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How To Learn Bible Verses

Bible Verses All Christians Should Memorize

How to Memorize Bible Verses

Scripture memorization is an essential discipline that all Christians ought to practice. Charles Spurgeon, the prince of preachers, once said, Be walking Bibles.

In my previous post, How to memorize Scriptures, I shared six amazing benefits of memorizing Scripture, a five-step method to memorize Bible verses effortlessly, and many other additional tips. I am following it up with this list of 150 Bibles verses that all Christians should memorize. If you have never memorized Scriptures and don know where to begin, this is a perfect starting point!

I made printable sheets with all 150 verses and blank spaces if you have other Scriptures you want to add to the list. You can get them with several other resources in my digital library. You will get immediate access when you to my newsletter.

*All Scriptures are taken from the English Standard Version.*

How To Recall One A Verse

As you go, trigger off the associations you made and let them bring back the information.

For example, I would start with the specific Memory Palace and the specific station.

How does one remember that?

If youve correctly planned and organized your memorization activities, then the answer will be known to you without any stress or strain.


You create the Memory Palace Network to serve the outcome you want. This process alone will help you remember what is memorized where.

If youre properly numbered each Magnetic Station as taught in the free course, then youll have even more autopilot familiarity with your Memory Palaces.

Balloon Juggle & Say The Verse

Use this simple game to help a large group of children practice their Bible memory verses. All youll need is a few balloons. One brave volunteer gets to juggle the balloon while the class recites the verse. Repeat but with a second balloon. Keep adding balloons with each repetition until a balloon hits the group. I start with the verse displayed on the wall then hide parts of it each time a new volunteer attempts to juggle. That way the kids are gradually forced to say the scripture verse without the written help.

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Verse Racegame Show Style

I got this idea from the Price is Right game, the old one. Youll need two bulletin boards. I covered mine with felt and laid them on a table. Each week, I have two sets of words that make up the verse. We read the verse a few times then I pick two contestants. The players come up and try to arrange the words properly to make the verse. The person to do this the fastest is the winner. To make it challenging, Ill add unnecessary words to keep kids focused. We do this over and over again giving quite a few people a chance to try. Sometimes we invite teams to come up, especially for the long verses.

For Bible Memorizers Who Want To Remember Chapter And Verse

The Easiest Way to Memorize Scripture

In general, I suggest that you have one Memory Palace Network per book.

So if youre working on the Proverbs, have a Memory Palace Network just for that purpose.

This way, youll never have to wonder what your MP Network is for it will always be clear to you.

Next, youll want to develop skills with a simple technique for memorizing any number. Its called the Major Method or the Major System.

For more help with memorizing numbers, you can also learn the 3 Most Powerful Memory Techniques For Memorizing Numbers.

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Use All Of Your Senses

Dont know what your learning style is? Maybe you really want to memorize Bible verses and you need to find a way to make them stick. Try combining multiple methods at once.

Speak the verse while recording it and writing it down. Consider making flash cards that each contain one word or phrase of the verse youre memorizing, then put those words in order. You can also scatter the cards throughout the house and step on them while saying the words out loud. This will engage all of your senses and increase the chances of you retaining the information. It can also speed up the process considerably.

A Solo Way To Hear Memorized Verses Out Loud

Its also important to also hear the verses spoken by others, so try to find recordings that you can listen to and recite along with them.

You can also record yourself and listen back to your own voice.

I also suggest making memorization a family or at least a community occasion.

Reciting with others and hearing others share what certain passages mean for them is very useful for creating long term memory impact.

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Act Out Bible Verses With Kids

Now this one is FUN!!!

Make up hand motions for different verses so your kids can associate them with each verse. For example, when learning Philippians 4:13, do a motion of flexing your arm muscles!

Not only can you act out motions for certain verses with your kids, but even do Bible Pictionary too!

You are sure to get some giggles, while also effectively helping your kids learn important Bible verses.

What Bible Verse Should I Memorize

How To Memorize Bible Verses- Easy Bible Memorization

In Psalms 19:14, the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart are acceptable in the sight of the Lord, my strength, and my redemption. Proverbs 3:5-6 Be faithful to the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding.. All of his ways will acknowledge him, and he will direct his paths in return.

