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What Does The Bible Say Anout Abortion

We Are The Same Person In The Womb And Out

What the Bible says about abortion

Psalm 139:1316 describes the intimate involvement of God in the formation of the unborn. From a Christian worldview, this should be sufficient to discourage abortion, since it interrupts the sovereign work of God in the womb. However, the psalm further teaches a continuity of personal identity from the earliest points of pregnancy forward.

The psalmist who is intimately known by God in the first few verses is the same person who was described as intricately formed in the womb by God later in the psalm. And he is the same person who asks God to search him and know his heart at the end of the psalm.

Some raise the objection that Psalm 139 speaks only of the development of a person in the womb, not of the fact that what is in the womb is indeed a person. However, these texts suggest that in the womb from conception is a person with potential for development, not merely some being that will develop into a person at some point in the gestational process.

These texts, particularly Psalm 139, strongly suggest a continuity of personal identity that runs from conception to adulthood.

Setting The Record Straight

by Donald McLaughlin

As he has so many times before, South Bend, IN Mayor and Democratic Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg is attempting to use a distorted view of Scripture to justify his politics. His latest adventure in misuse of Scripture is trying to claim that abortion is perfectly compatible with the Scripture and Christian theology. In an interview on the politically left-leaning radio show The Breakfast Club, Mayor Pete said that Republicans try to hold everyone in line with doctrine on abortion.

Premise #: It Is Wrong To Murder A Person

There are few objections to the notion that it is wrong to murder a person. Murder is the unlawful taking of someones life, while killing is the lawful taking of someones life. For just a small sample of the Biblical passages forbidding murder, see Gen. 9:6 Mt. 15:19 19:18 Mk. 10:19 Lk. 18:20 Jn. 8:44 Acts 3:14 and Rom. 1:28-29 13:9.

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Human Life Is Unique In That God Created Us In His Image

Abolishing Abortion

In Genesis 1:26, God distinguished humans from the rest of the animal creation. Only of man did God say, Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. He appointed man to rule over the other creatures on earth. By the way, apparently before the Flood, man was vegetarian, but after the Flood, God ordained the eating of meat . The animal rights movement erroneously puts animal life on the same plane as human life. That concept stems from Hinduism, not from the Bible.

The Bible clearly affirms that human life is not the product of impersonal chance plus time. Man did not evolve from lower forms of life. God directly created man in His image, which means that we have the capability of rational thought, personality, and moral responsibility. Someone may argue that this is simply a matter of faith. I would say that it is a matter of reasonable faith. The view that something as complex as human life is the product of pure chance is a matter of unreasonable faith, because there is simply no evidence or other example of such complexity arising from random chance.

Ludicrous? Yes, but change the squirrel to a human baby and that scene would be truly horrific. Why? Because we all recognize that people are distinct from animals. The reason, according to the Bible, is that people are created in Gods image animals are not.

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What Are The Rights Of The Innocent

The Bible consistently defends the rights of those who are innocent and undeserving of punishment or death. For instance:

  • Do not kill the innocent and those in the right, for I will not acquit the guilty .
  • There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that hurry to run to evil, a lying witness who testifies falsely, and one who sows discord in a family .
  • The Babylonians attacked Jerusalem for the sins of Manasseh, for all that he had committed, and also for the innocent blood that he had shed for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and the Lord was not willing to pardon .

It is clear that God cares for the innocent and defenseless of the world. Children, whether before their birth or after, would be among his most valued creations.

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Figurative Language Has A Literal Purpose

Some people may object to the use of these texts, suggesting that all of these refer only to Gods foreknowledge of a person prior to birth. However, in passages such as Job 3:3, the person who eventually grows into an adult is the same person who is in view in the womb.

Although it is true that these passages use poetic devices to make their point, one cannot dismiss such texts simply because they are using figurative language. Poetry is difficult to interpret in many places, but just because it uses figures of speech is no reason to minimize their contribution.

