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Who Am I Bible Study

Who Am I In Christ Knowing My True Identity

The God who is I AM â?¤ (I AM Bible Study #1)
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Raise your hand if youve ever asked the question, Who am I in Christ? What is my true identity? These are questions that are paramount to our understanding as Gods children.

Maybe youve also asked one of these questions before: Who am I? Whats my purpose? Why am I here? What am I supposed to do with my life?

Weve all wondered it. Dont feel like youre alone or the only one who has questioned this. We have a world vying for our identity.

Be sure to download the Who am I in Christ pdf at the bottom of this post!

More Testimonies Pdf File > > testimonials

I can guarantee you, that by the time you work through the the four eBooks, or the free eCourse bonus at this site, God will invade your space. Please give Him the opportunity.

Beginning in Genesis, you will travel with my military family, and 40 other individuals, until you find yourself in Revelation 12 as an overcomerreceiving the Crown of Life and sharing your own testimony of how you learned to feel loved by God.

God is El Roi: God Who Sees You. He knows your name! He is calling your name right now. Will you answer His call to mentor others?

Who Am I Old Testament Men In The Bible

Encourage children to learn some fun facts about men of the Old Testament. Use this short worksheet to introduce your children or class to a few of the men in the Old Testament, who they were, and what they did. As your children read the Scripture verses and answer the question, Who Am I, discuss with them facts about each man, such as his purpose and his character. If desired add additional questions along with Scripture references to introduce other men in the Old Testament for extended learning.

This facts sheet can be used as an addition to any home school curriculum, Sunday school curriculum, or Christian school curriculum.

For additional activities, use these questions to play a family game of trivia. Serve popcorn and enjoy!

Ages: 8-12

NET Bible or computer with access to download the NET Bible version


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No Reality Exists Behind God

The second implication in the name I AM WHO I AM is that Gods personality and power are owing solely to himself and to no other.

Push back with me before there was any earth or any solar system or galaxies or universe at all. Push back in your imagination to when there was only God. Then, if you can, push back behind God. Where did he come from? How did he get to be the way he is? If you asked me how I got to be the way I am, I would answer that my father and mother gave me a set of genes and they reared me a certain way and I have been surrounded by thousands of influences in my environment thats how I got to be the way I am.

But when we ask God how he got to be who he is, he answers, I AM WHO I AM. In other words, nobody gave me a set of genes. Nobody and no power brought me into existence or shaped my personality. I had no beginning. There is no reality outside myself that did not come from me. And so there is no force or influence upon my character and power except what comes from me and is controlled by me. I am utterly absolute. Behind me, there is no reality.

Who Am I In Christ Scriptures

Easter Bible Trivia Game: Who Am I?

These Who Am I In Christ scriptures are to remind you of these truths. Soak in these bible verses on identity and purpose so you are fully grounded in your true identity!

1 John 3:1See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

KNOW: You are a child of God.

2 Corinthians 5:17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

KNOW: You are a brand new creation! Your past does not define you. Because of Christ in you, God sees a brand new you!

1 Peter 2:9But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, Gods special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

KNOW: You are chosen every single time. You are royalty and holy even when you do not feel like it! You are Gods special possession. He gave His Son to be with you!

Galatians 3:26So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,

KNOW: You are a child of God. He says this multiple times because he knows we have a hard time accepting his truth!

Galatians 2:20I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Isaiah 43:4Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you..

KNOW: You are His.

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Melissa Finds Love Freedom Healing And Purpose

Melissa H. studied the GOD Who Are YOU? AND Who Am I? workbookin a group setting. She said, Through this workbook, this wounded warrior has been placed on her feet, not just physically, but also mentally, and on the path that God has chosen for her. My hope is that others struggling from military service or just life in general, would get this bookjust take a peek. Just dont give up five more minutes for your miracle.

Melissa discovered answers in life that God had for her. You also will find peace, freedom, healing,guidance and purpose.

New Identity Markers: Identified In Christ

You are identified in Christ. Who am I in the bible varies significantly to identity markers of the world.

Its important we know and are constantly reminded of our true identity. Our world is vying for it every day and we need to be firmly grounded knowing our true identity that matters most.

