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How To Teach Children The Bible

How To Teach The Bible Without Boring Kids

How to Teach Your Children the Bible // How We Teach Our Children the Bible

If God is everywhere, is he in the bookshelf? our then-five-year-old asked.

Um, not exactly I replied, Or maybe yes, since he is everywhere? … But then again, were not pantheists, hes not in a plank of wood … You know, Ill get back to you on that!

How had I not thought to research how Gods omnipresence intersects with pantheism before our bedtime Bible stories?!

Family Bible times dont always go where we expect them to. To be honest, sometimes they dont even start how we intend! Someone is shoving their brother, another child only seems capable of being upside down Their attention span is suddenly so short! And yet the Bible is full of gripping true stories, entertaining illustrations, and of course is Gods life-changing word.

So is Bible time distraction just a spiritual battle, or can we do more to help?

“When Jesus and the Old Testament prophets communicated God’s Word, they also used engaging communication methods like stories, pictures, questions, and drama.”

Tips To Teach Children To Study The Bible

Studying the Bible is a trait that will benefit children their entire lives. Reading scripture is one of the greatest desires we can instill in our children – our own and those in our church.

How to teach children to study God’s Word:

Reprinted by permission from Quick Relief For Sunday School Teachers. Copyright 1998 by Group Publishing, Inc., 1515 Cascade Avenue, Loveland, CO 80539, 1-800-447-1070.

Teach Children: Bible Teaching Course

  • how to understand a Bible passage in order to teach it to Children
  • how to study a Bible passage, looking at key verses
  • the importance of the context of a Bible passage
  • how to find the main ideas or themes of a Bible passage
  • how to find the main teaching point of a Bible passage for Children
  • how to find out the application of a Bible passage for Children
  • how to see a Bible passage through the eyes of a Child
  • Gain confidence when approaching a Bible passage for the first time

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Simple Ways For Kids To Learn The Books Of The Bible

Learning the books of the Bible doesnt have to be boring! Use these activities when you are planning lessons for your Sunday school class.

Helping kids learn the books of the Bible gives them a foundation of Biblical knowledge that they can build on for the rest of their lives. These activities will not only help your kids understand the basic structure of the Bible, they will keep them engaged and having fun!

You can download these activities one-by-one below, or as a set in one PDF here: Books of the Bible Activities

Looking for a books of the Bible song, too? We love these options from Seeds Family Worship!

Read The Story With Some Drama

How to Teach the Bible to Children: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

I am probably one of the worst actors ever, but when I read Bible stories to my son, I try my best to use tone, inflection, and excitement to bring the story to life. When the story says God was sad, slow down your speech and talk with a sad voice, frowning. When things are getting exciting, pick up the pace, talk a little louder. Use hand motions, too. When the story talks about God creating the sky big and wide, point to the sky and motion how big it is. Your excitement will naturally be contagious.

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Act Out Bible Stories With Your Kids

Feeling bored? Put down the electronics and take a few moments to act out a favorite Bible story with your kids!

Children learn in many different ways, and so finding the best way to help these Bible truths stick will vary from family to family! There are also Bible story figures that you can purchase to act out these Biblical accounts.

The Right Age To Teach Your Children The Bible

October 25, 2021 By Danika

What is the right age to teach your children the Bible? You can teach the Bible to your kids. Find out when to start!

Have you ever wondered what the right age to teach the Bible to your children is? Have you heard people say kids are too young to hear the words of the Bible?

Friend, the right age to teach the Bible to your kids is now.

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The Right Age To Teach Children The Bible

With our younger two kids, we began teaching the Bible very early. We did a lot of it passivelylike having an audio version of the childrens Bible playing in the car or while they were playing.

I honestly didnt think they picked much of it up, but Ill never forget my three-year-old, Erik, asking me from the back seat of the car one day why we call Jonah a prophet rather than a missionary. It was the first time I realized my kids were really listening to and processing Gods Word, even at a young age. We read Scripture, talked about God, and did fun activities.

Take your kids through the Bible in just three years! Try out Bible Road Trip with a free three-week sample pack.

I justas a parenthadnt realized what an impact that was having on them. I thought we were just setting the tone for Bible study yet to come and introducing them to the idea of who God is. It turns out, God was working in their little hearts through his Word.

Our kids are never too young to hear Gods Word, and never too old to begin reading Scripture as family.

Whatever season you are in is the right one to start reading and learning about the Bible with your family.

