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How To Learn Bible Stories

Zacchaeus God Can Change Lives

How to Study the Bible: 3 – Old Testament Narrative (Bible Stories)

Bible Reference: Luke 19

Zacchaeus is a very relatable story for kids. Feeling like youre left out, that you have no friends, or that youre too little to be noticed are extremely relatable feelings for a child. The story of Zacchaeus shows the power of Jesus to erase loneliness, sadness and most importantly bring about forgiveness of our sins. Kids will see that if Zacchaeus could have a changed life, then so can they.

Dig Deep Using Verse Mapping

Verse mapping is an interesting Bible study method that I only learned about a couple months ago. If youre a visual learner, verse mapping may be a perfect way for you to get started. The basic idea is taking a single verse of the Bible and breaking it down visually. There are some great examples of this, as well as guided instructions, in the Verse Mapping Bible.

Related:Creative Bible Journaling Ideas

Biblestorying Is More Than Memorizing

But as people begin to jump into the storytelling world, they think they must memorize Bible stories so they can tell them accurately word-for-word. However, the orality movement encourages what they call detail-for-detail accuracy. To gain this level of storytelling ability, one needs to learn Bible stories through at least one method of story boarding. The storyteller will also want to join or start a storying group to practice storytelling skills. Then, depending on the culture of the people, the storyteller will develop a story list appropriate for his/her target group.

Recommended Reading: Pray Unceasingly Verse

Learning From The Bad Examples

One purpose of Bible stories is so we can learn from the bad examples . The Bible has many stories that reveal to us examples of humans trying to live life without God or succumbing to one of many human weaknesses.

For example, in 2 Chronicles 26 we read the story of Uzziah, who was actually one of Judahs better kings. Uzziah became king when he was only 16 years old, and he had a long reign that was full of military victories. He was one of the few kings who had a personal relationship with God and was successful.

Yet he started to grow proud and went against Gods law. Proud because of his power and the strength that God had given him, he decided that he would offer incense up to God, something God had commanded that only the priests should do. When the priests resisted Uzziah and tried to tell him that it was not his place, he grew angry with them. While he was arguing with the priests who had dared to go against him, God cursed him with leprosy. He was forced to live by himself for the rest of his life.

Whats the purpose behind this story, set long ago in ancient Judah?

Its purpose is so we can learn from King Uzziahs example. His success caused him to grow prideful, and he came to disregard Gods law. We have to be on guard so that pride doesnt strike us when God blesses us with success.

We have to learn from the bad examples if we dont want to follow in their footsteps.

What Are Some Good Bible Studies For First

Joshua  Free Bible lesson for under 5s

Over the years, Ive come to realize that Gods Word was meant to be understood by regular people, just like us. Its not meant to confuse us! If you have a Bible, a desire to learn, and the Holy Spirit working in you, begin by simply opening up your Bible you dont need to buy any Bible studies. I have a masters degree, but I didnt need it to begin studying the Bible. I didnt need any degrees or special classes to get started, and you dont either. Take the first stepsimply use the Bible and other tools mentioned in this article, and let the word begin to take root in your heart. God will illuminate His Word to you!

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Iii Principles For Working With Expository Narrative And Poetic Material

The examples we are using in this lesson are taken from three of the predominant genres2 in the Bible: expository writing, narrative literature, and poetry. We need to comment on these briefly in order to help you work with and teach these various genres.

A. Expository Materials

The epistles are expository letters sent to various churches to further them in their understanding of God, Christ and his work, the Spirit, and living honorably for God. They are decidedly not stories, though they make frequent reference to stories from the Old Testament . They are didactic, expositional writings whose meaning is direct and, compared to most narrative, on the surface. They lend themselves to outlines much more easily and are concerned with communicating raw ideas. Note: there are times when expositional material appears in the context of narrative, such as John 1:1-18 and the many didactic discourses of Christ in the gospels. They must be related to the entire narrative, but treated as expositional material. Also, it is to be noted that there is a fair amount of poetry in the various expository letters of the New Testament.

B. Narrative Material

The bottom line is: when teaching a story from the Bible, help the people in the audience identify with the characters in the story, especially the ones who are good examples to follow. Help them to live it, as if they were there when it happened. Thus, recreation is of the essence in teaching narrative material.

C. Poetic Material

Iv Preparing A Lesson From Expository Materialjohn : 1

A. Pick the Passage: John 1:1-18

B. Study the Passage Using Observations and Questions/Answers

We completed this in the previous lesson. Go there now and review the material if you need to. Think through the words, structure , mood, as well as the type of literature youre working with. We gave you a little help above with teaching three different kinds of literature, e.g., expository, narrative, and poetic.

C. State the Subject/Complement:

We said that the subject/complement for John 1:1-18 was something like: The reason that the eternal Word of God became flesh was so that he might reveal God to all men and that they might believe in him and become Gods children.

