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HomeExclusiveHow To Get Free Gideon Bibles

How To Get Free Gideon Bibles

Get Your Free Scriptures A Physical Or Digital Copy

Gideons free Bible

There are a lot of places that you can get a free copy of the Bible, and in many different versions, translations and languages. Its just a matter of figuring out which one you want.

Hopefully whichever Bible you receive will speak to you, and change your life as much as mine has.

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. Romans 10:17

If youre looking to make a change, and want to accept Jesus, please check out this post that examines the truth about God, sin, Jesus Christ and our response to Him.

Know of other places to get a Bible for free? Tell us in the comments.

Gideon Bibles In Public Schools

There was a time when it was common for the Gideons to enter public schools during school hours and distribute Bibles to students. This favoritism towards Christianity was blatantly unconstitutional and, over time, most schools have stopped the practice but not all. It’s amazing that any schools today would still think that it is OK to have outside religious groups come in and distribute Bibles to students, but such incidents still make the news occasionally.

Any privileging of Christianity or the Bible in public schools is illegal courts have held this to be the case repeatedly all over the country. School officials have two choices: admit other religious and secular groups to distribute material on the same basis, or stop the Gideons from coming in. If the school refuses to do either, they will stand almost no chance in a lawsuit.

Which Is The Most Accurate Bible

Though it is not the first Bible to be published by the group, it is their first original translation of ancient Classical Hebrew, Koine Greek, and Old Aramaic biblical texts.

New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

New World Translation

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Places To Get Free Bibles

We know that the Bible should be an important part of every Christians spiritual life. Even if you arent a Christian, reading the Bible can give you some useful insights , and make you think about things in a way you may not have before. Id encourage you to get a Bible and explore these ancient and living writings.

If you would like to get a physical copy of Gods Word, there are a lot of places that you can get a Bible for free.

Spread The Word Campaign Free Bibles For Those Overseas

Items similar to 1966 Gideon NEW TESTAMENT Bible...Free Shipping...Sale ...

LeSEAs Spread the Word program will provide a free Bible for people who are overseas. The program launched in 2000, and since then over 700,000 Bibles have been distributed.

If you are a new believer in a place like Egypt, Colombia, Iraq, Solomon Islands, Malaysia, Zambia, Togo, Austria, Pakistan and Iran, theyll do their best to ship a free Bible to you!

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Gideons Spread The Word One Bible One Room At A Time

Ever met a Gideon? Know anything about their core beliefs? Their religious ambitions? Their impact?

In a world virtually awash with often in-your-face religious groups intent on showing the weary the way, Gideons stand out for being the only ones sung about by The Beatles in Rocky Raccoon who still somehow remain divinely unsung.

Most people are not aware of who we are or what we do, and I think people would be surprised to learn the global impact of the Gideons on behalf of the Lord, said Jim Seluta, a former Eastman-Kodak traveling salesman who in 1977 became a Christian and a Gideon because of a Bible hed overlooked hundreds of times.

That Gideon Bible in the drawer at the Sheraton Inn in Sturbridge, Mass., room 312, saved my life.

The Gideons are likely the most influential religious movement that is based not in a soaring house of worship but in a former tire manufacturing headquarters.

Bibles, not blimpsSince their founding by Christian traveling businessmen in 1899, Gideons have distributed more than 1.6 billion Bibles to 193 countries in more than 90 languages.

And theyre just getting started.

Well likely reach the 2 billion mark within the next few years, said Gideon International spokesman Woody Murray, from the old Bridgestone-Firestone headquarters in Nashville, Tenn., the organization has occupied since 2003 .

Each Bible costs the Gideons about $5.

So Bible theft isnt a sin?

That Gideon Bible changed my whole life.

Is Gideon A Good Name

Gideon is a no-longer neglected Old Testament name, but still makes an excellent choice for parents looking to move beyond such overused biblicals as Benjamin and Jacob. In the Old Testament, Gideon was a judge called on by God to rescue the Jews from the Midianites, and the name was popular among the Puritans.

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How Can Military Personnel Get Gods Word From The Gideons

The Gideons will supply, free of charge, a New Testament to every member of the U.S. Armed Forces and to patients at U.S. Veterans Administration hospitals. Bibles are available to chaplains for placement in day rooms, libraries, and guardhouses on military bases and military chapels. Hospital Testaments with Psalms are available for the bedside in base hospitals or in U.S. Veterans Administration hospitals. Requests for military Scriptures must be received from a military chaplain, and orders may be placed through local Gideons or the International Headquarters Office.

Can I Get Bibles Or New Testaments For My Church Or My Personal Use

Gideon Bible Study Invite from Priscilla Shirer

We do not provide Bibles and New Testaments to our church partners or other organizations for their distribution. Our unique method is to have only our members distribute Bibles or New Testaments through designated traffic lanes of life, thus efficiently reaching a large number of people. We do not overlap, duplicate, or conflict with the mission of churches and other ministries. Instead, we act as an extended missionary arm of the church.

