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HomeEditor PicksGrace To You Bible Study

Grace To You Bible Study

The Macarthur Study Bible 20th

Christians and Alcohol (Selected Scriptures)
    Page by page, the notes explain the biblical text. Page by pageâin your own times of studyâyou will clearly understand what youâre reading and better know how to apply it to your life. Since its release in 1997, more than a million copies of The MacArthur Study Bible have been distributedâan unprecedented reach among modern study Bibles …

How To Enjoy Bible Study

There’s nothing I enjoy more than studying the Bible. Yet it has not always been that way. My real passion for studying Scripture began when as a college student, I made a commitment to explore the Bible in earnest. I found that the more I studied, the more my hunger for Scripture grew. Here are three simple guidelines that have helped me to make the most of my study time.

Read the Bible

There are many good Bible reading plans available, but here is one I’ve found most helpful. I read through the Old Testament at least once a year. As I read, I note in the margins any truths I particularly want to remember, and I write down separately anything I don’t immediately understand. Often I find that as I read, my questions are answered by the text itself. The questions to which I can’t find answers become the starting points for more in-depth study using commentaries or other reference tools.

I follow a different plan for reading the New Testament. I read one book at a time repetitiously for a month or more. I began doing this when I was in seminary, because I wanted to retain what was in the New Testament and not always have to depend on a concordance to find things.

Interpret the BibleAs I read Scripture, I always keep in mind one simple question: “What does this mean?” It’s not enough to read the text and jump directly to the application we must first determine what it means, otherwise the application may be incorrect.

Principles to Understand

The Believers Walk With Christ

  • Series: John MacArthur Study Series
  • Publisher: Moody

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Walking is a rich biblical metaphor. Figures like Enoch, Noah, and Abraham are remembered because they walked with God. Evil kings are remembered because they didn’t. All humanity is a parade one way or the other, and Christians must know the difference.

The Believers Walk with Christ plumbs nine New Testament passages to unfold this great theme and help us live in step with the Spirit. Written in John MacArthur’s direct, accessible style, it is ideal for Bible study groups, church leaders, or individual believers who want to grow in godliness. MacArthur draws on a lifetime of scholarly and pastoral experience to demystify that process and explain clearly what Scripture says about it. He’ll help you know what it means to grow in Christian maturity, and how to make it the mark of your life.

Recommended Reading: What Does The Bible Say About Circumcision

Grace To You: Radio Podcast John Macarthur

  • Religion & Spirituality
  • 4.8 2.4K Ratings
  • This powerful broadcast will boost your spiritual growth by helping you understand and apply God’s Word to your life and the life of your family and church. John MacArthur, pastor-teacher, has been offering his practical, verse-by-verse Bible teaching through Grace to You for 40 years.

    Having A Bible Is One Thing Understanding Itsmeaning Doctrine Implications And Applicationandbeing Able To Proclaim Itrequires Careful Study John Macarthur

    Grace to You

    We use mass media to expose Johns teaching to as wide an audience as possible for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ .

    One of our principal tasks is to protect believers from being tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming . We accept the God-given responsibility of speaking the truth in love and strive for the growth of the church and glory of the Lord, rather than the praise and honor of men.

    Our role is not to supplant the local churchs ministry, but to support it by providing additional resources for those hungering for the truth of Gods Word. Media ministries can never substitute for involvement in a biblical church, group Bible study, or interaction with a teacher. Yet we sense the need for more in-depth resources, evidenced by the many Christians and Christian leaders worldwide who depend on our ministry to supplement their own study.

    Our desire is that God be glorified through Grace to Yous resources. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of this ministry, and we desire to perform our work as unto Him, to reflect Him to all those we encounter, and to operate not in our own strength but through His power .

    Listen on-demand at

    Also Check: Who Was Andrew’s Brother In The Bible

    How Is It Different

    This free service uses calling minutes, not data. With the ubiquity of cell phones* and the growing popularity of unlimited calling plans with limited data, we hope this media option will be helpful for:

    • Commuters who drive when the broadcast is not on the radio, and who dont want to use their data plan to stream the broadcast
    • Those in areas where the broadcast is not available on radio and have limited or no access to a computer
    • Those without either smartphones or data plans
    • Many other situations where a phone call is more convenient than our other media options.

