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Church Of Christ Rules And Regulations

Autographs And Photographs Of General Authorities General Officers And Area Seventies

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Church members should not seek the autographs of General Authorities, General Officers, or Area Seventies. Nor should members ask these leaders to sign their scriptures, hymnals, or programs. Doing so detracts from their sacred callings and the spirit of meetings. It also could prevent them from greeting other members.

Members should not take photographs of General Authorities, General Officers, or Area Seventies in chapels.


Recording Transcribing Or Streaming Messages By General Authorities General Officers And Area Seventies

Members should not record, transcribe, or stream messages by General Authorities, General Officers, and Area Seventies. However, some meetings where these leaders speak can be streamed under the direction of the bishop or stake president. For information, see 29.7.

Members may record broadcasts of general conference on home equipment for personal, noncommercial use.


Terminology Used By The Church

Church leaders now teach that it’s okay to identify as gay. In the past church leaders have stated that “homosexual”, “lesbian”, and “gay” should only be used as adjectives to describe thoughts, feelings, or behaviors, and never as nouns to describe people. Church leaders and organizations have made reference to homosexuality as a sexual orientation. Leaders have only begun directly addressing bisexual members since October 2016. The church and its members have often referred to homosexuality with the term “same-gender attraction”. The church no longer speaks on the origins of homosexuality.

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The Churches Of Christ Arose From The Restoration Movement

The American Restoration Movement of the 19th century began with the merging of various independent contingents to return to apostolic Christianity. Two were of critical significance to the advancement of the movement. The first, driven by Barton W. Stone started at Cane Ridge, Kentucky and named themselves solely as “Christians”. The second started in western Pennsylvania and was headed by Thomas Campbell and his son, Alexander Campbell. They adopted the name “Disciples of Christ”. Both groups tried to restore the whole Christian church on the doctrine set forth in the New Testament, and both thought that creeds held Christianity divided.

Despite their variations, the two movements agreed on numerous decisive concerns. Both saw restoring the early church as a path to Christian freedom, and both believed that solidarity among Christians could be accomplished by using apostolic Christianity as a basis. The dedication of both factions to reviving the early church and to unifying Christians was enough to inspire a union among many in the two movements. However, early in the 20th century, the Restoration Movement broke apart into different groups, primarily the “Church of Christ,” “Christian Church,” and “Disciples of Christ.”

The Practice Grows Out Of Our Desire To Reproduce The Original Church Today

What is the position of Christians to the Laws of the Old Testament in ...

The church of Christ sang a cappella in the days of the apostles, so the church of Christ sings a cappella today. It really is as simple as that.

Churches of Christ today strive to be identical to the church in the New Testament . Before we practice anything, we verify that it was practiced by the first century church. Thus proving all things, we hold fast that which is good . It is the safest approach one can take in religionthe way that is right and cannot be wrong.

No scholar says early Christians used instruments. No Bible verse records it. The phrase a cappella, which now means without instrumental accompaniment, originally meant as in church. Instruments were available and widely used in pagan worship and theaters, as well as the Jewish temple, but they were not used by the church.

Standard reference works and music textbooks confirm this. Emil Nauman wrote in The History of Music: There can be no doubt that originally the music of the divine service was everywhere entirely of a vocal nature . Wycliffe Bible Dictionary says, There is no record in the New Testament of the use of instruments in the musical worship of the Christian church. The Catholic Encyclopedia reads, The first Christians were of too spiritual a fiber to substitute lifeless instruments for or to use them to accompany the human voice.

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Top Of Page What Is The Gospel

“I was raised in the Church of Christ and always assumed that the way the Christian faith was presented there was biblically sound. But a girlfriend in high school shared the gospel with me. I had never heard that the gospel was actually something that God did for me. I had been taught, or at least I inferred, that the gospel was something that I did for God.” —-Susan

Please see our article What is the Gospel.

1. Doesnt 1 Cor 15:1-11 give the clearest and principle definition of the gospel as being something to be believed about Christ dying for our sins? Doesnt gospel mean good news in Greek ? We fear that a non-believer visiting a Church of Christ and hearing that the “good news” is a list of things that they have to do, would not see it as good news. Is it not ultimately found in the grace of God ?

2. According to Rom 1:16 and 1 Cor 1:18, by whose power is the gospelGod’s or man’s? Don’t these passages teach that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, not the power of man?

3. Doesn’t the Bible specifically separate baptism from the Gospel in 1 Cor 1:17?

4. Our understanding is that a “gospel sermon” given by a Church of Christ preacher would be about the formula of what one must do to be saved: Hear/Believe/Repent/Confess/Be Baptized. If you reject the claim made by Church of Christ preacher K. C. Moser that the CC is guilty of preaching “The Plan” rather than “The Man”why is he incorrect?

