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HomeWhat Is The Best Book Of The Bible To Study

What Is The Best Book Of The Bible To Study

What Kind Of Bible Should A Beginner Get

My NEW Favorite Bible! – Best Study Bible

The best Bible to get is one youll actually read! You can use a regular reading Bible, but a quality study Bible is an even better option. It will say Study Bible and will include many extra notes and comments inside about what youre reading.

Choose one that:

  • Works well for your reading style and comprehension level
  • Suits your budget
  • Is well made

The ESV Study Bible is a solid choice. You can get it in an inexpensive hardcover or in a higher quality leather cover .

Try to get the best quality you can afford, so you can enjoy it for many years to come. Bible study tends to give your Bible a real workout as you flip between pages, from passage to passage. Better quality Bibles are more apt to withstand more serious use. Theyll have better quality paper, and a binding that wont fall apart after the first year.

Some Books Have Multiple Genres

Theres definitely some genre-hopping going on throughout the books of the Bible. Daniel is both historical narrative and apocalyptic literature, and Acts works as both history and Gospel. Proverbs is a wisdom book that includes poetic elements. But the point is that learning to see these books through the lens of genre can help make Scripture reading a lot easier.

Books To Start Your Bible Education

So you want a Bible education without the classroom, tuition, and fees. No problem! Weve got a list of 10 great books to kick off your personal, but in-depth, study.


This single-volume commentary is perfect for the beginner Bible student. It is exclusively composed by faculty at Moody Bible Institute, which has been rigorously teaching Gods Word since 1886. Walk through the entire Bible with insights from well-respected professors, learning the historical basics of each book while referencing helpful charts and biographies. The Moody Bible Commentary will help you better understand and apply Gods written revelation to all of life!

2) Nelsons Illustrated Bible Dictionary

As you dig deeper into Gods Word, you may not know the definitions of some of the trickier terminology. Thats why Bible Dictionaries are helpful! Select words straight from your Bible text, and Nelsons provides helpful definitions, facts, and maps to help further your understanding. Also, Nelsons comes with a Visual Survey of the Bible, providing easy-to-understand depictions of historical events.

3) NIV Word Study Bible with G/K and Strongs Numbers

4) God is Love

5) Greg Laurie 15 Volume Collection

6) Calvins Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol I & II

7) Apologetics for the Twenty-first Century

8) A Little Book for New Theologians: Why and How to Study Theology

9) Visual Theology

10) Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith

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Restless: Because You Were Made For More By Jennie Allen

Seriously, just reading the description of this study made me ooo and ahhand it got major props from reviewers too. Jennie Allen puts into place a practical plan that helps people find clarity, purpose, and passion in their lives. The way she connects with a womans feelings and needs is unmatched. She could have been writing my heart. And I am only in chapter five, says one gal. This book is riddled with yellow highlighter for the phrases and words that impacted my soul, says another.

There are eight sessions, all video-based, and she uses the story of Joseph to show how his trials, giftings, and relationships fit into Gods ultimate story. And through use of the tool, Threads, Jennie shows you how to identify the threads of your own life and braid them together for Gods purposes. And the way she cheers you on and gets you to dream . . . shes like the best girlfriend ever.

The Best Book Of The Bible For New Believers

Best Study Bible? The DEFINITIVE Guide To Choosing (2019 ...

You are a new Christian. Or someone that you know is a new Christian. You want to start reading the Bible. Where should you begin? In other words, whats the best book of the Bible for new believers?

The word best here is subjective. What I think and what someone else thinks could be different and, in some sense, we both could be right. Reading the Bible is better than not reading the Bible. Any place would be great, really. But some places in Scripture seem more advantageous than others for beginners.

Over the years, I have found that many people recommend the Gospel of John as the best place to start in Scripture. Not a bad choice by any means. I love the Gospel of John. Its a beautiful book. But in Johns Gospel, there are some tough sayings and interesting imagery that can be confusing if not read in its proper context. Again, John is great, but I think we would do well if we skip back two Gospels.

If you are a new Christian, the best place to start reading in the Bible is the Gospel of Mark.

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Spending Time With God By Danny Hodges

Calvary Chapel St. Petersburg

This simple little booklet is a seven-part series of practical teachings on developing a devotional life with God. Each lesson presents practical, everyday applications in a down-to-earth and humorous style which is sure to encourage new believers in their Christian walk.

Be A Doer Of The Word

Don’t just study God’s Word for the sake of studying. Be sure to put the Word into practice in your life.

Jesus said in Luke 11:28, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.”

If God speaks to you personally or through life application principles you find in the text, be sure to apply those nuggets to your day-to-day life.

