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What Is The Fifth Commandment In The Bible

What The 5th Commandment Demands From Children

The Fifth Commandment

We have discussed why it is wise to obey, but what does it ask children to do specifically?

  • Obedience – Knowing and doing the will of the parents without disrespect . The key is to obey, not judge how wise or capable the parents are.
  • Honor – Live your life in such a way that who you are and what you do bring honor to your parents, not disgrace and shame. Note that the command does not mention love. This we need to do to all men, even our enemies. It is not always possible to love our parents because of what they may have done or not done, but it is necessary that we honor them – this is always in our control.
  • The Command With A Promise

    So far we have covered the first four commands having to do with God’s relationship to man and man’s need to honor God:

    • As the only God
    • As the Lord of our time

    The next six commands address man’s relationship to other humans:

    • Honor our parents
    • Honor our neighbor
    • Honor ourselves

    The first four lead to peace with God and ourselves, the last six promote peace within society as a whole.

    Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you.- Exodus 20:12

    You Shall Not Commit Adultery

    Bible reference – Exodus 20:14:You shall not commit adultery.

    Explanation: Do we need a greater regard for the sanctity of the home today? Do we need more honest obedience to marriage vows? Do we need more husbands and wives true to each other? What is the answer? You know the answer. It is YES! A thousand times yes!

    In Luke 17:30, our Saviour predicted that a Sodom-like moral condition would precede His return to this earth. Now is the time for every Christian home to stand as an example of right living.

    Remember, you can’t write SIN in big letters without the law of God. This seventh commandment must stand, or our civilization will go down in disregarding it. Proverbs 14:34 says, Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people.

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    The Ten Commandments Past And Present The Fifth Commandment

    In this sermon, Pastor Babij focuses on the fifth of the Ten Commandments, the command to honor ones mother and father. Pastor Babij first points out this commands transitional position within the Ten Commandments, moving from responsibilities toward God to responsibilities toward men. Pastor then explains the two key components of this particular rule:

    1)The Meaning of the Fifth Commandment2)The Motivation of the Fifth Commandment

    Pastor concludes by highlighting how Jesus is the ultimate example of someone who faithfully obeyed this commandment during His life and death and how believers are to emulate Jesus with their own parents.

    How To Live By This Commandment

    How You Most Often Break the 5th Commandment

    There are several ways you can begin living by this commandment:

    • Be fair. Your parents are people just like you. They are not perfect. They make mistakes. Be fair to your parents before you jump to conclusions.
    • Think before you speak. It’s easy to just say what’s on your mind to your family. Sometimes we speak harsher words that we should because we don’t always feel like we have to filter out what we say to our family. However, words can be hurtful.
    • Talk things out with them. We want to make the best decisions possible, so when we have an issue with our parents or even one that we’re facing in our lives, sometimes it helps to talk things out with our parents. It allows parents to know how you’re thinking and gives them a chance to weigh in with their life experience. It also helps your relationship to talk to them about what’s going on in your life.
    • Remind them you care. It’s so easy to take your family for granted. We think they’ll always be there. Yet sooner than later we find that our time with our parents is far too short. Take some time to remind your parents that you love them.
    • Learn to forgive. Holding onto anger and disappointment with our parents does nothing but fester inside of us. We need to learn how to forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting, but it does mean letting go of what eats us up inside.

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    Family Relationships Have Been Rocky And Difficult Ever Since Adams Fall

    Toddlers scream and throw tantrums, teenagers rebel against the rules their parents have set up, and parents get angry and treat their children unfairly. This is true not just of parent/child relationships but of any authority structure God has set in motion. As sinners, we dont like to do what we are told, and submitting to authority figures in our lives is difficult for our independence-seeking wills.

    The best example of this is the story of the prodigal son . In the story of the prodigal son, the wayward son dishonored his father by asking for his inheritance early and running off to squander it. It showed a lack of respect and love for his family, the people who cared for him and fed him when he could not feed or care for himself. Are we not all like the prodigal son in various ways? We take our parents for granted, demanding that they take care of us, give us money, and then leave us alone so we can do what we want with it. We turn around and abandon the very arms that worked for and cared for us. Ultimately, this is a reflection of humanitys rebellion against God, our heavenly Father. In Adam, we all ran away from his loving care and provision and struck out on our own. We squandered our wealth on sin and are now left with nothing.

