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What Is An Hcsb Bible

Isaiah 2: 13 New International Readers Version

HCSB Study Bible Review

13 So then, here is what the Lords message will become to them.

Do this and do that.

Do that and do this.

Obey this rule and obey that rule.

Obey that rule and obey this rule.

Learn a little here and learn a little there.

So when they try to go forward,

theyll fall back and be wounded.

Theyll be trapped and captured.

Things To Understand About This Version Before Putting Your Trust In It:

  • This version was translated exclusively for the Southern Baptist convention.
  • This version was paid for by the Southern Baptist Convention.
  • Though some of the Old Testament was translated by other denominations, the New Testament was exclusively translated Baptists.
  • It is owned, 100%, by the Southern Baptist Convention.
  • Part of the motivation for creating this translation was $$$$.
  • In many instances, it does not give a translation, but their interpretation of the text.

About Holman Bible Publishers

Robby Gallaty completed his Masters of Divinity Degree in Expository Preaching in 2007 and his Ph.D. in Preaching in 2011 from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Robby is the author of Creating An Atmosphere to Hear God Speak , Unashamed: Taking a Radical Stand for Christ , Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples , Firmly Planted: How to Cultivate a Faith Rooted in Christ , Rediscovering Discipleship: Making Jesus’ Final Words Our First Work , and Foundations: A 260 Day Reading Plan for Busy Believers.

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Driving Out An Unclean Spirit

21 Then they went into Capernaum, and right away He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath and began to teach.22 They were astonished at His teaching because, unlike the scribes, He was teaching them as one having authority.

23 Just then a man with an unclean spirit was in their synagogue. He cried out,24 What do You have to do with us, JesusNazarene? Have You come to destroy us? I know who You arethe Holy One of God!

25 But Jesus rebuked him and said, Be quiet,and come out of him!26 And the unclean spirit convulsed him, shouted with a loud voice, and came out of him.

27 Then they were all amazed, so they began to argue with one another, saying, What is this? A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey Him. 28 News about Him then spread throughout the entire vicinity of Galilee.

The Use Of Yahweh In The Version

Holman HCSB Study Bible Review

The Tetragrammaton occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew Bible. Nearly all English versions follow the ancient tradition of rendering the Divine name as the Lord. The King James Version makes only four exceptions , where it renders the name as Jehovah. The first edition of the HCSB used Yahweh seventy-five times, and the 2009 revision increased the number to 476, although the ordinary rendering continues to be the Lord. One of the editors of the version has explained why the version uses Yahweh in the places where it does:

We use it as the rendering of YHWH whenever Gods name is being given , when He is being identified , when He is being contrasted to other gods such as Baal, in certain repeated phrases such as Yahweh the God of your fathers, or when YHWH has been rendered by Yahweh in the immediate context. our objective is to introduce to the contemporary church what is the most likely pronunciation of the divine name YHWH in the Hebrew Bible. We did not render the majority of occurrences of YHWH as Yahweh because our goal is not only to be accurate but to use an English style that is most familiar to people. Since most Christians today probably do not commonly speak of Yahweh, but rather of the Lord, we felt it would be insensitive to use Yahweh for YHWH in every case and would make the Bible seem too uncomfortable for most people.

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The Origin Of The Hcsb

The HCSB originally arose from a project initiated by Arthur Farstad, who had served as the general editor for the New King James Version. Farstad favored the Greek Majority Text and had published a Greek edition of it with coeditor Zane Hodges in 1982. His goal was to produce a modern English version based on the Majority Text. Together with Edwin Blum, a faculty member at Dallas Theological Seminary, Farstad produced some portions of a translation of the New Testament.

In 1998, Farstad and Blum were approached by representatives of Holman Bible Publishers and LifeWay Christian Resources, the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention . For years the SBC had used the NIV in their curriculum. Yet they were now seeking an alternative because of the high cost of NIV royalties and the NIVs move toward gender-inclusive language. Farstad and Blum agreed to produce the version. Sadly, Farstad died just a few months into the project. While Farstad had envisioned a Majority Text version, without his influence on the project this was now shifted to the Critical Textbringing it in line with all other modern versions except the New King James Version, which is based on the Textus Receptus.

The HCSB is generally more literal than the NIV but less so than most formal equivalent versions. According to its Introduction, the HCSB strives for neither formal nor functional equivalence, but optimal equivalence:

Some notable distinctions of the HCSB include the following:

Translating Gender Language Into English

The Christian Standard Bible retains a traditional approach to translating gender language into English. Masculine terms and pronouns are retained whenever they refer to God. To improve accuracy, the Translation Oversight Committee chose to avoid being unnecessarily specific in passages where the original context did not exclude females. When Scripture presents principles or generic examples that are not restricted to males, the CSB does not use man, he, or other masculine terms. At the same time, the translators did not make third person masculine pronouns inclusive by rendering them as plurals , because they believed it was important to retain the individual and personal sense of these expressions. Read more.

