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HomeNew Church Member Welcome Letter

New Church Member Welcome Letter

Send A Welcome Packet

Church Letter Templates for Pastors and Church Leaders

Take time to make a Welcome Packet, and send any paperwork ahead of time. Do you remember your first day at a new job? There’s often loads of paperwork that needs to be completed. If at all possible, send as much of the paperwork or an online link that needs to be completed ahead of the first day. This will allow your new staff member the opportunity to do other things than just sit in their new office on their first day completing paperwork.

In this Welcome Packet, include a letter from their supervisor and/or even a card from their new team welcoming them to the organization. Also, include an overview of your organization, your history, your mission and vision, your benefits information, and your employee handbook.

Why Welcome Church Visitors

Church visitors want to feel welcomed and valued. Delivering a clear, concise, compelling church welcome message ensures that visitors will feel this way. These messages are meant to create a warm environment for new-comers in the best possible way.

If a church visitor feels highly valued, they are likely to return again. On the other hand, giving off a cold-shoulder vibe will make visitors uncomfortable and pass off the impression that they are not welcomed.

Review And Test Links

Before you send your membership welcome letter or email, be sure to proofread and make sure youve fixed any mistakes. Grammarly is an affordable option that nonprofits can use to ensure all communication pieces are error-free. Youll also need to check all links to website pages, and social media accounts are correct.

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Church Welcome Letter For New Members

Churches should send membership welcome letters to thank new members for joining the church and provide ways to connect with other members from the start.

Many members will give offerings or tithes during Sunday services, but the true role of a church member is to connect with other members and share Gods work with the community.

Your churchs welcome membership letter should focus on these relationships and provide concrete ways they can build an internal community.

Do not pressure new members to visit the church again. In your letter, add details on worship services and any upcoming events that should inspire them to do that instead. Avoid stretching it too much by including the church history. You can always add links to that information on the church website. Keep the letter concise and heartwarming. Make it all about gratitude, opportunities, and a new beginning.

We have included a free church welcome letter sample for you in the next section.

Have Everything Prepared For Their First Day

Sample Church Welcome Letter

Recruit a welcome team from your staff and assign each member specific things that they can be responsible for as you prepare for your new hire’s first day. Here are some things that the welcome team can do:

  • If your church provides a laptop, any office equipment, or supplies, have them on their desk when they arrive for their first day. Have their computer on their desk and ready to go with any software or programs needed.
  • Schedule a tour of the facilities. Introduce them to everyone along the way, especially the key leaders they’d need to ask any specific questions to.

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Dear New Members Of Our Church

Welcome to St. Johns Lutheran Church! We are so happy you have joined our congregation, and we hope you will find yourself at home in our faith community. As you begin to explore the resources available here at St. Johns, please know that we are here to help you as you grow in faith and become part of our church family.

Our congregation is made up of people from all walks of lifenot just Lutherans but also Christians from other denominations and faiths who share our commitment to Gods love for us all. Our beliefs about this love are set out clearly in the Apostles Creed: I believe in God, creator of heaven and earth. And we believe that Jesus ChristGods sonwas sent into this world so that all people could know him they could be saved from their sin they could come face-to-face with God himself they could live forever with him on earth or beyond death in heaven .

How To Write A Welcome To Church Letter

Follow these steps to compose a Welcome Letter to New Church Members:

  • Greet the recipient of the letter and introduce yourself. If you have met in person, you can refer to your previous encounter to let the individual know you remember them.
  • Express your gratitude to the letter reader whether they attended a church service for the first time or committed themselves to your religious institution by becoming an official church member. You can tell them you hope they felt welcome and at ease at the beginning of their spiritual journey in your community and highlight several foundational beliefs of your congregation.
  • In case the letter recipient is a recent convert or you have heard about their struggles and doubts regarding their faith, you can add several sentences sharing your own experiences or reassuring the individual they will have your support in the future.
  • If your community has been planning events and you were entrusted with welcoming guests to the church, you can include a brief invitation in the letter. Describe what are you going to celebrate or explain the purpose of the upcoming fundraising and offer the letter recipient to visit you again or contribute to the charitable cause in question.
  • Haven’t found the template you’re looking for? Take a look at the related templates and samples below:

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    Share Facts About The Organization

    One of the primary reasons members join a nonprofit is because of the mission. They may have already been impressed with your work and want to hear about the ways their gifts can make a difference. Real stories and testimonials from beneficiaries will go a long way in convincing them to continue their memberships.