I encourage you to write the verses down and put them around your house, workspace, and car. Use sticky notes so youre constantly reminded. Write these verses in a journal, on a blackboard, or on your bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker.

In fact, to help in establishing new identity markers, take the pledge with us! Join us for 31 Daily Declarations to know your identity in Christ. The more you soak up what God says about you, the more you will know who you are in Christ.

Who am I in Christ? Our true identity is found in the Lord. We are His and nothing the world offers or entices can ever compare to what we receive from being His child.

Our Purpose is in Mark 12:30-31: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 31 The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.

Lets keep our eyes on whose we are and what we are called to do!

Dont forget to download the Who Am I in Christ List! Click here for your free WHO AM I IN CHRIST PDF> > > > > > > > Who Am I in Christ pdf

RELATED: Embracing Your Identity In Christ

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People Who Know Gods Name Trust In Him

The aim of all my ministry is the advancement and joy of your faith to the glory of God . Preaching is one means to that end, and therefore when I ponder what to preach, I look for things that will stir you up to trust God with all your heart. Psalm 9:10 says that people who know Gods name will trust him. It seemed to me therefore that the Lord would strengthen our confidence in him for the future of our life together if I could help you know the name of God better. Those who know your name put their trust in you. So for seven weeks, leading to a climax during our missions conference, I hope to unfold a different name of God each week.

Who Am I In Christ

Bible study: Who am I? 2/16/2022

Who am I in Christ? Your true identity is found in whose you are. You are identified in Christ.The moment you accept him into your life as your Lord and Savior, you are His. He becomes your identity!

How quickly and easily we forget this with all the distractions, confusion, criticism, and busyness of the world.

So if you need this reminder today, you are preciously redeemed by the blood of Christ! Its unfathomable how great the love of the Father is.

God loved you and I so much that He gave up His Son so that we could be with Him forever .

Youre HIS. He bought you at the price of His Son.

If weve grown up in the church hearing this, its easy to become accustomed to just hearing. But have you taken time recently to dwell on this fact? This is a powerful truth that is the very core of our identity.

Just consider for one moment that Jesus life was sacrificed for you. When we accept this gift, we take on His identity fully and completely.

We are His. His identity brings more wealth, power, and beauty than the world could ever provide!

Put aside the drivers license, professional key cards, gym ID cards, and political registration cards and realize we have a banner of love over us saying We Are His !

Know that you have been marked by a beautiful banner of love the next time you grab for all other forms of identity.

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Who Does The Bible Say I Am

Truth 1 – I am Significant Because a Significant Christ Lives in Me

We are not what we have and what we do. As Christians we are more than what meets the eye. In each believer there is a living God who loves us no matter what. Our relationship with Christ doesnt rest alone in what good deeds we do or how we perform in life. Instead, our focus must be on what our God is doing in us and through us.

We are His temple. We move and act on His behalf. We are His co-workers in spreading the gospel. Depending on how one looks at their purpose in life will determine their beliefs about themselves. When we feel insignificant, we can remind ourselves that in Christ we are significant based on the truth that Christ actively moves through us. Often times our ego gets in our way, and we dont clearly see Christ working through us.

Truth 2 I am Truly Accepted Because of Christs Love

We all, at one point or time, have felt the brutal pain of rejection. It can take the living breath out of us and leave us feeling unloved. Jesus understands this rejection and the pain He endured on the cross for us was indeed the most brutal act of mankind. Because of His death on the cross we have victory. Jesus didnt go through this kind of torture for us to live life feeling unloved. He did this because He loves us and we have a choice daily to choose Him. His love is enough. We are complete in Him.

I Am: Discovering Who Jesus Is


In 8 studies, Douglas Connelly leads you through the “I Am” statements of Jesus to remind you that Jesus himself is your consolation in times of grief, hunger, and uncertainty.


Getting the Most Out of I AmThis section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

I Am He: SalvationWhat barriers is Jesus willing to overcome in order to have a conversation with the Samaritan woman? What barriers hinder you from engaging others in conversation about Jesus?John 4:1-26

Session Two

I Am the Bread of Life: SurvivalJesus contrasts two appetitesone for physical nourishment and one for spiritual sustenance. How is each appetite satisfied? What does Jesus promise to those who come to him in faith for spiritual nourishment?