    What Can You Do With The Gty Sermons App

    Stay current with John MacArthurs most recent preaching.

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    Access Johns entire archive of audio sermons.

    View the latest pulpit sermons, television broadcasts, conference sessions, and more.

    Read from one of three daily devotionals and The MacArthur Daily Bible.

    Enjoy the latest post on the GTY blog, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

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    The Lords Grace To Paul

    12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service. 13 Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. 14 The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

    15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. 16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. 17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

    Best Bible App Out There

    You Are What You Think (1 Peter)

    I do most of my deeper studying through this app. There are many things to like about it. For one you have great notes from John MacArthur available with just pressing on the scripture. Then when you do so you can easily go right back to where you left off. You can also directly route to reference scriptures and when you are done looking at a reference scripture you can go right back to the last thing you were reading. Makes for very smooth and quick scripture referencing. Also the colors of letters and background can be changed. Well the background can change from sepia to grey to black. I prefer black with Jesus words in red. Also there are many Recources such as daily bible which allows you to go through entire bible in one year while reading 4 different books at once. There are daily devotionals. Each book has an eleborate introduction. MacArthur sermons are available that apply to scripture that youre reading. It also has audio if you like that. There are also writings from other people in there that apply to the scripture. I love it.

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    Featured Resources From Grace To You

    Since 1997, more than 2 million readers around the world have relied on The MacArthur Study Bible to help them grow in their understanding of Scripture. Now fully updated and redesigned, The MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition combines fine craftsmanship with new and improved study notes, as well as an expanded selection of maps and charts. Drawn from over fifty years of intense Bible study and regular expository teaching, John MacArthurs verse-by-verse study notes, book introductions, and articles display an unwavering commitment to interpretive precisionwith the goal of making God known through His Word. Youll find clarification for difficult passages, explore cultural and historical details, and be better equipped to understand and apply biblical truth in life-transforming ways. Featuring a supple goatskin leather cover, durable edge-lined binding, premium European Bible paper, and three satin ribbon markers, this carefully crafted edition is a treasure designed for a lifetime in Gods Word.

    Response In Prayer & Praise:

    Reread 1 Timothy 1:13-14. Make these verses personal. Replace Pauls experience with your own experience. Use any creative means to express gratitude for Gods amazing grace toward youdrawing, painting, prose, poetry, song, or prayer. An extra page is added at the end of this lesson for you. This is your praise to God today.

    Don’t Miss: What Happens After Death Bible

    How Does It Work

    With a simple phone call you can hear the broadcast on demand. And as it is on our podcast, Grace to You Weekend will be available on Saturday and Sunday. For Gracia a Vosotros, the Friday broadcast will be repeated during the weekend. See the following table for the appropriate phone number to use:


    New Testament Studies Books Of The Bible

    NKJV MacArthur Study Bible
  • HarperChristian Resources / 2015 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$10.49Retail: Retail Price$14.99Save 30%
  • HarperChristian Resources / 2015 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$9.49Retail:
  • HarperChristian Resources / 2015 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$9.49Retail: Retail Price$12.99Save 27%
  • HarperChristian Resources / 2015 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$7.99Retail: Retail Price$14.99Save 47%
  • HarperChristian Resources / 2015 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$10.49Retail: Retail Price$14.99Save 30%
  • HarperChristian Resources / 2015 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$10.49Retail:
  • HarperChristian Resources / 2015 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$9.49Retail:
  • HarperChristian Resources / 2015 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$9.49Retail: Retail Price$12.99Save 27%
  • HarperChristian Resources / 2016 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$7.99Retail:
  • Thomas Nelson / 2016 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$14.99Retail: Retail Price$19.99Save 25%
  • HarperChristian Resources / 2016 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$13.99Retail:
  • You May Like: What Is The Book Of Luke About In The Bible

    How To Study The Bible
      Thereâs no greater joy than digging into and discovering biblical truth on your own. And thereâs no part of life that a deeper and wider grasp of Godâs Word doesnât touch. In How to Study the Bible, John MacArthur takes you on a fascinating exploration of Godâs Word to reveal its glorious attributes. Download PDF.

    La Injusticia De La Justicia Social

    El pecado dominante de los evangélicos pragmáticos, y preocupados por el estilo, siempre ha sido que sin pudor toman prestadas las modas y temas de conversación del mundo inconverso.