    Why Is The Fifth Commandment Called The First Commandment With Promise

    In giving the 10 Commandments, God specifically highlights how keeping the Fifth Commandment benefits both you and all of society.

    The first four commandments define how God wants us to show love for Him. This Fifth Commandment that tells us to honor our mother and father begins a series of six commandments that show us how to love other peoplestarting from our earliest years in the family.

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    Sons Have Two Parents

    The Fifth Commandment tells children to honor both father and mother. Long life is the blessing associated with such honor, as Paul points out in Ephesians 6:2 and 3,

    2 Honor your father and mother , 3 that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth.

    This commandment is the foundation of sonship, the promise of immortality given to the sons of God. But every son has two parents: father and mother. The sons of God are no different. They have a heavenly father and an earthly mother, even as Jesus did.

    John wrote in John 1:12,

    12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.

    If we have the right to become the children of God, how do we do this? The simple answer is to have faith in Jesus Christ, which is a prerequisite to receiving the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the seed of the Father, and when we are overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, Christ is begotten in us. Paul says in 1 Cor. 4:15, for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel .

    In one sense Paul was their father, but in the greater sense, God was their Father, who had begotten them by the gospel. Further, he tells the Galatian church, I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you . Thus, Paul speaks as if he were pregnant with the Galatian church, laboring to see them come to a full-term birth. It is like this with individual believers as well, who have been impregnated by the Spirit.

    Why Should We All Obey This Command

    Did the Fifth Commandment Forbid All Forms of Killing?

    1. It is right in and of itself

    Paul says that this is the right thing to do:

    Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.- Ephesians 6:1

    There is a natural chain of authority given by God, and parents have been given charge over children. Disobeying parents is the same as disobeying the Lord, for He is the one giving the authority to parents. In some countries like Canada it is the law.

    2. Parents deserve obedience

    In most cases parents will or have done more for you than any teacher, mentor or friend. Again, in most cases even poor parents have done more for us than we will ever be able to repay in our lifetimes. We should obey parents from a sense of gratitude if from nothing else.

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    The Father And The Son

    Fatherhood originates with God. He has always been the eternal Father of an eternal Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Their mutual love was described in Christs prayer to His Father: Thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world. O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me . In becoming a man, Christ came to serve and obey in a way that He had never known before.

    From childhood, He was conscious of His pathway of submission and Gods plan for His life. At the age of 12, on a visit to Jerusalem, He was heard to say: I must be about my Fathers business . Returning to Nazareth with Mary and Joseph, the Bible tells us that He was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart . Later He would declare, And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone for I do always those things that please him .

    Joseph is presumed to have died before the public ministry of Christ took place. When Christs mother, Mary, stood at the cross, she had no husband by her side. But, even in His hours of agony upon the tree, Christ thought of His mother. He spoke to His disciple John and entrusted the care of Mary to him. The fifth commandment was being fulfilled in a poignant way as a faithful mother watched her son die.

    What Verses Support The Fifth Commandment

    Ephesians 6:2-3 2 Honor your father and mother-which is the first commandment with a promise- 3 so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.

    What does the Fifth Commandment say?

    Fifth Commandment: Honor Your Father and Your Mother. The Fifth Commandment says: Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.. Without the Fifth Commandment, society can collapse on itself.

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    The Purpose And Meaning Of The Fifth Commandment

    The primary focus of the Fifth Commandment is the importance of learning to respect our parents and others as both children and adults.

    Honour your father and your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God giveth you.Exodus 20:12

    The Fifth Commandment introduces us to a series of Commandments that define proper relationships with other people. Six of the Commandments serve as the standards of conduct in areas of human behaviour that generate the most far reaching consequences on individuals, families, groups and society. Our abuse and exploitation of each other is appalling. The intensity and magnitude of the violence among ourselves is inexcusable. We desperately need to reverse the horrifying results of our inability to get along with each other. We need to learn how to work together harmoniously in every area of life to build stable, loving and lasting relationships.

    Establishing the rudimentary principles by which workable relationships can be built is the objective of the last six Commandments. They define with stark clarity the areas of behaviour in which human nature creates the biggest roadblocks to peace and cooperation. They provide us with the guidance we need to remove those roadblocks. The Fifth Commandment sets the tone for the last six. It addresses the importance of our learning to treat each other with respect and honour.

    The Leadership Of Righteous Parents

    The fifth commandment!! A great one!!