Article Viii Relational Commitments

Relationships in the church will be guided and governed by the biblical principles set forth in a document entitled Relational Commitments, which is incorporated into these Bylaws by reference. This document establishes our commitments related to peacemaking and reconciliation, accountability and church discipline, preserving marriages, biblical counseling and confidentiality, and the protection of our children. These Commitments shall apply to members of our church, and may be amended from time to time in the same way that these Bylaws may be amended.

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Political And Civic Activity

Church members are encouraged to participate in political and governmental affairs. In many countries, this may include:

  • Communicating with party officials and candidates.

  • Participating in peaceful, legal protests.

  • Serving in elected or appointed offices in local and national government.

Members are also encouraged to participate in worthy causes to make their communities wholesome places to live and raise families.

In accordance with local laws, members are encouraged to register to vote and to study issues and candidates carefully. Principles compatible with the gospel may be found in various political parties. Latter-day Saints have a special obligation to seek out and uphold leaders who are honest, good, and wise .

The Church is neutral regarding political parties, political platforms, and candidates for political office. The Church does not endorse any political party or candidate. Nor does it advise members how to vote.

In exceptional cases, when moral issues or the Churchâs practices are involved, the Church may take a position on political matters. In such cases, the Church may engage in political discourse to represent its views. Only the First Presidency can authorize:

  • Expressing the Churchâs position on moral issues.

  • Committing the Church to support or oppose specific legislation.

  • Sharing the Churchâs perspective on judicial matters.

Church records, directories, and similar materials may not be used for political purposes.


People Of Restoration Spirit

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Members of churches of Christ are a people of restoration spirit–wanting to restore in our time the original New Testament church.

Dr. Hans Kung, a well-known European theologian, published a book a few years ago entitled The Church. Dr. Kung lamented the fact that the established church has lost its way has become burdened down with tradition has failed to be what Christ planned it should be.

The only answer, according to Dr. Kung, is to go back to the scriptures to see what the church was in its beginning, and then to recover in the twentieth century the essence of the original church. This is what churches of Christ are seeking to do.

In the latter part of the 18th century, men of different denominations, studying independently of each other, in various parts of the world, began to ask:

  • Why not go back beyond denominationalism to the simplicity and purity of the first-century church?
  • Why not take the Bible alone and once again continue “steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching…” ?
  • Why not plant the same seed , that first century Christians planted, and be Christians only, as they were?

They were pleading with everyone to throw off denominationalism, to throw away human creeds, and to follow only the Bible. They taught that nothing should be required of people as acts of faith except that which is evident in the scriptures.

They emphasized that going back to the Bible does not mean the establishment of another denomination, but rather a return to the original church.

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Unity Based Upon The Bible

Since God has vested “all authority” in Christ , and since he serves as God’s spokesman today , it is our conviction that only Christ has the authority to say what the church is and what we should teach.

And since only the New Testament sets forth Christ’s instructions to his disciples, it alone must serve as the basis for all religious teaching and practice. This is fundamental with members of churches of Christ. We believe that teaching the New Testament without modification is the only way to lead men and women to become Christians.

We believe religious division is bad. Jesus prayed for unity . And later, the apostle Paul begged those who were divided to unite in Christ .

We believe the only way to achieve unity is by a return to the Bible. Compromise cannot bring unity. And surely no person, nor group of persons, has the right to draw up a set of rules by which everyone must abide. But it is altogether proper to say, “Let’s unite by just following the Bible.” This is fair. This is safe. This is right.

So churches of Christ plead for religious unity based upon the Bible. We believe that to subscribe to any creed other than the New Testament, to refuse to obey any New Testament command, or to follow any practice not sustained by the New Testament is to add to or take away from the teachings of God. And both additions and subtractions are condemned in the Bible .

This is the reason the New Testament is the only rule of faith and practice we have in churches of Christ.

Unwed Parents Under Age 18

An unwed young man under age 18 who is going to become a father may participate in his Aaronic Priesthood quorum or in the elders quorum. This decision is left to the prayerful discretion of the young man, his parents, and the bishop.

An unwed young woman under age 18 who is going to become a mother may participate in Young Women or in Relief Society. This decision is left to the prayerful discretion of the young woman, her parents, and the bishop.

In making this decision, youth, parents, and leaders consider the following:

  • If the youth participates in youth classes and activities, the child should not accompany him or her.

  • Older youth who choose to raise the child may benefit from being welcomed into the elders quorum as prospective elders or into Relief Society.


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Top Of Page Denomination

A Church of Christ website makes the statement that, “One becomes a Catholic differently than one becomes a Christian. The two are not synonymous. Likewise, becoming a Baptist is incompatible with becoming a Christian. These and other denominational groups are not segments of Christianity they are all different from Biblical Christianity.”