There Are Consequences For Abortion And Ending The Life Of An Unborn Child

Why I Give Abortions | Minutes With | @LADbible TV

Through scripture, we see that God is the giver of life, all life is precious, the born and unborn are equally human, and God has plans for all children. It is clear that God values every life, and to go against His will, or to sin, there will be consequences.

In the Mosaic Law, the punishment for accidentally killing an unborn child was the death penalty. If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely, the offender must be fined … But if there is a serious injury, you are to take life for life .

The penalty for going against Gods will, or sinning, is death. As scripture proves, God values all life, and to go against His will results in consequences. The penalty for sin is death, not necessarily physical death, but spiritual death. After an abortion, most people suffer painful consequences such as regret and depression, and often men and women turn to addiction to cope. But there is hope.

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What Does The Bible Really Say About Abortion

With the Pope’s recent leniency regarding abortion, it’s a good time to ask, What does the Bible say about abortion? And the answer is, almost nothing.

This surprising vacuum has opened the door for various revisionist readings.

There’s one direct mention of a fetus in the Bible, and that’s in Exodus 21:22, which demands monetary damages of people who accidentally hit a pregnant woman and cause “her offspring to leave her.”

Unfortunately, the Hebrew wording here, combined with conflicting ancient understandings of this text, make the nuances of this passage hard to understand. Reflecting this difficulty, the New Revised Standard Version translation thinks this is about causing a woman to miscarry, while the New International Version thinks it’s about causing a woman to give birth prematurely.

If the NIV is right, even this passage isn’t about abortion. If the NRSV is correct , then the monetary damages here make it clear that a fetus is not a person in the eyes of the Bible, because the Bible forbids monetary damages for killing a person.

Some people focus on the Hebrew in this passage. The word here for the “offspring” that leaves the mother is yeled. Because that word means “child” , some people say that the fetus is already a child. But the logic here is flawed. For instance, according to Genesis 25:23, Rebbecca has “two nations” in her womb, but no one concludes that a fetus is therefore a nation.

The Bible doesn’t prohibit abortions.

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What About Rape And Incest

The Bible makes rape a capital offense:

If the man meets the engaged woman in the open country, and the man seizes her and lies with her, then only the man who lay with her shall die. You shall do nothing to the young woman the young woman has not committed an offense punishable by death, because this case is like that of someone who attacks and murders a neighbor .

Gods word clearly condemns such a crime against women. Pro-choice advocates often point to this issue early in the debate, arguing that a woman should not continue to be victimized by bearing a child as the result of such a horrific crime.

Unprotected intercourse results in pregnancy about four percent of the time. If one in three women is likely to be raped in her lifetime, and incestuous relationships subject a woman to repeated sexual abuse, pregnancies resulting from rape and incest are so likely that abortion must be legal as a remedy for women subjected to such crime . Nearly all pro-life advocates concede the point, allowing for abortion in the case of rape and incest.

To allow for abortion because of the very rare incidence of abortions performed because of rape and incest is something like suspending all marijuana laws because of the small number of patients who could benefit from its medicinal effects. We could stop the use of traffic lights because of the incidents when they slow a sick persons rush to a hospital, but would we not cause more harm than we prevent?

For Those Who Have Had An Abortion

Bible Quotes About Killing Animals. QuotesGram

Perhaps you have a friend who has had an abortion or perhaps you have. I dont know your story I dont know your circumstances, but I do know this: Jesus isnt shocked by abortion. He knows everything about you, and he wants to take the crushing shame and insurmountable pain off your shoulders. He wants to wash you in grace and set you free.

When Jesus receives you, you are united with him. He goes to God on your behalf. And do you know what our mighty, Father God says? You have been crucified with Christ youve already been through judgment you are now hidden in Jesus. You are my child in whom I am well pleased. You are fully known and loved by God.

And the beautiful part? Your child is waiting for you. He or she is with Jesus and when she asks when she will get to see you, Jesus simply replies, Tomorrow, because one day in his courts is 1,000 years on this earth.

