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What Does Niv Bible Mean

Reason No : Niv Suggests That Joseph Is The Father Of Christ

The NIV – The Accuracy, Beauty, Clarity, and Dignity of the NIV

Look into Luke 2:33 and compare NIV and NKJV.

The childs father and mother marveled at what was said about him .

And Joseph and His mother marveled at those things which were spoken of Him .

Jesus does not have a human father. Replacing the name Joseph with childs father directly goes against the teaching of the Bible that Christ was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit . If Christ has a human father, then the prophecy of the Messiah being born of a virgin has become a deception.

What Does Love Keeps No Record Of Wrongs Mean

Love keeps no record of wrongs is about Love not keeping scores of past mistakes and hurts. Love should not be shown only when it is convenient for us but we are to demonstrate Gods unconditional love to each other at all times.

In this passage, we are encouraged to desist from keeping an account of wrongs as this is used to determine how we relate to each other. We serve a forgiving God who continues to love us in spite of our shortcomings.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32. Treat your spouse with kindness and compassion as this is Gods instruction.

Do not be revengeful of spiteful but rather be compassionate and forgiving as this will further enhance your love and affection towards each other. Do not harbor negative views about your partners actions, motives, words and conduct and expect to enjoy a happy marriage

What Does Psalm : 5

Psalm 91:5-10 ultimately means that God is the most powerful. The Bible gives us many different images of God, depicting His power. He is a great lion, but also under His wings you will find a place of shelter and protection. He shall be a fortress and a refuge for you. He will always protect you.

Psalm 91:5-10 NIV says, You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,nor the deadly pestilence that stalks in the darkness…A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.If you say, The Lord is my refuge, and you make the Most High your dwelling,no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.

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How Do I Apply Matthew : 33 To My Life

Applying Matthew 6:33 to my life is to make the kingdom of God and His interests my top priority with total trust that God will make all other needs readily available to me.

Gods utmost interest is His kingdom. His kingdom is simply the spiritual realm over which He reigns or the fulfillment of His will on earth. We are admonished in verses 30-32 of Mathew chapter 6 not to worry about worldly concerns as they are temporary, rather seek first Gods kingdom in thoughts, words, and deeds, and all our concerns will be taken care of.

Isnt this a mystery? You seek only one thing and have every other thing freely given to you. Our focus must be on the Heavenly treasure, not material treasures.

Jesus tells us in the above verse to seek first His kingdom and his righteousness and the blessings in doing so will be added to us without a sweat.

Jesus made it clear that we must seek the kingdom and his righteousness together. You cannot partake of the blessings attached to the kingdom if His righteousness is left aside.

As you seek Him in prayers, His kingdom should be mentioned before any other thing. This is what gives results to our prayers.

Sin is always a barrier between us and God. We must first purge ourselves of every filthiness for us to be fit to serve Him so as not to miss our rewards. We cannot serve two masters we cannot serve God and mammon.

Reason No : Niv Contradicts Other Bible Translations

NIV Life Application Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Black ...

Picture this: you are having a discussion with your church members, friends, or family. Then suddenly, you noticed that your Bibles dont agree!

It is one thing when two people dont agree and it is completely a different thing to see the Word of God clashing with each other!

If you read the NIV and compare it to NKJV, you will see a glaring discrepancy. Let me give you some examples:

  • Revelation 8:13 an angel an eagle so which is which? Is it an angel or an eagle?
  • Ephesians 5:9 for the fruit the spirit for the fruit of the light The phrase the fruit of the spirit is more believable since it is a common expression throughout the Bible.
  • Luke 4:44 synagogues of Galilee synagogues of Judea
  • Revelation 13:1 in this verse, NIV mentioned that it was the dragon that stood on the shore of the sea, but in NKJV, you will read that it was John who stood on the shore of the sea. Such inconsistency can easily shake the faith of a babe in Christ.

These are just some of the minor differences in wording between NKJV and NIV. Though minor, they can nevertheless change the meaning of a verse. This leads us to the third point.

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Meaning Of But Seek First The Kingdom Of God And His Righteousness

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness means passionate pursuit of God, His kingdom and righteousness, making them your concern and priority. Seeking after Gods kingdom and righteousness must be your objective. Look unto God for all your needs, make God and your relationship with Him the center of your life, and every other thing shall be added.

If Jesus Christ is King, then He is the ruler of this kingdom and must be sought after. It is more than knowing Jesus as the first and our source, we must seek His kingdom also.