Ways To Make Bible Story Time Come Alive For Toddlers

Using Flannelgraph to Teach Children the Bible
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I am so excited to welcome Liz Millay from Steadfast Family to Happy Home Fairy today! I found Liz about a year ago when I was searching for ideas on how to teach young children about the Bible. I absolutely LOVED all of her ideas! God has given Liz special creative insight into shepherding her kids hearts about Gods Word! I know you will love her and the great wisdom she is sharing with us today. Take it away, Liz!

If youre like me, you want to get your child started reading Gods word as soon as possible. Maybe you even started reading to your peanut while he or she was still in the womb. Then, you read to that squishy newborn as you rocked and snuggled. However, along the way something happened. That little babe you used to hold in your arms, who would be captivated just by the sound of your voice, grew up.

Sitting still is a thing of the past now you have a toddler.

So, how do you get a squirmy toddler to sit still long enough to have a daily Bible story time? Today, Id like to share six ways Ive learned as Ive tried to introduce my son to reading the Bible. Hopefully, some of them will help as you impart Gods Word to your little one.

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Helping Your Kids Get Started

The Bible is a big book a rich text conveying Gods message of hope for the world through various historical contexts and literary styles. For your child, deciding how to read the Bible raises plenty of its own questions. Where should they start? Should they read from beginning to end, Genesis to Revelation? Should they only read the New Testament? It can be more than a little intimidating to jump into, even for an adult.

Fortunately, they have you to help them!

You can equip your kids not only to read Gods Word but to process it and make it a part of their lives. And you dont have to be a Bible scholar to do it!

Heres an easy way to teach your kids to dive into Gods Word: show them how to R.E.A.D. the Bible!

Why Do We Study The Bible

Use this introductory children’s Sunday School lesson about the Bible to teach kids what the Bible is. The lesson includes an object lesson, two optional games that you can play, and a craft. The two games teach children that when we study the Bible, we’re learning how to follow God and that the Bible is God’s way of telling us the truth about Himself. The craft can serve as a way to inspire children to study the Bible on their own. If your class is too young to read on their own, they can use the craft to draw pictures of what they learn in their family devotions.

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How To Prepare Your Childrens Lesson

If you teach the Bible to children, God has afforded you a marvelous privilege and responsibility. But how can you grow in your skillfulness and devotion when you teach? One place to start is your preparatory study. When you study prayerfully and diligently, you are mining the treasures of Gods Word. Out of these treasures comes your childrens lesson. Here is a practical approach to help you improve your study of Gods Word.

Approach your preparation as an opportunity for personal growth and worship. You cannot teach others what you have not learned yourself. Maintain an attitude of prayer and thanksgiving throughout your study, and as God opens your heart to the truth, you will discern what to teach your kids. During your preparation, challenge yourself to learn. Do not be content with your current knowledge. Above all, seek to know God who reveals Himself in Scripture .

Once you have thoroughly read the lessons text, work to understand what the text means. Teaching is not simply repeating what the Bible says. Teaching is communicating what the Bible means by what it says in language that your audience can understand. So take time to interpret the text rightly. Start by asking questions: What truth is communicated? Why is this story in the Bible? What does this text say about God, mankind, sin, or salvation? If you can answer these questions by pointing to Scripture to back up your answers, then you are on the right track.

Look At Your Resource Material And Refer To A Commentary1 Lecture 2min

How to teach your children the Bible and grow them in the Word
  • Look at your manual or resource01:44
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I have been involved in Children’s Church for over 15 years. For 6 of those years I was a volunteer at my local church. During that time I studied at Bible College, George Whitefield College, in South Africa, for 3 years, specialising in how to be a Children’s Church Director. After that, I spent a few years working full-time for a church, running all of their Children’s programs. I ran everything from Friday nights and Sunday mornings to Camps and Holiday Clubs.

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Seven Bible Verses For Kids To Memorize

Why Memorize?

The ultimate aim in memorizing the Word of God is to know Him more and to know how to live to please Him. We want kids to love God and love His Word and want to commit it to memory. The greater treasury of Gods Word we can store up in our memories, the greater the scope the Holy Spirit has to remind us and bring them to mind when we need them.

The Bible teaches in Ephesians 6 that we are in a battle as believers in Jesus, and the one offensive weapon we have is the Sword of the Spirit – the Word of God. Just as parents wouldn’t knowingly send their children into a sports game without the proper safety equipment, we need to similarly arm and equip them with the truth for the much more serious spiritual battles.