D. Develop the Textual Outline of the Passage

We prepared the following general outline:

E. Develop the Subject/Complement

In order to develop the subject/complement we ask three questions in light of one primary question. The primary question is: What is the purpose for this lesson? What do I want to accomplish with this lesson? Well, the purpose I choose should be consistent with the purpose for the passage as originally givenas far as we can tell. Now it is clear that John wrote the prologue to his gospel in order to foster genuine and full belief in Jesus. So, his purpose was directly related to the salvation of people as well as their subsequent growth in the Christian life.

F. Develop the Lesson from the Outline

    I. Introduction

      A. Summarize the Big Idea. Say it Again.

      B. Illustrate and Appeal

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Accepting Those Who Are Different

Read Acts 10.

You may choose to paraphrase and shorten this story or use the summary in the key concepts below.

Questions for discussion
  • How was Cornelius different from Peter?
  • Why did Peter go and visit Cornelius?
  • What did Peter tell Cornelius?
  • Who can be accepted into Gods family?
  • How should we treat people who are different from us?
  • Key concepts

    Cornelius was not a Jew, but he loved and served God faithfully. God sent an angel to Cornelius and the angel told him to go and find a man named Peter who lived in a town called Joppa. At the same time, God told Peter that he should go with the men who had come to fetch him and take him to visit Cornelius.

    This was unusual because, at that time, it was against the rules of the Jews for them to visit with Gentiles . People who were not Jews were called Gentiles. Jews believed that they were the only people who could be a part of Gods family because God told them that they were His chosen ones.

    When Peter went and visited Cornelius, Peter realized that God accepted people of all nations who feared Him and did what was right. God gave the gift of His Holy Spirit to Cornelius and his family that day. Peter also baptized them, which showed others that they were followers of Jesus Christ and part of Gods family. Peter accepted Cornelius because God asked him to. God also asks us to accept others as He accepts us .

    Basic Tools To Use When You Start Studying

    My Learn to Read Bible – Tracy Harrast

    Youll want to keep these basic Bible study tools and resources on hand:

    • Bible
    • Pens
    • Highlighters
    • Post-it notes
    • Journal or notebook

    If youre a creative person or love to make things beautiful, you might also want to use:

    Related:Best Journaling Bibles

    You might also want to keep a simple beginner Bible study plan with your supplies. For example, will you begin with the gospel of John, as we discussed earlier? Or maybe our Gods Love scripture writing plan? Keeping a printed reading plan or devising a set schedule will help you stay motivated and on track.

    Recommended Reading: Everyone Is Born A Sinner Bible Verse

    Jesus Walks On Water:

    The New Testament


    What happens when you throw a rock in the water? It sinks, right? What will happen if you try to walk on water? Youll drown. But not Jesus!

    A long time ago, Jesus asked his disciples to wait for him on the boat while he went up to a mountain to pray. As the disciples waited for the boat for Jesus, a strong storm blew the boat away to the middle of the sea. The disciples tried hard to row the boat back to the shore, but to no avail.

    The disciples were worried about Jesus and wondered what they could do to get their master to the boat. Suddenly, they saw a man walk into the water! The disciples panicked, thinking that a man was about to drown. But it was Jesus, and he did not drown. Instead, he walked over the water and reached the boat safely.

    One of Jesuss disciples, Peter, asked if he too could walk on water. Jesus said yes, as long as he kept Jesus as his focus. Soon, Peter too was walking on water. But the moment he took his eye off Jesus and concentrated on the waves, he began to sink.

    Jesus grabbed Peter and saved him. Finally, the disciples realized that Jesus was the Son of God. It can be one of the best bible stories for kids to teach about Jesus.


    Make God your focus, not your problems.

    Daniel & The Lions Den Faith In Times Of Great Trouble

    Bible Reference: Daniel 6

    Daniel and the Lions Den is exciting and thrilling, bringing faith to life through an animal encounter, which is something that anyone can imagine and relate to. Daniels strong unwavering faith is a great story to revert to in times of trouble. Showing an example of Gods protection and love for those who love and put their faith in Him.

    Read Also: Rhema Correspondence Bible School

    Simple Ways For Kids To Learn The Books Of The Bible

    Learning the books of the Bible doesnt have to be boring! Use these activities when you are planning lessons for your Sunday school class.

    Helping kids learn the books of the Bible gives them a foundation of Biblical knowledge that they can build on for the rest of their lives. These activities will not only help your kids understand the basic structure of the Bible, they will keep them engaged and having fun!

    You can download these activities one-by-one below, or as a set in one PDF here: Books of the Bible Activities

    Looking for a books of the Bible song, too? We love these options from Seeds Family Worship!