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Putting The 3 Steps Together

To memorize Scripture, the process of reading, writing, and recalling is the most effective method. The problem is that most of us dont have to time to put the different parts of the process together in way that helps us to memorize Scripture quickly and easily. That was my problem. And that is why I came up with The Scripture Memory System.

The Scripture Memory System incorporates the 3 steps above: reading, writing, and recalling. The Scripture Memory System is a self-contained system that organizes the bible verses into manageable weekly passages . With this system, you begin by reading the passage to be memorized and writing it in the space provided.

After you are familiar with the passage, words from the passage are removed, including those all important keywords. You read the passage, mentally supplying the missing words. In no time, you are able to easily supply those missing words and those keywords that will trigger your memory. Because the memory system focuses on keywords, it will only take you a few minutes per day to memorize your weekly passage.

In no time, you will be able to recite the entire passage from memory.

Ways To Memorize Scripture

It means taking the time to sit down and think about each phrase and about what it means. Sometimes it means journaling my thoughts about the verse and about how the words apply to my life right now.

As I study my Bible each day, I might always pull the verse out and read it again, thinking about it with fresh perspective. Or I might talk to my husband about the way God taught me more about Himself through the expressions of the passage.

Every once in awhile, I stick the verse all over my house, in places that I will see it and be reminded of it all day long. Each time I see it, I read it, and think about what it means for my life at THIS moment.

And as my life is saturated with the verse or passage, as I am keeping it always at the front of my mind and attaching personal meaning to it, I find that the words grow in me in a natural way that pushes me closer to Jesus in the process.

Here are a list of Scriptures to memorize. Try out some of these ways to memorize Bible verses, using this list as a starting point.

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Here Are A Few Methods That Have Helped Me Memorize Key Bible Verses:

  • Understand the verse in context. This is where memorizing goes hand-in-hand with Bible study. We dont just take verses out of context and claim them for ourselves . As you study the text surrounding your key verse, youll begin to understand what the verse really means, and that will help you remember it.
  • Write the verse in your own words. Engage with the text, and try to summarize what the verse is saying in your own words. Youll find this steps helps make the verse your own.
  • Read the verse out loud. Re-read it several times for good measure. You can use these methods to make each read-through interesting and revealing.
  • Write the verse on an index card. This way you can take the verse with you whereever you go, and pull it out when you have a few moments to spare, like when youre waiting in line at your favorite fast-food restaurant.
  • Break down the verse in shorter chunks. If youre working with an especially long verse or youre trying to memorize a passage, try working on just a few words at a time. Repeat the first phrase 10 times out loud, until you have a handle on it, and then move to the next phrase. Then combine the two, and so on.
  • Repeat your memorized verses often. If you dont use it, you lose it. Or so Im told. And my fledgling French vocabulary is proof. Voulez-vous mangez un muffin aux bleuets avec moi?

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    What To Do During Scripture Memorization

    Once you know how to create a Memory Palace Network and have it in place, its time to learn how to associate words and phrases with locations.

    The course covers everything in detail, but as a quick example, lets use these wise words:

    Proverbs 18:13 : To answer before listening that is folly and shame.

    How to memorize bible verses will be covered later. For now, lets focus on the verse itself.

    Focus on the words themselves

    Personally, Im a quick study. As a result, I usually dont spend a bunch of time on the meaning of a passage. That comes after Ive memorized it.

    However, you might benefit from understanding the meaning first, If thats you, be sure to reflect before you start memorizing the exact words.

    Next, sort out the keywords. In our example verse, they are:

    • Answer

    If I may explain the process from example, heres what I did next:

    I asked myself

    Who do I know who relates most closely to either the form of the verse or its meaning.

    My friends sister Andi comes to mind.

    In a Memory Palace, its easy to see her typing out an email. Like this:

    What kind of email?

    An email in response to an episode of Faulty Towers shes just seen on television. She does this before she even heard the end of the sentence that offended her, and as a result, feels ashamed.

    Why Faulty Towers?

