Praying Scripture Over Your Childs Life
Jodie Berndt loves to pray for her children. Shes been doing that for the past thirty years. Now she helps other parents to talk to God, asking for the salvation of their kids, and for wisdom, self-discipline, purpose, a future and much more. She offers fun and practical encouragement that moms and dads can put to work immediately in their daily lives as they prepare their children for a life in Christ.
A Prayer For Your Family
Lord, bless my family and children. Give them hearts that follow after you. Give my family the strength to not be afraid. Give them the courage to stand up to what is right. Produce within them an attitude of integrity, giving their lives to giving you glory. Protect each family member under the shadow of your wings. Lord, help us to find our strength in you. Increase our unity and peace as we seek to follow after you. Amen
Parents Embitter Their Children By Not Disciplining Them
This is one of the quickest ways to develop bitter children. A spoiled child is a child that is thankless and bitter. Because they get their way all the time, they are bitter whenever any authority does not give them their way or when life becomes difficult. Solomon said, Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him .
Parents embitter them by never driving the foolishness, the sin, out of their hearts through good discipline. Parents who do not discipline their children and instead gives them everything they want often become surprised when their children eventually rebel against them later in life. These spoiled kids want nothing to do with their parents. Sadly, this happens too much, even in the church.
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Parents Embitter Their Children By Showing Favoritism Toward Other Siblings
We got a good picture of this in the story of Jacob and Joseph. Jacob gave Joseph the robe of many colors, showing his favor of this son above the other eleven. This embittered the older siblings against the father and against Joseph. Later, they kidnapped and sold Joseph into slavery out of their anger.
How often do siblings become embittered against one another because of unwise parenting practices? These children grow up disliking one another. Mother always thought you were the prettiest. Dad always liked you because you were the smartest and most athletic. This happens all the time.
It should be noted that these words from Paul were very challenging to this culture. Listen to what Barclay said:
In the ancient world, children were very much under the domination of their parents. The supreme example was the Roman patria potestas, the law of the fathers power. Under it, a father could do anything he liked with his children. He could sell them into slavery he could make them work like labourers on his farm he even had the right to condemn a child to death and to carry out the execution. All the privileges and rights belonged to the parent and all the duties to the children.8
Pauls challenge to not embitter the children conflicted with common Roman practice. Listen to what else Paul said to fathers: Fathers, do not exasperate your children instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord .
Bible Verse About Death Of A Family Member
- For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
- As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you and you will be comforted over Jerusalem. Isaiah 66:13
- You, LORD, hear the desire of the afflicted you encourage them, and you listen to their cry. Psalm 10:17
- He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
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Loving Your Spouse Through The Seasons Of Marriage
Debra Fileta has identified the four seasons of marriage that correspond with our natural seasons spring , summer , fall , and winter . In this interview, she will help couples better understand the four seasons of healthy relationships, what to expect during each one, and how to carefully navigate them for a stronger marriage.
Bible Verses About Parenting Roles 3 Big Truths
The biblical role of a parent is to be a good steward of the children God has placed into their care. Parents have the responsibility to care for the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of their children. The most important biblical duty of a parent is to teach their children about Jesus in action and word.Gods Word as revealed in the bible, helps us understand who we are, who God is, and the relationship between God and humanity. Scripture reveals eternal and often uncomfortable truths about our nature, our souls, and our history. It is beneficial to all relationships. As a parent, here are three big biblical truths that will benefit you in your role as a parent. Knowing these as you go forward in your parenting journey will help you manage your expectations and honor godly boundaries.
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How A Former Abortion Doctor Became Pro
As an abortion doctor at Planned Parenthood, Dr. Patti Giebink believed she was helping women. Later, she began reading scripture and God gradually changed her heart on the abortion issue. Patti tells the story of her long journey from abortion doctor to pro-life and encourages listeners to share the message of life with compassion.
Caution To Embrace Peace
Matthew 10: 34 – 36 reads, 34 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law 36 a mans enemies will be the members of his own household.
Be careful about how you relate with family members. For the world to have peace, the family must be united and peaceful. When family members turn against each other, there will be no peace in the world.
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The Peace Of God Surpasses All Understanding
Philippians 4: 7 reads, And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
Every time you choose scripture on family, make sure to include the one above. This is encouraged to all who believe. When Christ is in charge, all who believe get to enjoy his perfect peace.
Children Are Blessed By God
And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.Mark 10:16
In blessing the children while here on earth as God incarnate, Jesus shows his heart toward little ones. In verse 13 of this passage, the disciples rebuked the people for bringing their kids to Jesus, probably because he was talking with self-important religious leaders. His response was anger at his followers ignorance and pettiness. Their actions were unkind and unworthy of disciples. Children arent too unimportant to have Gods undivided attention. He always desires to bless them in every way.
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We Are All Gods Children So We Are All Family
Ephesians 1:5 God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.
Romans 12:5 So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 6:10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Ephesians 3:15 From whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.
Gods value for family is so high, He is constantly referring to us all as His children. He reminds us that not only do we belong to Him, but we also belong to each other. His desire is for us to see everyone as Gods people that are worthy of the same love and grace He casts on us.
What Does The Bible Say About Poverty
Yennifer, 6, holds her family’s bible. She lives in Guatemala.
The Bible is rich in wisdom about Gods love for people living in poverty and about our responsibility to help. We love the way Jesus showed us how to care for the poor and oppressed. Reflect on these Bible verses and pray for children, families, and communities in need. Heres what the Bible says about poverty.
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What Is Gods View On Family
God wants his children to live a happy and prosperous life, and he places families at the center of their development. Gods Bible speaks of strong families beginning from the very beginning it illustrates many examples. The book also teaches us about the importance of being happy, nurturing in our families.