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    The Use Of Brackets For Supplied Words

    In the first edition of the HCSB, supplied words were indicated by putting them in brackets. The brackets were eliminated in the 2009 revision, but I will retain the following paragraphs from my original review of the HCSB, for the sake of those who are still using the first edition. In some cases the elimination of the brackets is a change for the better, but sometimes it is for the worse. In Philippians 2:13 the words enabling you should never have been inserted in the rendering, For it is God who is working in you, both to desire and to work out His good purpose, and the removal of the brackets makes the insertion less excusable.

    The idea of the brackets is to let readers know where the translators have added English words which do not have any corresponding words in the original, in order to produce an English translation that makes sense. Other Bible versions have used italics for this purpose. It can sometimes be helpful, but it should be used sparingly. When the appropriateness of the supplied word is in doubt, it serves to warn readers that the translators have offered an interpretation which may not be correct but when the accuracy of the interpretation is not in doubt, there is no good reason to mark any of the English words that are used to express it.

    We will comment on the places where supplied word brackets appear in the translation of Philippians.

    Hcsb Vs Csb: What Makes The New Csb Translation Different

    HCSB Study Bible Review Extended

    We know you know that there are many different translations of the Bible, and a Lifeway Women, youll see our favorite translation used in every verse or passage we referencethe CSB, or Christian Standard Bible.

    But what is the CSB and why do we love it? Well give you the inside scoop about this newer translation and also compare it to its predecessor, the Holman Christian Standard Bible .

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    Which Bible Is A Good Study Bible

    • The Jeremiah Study Bible, NKJV.
    • ESV Student Study Bible.
    • NKJV, The MacArthur Study Bible.
    • KJV Study Bible Red Letter Editio.
    • ESV Study Bible
    • Harper Collins Study Bible
    • NIV Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition.
    • Study Bible, Personal Size.

    Character Of The Translation

    In general, the HCSB translation is slightly more literal than the New International Version, but much less literal than the New American Standard Bible or the English Standard Version. In various ways the text is simplified and made easy to understand by interpretive renderings. The style is on a level much lower than the NKJV, RSV and ESV. It sometimes fails to convey the literary qualities of the text. But an attempt is made to present the Psalms in a suitable literary style. I give now Psalm 69 from the 2009 edition of the HCSB, followed by some remarks on the translation.

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    More Servants Fewer Slaves

    Biblical terms related to servants and slaves are notoriously difficult to translate. This is in part due to the differences between slavery in the ancient world and race-based slavery in the Americas. It is also due to the wide semantic range of terms related to slavery. In the NIV, for example, the Hebrew is translated most commonly as servant , but also in a variety of other ways: slave , official , attendant , subject , officer , envoy , subordinate , vassal , man , court , and retinue . Similarly, in the NT Greek is rendered in the NIV as servant 98x and slave 34x. Further complicating the issue is the semantic range of the English term servant. Does servant mean someone who is a paid employee? Or can a servant be one who is owned by a master ? The latter is certainly the intention in many passages.

    Slaves had no rights, but some servants did. So when readers see Christians called to be Christs slaves in the Holman Christian Standard Bible, the radical nature of discipleship is clearer. Accuracy, one of the reasons youll love reading any of the HCSB digital or print editions.16

    The CSB significantly reduces the use of slave. While the HCSB used the term 317 times, the CSB uses it only 189 times. Consider the following examples:

    Matthew 24:45

    John 13:16

    Romans 1:1

    Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle
    CSB Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle

    Holman Christian Standard Bible

    Holman HCSB Study Bible Review
    Holman Christian Standard Bible
    NT: 27th edition. OT:Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with some influence.
    Translation type
    Copyright 2004 Holman Bible Publishers
    Religious affiliation
    Genesis 1:13In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

    The Holman Christian Standard Bible is a modern English Bible translation from Holman Bible Publishers. The New Testament was published in 1999, followed by the full Bible in March 2004.

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    Revising The Hcsb: The Christian Standard Bible

    Though well-publicized and well-received in many circles, the HCSB never achieved a significant market share of Bible sales. In June 2016 B& H publishing announced a revision of the translation, dropping the name Holman and renaming it the Christian Standard Bible . The Translation Oversight Committee was co-chaired by Tom Schreiner, Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Biblical Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and David Allen, Dean and Distinguished Professor of Preaching, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The remaining eight members included Dorian G. Coover-Cox of Dallas Theological Seminary, Iain M. Duguid of Westminster Theological Seminary, Andrew Das of Elmhurst College, Darian R. Lockett of Talbot School of Theology, Andrew Steinmann of Concordia University, Brian Rosner of Ridley in Melbourne, Michael Card , and Trevin Wax . Of the 10 members, three specialize in OT, five mostly in NT , with one stylist and the publisher. Denominationally, there are three from the Southern Baptist Convention, two Presbyterians, two Lutherans, one Anglican, and two non-denominational. All are from the conservative branches of these denominations. There are no members from Wesleyan, Methodist, Nazarene or Pentecostal traditions. There are nine men one woman. Nine are white, one is Asian .