    The Ascension Of Jesus Christ

    Pin on Nehemiah Preschool Bible lesson

    The ascension of Jesus brought the earthly ministry of Christ to a close. As a result, two outcomes paramount to our faith occurred. First, our Savior returned to heaven and was exalted to the right hand of God the Father, where he now intercedes on our behalf. Equally important, the ascension made it possible for the promised gift of the Holy Spirit to come to earth on the Day of Pentecost and be poured out on every believer in Christ.

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    Reading The Bible Isnt Easy

    But the only way to learn how the Bible workshow every poem fits in, what purpose every law serves, what every person teaches us in the unfolding narrative of Scriptureis to read through the Bible bit by bit. Overviews and surveys of the Bible are helpful to get some kind of grasp of whats happening, but its impossible to see the full scope of the Bibles story without regularly reading through the whole Bible.

    The problem, though, is that reading the Bible can be very challenging. The names, customs, laws, genealogies, and styles of writing are not always very easy to understand right away. So, a lot of well-meaning Christians this year will make a resolution to read through the Bible, only to become discouraged and quit reading somewhere around the book of Leviticus.

    What Kind Of Bible Should A Beginner Get

    The best Bible to get is one youll actually read! You can use a regular reading Bible, but a quality study Bible is an even better option. It will say Study Bible and will include many extra notes and comments inside about what youre reading.

    Choose one that:

    • Works well for your reading style and comprehension level
    • Suits your budget
    • Is well made

    The ESV Study Bible is a solid choice. You can get it in an inexpensive hardcover or in a higher quality leather cover .

    Try to get the best quality you can afford, so you can enjoy it for many years to come. Bible study tends to give your Bible a real workout as you flip between pages, from passage to passage. Better quality Bibles are more apt to withstand more serious use. Theyll have better quality paper, and a binding that wont fall apart after the first year.

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    Ii An Expanded Overview Of The Process Of Teaching A Bible Lesson

      A. First, Crystallize the Big Idea

        1. Select A Passage and Study It

        2. State the Subject/Complement Clearly and Succinctly

          a. According to the World of the Text

          b. According to the World of Your Audience

      B. Second, Develop the Homiletical1 Idea according to the Outline and Purpose for the Lesson

        1. Ask Yourself Three Questions in Light of One Primary Question

          a. One Primary Question: What Is the Purpose of My Lesson? What Do I Want It to Accomplish?

          b. Three Developmental Questions: What Do I Need to Explain, Defend, and/or Apply from the Idea so that the Purpose for the Sermon Will Be Realized?

        2. State Your Outline in Terms of Universal Truths

      C. Bring the Lesson to a Fitting Conclusion and Write the Introduction

        1. A Conclusion Should

          a. Capture the Attention of the Audience

          b. Raise the Need for the Lesson

          c. Orient People to the Big Idea in the Lesson

    Catering To Oral Learners

    How listening groups can learn how to tell a Bible Story

    Missionaries and Christian leaders around the world are finding that often the best way to make disciples of oral learners is through Bible storytelling. Whats an oral learner? Well, whether someone simply cant read or write , or whether he/she has a university degree but prefers not to read much anymore , they both are oral learners: they gain their knowledge in ways other than through reading. Most often they learn through stories told around a campfire, in a community meeting room, or on big or small screens.

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    Reasons To Study The Bible

    Why do you want to study the Bible? Pause and consider this. God is drawing you in, prompting you to grow closer to Him. Having some concrete reasons and understanding why this is important to you will help you stay motivated to study long after the initial inspiration has passed. Here are three solid reasons to begin studying the Bible:

    To gain insight on who God is. Theologians have described the Bible as Gods love letter to us. It teaches us his likes, dislikes, and about his character. The Bible is a book about God, and it reveals to us a little bit about who God is on every page. How can we truly know him if we dont intently study his word?

    To receive wisdom and instruction. The Bible teaches us so much, and studying it helps us grow in wisdom. For example, in the Old Testament, the book of Proverbs is filled with instruction and principles for how best to live our life here on earth. We also find needful insight in the gospels and letters to the New Testament churches. 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us, All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

    Related:How Do I Get Closer to God?

    The Story Of The Blind Man:

    Image: Shutterstock

    The New Testament


    We have all heard about the miracles Jesus did. Want to hear about another one of his great miracles?

    There was a time when the disciples of Jesus still had a hard time understanding his miracles. So, once when they were in the city of Bethsaida, the disciples brought a blind man to Jesus. They requested Jesus to heal the man so he could see Gods wonderful creation.

    So, Jesus led the man out of the city. He then spat on his eyes and touched them. And there it was another miracle. A blind man who could now see! This is a simple and short bible stories for kids that will allow them to learn about the wonderful things done by the Lord.


    Trust in God and youll see the true beauty of his creation.

    Don’t Miss: Maryland Theological College And Seminary


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