    If you are a parent, you should teach YAHvehs Commandments diligently to your children and children, you should obey your mother and father, for it is a safeguard. It is a hierarchy of eternal success and all its promised blessings if we do it in obedience to the Almightys ways and obedience to His Commandments. As parents, we do well if our example and leadership point our children to do what is right in Holy Ones sight so they will be in that ark of safety with us. There was no other place of refuge but the ark that Noah built through YAHvehs commandments and directions. He makes one way of escape, and then the door is closed. Humble yourself in the sight of God and, in due time, halleluYAH, He will lift you up! He will lift you up as He did Noah and the ark. For forty days, the flood kept coming on the earth and, as the waters increased, they lifted the ark high above the earth. As the judgments come, those who are in the safety of the ark of faith in YAHshua will be lifted higher and higher into His presence. What will kill and destroy the wicked that have evil inclinations will lift us higher and higher into the very protection of YAHshua !

    The 6th Commandment

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    The Fifth Commandment And Spiritual Family

    The fifth commandment to honor our father and mother is often characterized as simple obedience to our parents, but its application reaches far beyond the young, unruly children we imagine and familial relationships altogether. Listen along as we break down the fifth word, what it meant to its original audience, and how Jesus transforms its meaning today.

    Dont like banter? Skip to 1:51.

    What Are The Violations Against The 5th Commandment

    Terms in this set

    • Murder. The deliberate killing of another human being.
    • Abortion. Ending the life of the unborn.
    • Roe v. Wade.
    • Infanticide. Destroying the life of an infant.
    • Euthanasia. Also known as mercy killing causing painless death to an individual suffering from a terminal disease.

    What is the 5th commandment in simple terms?

    noun. Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee: fifth of the Ten Commandments.

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    Fifth Commandment In The New Testament

    The fifth commandment teaches the same in the New Testament what Old Testament says.

    • God commands, you must respect your father and mother as well. And God also said, whoever says anything bad to their father or mother must be killed.
    • also says that You must respect parents and love your neighbor the way you love yourself.
    • The Fifth commandment in this verse also teaches that You must respect your father and the mother. That is the first command that has a fulfilling promise with it. That promise is: then all the things will go well with you, and you will have a long and blessed life on the earth.

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    Obeying The 5th Commandment

    Can You Name All of the Ten Commandments for $100?

    Honoring someone means that you respect their position of authority over you. Honoring someone means that when a duty is delegated to you, you whole-heartedly follow through and accomplish it. It means obedience to the rules of your society, institution, and leaders.Children , youre called to love your parents and prove it through your obedience, and by fulfilling all responsibilities within the institution in which youre a part. God did in fact place you in the family that you find yourself. Your treatment of your parents and other authorities equates to your treatment of God himself. Do NOT take this commandment lightly.

    Husbands, love your wives like Christ loves his Church, which is an immense assignment. Grace, affection, and service towards your wife should rule your married life. Seek her counsel and wisdom in all major family decisions. Treat your wife like a woman appreciates, that is, like a queen. Your body is your wifes possession do not neglect her needs.

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    Honour Thy Father And Thy Mother

    Honour thy father and thy mother” is one of the Ten Commandments in the Hebrew Bible. The commandment is generally regarded in Protestant and Jewish sources as the fifth in both the list in Exodus 20:121 and in Deuteronomy 5:123. Catholics and Lutherans count this as the fourth..Full commandment = “Honor, thy father and thy mother , that the day may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee .”

    These commandments were enforced as law in many jurisdictions, and are still considered enforceable law by some.Exodus 20:1 describes the Ten Commandments as being spoken by Yahweh, inscribed on two stone tablets by the finger of God, broken by Moses, and rewritten on replacement stones by the Lord.

    The Missing Link In Child Rearing

    Gods instruction to parents makes this clear: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up . The implication is clear: Only when we hold right principles in our hearts can we, as parents, successfully instill them in our children.

    Throughout the Bible, especially in the book of Proverbs, we find many instructions and principles about how we should treat and honor each other. We should regularly discuss these in our families and apply them to the real-life situations our children face every day. These discussions should be interactiveallowing the children to freely ask questions that we as parents should help them resolve, using biblical principles, as thoroughly and accurately as possible .

    It is by treating children with dignity and respect in an interactive process that they learn how they should treat others and why their attitudes and behavior should reflect love and concern for them. Parents who assist their children in searching Gods Word to verify the foundation of the familys values are teaching them how to rely on Gods judgment instead of trusting their own emotions, whims and desires.

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