the other things we do with the Bible? What about Bible study? Should we still be taking closer looks at smaller parts of the Bible? And does this read first approach have any implications for how we preach and teach the Bible? Well start this new mini-series of articles by taking a closer look at what it means to study the Bible.

    Make The Goal Of Bible Study To Encounter The Person Of Jesus Christ

    Bible study is not mainly about highlighters, fancy journals, and complicated reading plans. These are all nice to have, but the ultimate reason were studying the Bible is to know God more. This really is the most important guideline. Everything else is secondary.

    People throughout history didnt have most of the great tools that we have today. Yet, they were able to go deep in God. Their study of the Bible transformed their lives and impacted the world around them.

    Gods Word is an open door and invitation to know the mind and heart of God. Its His love letter to us to open our eyes so we can know Him as He truly is. If we keep this perspective, we will be fruitful in our study and avoid years of detours in our journey.

    You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.

    John 5:39-40

    The Pharisees, the religious leaders in Jesus time, knew the Bible inside and out, but they missed the most important thing of encountering Gods heart through the Word. Jesus is called the Word because Hes the full expression of God Himself .

    Keep your focus on getting to know God more. God wants us to be whole in every way, but when we try to do it on our own, we act weird and get bitter in our hearts. Sometimes, I remind myself and chuckle: If I could fix my life, wouldnt I have done it by now? Keep the focus of Bible Study on encountering Jesus.

    Also Check: What The Bible Says About Loneliness

    Which Book Should I Read First

    The Bible is made up of two major sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is further divided into 39 books, and the New Testament is made up of 27 books. One of the most commonly asked questions by people studying the Bible for the first time is Which book should I start with? The truth is there is no one right answer! But here are some tips and suggestions that lots of beginners find helpful.

    You can start from the beginning, literally, with Genesis. Genesis is the first book of the Bible and covers the creation of the world and how life came to be. There is certainly something to be said for opening up your Bible and reading from Genesis to Revelation . Working through the Bible from start to finish is a great way to familiarize yourself with all of the different books.

    Another common suggestion is to start with the Gospel of John in the New Testament. All four Gospels recount the stories of Jesus life and ministry. What makes John, in particular, a good starting point for study is the artistic and narrative style. Starting with John provides beginners with an introduction to understand the person and teachings of Jesus Christ, which can add helpful historical context for reading other books of the Bible.


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