The Names Of God By Ann Spangler
The Names of God: 52 Bible Studies for Individuals and Groups
By studying such rich and varied names as Adonay, El Shadday, Abba, Yeshua, Lamb of God, and Prince of Peace, readers will encounter a God who is utterly holy, powerful, surprising, merciful, and loving.Each weeks study includes:
Based on Praying the Names of God and Praying the Names of Jesus but containing additional questions for reflection and study, this unique Bible study is designed to help individuals and groups explore the most important of Gods names and titles as they are revealed in the Bible. |
Reasons Why God Is Still Adonai Today
The idea of being owned can conjure up pictures of one person possessing another, and that kind of slavery has no place in today’s world. But we need to remember that the concept of Adonai has to do with God’s position of leadership in, not oppression of, our lives.
Scripture clearly says that God is always present and that He is still rightfully Lord over all. We are to submit to Him, our good Father, not to any other human or idol. His Word also teaches us why this is part of God’s best plan for us.
1. We are created to need Him as our Master.
It’s said that there is a God-sized hole in each of us. It isn’t there to make us feel weak and hopeless, but to lead us to the One who can fill that need. Trying to fill ourselves up any other way will only lead us into danger: bad judgment, lack of sensitivity to God’s leading, and ultimately, surrendering to sin.
2. God is a good Master.
One truth about life is that everybody eventually serves someone, and we have a choice about who that will be. Imagine serving a master who returns your loyalty with unconditional love, comfort, and abundant provision. That is the loving Lordship that God offers, and we don’t want to miss out on it.
3. Jesus taught that God was His Master.
So many times in His earthly ministry, Jesus acknowledged God as Adonai. The Son willingly came to Earth in obedience to His Father.
I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
Why Does The Name Adonai Matter
Why does it matter that we should know names for God such as Yahweh, El Roi, Adonai, etc.?
Its important that we know the names of God because names have important meanings in the Bible. They carry an origin and purpose of someones life. Whenever God names someone or renames someone in the Bible , its a big deal. He proclaims something important about their identity or about his plan for that persons life.
In the example of Peter , Peters name becomes his purpose. He becomes the rock of the church .
So, when we learn the names of God, we learn about his attributes. We can get to know him better.
As far as the title of Adonai, learning this name can help us acknowledge that God is the master and sovereign over our lives. We cannot act outside of his plan for us.
And no human or angelic adonai can thwart that plan either .
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Erasing The Name Of God
3 And ye shall break down their altars, and dash in pieces their pillars, and burn their Asherim with fire and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods and ye shall destroy their name out of that place. 4 Ye shall not do so unto the LORD your God.
Deuteronomy 12:34
From this it is understood by the rabbis that one should not erase or blot out the name of God. The general halachic opinion is that this only applies to the sacred Hebrew names of God, not to other euphemistic references there is a dispute as to whether the word “God” in English or other languages may be erased or whether Jewish law and/or Jewish custom forbids doing so, directly or as a precautionary “fence” about the law.
The words “God” and “Lord” are written by some Jews as “G-d” and “L-rd” as a way of avoiding writing any name of God in full out. The hyphenated version of the English name can be destroyed, so by writing that form, religious Jews prevent documents in their possession with the unhyphenated form from being destroyed later. Alternatively, a euphemistic English reference such as Hashem may be substituted, or an abbreviation thereof, such as B”H .
Here Are Some Beautiful Verses Using Adonai In The Original Text:
Psalm 148:13 ESVLet them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted his majesty is above earth and heaven.
Psalm 23:1 ESV
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Psalm 8:1 ESVTo the choirmaster: according to The Gittith. A Psalm of David. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.
Exodus 20:7 ESVYou shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
When my boys were small, I recall a quarrel between them. My older son was telling my younger one what to do. My younger one said You are not my boss. Fast forward over ten years later, I still hear this interchange between them.
As for me, I work for myself. I have clients that I work for that dictate my work, but, overall, I am my own boss.
In nearly every area of our lives, we have a boss or at least someone that we need to answer to, but what about our life in general?
Who is your master? If you are a believer in Christ, your master should be our God.
Do you submit every area of your life to Him? Or, are there areas that you, out of habit or addiction or fear or something else, that you havent given to Him, Adonai, yet?
The first time we find this name for God used in the Bible is in Genesis 15: 1-2 when God is speaking with Abram:
When you read about Abraham in the Bible, you see many instances of how he allowed God to be Adonai to him.