John 6:25-51

Session Three

I Am the Light: Direction What does it feel like to walk in darkness? How have you experienced following Jesus as being like following a light through a dark place?John 8:12-30

Session Four

I Am the Good Shepherd: SecuritySeveral times Jesus says the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. How does Jesus’ sacrifice of himself make you feel about yourself?John 10:1-21

Session Five

I Am the Resurrection: Eternity What does Jesus mean when he says the person who believes in him will live, even though he dies?John 11:1-27

Session Six

Session Seven

Session Eight

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Who Am I In Relation To God

Genesis 1:25-31

When asked the question Who are you? most of us respond with Im a student, or Im so and sos sister, or Im a musician. In other words, we tend to think of ourselves in light of the roles we play, or what we do, or in relationship to someone else in our lives.

But who are we in relation to God? Who has he created us to be as women? Thats what we want to explore in this study.

1. Where does your sense of self come from? To what extent has it been influenced by your abilities, appearance, achievements, race or ethnicity, parents, teachers, cultural expectations for women, what you do, how peers respond to you, etc?Read Genesis 1:25-31.

2. From this passage, what do we learn about how God created human beings?

3. Genesis 1:25-27 describes God creating humankind in their own image. The New International Dictionary of the Bible describes it like this:

. . . man has been made like God in a way that the rest of creation has not. . . The Scriptures do not define precisely the nature of the image of God in man, and we should be careful not to single out any individual aspect or attribute of man as if it were in a special sense the image. It is rather man in his entirety that is to be thought of as in the image of God.

What do you think it means to be purposefully created in Gods image?

  • Intellectually
  • Spiritually
  • Socially

4. How does this truth about your identity that you are Gods image-bearer influence how you think and feel about

Think Rightly About Yourself

Who I am in Christ  Bloxham Baptist Church

At times a child of God may be discouraged and say, I am such a poor, sinful creature. I am of no account to God. This is not pleasing to the Lord.

God is pleased when we take up our true spiritual position of being one with Christ in all that He is. God is pleased when we are conscious that He loves us and delights in us as His sons and daughters.

I have a new way of looking at things. I have discovered that God is not at all like I thought Him to be. Before I was saved, I thought God was a hard judge who wanted to punish me for my sins.

To my amazement, I have discovered that I have a heavenly Father who loves me with all His heart and blesses me in spite of myself. I am filled with the consciousness that God is for me! He delights in me! I am at home in my Fathers house.

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I Am Incredible Bible Lesson For Kids:

Opening Activity :

Recruit another adult to argue the point of which one ofyou is more incredible. Beginskit by saying I am incredible! have other adultsay, No, I am incredible! Continue for a few minutes arguing the point by saying back and forth I am incredible because Get silly with it! Finally look at the students and askthem who they think is more incredibletake a vote if you want!

After calming everyone down, let students know that through these “I am Incredible” Bible lessons we will be learning that each one of us is incredible in their ownway. We are each unique andspecialbut not because of what we can do or be, but because of Who created us GOD!

I Am A Prophet With Two Books To My Name I Thought God’s Voice Was My Mentor Eli’s Voice And I Anointed The First King Of Israel Who Am I

  • Samuel
  • EzekielDaniel
  • Samuel was first called by the Lord late at night and thought it was his mentor, Eli, calling from another room. Eli told him that he had not called and that when the voice came next, Samuel should say, “Here I am, Lord.” Samuel did and went on to become a very important prophetic figure.

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    Incredible Me Lesson Plans:

    These Bible lessons for kids begin with Psalm 139 and incorporate the personal name of God as given to Moses – “I am that I am.” Each Bible character is in the lineage of Jesus pointing to the fact of how God uses His family, His children…US!

  • “I am Created”– I am incredible because God created me in His image! Includes Bible verses from Psalm 139, Genesis & John with an object lesson & game!
  • “I am Chosen” – I am incredible because God loves me and has made a way for me to choose Him! A salvation focused lesson based on the life of David and how he was chosen but also chose God.
  • “I am Christ’s” I am incredible because with Jesus I am never alone He is always with me and makes me a part of God’s family! Based on the story of Ruth and Boaz.
  • “I am Called” – I am incredible because God has a plan & purpose for my life! This is shown through the life of John the Baptist. We make Jesus known to others!

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