Set Healthy Biblical Boundaries With Family
Next, once youve gotten honest about the situation and the role you may have played in it, its time to set some Biblical boundaries with family members and friends who may need them.
What behaviors will you accept? Which behaviors will you not accept? Where is the boundary?
And, again, this is where the book Boundaries comes in really helpful!
When you are dealing with people and situations who are truly toxic, manipulative, crazy or even abusive, it can really make you question your sanity and your decision making! You want to do the right thing, but you may question what the right thing is or what requests are reasonable. It can be hard to tell.
Thats where Boundaries does a great job of laying out a Biblical framework to help you understand what truly is your responsibility, what requests are unreasonable, where you should draw the line, and how you can do so without guilt.
You can find Boundaries at your local library or .
Heres the advice I gave the reader above:
So what do healthy, biblical boundaries with family look like for you?
Do you need to limit visits or restrict your visits to a certain format?
Do you need to set the boundary that you can only visit X times a year, that you can only give X dollars a month, or that you will only continue to be around them only as long as the conversation remains healthy and polite.
Theres no need to feel guilty. The Bible encourages you to set Biblical boundaries with family where necessary.
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< 4 Parents Embitter Their Children By Never Encouraging Them And Showing Them Affection
We saw this in the story of Martin Luther whose father never encouraged him or showed him love. Listen to what commentator William Barclay said:
It is one of the tragic facts of religious history that Martin Luthers father was so stern to him that, all his life, Lutherfounditdifculttopray:OurFather.Thewordfatherinhismindrepresentednothingbutseverity. The duty of the parent is discipline, but it is also encouragement. Lutherhimselfsaid:Sparetherodandspoilthechild.Itistrue.Butbesidetherodkeepanappletogivehimwhenhedoeswell.7
Healthy parents not only discipline their children but also reward them. Parents reward their children when they do well and discipline them when they do wrong. Children start to learn fairness by this balanced approach.
General Scripture About Family
The following bible verses about family are for both the family we are born into as well as friends weve made into family. These are perfect for blended families, close friends, and anything in between. But if youre still looking for more family-based scripture, consider reading our piece on inspiring Bible verses about marriage.
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Encourage Contentment And Hard Work Among Your Family Members
And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
God doesnt say He will meet all our wants He says he will meet all our needs. Encouraging our family members in contentment is one way we can help them financially.
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.
2 Thessalonians 3:10
Yes, we can give money to our family members, but we should also encourage them to provide for themselves if possible.
Its not fair for adult children to regularly ask their parents for money to cover expenses when they are not willing to get a job and take care of themselves.
For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.
1 Timothy 6:7-8
There are multiple Bible verses about contentment, but this is typically the first that pops into peoples minds. If your family member is truly in need of help with things like food, clothing, and housing, we can certainly help them.
But if they demand money for frivolous things and/or arent willing to support themselves, you have no financial obligation to gift them the money to pay for these things.
Family relationships are complicated, and every situation is different. Hopefully, this is a start as you prayerfully decide how best to help your loved ones.
What Does The Bible Say About Putting Your Family First
Then you go all the way back to 1 Timothy 5:8, I believe it is, and it says to take care of your own household first. Your first goal after the tithe is take care of your household. Then above that to support other ministries and other things with yourgiving.
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Bible Verses About Parenting And The Role Of A Parent
This post contains affiliate links. When you shop through the links on this page, my favorite charity, Finally Family Homes, may earn a small commission to support foster youth in need at no extra cost to you. Read our full affiliate disclosure here.
Even in our current culture and time, there are a variety of popular parental styles. You may know them by their nicknames such as the helicopter parent, the tiger mom, and the free-range parent. Each of these parenting styles assumes a distinct belief system about the needs, nature, and capabilities of children. Do you subscribe to one of these? You may need to challenge your underlying assumptions. As Christians, we must look to the bible to understand children and our roles in parenting them.
What Does The Bible Say About Family Relationships
What Does The Bible Say About Family Relationships? Siblings are a frequent theme throughout the Old and New Testaments. Some of the most famous siblings in the Old Testament are Cain and Abel Jacob and Esau Joseph and his eleven brothers and Moses, Aaron, and Miriam . Likewise, the most famous siblings in the New Testament are Peter and Andrew and Martha, Mary, and Lazarus . The Bible encourages love among siblings. In fact, the Bible uses such phileo love as an illustration of love among believers. That is, we are to love one another in the family of God as we would love a brother or a sister: Love one another with brotherly affection .
It is in this light that Apostle Paul expressed his love for the saints in Philippi this way: My brothers and sisters, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown . Unfortunately, not all siblings express love for one another. Most of the previously mentioned famous sibling groups from the Old and New Testaments are known for their interpersonal conflicts and even hatred for each other. As revealed in the Bible, Cain killed Abel out of jealousy, thereby committing the first murder . Likewise, Jacob and Esau were at odds from the time they were in the womb and into adulthood . Josephs very brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt out of jealousy . Surprisingly, even Martha and Marys story reveals a disagreement between the sisters .
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Other Ways Of Saying God Is Love
In addition, this truth, which is Gods description of His fundamental nature, is expressed many times in other scriptures.
Another often-quoted verse is John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. In John 16:27 we read, For the Father Himself loves you. The apostle John, again, speaks of Gods love in 1 John 3:1 when he says, Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us.
These verses are simply a sampling of the many times this truth is expressed in the Scriptures. God is love, and He expresses His love in many ways.
When commenting on the verse God is love, commentators speak of God being benevolence itself . Or, as the Jamieson, Fausset, Brown Commentary records, God is fundamentally and essentially LOVE: not merely is loving.
However, none of the commentators explain the ultimate purpose of Godwhat God is doing because of His nature of love. The greatest expression of His love toward humanity is revealed in the purpose for our creation.