Because of Him,
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Join The Movement And Download Your Free 10
16 Names of God and What They MeanJoin the movement and download today!If you’re not ready to join the movement, you can hop over to our Etsy shop and purchase the instant download for just $5.EL SHADDAI el shad-di’Use:Meaning:
Names of God Verse Cards This is a set of 11 cards that feature 10 different names of God with their meanings and Scripture passages in which they are used.
Order the Names of God Verse Cards here from The Daily Grace Co. |
EL ELYONel el-yone’Use: Meaning:ADONAIad-o-noy’Use:Meaning:YAHWEHyah-wehUse:Meaning: JEHOVAH NISSIyeh-ho-vaw’ nis-see’Use:Meaning:JEHOVAH RAAH yeh-ho-vaw’ raw-aw’Use:Meaning:JEHOVAH RAPHA yeh-ho-vaw’ raw-faw’Use:Meaning: JEHOVAH SHAMMAH yeh-ho-vaw’ shawm’-mawUse:Meaning:JEHOVAH TSIDKENU yeh-ho-vaw’ tsid-kay’-nooUse:Meaning:JEHOVAH MEKODDISHKEMyeh-ho-vaw’ M-qadashUse:Meaning:
Names Of God By Nathan Stone
Indeed we cannot say all that the mysterious Word God means to us until we know more about Him.
“Gods many names reveal not only different dimensions of His character but also point to their fulfillment in the Person and work of Jesus Christ. This insightful little book accurately and clearly works through the many names of God throughout the Old Testament. We can now see God in new lights and angles as we learn of His justice, His unbounded love, His preeminence, and His characterall through His names. This book has sold over 400,000 copies.” —goodreads |
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The Name Adonai In The Bible
Adonai by itself is not really a proper name but rather a title or appellative. As we will see below, it quite literally means ‘mister’ or my lord, master or owner, and is not unlike the word baal, which means the same. Yet adon occurs frequently as element in compound names: Adoni-bezek, Adonijah, Adonikam, Adoniram and Adoni-zedek.
Adonai is also the source of the fabricated name Jehovah. When the Masoretes wanted to preserve the pronunciation of the words used in the Bible they ran into a problem when YHWH, the proper name of the Lord that was forbidden to be pronounced, occurred. To circumvent the problem, the Masoretes inserted the vowel symbols that go with adonai, indicating that whenever the reader saw YHWH, he had to say adonai.
When later readers saw the name YHWH combined with the symbols for adonai, they erroneously concluded that YHWH was to be pronounced as Jehovah.
Uncommon Or Esoteric Names
- Abir “Strong One”
- YHWH-Niss’i “The LORD Our Banner”
- YHWH-Rapha “The LORD that Healeth”
- YHWH-Ro’i “The LORD My Shepherd”
- YHWH-Shalom “The LORD Our Peace”
- YHWH-Shammah “The LORD Is Present”
- YHWH-Tsidkenu “The LORD Our Righteousness”
- YHWH-Yireh “The LORD Will Provide”
- Yotsehr ‘Or “Fashioner of Light”
- Zokef kefufim “Straightener of the Bent”
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Yigdal: A Reconstructionist Examination
Yigdal, one of the most beloved of the medieval piyyutim summarizes the thirteen principles of the Jewish faith as formulated by Moses Maimonides . Reconstructionists often proudly assert that when we pray with a Reconstructionist siddur, we feel that we can ‘say what we mean and mean what we say,’ because our liturgical language reflects Reconstructionist theology. How might a Reconstructionist interpret the words of Yigdal in this way?
Adonai Lord Most High Exploring The Names Of God
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As we continue to explore the names of God, Im excited to share this with you. Adonai, a beautiful name of God, means: Lord, Master. It denotes the omnipotence of God, his role as absolute ruler.
You can find everything that you are looking for about The Names of God and Why We Should Study and Pray Them, in this post as well as in-depth studies on each of the 9 names of God we cover but you may also wish to purchase the ebook for your convenience. No ads, no pop ups and youll have it forever to refer to when fasting. It includes a video and additional downloads. The best part its only $5! Your choice, read it here or have it forever.
Adonai is the plural of Adon, meaning Lord, Lord, LORD, master, or owner . In the Tanakh, the word Adon can refer to men and angels as well as to the LORD God of Israel
In the Old Testament Adonai occurs 434 times. There are heavy uses of Adonai in Isaiah . It occurs 200 times in Ezekiel alone and appears 11 times in Daniel Chapter 9. Adonai is first used in Gen 15:2.