One option for non-members is to consider becoming a Friend of Gideons. This group is committed to supporting Gideons and Auxiliary worldwide in reaching people for Christ through prayer and financial gifts. Friends have access to purchase non-emblem Testaments for use in sharing their faith with others personally as God gives them opportunities during daily conversations. Learn more about Friends here.

If you are searching for a copy of Gods Word for personal use, we welcome you to visit the Read the Bible section of this website for online resources.

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What About Gideons On Public College Campuses

Generally, so long as the Gideons are on sidewalks and public walkways, they may hand out bibles on public college campuses. So if this happens on your campus, check with your Dean of Students office or the the college website on policies regulating nonstudent activity on campus. If such activity violates campus regulations or permits are required, report the incident promptly to the appropriate authorities.

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Gideon Bibles In Hospitals Nursing Homes

Both public and private medical facilities receive visits from the Gideons to distribute Bibles to patients and in the rooms. People who are ill, old, weak, and alone are easy targets for evangelists promising heaven but who never actually have to deliver anything while people are still alive to collect or complain. This is unfortunate, but Christian evangelists have a long tradition of such behavior. In Catholic hospitals, you may face not just a Bible but a crucifix hanging prominently on the wall.

If you are in such a facility, it may be difficult for you to object simply because of your condition. It is a good idea to let your family know about your feelings in advance so that they can effectively and accurately represent you when you are unable to do so yourself. This might not be as serious as an advance medical directive, but its worth including in the same package of information. By the same token, you should be vigilant about providing the same help to friends and family who feel like you do.

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Distribution Of Bibles On Public School Grounds

The distribution of Bibles on public school grounds has been an issue because of the U.S. Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Establishment Clause in the Constitution. Five Supreme Court cases discuss this issue: Everson, McCollum, Zorach, Engel, and Schempp.

In 2008, Americans United for Separation of Church and State brought suit against the South Iron R-1 School District in Missouri for allowing the Gideons to distribute Bibles during class time. In 2009, the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis upheld a lower court ruling that found the South Iron district’s distribution of Bibles to the schoolchildren in their classrooms was unconstitutional. An “attorney representing the South Iron School District in Annapolis, Mo., said the decision allows a new policy to finally be implemented, one that allows any group to hand out literature at the rural district, including information on how children can obtain Bibles.”

Religion: What’s In The Front Of The Gideon Bible

Eccles is saved: Devilodge bans the Gideon Bible

Check out the front pages of the Gideon Bible as follows:

This book not to be sold.

Manufactured in the United States of America.

Back to the front of that Gideon Bible

By THE GIDEONS INTERNATIONAL, 2900 Lebanon Road, Nashville, TN 37214. If you desire to contact Gideons in this area, please consult the local telephone directory. (The Bible people will talk to you.] Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.Proverbs 14:34.

THE GIDEONS INTERNATIONAL is an Association of Christian business and professional men, banded together in more than 135 countries for fellowship and service. The purpose of the Association is the promotion of the Gospel of Christ to all people, to the end that they might come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. With the help of Christian friends of many different churches, Gideons have been able to place and distribute over 450 million Bibles and New Testaments to hotels, motels, hospitals, penal institutions, members of the armed forces, school students and those in the public nursing field. We are pleased to present you with this copy of Gods precious Word and trust that you will enjoy reading it daily.

Now follows one of the most important descriptions of the Bible ever written:

It is the travelers map, the pilgrims staff, the pilots compass, the soldiers sword, and the Christians charter. Here Paradise is restored, Heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed.

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Why Do Hotels Have No Room 420

This is partly to stop the stealing of room numbers but mainly to prevent the rooms being used as hot boxes for cannabis parties. Room 420 is not alone in being stigmatised. Usually it has been room 13 or the entire 13th floor that have been omitted by hoteliers to soothe superstitious travellers.

Who Is Eligible To Join The Gideons International

Generally, Christian businessmen and professional men age 21 and older, or retired businessmen and professional men, who adhere to the core spiritual beliefs held by The Gideons International are eligible to join. In addition to meeting these professional and spiritual qualifications, potential Gideons must also be recommended by their pastors.

For more information about becoming a member in your area, email .

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Request A Bible From Myfreebibleorg invites readers to experience the life-changing power of God’s living Word and promises to send a New Testament Bible in English . Requests are limited to one Bible per person, and only one request. Allow up to six to eight weeks for postal delivery. At the current time, MyFreeBible ships within the United States only.

What Does The Story Of Gideon Teach Us

How a Gideon Bible Saved My Life

Gideons story and indeed that of all those forgetful Israelites shows how easily we can slip away from Gods guidance and fall into real trouble. It doesnt take much. We get so busy and distracted. But we cant become lax in seeking Gods will for our lives, praying, reading, studying and thinking about his word.