    Your welcome letter doesnt need to have detailed updates and stories but you can definitely add testimonials and pictures to strengthen their trust in you.

    Encourage Current Members To Welcome New Church Members

    5 Tips for Welcoming Church Visitors

    You don’t have to do all of the work on your own. When you’re trying to welcome new church members, you can involve other current members.

    You can put out a general “call to action” to your entire congregation. Encourage them to welcome new community members or friends to join your church, or at least pay a visit.

    People will be more likely to trust friends and community members who are giving them church recommendations. Word-of-mouth is still one of the best ways to .

    When it comes to visitors who are already checking out your service, consider asking some of your more “outgoing” members to make an effort to include them.

    Place them strategically around the church in areas where visitors are more likely to linger . Have them chat with visitors so they feel more welcome.

    You want to prove your church is a true community. By enlisting help from your current congregation, you’ll show newcomers that they’ll be able to form strong bonds there.

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    Keep It Short And Personal

    Always address members with their first names and keep everything simple. Make an excellent first impression by making your members feel important and valued. As much as possible, please encourage them to participate or ask questions. Provide contact information in case they have clarifications or questions about your church.

    As much as possible, don’t overwhelm them with spiritual talk or use church jargon. Just be conversational to make them feel welcome.

    The People At St Johns Have A Warm Hearted Generous Way About Them That Comes From Loving Jesus So Much The Hearts Of Our People Are Open To Sharing Their Time And Their Homes With Others You Will Find Many Ways To Meet New Friends As Well As Grow Your Personal Walk With God In Our Sunday School Classes And Bible Studies There Are Many Opportunities For Young Families As Well As Single People In Our Church Family

    • Your heart will be warmed by the people at St. Johns. The warm-hearted, generous way about them that comes from loving Jesus so much!
    • You will find many ways to meet new friends as well as grow your personal walk with God in our Sunday school classes and bible studies. There are many opportunities for young families as well as single people in our church family.

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    Sample Letter Of Encouragement To Church Members For Donations

    Dear ,

    We thank the grace of God that you have chosen to join our community at . We hope that your time with us offers you the chance to explore and deepen your faith and enrich the love you have for the Lord. We look forward to greeting you properly at our service on at .

    Over the years, has had many wonderful opportunities to support individuals and the local community. We hope that as part of our congregation, you will continue to support this valuable work.

    If you would like to offer our church financial assistance, all donations are very welcome! Please contact our church office to find out more about donation methods and opportunities.

    May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us.

    With kind regards,

    How To Welcome New Church Members

    pastorâs letter â Groveville United Methodist Church

    wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 13 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 89,448 times.Learn more…

    Most churches are happy to open their doors to new members. It is important for new church members to feel like they have made the right choice, and churches will want visitors and members to be comfortable in their church home. Welcome new church members by being accessible, hospitable, and helpful in connecting them to other people and groups within the church.

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    Personalize The Email Subject Line

    The worst thing you can do when sending a membership welcome letter is to end up in the spam folder. It doesnt take much, but by including the persons name, you can ensure your email doesnt get lost. A simple Welcome Finn! Thanks for joining will start your welcome letter off on the right foot.

    Personalizing your letter is an easy task when youve chosen the right membership tool for your organization. Donorbox automatically stores your members information in the tool. You can easily find members for a particular membership campaign by adding a filter to the Supporters list on the Donorbox dashboard. You can now check out each members record to personalize your letter.

    New Church Welcome Letter From Pastor

    Dear ,

    My name is . As a pastor with more than years of experience under my belt, welcoming new members to our church community is one of my greatest privileges.

    Here at , we are fortunate enough to form a vibrant and loving community. We are blessed to share in the light and love of the Lord and to have the opportunity to come together in celebration of this love.

    Your church is a place that you can turn to for celebration or support. It is my privilege and job to help facilitate this. If there is anything I can do to help or support you, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

    I look forward to meeting you/seeing you again, at our next service on at .

    , Pastor for

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    Make Your Church Visitor

    If you have a large church, or even a small church with a tight-knit community, it’s common for visitors to feel overwhelmed or intimidated. After all, they’re outsiders.

    Make your church as visitor-friendly as possible. There are a few ways that you can do this.