    What Is The Difference Between Study Bible And Reference Bible

    Reference Bibles share this main feature in common with study Bibles: Bible verses are cross-referenced with each other, mainly with other words, themes or ideas. For example, if a scripture mentions water, the cross-references will direct the reader to other Bible verses which use the same word.

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    Use Of Tongues Instead Of Languages In Some Texts

    The HCSB rendered the lalein + glossa construction as languages rather than the traditional tongues because the translators saw tongues as an archaic way of referring to verbal communication. The translators, representing a variety of denominations, did not intend by the use of languages to exclude charismatic views of ecstatic speech. Because tongues is an appropriate translation and is the word used in every other major English Bible translation, the CSB Translation Oversight Committee elected to adopt the traditional rendering and avoid any appearance of theological bias. Read more.

    Rendering Doulos As Servant Instead Of Slave

    Holman Hcsb Legacy bible review, WOW!

    In our context, the word slave primarily brings to mind our history of race-based slavery. The theologically appropriate connotation of the word is lost on most readers. In light of this obstacle, it seemed best to the Translation Oversight Committee to choose a word that is less apt to cause distraction and misunderstanding. Furthermore, the choice to render doulos as servant rather than slave aligns with the Old Testaments use of eved in reference to followers of God, and the New Testaments use of a Greek word specifically meaning servant rather than slave when quoting from the Old Testament. The CSB retains the use of slave in contexts where slavery or a slave are clearly in view, but for references to Christian discipleship, servant is used. Read more.

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    Found A Problem With The Holman Christian Standard Bible

    have not changed

    Well, you do have to appreciate the HCSB’s translation of John 3:16…”For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”


    Malachi 3:6 HCSB6 “Because I, Yahweh, have not changed, you descendants of Jacob have not been destroyedThe above is a reason enough to not take it seriously. The HCSB has absolutley ruined this passage that has traditionally taught God’s immutability by leaving the possibiliy of change open and taking the traditionally definitive passage out of the definitive catagory.

    Malachi 3:6 HCSB6 “Because I, Yahweh, have not changed, you descendants of Jacob have not been destroyedThe above is a reason enough to not take it seriously. The HCSB has absolutley ruined this passage that has traditionally taught God’s immutability by leaving the possibiliy of change open and taking the traditionally definitive passage out of the definitive catagory.Regarding the notes and articles in the Apologetics Study Bible, I can’t recommned them. An article on God’s Sovereignty and Free Will is done by William Craig who is a Molinist! The notes in Romans 9 say that Jeremiah 18 teaches clearly that God has possible outcomes to events and will change his actions according to what people decide to do…

    What Is The Csb

    The CSB is a revision of the HCSB. It includes an updated translation and word choices that optimize both fidelity to the original languages and clarity for a modern audience. The Translation Oversight Committee, co-chaired by Drs. Tom Schreiner and David Allen, incorporated advances in biblical scholarship and input from Bible scholars, pastors, and readers to further hone both the accuracy and readability of the CSB.

    Additionally, the CSB is as literal a translation of the ancient source texts as possible. However, in the many places throughout Scripture where a word-for-word rendering might obscure the meaning for a modern audience, it uses a more dynamic translation. In all cases, the intent is to convey the original meaning of Gods Word as faithfully and as clearly as possible.

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    What Is A Good Bible Translation

    The Top 10 Bible Translations

    • New Living Translation I have little incentive to use the NLT, but as a version its becoming increasingly popular and its translation is fairly solid from what I can tell.
    • Common English Bible Released in 2011, the CEB was also designed to be easy to read and used by a variety of denominations.


    Use Of Yahweh As Gods Personal Name

    Holman HCSB Study Bible Review

    Traditionally, English Bible translations have chosen not to supply vowels in order make the name of God pronounceable they simply render this name as a title . The CSB Translation Oversight Committee chose to come into alignment with other English translations, departing from the HCSB practice of utilizing Yahweh in the text. The HCSB was inconsistent, rendering YHWH as Yahweh in only 656 of 6,000+ occurrences of YHWH, because full consistency would be overwhelming to the reader. Yet feedback from readers also showed that the unfamiliarity of Yahweh was an obstacle to reading the HCSB. In addition, when quoting Old Testament texts that include an occurrence of YHWH, the New Testament renders YHWH with the word kurios, which is a title rather than a personal name. This supports the direction of bringing the CSB is in line with most English translations, rendering YHWH as LORD. Read more.

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