1. The CC says that denominationalism is bad, should be shunned and abandoned a goal which may be worthy as denominationalism does unnecessarily separate Christians. But Webster gives these definitions of a denomination: act of denominating or naming, a name, designation, or title, a class, or society of individuals, called by the same name a sect. Is not the CC a denomination on every one of these points? Has the CC, perhaps with good intention, added to the denominational problem by using the Church of Christ name exclusively ?

2. Is it true that if one is truly seeking to please God that he must wear a name “approved by God?” CC materials say that, Investigate and be a member of no church but the one you can read about in the Bible. Are we correct in inferring that this limits one to the Church of Christ? Does this mean that those who “wear a name” such as Methodist or Baptist should be condemned and disfellowshipped? Could the insistence on the name be a tradition of men rather than from God, as Cecil Hook suggests: chapter 12, Sectarianism?

6. Have you become a nondenominated denomination?

Disposing Of Garments And Ceremonial Temple Clothing

The Family is the Heart of Gods Plan

To dispose of worn-out temple garments, members should cut out and destroy the marks. Members then cut up the remaining fabric so it cannot be identified as a garment. The remaining cloth can be discarded.

To dispose of worn-out ceremonial temple clothing, members should cut it up so the original use cannot be recognized. The cloth should then be discarded.

Members may give garments and temple clothing that are in good condition to other endowed members. Priesthood and Relief Society leaders can identify those who might need such clothing. Members should not give garments or ceremonial temple clothing to thrift stores, bishopsâ storehouses, temples, or charities.


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Interpreting Ordinances And Blessings Into Another Language

It is important that a person who receives an ordinance or blessing understands what is said. If necessary, a presiding leader may ask someone to interpret an ordinance or blessing into a language that the recipient understands. This includes sign language interpretation. If possible, this person should hold the priesthood. If a priesthood holder is not available, a capable man or woman can interpret.

For information about written translations of patriarchal blessings, see For information about sign language interpretation of patriarchal blessings, see


Top Of Page Instrumental Music

A study of CC doctrine is, of course, not complete without a look at instrumental music! The non-instrumental music wing of the CC feels so strongly about this that they will not fellowship with churches who use instrumental music, saying “We don’t fellowship the instrument.”

A cappella singing is wonderful and most worshipful! The concern is why this issue would cause folks to break fellowship with other Christians.

1. Why is instrumental music not allowed in worship when the definition of psalm is a hymn set to instrumental music ? Since psalms are included in a proper worship , shouldnt instrumental music necessarilybe used in worship to be obedient to Scripture? Is it being disobedient to Pauls instruction by not using psalms correctly in the worship service? In other words, given the definition of psalm, by your own rules of “inclusion and exclusion,” doesnt the Bible require instrumental music?

2. In fact, don’t all three words used in Ephesians 5:19 include musical instruments in their definition? Go to to the online Blue Letter Bible to Ephesians 5:19 and look up the meanings, including synonyms, of each word: Blue Letter Bible.

4. Is there a single solitary sentence anywhere in all of Scripture that even hints of God’s disapproval of instrumental accompaniment to singing .

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Churches Of Christ Outside The United States

Most members of the Churches of Christ live outside the United States. Although there is no reliable counting system, it is anecdotally believed there may be more than 1,000,000 members of the Churches of Christ in Africa, approximately 1,000,000 in India, and 50,000 in Central and South America. Total worldwide membership is over 3,000,000, with approximately 1,000,000 in the U.S.:212

Article Ii Foundation Object And Priorities Of Ministry

Cooperate With the Laws of God | Andrew Wommack | Living Word Christian Center

1. The foundation of this Church is the Lord Jesus Christ , and its code of guidance in all its affairs, the Word of God, and this Church does here affirm its faith that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of Almighty God .

2. The object of this Church shall be to worship God according to the teaching of His Word, to practice the precepts and examples of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ as set forth in the New Testament, to sustain its ordinances and doctrines and to preach and propagate among all peoples the Gospel of Salvation which is by personal faith on Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

3. The priorities of ministry of this church flow from the vision of God’s glory revealed in Jesus Christ. We exist to savor this vision in worship , strengthen the vision in nurture and education , and spread the vision in evangelism, missions, and loving deeds .

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Article V The Church Property

1. In the event of a division of this Church, from which may God in His mercy save us, the property of this Church shall belong to that group of such division as represents the largest portion of the Church membership before recognizing a division therein provided such group is loyal to this constitution otherwise it shall belong to the group remaining loyal to this constitution though it may not be the largest group in such division. Should any controversy arise as to whether such loyalty exists, the question shall be submitted to the Ruling Board of the Minnesota Baptist Conference, and their decision shall be final.

2. Should a condition arise at any time in the future when for any reason, the Church work cannot continue, the Church property shall be transferred to the Minnesota Baptist Conference or its successor.

3. Should conditions arise where a consolidation with another church of the same denomination be advisable, the Council of Elders shall be authorized by the Church to negotiate the terms of such consolidation in so far as the property of this Church is concerned.


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