If you have an abortion, find a friend that you can trust and open up about your story. Look for a biblical counselor in your area as well and join an abortion recovery group if there is one in your area. You do not have to live with pain and guilt. God can use your story to set another woman free and perhaps save the life of a child too. Who the Son sets free is free indeed.

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Does The Bible Talk About Abortion

The word abortion appears nowhere in the Bible.

No one in the Bible is ever described as having an abortion, encouraging one, or even dealing with one.

The Bible says nothing which specifically addresses our subject.

And so many have concluded that the issue is not a biblical concern but a private matter. They say that we should be silent where the Bible is silent.

Pro-life advocates counter that by this logic we should be silent regarding the Trinity since the word never appears in Scripture. Or marijuana and cocaine since they are not in a biblical concordance. However, these issues came after the biblical era, while abortion was common in the ancient world. So this argument doesnt seem relevant.

If abortion is a biblical issue, why doesnt the Bible address it specifically?

The answer is simple: the Jewish people and first Christians needed no such guidance. It was an undeniable fact of their faith and culture that abortion was wrong. How do we know?

Consider early statements on the subject.

The Sentences of Pseudo-Phocylides is a book of Jewish wisdom written between 50 BC and AD 50. They state that a woman should not destroy the unborn babe in her belly, nor after its birth throw it before the dogs and vultures as a prey.

The Sibylline Oracles are an ancient work of Jewish theology. They include among the wicked two groups: women who produce abortions and unlawfully cast their offspring away and sorcerers who dispense materials which cause abortions .

The Incarnation Occurred Before Jesus Was Born

Perhaps a more explicit reference to the significance of the birth of the baby Jesus comes from the visitation of Mary to Elizabeth in the early days of her pregnancy. Mary visits Elizabeth only a few days after she has found out that she is pregnant with Jesus.

The account of the angels announcement indicates that Mary left in haste to visit Elizabeth and share this news with her. Allowing for travel time of roughly two weeks, we perceive that when she arrives at Elizabeths home, Mary is in the very earliest stages of her pregnancy, with a fetus that is less than three weeks old. Upon arrival at Elizabeths home, Mary is immediately recognized as the mother of my Lord .

Even though she is carrying a very early stage fetus , she is clearly recognized as a mother, and by implication, Jesus is recognized as her son, a baby. Further, John the Baptist leaps in Elizabeths womb, perhaps signifying his recognition of the significance of Jesus conception and in utero development.

What is clear is that all of the parties involved in this narrativeMary, John, and Elizabethrecognize that something very significant is occurring that is bound up with Mary being pregnant with the Messiah.

The significance of the incarnation, though likely not grasped in its fullness, is nonetheless recognized, not at Jesus birth, but far earlier, in the earliest stages following conception.

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New Testament Support For Abortion

On final example will really drive home the point. In Luke 1:41-44, we see the meeting of Mary, who is pregnant with Jesus, and her cousin Mary, who is also pregnant with John the Baptist. when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leapt in her womb. Then in verses 42 to 44, Elizabeth cried out with a loud voice, and said: For behold as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leapt for joy. So much for trying to establish Biblically that life begins with the first breath.

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Harm Only To The Woman

The Revised Standard Version translates ‘her children come out’ with the phrase ‘there is a miscarriage’. This implies that the ‘harm’ refers only to the woman. This is explicit in the New Jerusalem Bible: ‘she suffers a miscarriage but no further harm is done’. On this interpretation the death of the unborn child merits a ‘fine’ but further harm to the mother merits ‘life for life’. In favour of this interpretation is the witness of Josephus in the first century AD:

He that kicks a woman with child, so that the woman miscarry, let him pay a fine in money… as having diminished the multitude by the destruction of what was in her womb…but if she die of the stroke, let him also be put to death.

The same interpretation is evident in the Talmud and has become authoritative in Orthodox Judaism. It is because of this interpretation of Exodus 21 that even conservative Orthodox Jews say that in Jewish law the unborn child does not have the status of a person. Where abortion is a sin, it is not the sin of homicide. Unsurprisingly, this interpretation is much quoted by modern advocates of ‘reproductive choice’.


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