    First, make sure there’s adequate signage and directions. While you should give your newcomers a tour when they arrive, it’s best to provide more than enough information for them to navigate the church on their own.

    Any information about the church or future events should be easy to find for visitors. Make sure that it’s front and center so they don’t have to go looking. Visitors who feel confused about the layout of your church are less likely to want to return.

    Church Membership Welcome Letter From The Church Office

    How to use our Church Letters Website

    Dear ,

    It gives us great pleasure that you have chosen to celebrate the grace of the Lord with us at . Your presence in our congregation is truly a blessing, and we look forward to praying, celebrating, and coming together as a community in the eyes of our Lord.

    As a caring congregation, we look forward to sharing God’s love and blessings with you in the years to come. May your love and faith increase during your time with us.

    We eagerly await our first opportunity to pray with you on at . After your first service at , we would also invite you to stay and have some food with fellow members of our community.

    In the meantime, let us once again welcome you to . If you have any questions at all, or if we can support you in any way, please feel free to contact us on the number above.

    May your love for the Lord protect and guide you.

    With regards,

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    Letters To Citizens Neighbors

    Letters to citizens and neighbors are letters written to residents or natives of a certain town or city or to people who reside near or next door to the sender. These letters could be formal or informal depending on the sender and the content. For instance, a local government official may write an inform letter to notify citizens of a major security alert in their area of residence. In this case, this will be a formal letter. In other instances, a person may write to invite his/her neighbors to a house party, to offer condolences, to say thank you, or even to apologize. In such situations, the letters are informal and usually have a casual tone. The best letters to citizens and neighbors are brief and carry only the intended message. State the purpose of your letter clearly in the introductory paragraph so that the recipient can have an idea of what the letter is about. Convey your message and provide any other information you feel might be important to the recipient. End the letter positively and thank the recipient for his/her time, wishing him/her well. If your letter is formal, your full name and signature will be required.

    Deliver A Welcome Basket

    Your new team member has arrived in your city. Depending on how far they moved, they are probably filled with some mixed emotions. Some have left family behind. Some have never moved to a new location. Whatever the situation, it can be a very emotional time. So, how can we help? One way is by having a welcome basket delivered on their move-in day.

    In the welcome basket, you could include local gift cards to nearby restaurants and local retail stores like Target or Wal-Mart, snacks, waters, a map or list to some local favorites of your staff, and maybe a Home Depot or Lowes gift card. Have a team member put together the welcome basket and think about things to include that would help the transition go well on those first few days of moving in. If the new team member has children, you could include a few small toys or if they have teens, then add a movie theater gift card or the like. Include anything that lets the entire family know, “We are so excited about you being here.”

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    Sample 3 For A Visitor

    Finding words to welcome new church members is important, but what about the visitors? This sample gives you a short greeting for newcomers. Using it will help them feel welcome and increase the likelihood they might return to become a member.

    Welcome to . There is someone who has traveled a long way today to get here. from has come all the way to to join us today. Please help me give him/her/them a big welcome.

    Make The Receiver Feel Important

    Pin on Sample Letters and Letter Templates

    The tone of the whole letter should be you-oriented. It must make your visitor feel that he is an important person for the Church even if he has visited once. Everyone wants special treatment whether it is a Church or a restaurant. It makes the visitors feel worthy of their visit and that is the whole purpose of the church welcome letter. For example,

    “…I’m glad you were able to attend and found your visit to be inspiring, meaningful, and even challenging. It was incredible of you to take out some time for your spiritual peace⦔

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    Church Welcome Letter Including Fundraising Opportunities

    Dear ,

    Warmest greetings to the newest member/s of ! We sincerely hope this letter finds you well and in good faith.

    At we are blessed to pray together, explore our faith, and deepen our personal connections to God. We are a supportive and loving community, who looks forward to welcoming you at your first service on at . It would bring us great pleasure if you could stay for some food and drink after the service to meet the rest of our congregation.

    In the meantime, we would like to offer you the opportunity to take part in some of our vibrant community activities. offers a great deal of support in the local community with little external financial funding. Because of this, we run regular fundraising events and any volunteers are most welcome.

    Our latest fundraiser will be a and will take place on at . Doors will open at . If you would like to help organize this event or lend a hand on the day, please contact at .

    In the meantime, may the Lord love and keep you well. We look forward to seeing you soon,


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