What are our own truth-treasure reserves like? How can we help kids build up their own reserves while they are young?

How to Memorize?

Many people struggle with rote learning, so sometimes, we may need a multi-learning-style approach to helping kids remember Gods Word. Here are a few strategies:

  • For many, embedding Scripture in songs or to a beat can be a great help in having Gods Word sink deep into their memories.
  • Repetition is a tried and tested learning aid as kids say the words out loud together as a group each week or individually at breakfast or bedtime with a parent.
  • For others, having spoken words accompanied by actions/motions can be very helpful. Or even acting out the verse.

Which Seven Verses?

Ways To Teach Your Kids The Word Of God

  • Reading aloud: Like many books written in a predominantly oral culture, the Bible was written to be read aloud. This is what God told His teachers to do and we can do this for our own children.
  • Personal reading: By reading the Scriptures with our own eyes, we can reflect more deeply and prayerfully about what they mean . We can teach our kids to get into a rhythm of daily Bible reading.
  • Music: He inspired gifted song-writers and musicians to present His word in song . Start a collection of Scripture songs for your kids to listen to.
  • Conversation: He told parents to remind their children of Gods commandments in the daily rhythms of life .
  • Personal repetition: God commands his people to meditate on His Word, or more literally, growl,utter,mutter, or speak to ourselves . Choose verses for your kids to memorize and teach them recall the verse throughout the day under their breath.
  • Parables: Jesus often used parables to draw his listeners in, provoking the curious to search for more understanding .
  • Study: God wants us to rightly handle and analyze His word of truth . As kids grow, we can teach them to study the Bible for themselves.
  • Visual demonstrations: Often, God would command his prophets to not only proclaim His Word but act it out in some symbolic fashion, making the message take on a new life . When telling Bible stories, have kids act out what is being read.
  • Writing: When we write the words of God with our own hand, it allows us to study His Word in a new way .
  • Recommended Reading: What Does Ceasing Mean In The Bible

    How Do We Teach Bible Skills

    Do you remember what it was like to be new at reading the Bible? For me, that’s more than a few years in the past. As a teacher, you may be aware of the many questions children have when they first begin using a Bible. Some of those ques-tions you’ve probably heard are

    “What are the big and little numbers for?”

    “What do you mean when you say Old Testament and New Testament?”

    “How can I find what you’re asking me to find? I don’t understand this book!”Learning to use the Bible is as important a skill as learning verses and stories from the Bible. As children learn how to use their Bibles, they will be more likely to read and study at home. They will be more likely to volunteer to read in class. They will be more willing to read in worship. We give children a lifelong skill when we teach them how to use their Bibles. We start them on a personal journey of study and reading, learning God’s message to Bible people and to us today.

    It’s important to make time for children to explore their Bibles and build Bible skills.

    Consider the following:

    Take the first four weeks of the fall to concentrate on building Bible skills. Use the curriculum, but make sure your plans include three or four activities each week to help children increase their knowledge of how to use the Bible. Ideas include

    Asking parents to help children remember to bring their Bibles each week.

    Starting your story time with everyone finding the Bible verse and story in his or her Bible.

    Let Kids Test Their Parents Memory


    This is always a fun twist and keeps the kids motivated. It works best in the care when mom or dad is captive and cant sneak a peak at the answer! Keep the stack of memory verse cards in your car and the children can take turns quizzing their parents during short commutes. The one catch is the child has to read out the full verse answer if parents get it wrong. This makes for excellent repetitions without feeling like a chore. Plus there is good education science in having kids evaluate and concentrate for missing words while the parents recite the scripture.

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    Know That You Dont Need To Have All The Answers

    Relax and know that you dont need to have all the answers. My four-year-old son asked one evening, Daddy, if Eve had eaten from the tree but not Adam, would all people have fallen? What a great question! But it didnt feel like it at the time, because I wasnt ready. I didnt know the answer on the spot. And you know what? That was alright. His faith wasnt dashed, his spiritual life wasnt stunted, and his respect for me wasnt diminished. I could simply say, I dont know, son. That is a fabulous question. Can I do some research and answer your question later this week? His little four-year-old mind was thinking through an issue I never had. That is a blessing in disguise! You dont have to know everythingno parent does, no matter who they are. We are all theologians in process. Each of us seeks to grow in biblical knowledge. And many times, our children press us towards that growth.

    God gifted his word to his people. It is a means of grace, not a burden.


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