Recommended Reading: What Is The Chronological Order Of The Books Of The Bible

Best Bible Study App #: Bible Gateway

With more than 200 versions and translations of the Bible easily available to search, study, or simply read.

In addition to this, Bible Gateway Bible study app also has devotions and reference material available. Its a solid app and also easily usable from your laptop.

The reading plans and audio Bibles available make this a leading Bible app for busy women who want to listen to Word from the treadmill, carpool line, or while picking up toys at the end of a long day.

Check out their Daily Audio Bible study app, too!

The Study Bible Matrix: How Do You Want To Study Scripture

Best Bible Study Books for New Christians

There are many study Bible options out there. But theres a simple trick you can use to narrow down your candidates. It all comes down to how you prefer to study the Bible. If you dont know exactly how you prefer to approach Bible study, theres a handy exercise you can use to find out!

Ask yourself two questions:

Are you more interested in learning what a passage of Scripture means , or how it should affect your life ?

Would you rather have an expert tell you how to interpret and apply Scripture , or figure it out on your own ?

If you put those two sets of choices against each other, you get a general map that almost all study Bibles fall into.

This is the true basis for finding a study Bible that will work for you. If you want to be told how to apply Scripture to become a better leader, youll love the Maxwell Leadership Bible . If you want plenty of space to explore what the Bible means for yourself, The New Inductive Study Bible was made for you .

You dont need to live in one quadrant alone. You might want to use a more autonomous study Bible for personal study so that you can draw more personal applications for yourself. In addition to that, you might prefer to have authoritative notes and articles helping you navigate difficult passages if youre preparing Sunday school lessons. But its important to know what kind of Bible study you plan to do before you choose a study Bible.

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The Blue Letter Bible If Youve Ever Gone To Bible School Youre Probably Familiar With This Bible Study App

What is the best book of the bible to study first. For those who have not previously read the bible, the book of genesis, the first book of the bible, is a great place to begin. Best sellers in christian bible study. The niv study bible, fully revised edition, is hard to beat.

4.7 out of 5 stars. Continuing through the second book of the bible, exodus, helps us understand the jewish people through whom god sent our savior, jesus. It can be hard to know where to start reading the bible.

Each book gets its own introduction to ensure that you understand it in a whole new light. Where to start when studying the bible for the first time. Niv starting place study bible

For a new believer or someone who just has not had a lot of experience with the bible, i generally recommend this: A) the gospel, the life and teachings of jesus. It has many of the features of other bible study tools listed here, such as being able to see the original meaning of the greek and hebrew words used in the earliest versions of the bible and commentaries.

The bible in 52 weeks: If youre struggling with the best order to study the bible, or where to begin, the book of the bible i recommend starting with is john. Its one of the gospels in the new testament and a great place to begin.

If you can start with one of these books on the bible, which one would it be? A one year study of the bible and how it relates to you on Here are some interesting facts about the bible:

Pin On Christian Living

The Starting Point Study Bible


The Starting Point Study Bible is an excellent Bible for new believers or believers who have recently rededicated their lives to Christ and need to make a fresh start. This Bible will help you begin your journey with Christ by teaching you how to build the proper foundation of faith. It will also help you apply biblical truth to your daily life.

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What Is The Best Bible For Beginners

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. KJV

It is not at all a difficult answer for me to give when the question is raised, What is the best Bible for beginners? Without hesitation, I can say that the best Bible for beginners is the Life Application study Bible. If you are a new Christian and looking for a good Bible to assist you in drawing closer to Christ, then I cannot recommend a better Bible then the Life Application. As I always say, the study notes in the Life Application Study Bible are delivered in a way that make you feel as though you are having a one on one sit down with your own personal pastor. The study notes are informative but more than that they are challenging. The notes challenge and guide the reader in their everyday walk with the Lord.

Another great attribute that makes this the best Bible for beginners is the personality profiles. The Life Application Study Bible does an outstanding job at introducing the people that played a significant role in the Bible. The Personality profiles not only introduce you to the people in the Bible, but provides the reader with their strengths and weaknesses. These biographies given for each person in the personality profiles, provides the reader with a more in depth understanding of the failures and victories that the most evil and the most God fearing people alike.

Final Thoughts: What Is The Best Way To Study The Bible

What Is The Best Book Of The Bible To Read First?

Although there are many different Bible study methods and opinions about how to study as long as you are in Gods Word, youre on the right track.

Im reminded of John 16:13, that the Spirit will guide you into all the Truth. With the Holy Spirit working in you and guiding you, youre well on your way to a deeper understanding of Gods heart for his people. Hell guide you into knowing and understanding the Truth youre longing for.