    Unleashing Gods Truth, One Verse at a TimeSince 1969

    Version 8.5.0711.01

    As you may be aware, the General Data Protection Regulation comes into full effect on 25th May 2018. GDPR is the new European privacy regulation, which will replace the Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK and the equivalent legislation across the EU Member States. Here at Grace to You Europe we take our data protection responsibilities very seriously and, as you would expect, have undertaken a significant programme of work to ensure that we are ready for this important legislative change. Accordingly, we have updated our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions in order to comply with GDPR.

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    Benefits Of Logos Edition

    In the Logos edition, these volumes are enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what youre looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

    Some Continual Glitches That Could Be Easily Remedied

    Charismatic Counterfeits: Do the Modern Gifts Meet the Biblical Standard? (Nathan Busenitz)

    As much as I love the notes of the MacArthur Study Bible, and also much of the look of the layout, I have the same repeated continual problem as I saw at least some others have. Every time I use the app, at some point if Im reading for long, the app freezes and wont move and then when it finally unfreezes, it jumps to the last chapter of Revelation. This generally causes me to switch to a different Bible app bc of the time delay involved, so I generally just defer to a different Bible app to begin with. Also while Im on the subject, the other little annoyance is in the switching from one scripture location to another. It takes maybe two or three taps on the scripture address to get it to allow you to search another address. I know this can be fixed because the YouVersion app used to do the same thing and they finally fixed that with an update. It was a huge fix. And a little tiny thing is that having to select Old or New Testament is just another unnecessary step that requires an additional click. You can designate the move from Old to New without actually requiring us to select it. Also the Headings for new sections in the middle of books are not in bold and look like part of the text. One example is in the middle of verse 8 of 2 Samuel 19. There is a paragraph switch with a heading title that looks exactly like the rest of the text just stuck right in the middle of the verse.

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    Grace To You On The App Store
      His sermons are very very bible based, honest, and just helps me really understand so much. My family And I don’t go to church often but this is a way for us to hear and study the word. Thank you, grace to you and everyone who put so much work into spreading the word of the Lord on GTY. God bless.

    Comforting Verses To Reaffirm God’s Grace

    1. “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’ .

    Gods grace is sufficient, and this verse reaffirms that Gods grace is big enough to cover every area of our lives. Many times, it is easy to want to compartmentalize sections of our lives from God. Gods grace covers the good, the bad, and the ugly. Gods grace fills in the gaps where we fall short and make mistakes. That is great news! Today, I invite you to allow Gods grace to be sufficient and cover all areas in your life. God is not concerned with perfection, but for us to grow each day depending on Him more. Gods grace shines brightest in the broken places of our lives.

    2. and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus .

    Despite our age, race, or socio-economic status, Gods grace does not discriminate. Gods grace is available for everyone who accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior. Through Christs redemption of our sinful humanity, Gods grace abounds and is overflowing. In the midst of our sin, Gods grace still covers, strengthens, and cleanses us from unrighteousness. Grace is available for both the saved and the sinner. The purpose of Gods grace is for Christians to grow closer to Him, recognizing their human limitations.

    3. We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are .

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    Simple Steps To Solid Study

    From the moment I sensed the call of God into full-time ministry, the driving passion of my life has been simply to understand God’s Word and then make it understandable to others. I have never aspired to be known as either an academic theologian or a distinguished clergyman. I simply want to know what the Word of God means and to make it known to others. All my pastoral energies my preaching, shepherding, teaching, writing, and even visitation are focused on that one goal.

    It is my conviction that the Bible is not difficult for the believing heart to understand. And the more I understand, the more unshakable is my conviction that the Bible is the living, authoritative, inerrant Word of God. It has this remarkable effect on me: the more I study it, the more I hunger to know. So God’s Word not only satisfies my appetite, but also arouses an even deeper hunger for more.

    I want you to experience that hunger too. I want you to live in the joy of a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ that comes only through knowing the meaning of Scripture. Here’s a simple process to get you started.

    Step 1 Reading Begin by developing a plan on how you will approach reading through the Bible. Just by reading the Bible you become familiar with its themes, history, and contexts. There is simply no replacement for Bible reading.

    Adapted from “How to Study the Bible” in The MacArthur Study Bible. Copyright 1997, Grace to You. All rights reserved.


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