God has gave us unique talents as gifts for us. These gifts are meant to be used on the earth in our service to Him and others. Although, Jesus is invincible and invisible but can be found. He can be found when you seek for Him with the whole of your heart. Submit to His authority so that He can empower you to build His kingdom.

Matthew 6: 10-11 tells us Our kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Whosever that can ask for daily bread must be ready and willing to call for the kingdom of God to come daily. Pursue the kingdom of God as you live just as God wants you to live.

What Are The Most Popular Versions Of The Bible

The New Revised Standard Version is the version most commonly preferred by biblical scholars. In the United States, 55% of survey respondents who read the Bible reported using the King James Version in 2014, followed by 19% for the New International Version, with other versions used by fewer than 10%.

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Misconceptions About Being Born Again

Misconception: A person must be born again to gain salvation or to be a Christian.

Fact: Christs sacrifice provides salvation not only for those who are born again as the ones who will rule with Christ in heaven but also for the earthly subjects of Gods Kingdom. That second group of Christians have the opportunity to live forever in Paradise on earth.Psalm 37:29 Matthew 6:9, 10 Revelation 21:1-5.

Misconception: A person can choose to be born again.

Fact: The opportunity to have a relationship with God and gain salvation is open to all. However, God chooses those who will be born again, or anointed with holy spirit. According to the Bible, being born again depends, not on a persons desire or on his effort, but on God. The expression born again can also be rendered born from above, confirming that the selection of those who are born again comes from above, or from God.John 3:3, footnote.

^ par. 5 One exception was the case of Cornelius and those with him.Acts 10:44-48.

The Translation Work Goes On

Why is the NIV Bible Translation updated so much?

The translators work didnt end when the NIV was published in 1978. The original mandate, given in 1965, was to continue the work of Bible translation, ensuring that the NIV always reflects the very best of biblical scholarship and contemporary English.The Committee on Bible Translation still meets every year, reviewing the work in painstaking detailbecause when translating Gods inspired Word, its all about getting the words right.

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Example Of Language Translation Problems

Sometimes, literal translations between languages do not communicate the same message in both languages. Several years ago, Braniff Airlines opened a new route into Mexico. To emphasize their airplanes had all-leather seats and passengers could “fly in leather,” they created ads which read “Vuela Braniff, Vuela encuero.” The phrase translates to “Fly Braniff. Fly naked.” A good example of the literal meaning reading different from the intended meaning. For the NKJV and the NIV, or any Bible version, translators make a determination between the literal meaning and the intended meaning of original texts.

What Is The New International Version

New International VersionNew International Version â UKNew International Readerâs VersionTodayâs New International Version2011 New International VersionNew International Version – Translation methodNew International Version – Pros and ConsNew International VersionNew International Version – Sample Verses

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From Dream To Reality

In 1968, Biblica came on board as the NIVs financial sponsor, mortgaging its office space in Manhattan and New Jersey so that Howard Longs dream of a trustworthy, accessible Bible translation would become reality.Ten years later, the full NIV Bible was published. The initial print run of over a million copies sold out before they were even done printing. Such was the demand for an accurate, readable Bible. Dozens of evangelical denominations, churches, and seminaries embraced the NIV as their official Bible translation for preaching, study, public reading, and personal use.

Reason No : Niv Eliminates Christs Comfort

Life Application Study Bible

Isnt it comforting to know that we can always run to God our heavenly Father and Yahshua/Jesus every time we are in need, when we are lonely and sad, and even during our darkest hours?

But sad to say, NIV has also eliminated some of the most comforting words of Jesus Christ. Notice Luke 4:18-19:

NIV The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lords favor.

NKJV The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

Jesus Christ was sent to heal the brokenhearted. If you are heartbroken and you only use the NIV, how would you be able to find this comforting verse?

Another verse the NIV altered is found in Luke 8:48:

NIV Then he said to her, Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.

NKJV And He said to her, Daughter, be of good cheer your faith has made you well. Go in peace.

Christ brings comfort and Luke 8:48 shows us this. Sadly, you wont read this in the NIV version.

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The King James Version

For a long time the King James Version has reigned supreme among English-speaking Christians. It was originally completed in 1611 having been commissioned by King James I of England in response to perceived problems in earlier English translations detected by the Puritans. Daniell, David . The Bible in English: its history and influence., 435. The translators had guidelines intended to ensure that the KJV would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy.