This is only the beginning of a rich, life-giving journey! Its rewards are priceless and eternal, and well worth the effort.

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What Are Some Good Bible Studies For First

Over the years, Ive come to realize that Gods Word was meant to be understood by regular people, just like us. Its not meant to confuse us! If you have a Bible, a desire to learn, and the Holy Spirit working in you, begin by simply opening up your Bible you dont need to buy any Bible studies. I have a masters degree, but I didnt need it to begin studying the Bible. I didnt need any degrees or special classes to get started, and you dont either. Take the first stepsimply use the Bible and other tools mentioned in this article, and let the word begin to take root in your heart. God will illuminate His Word to you!

Media: Charts Tables Timelines Illustrations And Maps

Most study Bibles include visual aids to help you see more of whats going on. Depending on the study Bible, these could include photographs of real-world archeological sites, artists concepts of lost artifacts, historical timelines, and family treesthe latter of which come in handy when youre trying to figure out which of the many Herods is causing trouble at any point in the New Testament.

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What Each Book Contributes To The Main Storyline Of The Bible

Here is a brief summary of each book on the list, so you can get an idea of the overall storyline. Itll also help you to know what to expect as you read.


God created a perfect world without brokenness. Adam and Eve depart from Gods way and go their own way, leading mankind into the brokenness that results from sin and death. God sets into motion a plan of redemption by choosing Abraham, a man of faith. God promises Abraham land and descendants who will become the nation of Israel to bless all the peoples of the earth .


God delivered Israel from their oppressors in Egypt. God makes a covenant with them on Mount Sinai. God will bless them as a nation if they will follow in His ways and follow His Laws. The Tabernacle is built and the Ark of the Covenant is placed in it, symbolizing Gods dwelling with mankind. Genesis and Exodus are 2 of the 5 books of the Law.


Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, but God calls Joshua to lead the nation into the Promised Land, the land of Canaan.

1 Samuel

Samuel is called to be a prophet to call Israel to God. Saul, the first king does not follow God. Samuel anoints David, a man after Gods heart, to be king after Saul.

2 Samuel

David rules over the nation of Israel for 40 years. David makes Jerusalem the capital of Israel.

1 Kings

Solomon reigns during the height of the nation of Israel. After Solomon, the nation of Israel is divided into two: the Nothern region of Israel and the Southern region of Judah.

Best Bible App Study #: Olive Tree

Best Books For Bible Study!!

This is a new find to me, but Im really excited about it !

The Olive Tree app has both free and paid features and its one of the cleanest, easiest interfaces .

I love that theres no wifi needed to use this its nice to be unplugged or to have access to it even when somewhere with poor reception.

The NIV, ESV, KJV, NKJV versions of the Bible are included , plus there are more available for inexpensive purchase if you prefer.

This is a Bible study app you should DEFINITELY check out if youre looking to have a great experience and wealth of information at your fingertips.

In fact, its now my go-to Bible study app in 2021.

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Bible Study Methods When Youre Just Starting Out

When youre just beginning to read the Bible, pick one method and stick with it for a bit. Dont get overwhelmed by all the different study methods out there! Try out a few and see what feels most natural for your learning style. I often rotate between methods, depending on a variety of factors, such as how much time I have, whether Im doing the study alone or with others, etc.

Lets look at some popular Bible study methods for beginners.

A Guide For New Or Non

When believers and non-believers ask me where to begin to read the Bible, my recommendation is my own personal preference. Others may give you other books to start with in reading the Bible. I would recommend that they do not start in the book of Revelation or in Genesis and start reading it through from start to finish. For a seasoned Christian, reading through the Bible is an excellent learning tool but for a new believer, it can be cumbersome and confusing. Revelation is difficult to understand, so for a beginner to start out in that book is asking for confusion and mistranslation of the verses since much of it is written in symbolic language. Here is a preferred order for a new believer or a non-Christian who wants to start to read and understand the Bible:

John emphasises the love of God as found in Jesus Christ

The Gospel of John



Now where you go from there is wherever you like. I suggest that you repeat the four gospels at this point because you can never go wrong with the very teaching of Jesus Christ Himself. And the book of Mark, written by John Mark, is actually what can be termed as the gospel of Peter since most theologians agree that the Gospel of Mark is actually the work of Peter. The words represent Peters eyewitness accounts as transcribed by John Mark. Remember that John Mark was not an apostle and was never a witness to the living Christ while on earth or the resurrected Christ and that by definition is what makes one an apostle.

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