    Because it has a sound similar to folly in it. Note that I thought of and chose Andi as my Bridging Figure for this verse because I was focusing on the first word answer.

    Saturation The Whole Point

    Merriam-Webster defines the word saturate: to fill completely with something that permeates or pervades.

    When memorizing Scripture, we should find ways to so fill our lives with that Scripture that it starts to infuse every part of us. Instead of just putting aside time each day to work on getting the words right, we can allow the Word of God to permeate our thoughts and to pervade our actions.

    After all, that is the whole point of memorizing the verses in the first place, isnt it? To make a change in your heart and in your choices?

    Thats the purpose the Bible lays out.

    Psalm 119:11 says, Your word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against You.

    And 2 Timothy 3:16 says, All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

    When I was a kid and my Sunday School teacher would tell me to work on a verse, I would obey. I knew it was important. I would say the words a few times or maybe practice with someone else. I usually got to where I could say the words back, but I didnt care much about what the words meant to me.

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    What Scripture Do You Want To Memorize

    At the risk of being repetitive, knowing why you want to memorize scripture does matter.

    For myself, I like to memorize the odd line from the Bible. But overall I prefer scripture from the non-dual tradition, Advaita Vedanta.

    In this memory demonstration, youll see me recite 32 verses from a text called the Ribhu Gita:

    Although I didnt memorize a verse every single day, I rarely spent more than 5 minutes on any single verse. It just isnt necessary when you have these skills.

    Ultimately, what really matters is that you learn the skills and ground the project on a solid reason why you want to commit the scripture to memory.

    And remember:

    Long-term memorization is a marathon, not a sprint.

    Plan, show up consistently, and enjoy the multiple benefits as they increase, one verse at a time.

    Yours Free: A Private Course With Cheat Sheets For Becoming A Memory Master, Starting From Scratch. > > > .

    What Are The Benefits Of Teaching Children Bible Verses

    How to Memorize Bible Verses

    Teaching children Bible verses can help them learn about right and wrong and develop a solid moral foundation. Through Bible verses, children can think about these concepts very abstractly and thus relate them to their everyday lives. Bible verses can also help children learn about God and his love for them. As children learn about God, they also learn about the freedom of choice offered through faith in Jesus Christ.

    Learning how and why people are sure is an essential part of understanding other people. Children who do not understand why others act or think the way they do may develop a sense of superiority or inferiority, leading to all kinds of problems as they grow up. With the help of Bible verses, children can learn more about people who have different beliefs from their own and understand that everyone is a child of God.

    Recommended Reading: Apocalypse In The Bible Verse

    The Spiritual Battle For Your Marriage

    God designed marriage to reflect His love to the world and because of this, the enemy wants to destroy Gods beautiful design. Based on his book, Defending Your Marriage, Dr. Tim and Noreen Muehlhoff share about the reality of spiritual warfare against marriages, and how to combat the enemys lies with the truth of God. Couples will be encouraged that theyre not alone in the fight for a godly marriage and better equipped to be a shining example for the world around them.

    Bible Verses To Memorize Tip : Visualize

    Immerse yourself deeply into the verse and try to visualize what the verse implies.

    Picture the text: all its symbolism, imagery, and figures of speech.

    Think of how the characters are like their feelings, their personalities, their predispositions. In memorizing verses, try to understand them by context. Then relate it to your personal life.

    In this way, you can understand the verse more, allowing you to memorize faster!

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    Looking For Bible Memory Verse Lists

    Now that you have tons of ways to teach your kids how to memorize Bible verses, how about some ideas for which verses kids can memorize?

    These posts are full of not just potential Bible memory verses for kids, but they have encouragement on teaching children about God:

    How To Teach Children Bible Verses

    Pin on Bible Quotes

    One way to teach children Bible verses is by having them recite the poems in order. You can also have them read the verses independently or with a friend. Reading the Quran is a great way to learn more about Islam and better understand the faith. But remember that the Quran was written over 1,400 years ago in the Arabic language, so its not going to be easy for you to read. If you dont know Arabic, you can use an online translation tool to help you learn more about the book.

    Recommended Reading: Read The Bible In Chronological Order


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