James gave the translators instructions to limit Puritan influence on the translation: intending to guarantee that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy . The translation was done by 47 scholars, all of whom were members of the Church of England.

The King James Version differs slightly from other versions of the Bible due to its use of the late and Textus Receptus manuscripts. Modern scholars have the advantage of having found many earlier manuscripts which they see as better witnesses to the original text of the biblical authors. However, most modern translators compare all manuscripts when translating. No matter what the case, the King James Version is still considered quite accurate and the differences have no impact on any major points of the Christian faith.

What Does Psalm : 4 Niv Mean

The meaning of Psalm 91:4 is about us taking shelter under the wings of God like we are still young birds and God is our mother. He will cover us with his feathers, and we will find refuge. God is our protector because he is faithful. Our relationship with him always rests on his faithfulness, which is unfailing.

Psalm 91:4 NIV says, He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

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What Does Psalm : 13

Psalm 91:13-16 means that you do not have to work to earn Gods love or His protection. Simple because you love Him and are His beloved child, He shall rescue you, protect you and keep you from harm. If you are ever scared, weary, fearful, doubtful, anxious or uncertain of anything, God is right there with you. Do not give up, just call out to Him, pray and ask for His guidance and protection.

Psalm 91:13-16 NIV says, Because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.

Reason No 1: Confusing Footnotes

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If you are a new convert, how would you feel if the Bible you are reading has confusing footnotes? For example, in Acts 7:46, the footnote reads: Some early manuscripts read the house of Jacob. Thats the footnote for the word, the God of Jacob.

Now, thats a substantial difference. This is not the only footnote that can sow the seed of doubt in the heart of a new convert. With so many footnotes that contradict each other, do you think that it promotes confidence and faith in the Holy Scripture?

Being a Christian is hard enough, but adding the challenge of reconciling conflicting statements in the Bible makes the Christian race even TOUGHER!

Let me give you another example. Read Matthew 16:18, which reads, You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church.

Obviously, the Rock here is Christ. He is the foundation of the Church. Peter means small rock or stone. Christ cant possibly build His Church on Peter. However, we read the footnote of NIV, Peter means rock. Without any explanation, it is implying that Peter is that rock which Christ will build His Church upon!

This is a disgraceful footnote used to support the claim of the Universal Church that they have the only right of the Christian faith.

Please read the footnotes of Mark 1:1, John 10:29, Acts 20:28, I Corinthians 16:24, John 7:8, Luke 23:34, John 10:9, Romans 9:5, and Mark 15:39. All these footnotes will surely send your mind swirling in doubt and confusion.

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Reason No : Meaning Of The Verse Changed

If you change a word in a verse, it will affect the entire message or meaning of the verse. Notice how the NIV undermined the eternal existence of Yahshua or Jesus in Micah 5:2:

Heres what the NIV mentioned:

But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah,out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.

Compare this with what the NKJV mentioned:

But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.

Theres a huge difference between everlasting and ancient times.

One of the greatest proofs of Christs divinity is His eternal existence. If you are to prove this, you can always go to Micah 5:2. However, if you are going to use the NIV, you will be disappointed to see that Christ is only mentioned to exist from ancient times!

From everlasting denotes Christs eternal existence.

Ancient times is only saying that Christ is very old or He has a beginning!

Addressing Concerns About The Niv

Does the NIV remove verses from the Bible?

There are no missing verses in the NIV, but there are differences with the KJV. The NIV is translated from manuscripts that date back closer to the time of Christs ministry and do not contain a few verses. The NIV translators explain this in the footnotes. Also, many of these verses are repeated in other places in the Bible text and do not impact the core doctrines of the Christian faith. Both the KJV and NIV are trustworthy translations and both will lead readers to Christ.

Why is the NIV owned by HarperCollins if they also publish “The Satanic Bible” and “The Joy of Gay Sex”?

The NIV is owned by Biblica, a non-profit ministry that translates and distributes the Bible worldwide.

HarperCollins Publishers is Zondervans parent company and fully supports our commitment to our mission and our Christian core values. Zondervan is a well-known and respected Christian publisher and has been a HarperCollins company since the late 80s. HarperCollins has many different publishing groups who produce a wide range of content, none of which affects our Christian mission and purpose.

Zondervans mission is to inspire the world by meeting the needs of people with content that promotes biblical principles and honors Jesus Christ. We ensure that all of our authors and content align with this mission during the publishing process.

Is the NIV a gender-neutral translation of the Bible?

The NIV is gender accurate.

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