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The Names Of God By Ken Hemphill
For example, the very first reference to God in Genesis 1:1the name Elohimteaches and reveals the triune nature of God. We are commanded to honor the name of God, but to do that adequately, we must understand the inherit greatness of the names which God uses to refer to Himself.Ken Hemphill takes the reader through an in-depth devotional study of the names of God, teaching the significance of each name and the keys it possesses to growing us in relationship with God. God’s names are not only our protection but also reveal the very nature of God Himself. This is why we are to honor His name.” —goodreads |
Etymology Of The Name Adonai
The word adonai comes from the unused root , of which the meaning is disputed, says BDB Theological Dictionary, and lists the following proposals: Some say it’s comparable to the Assyrian word adannu, meaning firm or strong, and the associated adverb adannis means strongly or exceedingly. Others say it may have to do with a Persian word meaning firm or fasten, and thus it means to determine, hence command, hence rule. Others still propose relations to an Arabic verb that means to be obedient or cause obedience, hence govern and rule. This verb is thought to have to do with the Hebrew word , meaning to judge, and thus with the name . But judging from its derivations, our verb had to do with supporting the superstructure of society:
The verb means to provide support for a piece of superstructure: to be a base for something big to stand or rotate upon. The noun refers to the foundation, base or pedestal of pillars or panels and such, and this word features lavishly in the description of the tabernacle. The tabernacle, of course, was a prototype of the temple, which in turn became embodied by God’s living human congregation, and the bases and foundations of that living temple became personified by the human foundation known as or , roughly translatable with lord, sir or mister.
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A Prayer To God As Your Adonai
Gracious Father in Heaven, we come before You with humble hearts. As we’ve learned more about the name Adonai, it has reminded us of the place You desire to have in our livesthe place You deserve. You desire our submission, not to be a harsh Master over us, but to be our loving King. You ask for our obedience so that You can bring us blessings and fill us with good things. You even gave us Your only Son as a demonstration of what Your rule looks like.
Help us to see the deeper meaning of this name. Let our response to it not be led by any faulty beliefs, but by truth from Your Word and the Holy Spirit. We desire to bring You honor, Lord God, so we pray for wisdom to submit graciously to our wonderful Master.
We pray all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
The name Adonai is truly a gift from God to us, His people. It is a reassuring reminder that God is in control. The more we acknowledge Him as Adonai, the more we will see of His goodness.
When we allow Him to correct us, we will grow in wisdom. As we give ourselves to His rule, we will experience more joy in serving and peace in waiting. Letting God be our Master draws us closer to His amazing Grace.
I say to the Lord, You are my Lord apart from you I have no good thing.
The Names Of God: Adonai
Posted on
Lord, Master
Use in the Bible: In the Old Testament Adonai occurs 434 times. There are heavy uses of Adonai in Isaiah . It occurs 200 times in Ezekiel alone and appears 11 times in Daniel Chapter 9.Adonai is first used in Gen 15:2.
Variant spellings: None
Adonai in the Septuagint: kuriosLord, Master
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Why Is Adonai Important
Adonai is the plural of the Hebrew word Adon, which means lord or master. It was first used as Gods title before it was used as Gods name. The plural and capitalized Adonai is used because, according to beliefs, God is the lord of all humanity and thus is the lord of all lords.
The reason Adonai and similar names, such as Elohim, are used instead of attempting to say the Tetragrammaton is the belief that people are unworthy of saying or are forbidden from saying Gods actual name. So believers use other names or titles instead.
Adonai is still used in modern Hebrew reprintings of the Tanach. Because of this, Adonai is a common name for God among Jews, particularly when speaking Hebrew or quoting the Tanach. Christians will sometimes also use Adonai in reference to God, especially when quoting the Old Testament, which contains many of the same books as the Tanach.
Praying The Names Of God By Ann Spangler
Praying the Names of God explores the primary names and titles of God in the Old Testament to reveal the deeper meanings behind them. El Shaddai, Elohim, Adonai, Abba, El ElyonGod Almighty, Mighty Creator, Lord, Father, God Most Highthese are just a few of the names and titles of God that yield rich insights into His nature and character. Praying the Names of God shows readers how to study and pray Gods names by focusing each week on one of the primary names or titles of God:
By incorporating the divine names and titles into their prayersand learning about the biblical context in which the name was revealedreaders will gain a more intimate understanding of who God is and how He can be relied on in every circumstance of their lives. |
Praying the Names of Godgoodreads
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