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Contact A Local Church

One of the easiest and possibly very best ways to obtain a free Bible is to call a local church. Most large and small churches have a surplus of “left behind” Bibles in their “lost and found” closet. Some churches have so many unclaimed Bibles that they have to ask a local prison outreach to come and distribute them to prisoners.

It’s not unusual for churches to keep a supply of new Bibles specifically for giving away to visitors who don’t have one. So don’t be shy. If you truly need a Bible, most Bible-teaching churches will be happy to set you up.

You Version Free Bible App

YouVersion is the gold standard for online Bibles with over 1,774 Bible versions in over 1248 languages.

They have the Bible for your computer via the website , and for your phone or your tablet via their amazing free bible app.

Full disclosure, Ive been a heavy user of YouVersion for years, and even enjoy the many Bible reading plans and studies that they have available via their app.

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Ways To Obtain A Free Bible

Within its pages, the Bible itself claims to be the inspired Word of God, or “God-breathed” . It is, in fact, the best selling book of all time, with billions of copies distributed throughout the world in more than 2,400 languages. With so many copies in circulation today, anyone who wishes to read the Bible should be able to obtain one with relative ease.

First, however, a word of caution: Before you request a free Bible, make sure you’re getting it from a trustworthy ministry that will send you a reliable translation.

A Friend Or Family Member

Gideons Greem Pocket New Testament Psalms Proverbs Bible 1985 4.75" t

If you have a friend or family member who is a Christian, in most cases theyll have more than one Bible at their house, and would be more than glad to offer one of them to you.

I know I have several and would love to give one to a friend .

But Jesus told him, No! The Scriptures say, People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4

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The Gideons International The Nightstand At Your Hotel

If youve ever stayed at a hotel you know that just about every hotel room has a Gideon Bible in the night stand drawer.

What you may not know is that those Bibles are there for you to use or even to keep if youd like. The Bibles are replaced often and are put there for you to use, so dont be shy.

The scriptures are placed there by a group called The Gideons International, and in addition to hotels youll find them in key locations like hospitals, convalescent homes, medical offices, domestic violence shelters, prisons, and jails.

What Is Gideons Bible

Gideons bible is also known as Gideons international. Gideons international is a biblical association whose main focus is to give free copies of the bible. Gideon has distributed the bible in 194 countries and 94 different languages. One of Gideons international features is they place the bible in hospital, motel, and hotel rooms. The association mainly uses the King JAMES Version for its distribution. Sometimes they also use the new king James bible and testaments for distribution purposes. It is also called MEV or modern English version bibles and testaments.

It is given only when the hotel or buyer specifically wanted to buy the MEV bible. This association was founded by Janesville, Wisconsin, in 1899. This organization aims to create faith in each members heart that they are willing to God work with their own judgment, obedience, and humanity. The association started work in1908 when the first bible was kept in a superior hotel room in a city called superior, Montana. The bible is also distributed in military personnel of various countries, nursing homes, prisons, etc. free of cost.

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Can I Take A Gideon Bible

If they do not have a personal copy of the Bible The Gideons are pleased to be able to help. However, there are occasions when the Bibles are removed by guests for their own personal use. Local Gideon members are encouraged to be in regular contact with hotels to ensure there is a Bible in every room.

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Requesting A Free Bible

Gideon Bibles Make a Difference.wmv

This ministry is done by my wife and myself buying and shipping free Bibles worldwide on a limited budget living in Canada using our savings. We do not ask or receive Donations from anyone.

CRUCIAL: WE CAN NOT GRANT ALL FREE BIBLE REQUESTS BECAUSE OF THE VOLUME AND A LIMITED BUDGET. We will give you other reasonable resources to buy one or ask at any local church if we have to say no. When applying for a free Bible, these conditions below apply:1. Our only goal is to give a free Bible to those who cannot FINANCIALLY AFFORD who are searching for answers, desperate, without hope, and cannot afford their own Bible.

2.Please do not ask for a Bible if you CAN AFFORD TO BUY YOUR OWN. You can buy an excellent Bible and shipped for under $15.00 here. We can only send so many free Bibles each day. Please, if you are financially able, do not rob someone else that is desperate and not financially able to buy one.

3. IMPORTANT: This ministry sending free Bibles worldwide is done only by my wife and myself, retired on a VERY limited budget with no outside financial help. We cannot keep up with the daily demand for free Bibles. Due to our limited resources, please be honest in asking for a free Bible.

4. If you fill out our request form and meet all the requirements, there is still NO GUARANTEE YOUR REQUEST WOULD BE ACCEPTED because of the daily volume of requests and limited funds we, unfortunately, have to say no to folks that really cannot afford their own Bible.

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