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What Is The Easiest Bible To Read For Beginners

The Starting Point Study Bible

7 Easy Steps on how to read the Bible for beginners


The Starting Point Study Bible is an excellent Bible for new believers or believers who have recently rededicated their lives to Christ and need to make a fresh start. This Bible will help you begin your journey with Christ by teaching you how to build the proper foundation of faith. It will also help you apply biblical truth to your daily life.

Dig Deep Using Verse Mapping

Verse mapping is an interesting Bible study method that I only learned about a couple months ago. If youre a visual learner, verse mapping may be a perfect way for you to get started. The basic idea is taking a single verse of the Bible and breaking it down visually. There are some great examples of this, as well as guided instructions, in the Verse Mapping Bible.

The Family That Reads Together Stays Together

That saying may be cliché and all, but if well think about it, reading together creates a tight bond between families. Just like whats written in Psalms 128:1-2, Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways. When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you.

Remember to spend quality time reading the Bible by yourself and with your family, this will not only strengthen you as a person but will tighten the connection between you and your family. When trying to find the best Bibles for beginners for your family, the choice can be overwhelming. Purchasing any of the beginners Bibles above for you and your family will be a great place to start!

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Fall In Love With Gods Word

Reading Gods Word truly CAN be fun, enjoyable, encouraging, inspiring, and so much more.

If youre truly interested in learning how to read the Bible for beginners, Id love to invite you to check out my brand new book: Fall in Love with Gods Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women!

Practical, encouraging, and full of biblical truth, Fall in Love with Gods Word has everything you need to learn how to:

  • Overcome 7 common obstacles preventing you from spending time in Scripture
  • Discover the personalized Bible-reading routine that works for YOU
  • Learn 15 easy ways to make reading the Bible for beginners more meaningful and enjoyable
  • Use Scripture to conquer sin, false beliefs, and negative thought patterns
  • Experience fresh spiritual growth and passion for Gods Word.

Please visit or your local bookstore to learn more and grab your copy of Fall in Love with Gods Word today!

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The Best Bible Version to Read for Beginners and Experts ...

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Get A Bible You Enjoy Reading

Bible reading isnt very fun when you dont understand what youre reading. Its incredibly helpful to have a Bible that can help you understand whats happening .

If youre looking for a helpful resource, the NIV Student Bible will provide a lot of insight. Built specifically for students of the Bible, it gives you just the right amount of help without overwhelming your time in the Word. And it has its own three-track reading program!

Another great resource is The Books of the Bible. Broken into four-volumes and by many of the genres mentioned earlier, this Bible is free from chapter and verse numbers that provides a seamless reading experience. When done with a partner or group, this approach to reading the Bible can be very enlightening and meaningful.

Best Bible Reading Plan Apps

Do you prefer to read digitally, on your phone or tablet? Personally, I prefer to hold a physical copy of the Bible in my hands as I read, but I know everyone is different. In that case, some Bible apps I recommend searching for in your app store are:

Bible by YouVersion Read, listen, study with friends, and more. One of the most popular Bible apps, with thousands of reading plans available.

She Reads Truth Women in the Word of God everyday. This beautifully designed app is geared to women and offers both free and paid Bible reading plans. Listen to beautifully dramatized Scripture at home, in the car, or at work.

First 5 By Proverbs 31 Ministries, this app helps transform your time with God. They offer short teachings and one-chapter-a-day readings.

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Get Started Reading The Bible

Now that you have all of your materials AND your Bible reading plan for beginners, youre ready to get started!

Thankfully, learning how to read the Bible for the first time really is easier than you might think.

Simply choose a book from the Bible reading plan for beginners above, and set a goal to read one chapter a day.

Each chapter of the Bible starts with a big number. Each verse in the Bible starts with a small number. So a chapter is typically only a page or so, while a verse is typically only a sentence or two.

You write them like this: John 3:16 = the book of John, chapter 3, verse 16.

Dont worry if you dont understand every single word. Ive been reading my Bible for decades and I still dont understand every single word or know how to apply them all. No one does. Theres always more to learn!

But you really can learn a LOT simply by reading through a little each day, thinking about what youre reading, and looking for ways to apply what youre learning to your real life. The more you read and put into practice, the more you learn and grow!

Reasons To Study The Bible

HOW TO READ THE BIBLE || For Beginners!

Why do you want to study the Bible? Pause and consider this. God is drawing you in, prompting you to grow closer to Him. Having some concrete reasons and understanding why this is important to you will help you stay motivated to study long after the initial inspiration has passed. Here are three solid reasons to begin studying the Bible:

To gain insight on who God is. Theologians have described the Bible as Gods love letter to us. It teaches us his likes, dislikes, and about his character. The Bible is a book about God, and it reveals to us a little bit about who God is on every page. How can we truly know him if we dont intently study his word?

To receive wisdom and instruction. The Bible teaches us so much, and studying it helps us grow in wisdom. For example, the book of Proverbs is filled with instruction and principles for how best to live our life here on earth. We also find needful insight in the gospels and letters to the New Testament churches. 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us, All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Related:How Do I Get Closer to God?

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Study By Using The Soap Method

SOAP is an acronym to help you remember, and it stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer.

First, you choose the scripture you want to study, then write it out in a notebook. Read through it several times. Second, make as many observations as you can about the passage. Think about the who/what/when/where/why of the passage, and write them down. What does it mean? Third, based on your observations, ask yourself what youve learned from those observations and how they can apply to your life. Finally, pause and pray about what youve learned.

If youd like to try this simple way to study the Bible , check out my post about how to use the SOAP Bible study method.

What Is The Best Order To Read The Bible For The First Time

If you are just starting to read the Bible, you may be wondering about the best order to read the Bible for the first time. If you need a guide, we highly recommend Through The Bible. Using this guide, you will be able to read through the Bible chronologically. You will begin with Genesis and will end with Revelation. And everything in between with be like nothing youve ever experienced before, even if youve read the Bible! You will experience every event of the Bible, one after the other, in the order in which they occurred. Everything, including Psalms, Prophets and Proverbs will be order for you! You will be able to sit down and read the Bible every day, just like a novel!

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Which Is The Best Bible Translation To Read

With so many Bible translations available in the English language, choosing one thats best for you can be challenging. A lot depends on who you are. Are you a seeker or a new Christian with little knowledge of the Bible? Are you more interested in accuracy for in-depth Bible study or reading through the Bible?

Some versions are word for word translations, while others are thought for thought. Word for word versions translate as precisely as possible from the original languages . Thought for thought translations convey the central idea, and are easier to read, but not as accurate.

The KJV and other early English translations of the New Testament were based on the Textus Receptus, a Greek New Testament published by the Catholic scholar Erasmus in 1516. Erasmus used hand-written Greek manuscripts dating back to the 12th century.

As time passed, older Greek manuscripts became available some dating back to the 3rd century. Scholars discovered the oldest manuscripts were missing verses found in the newer ones that Erasmus used. They thought the verses had probably been added in over the centuries. Therefore, many translations dont have all the verses youll see in the King James Version, or they may have them with a note that they arent found in the oldest manuscripts.

Bible Translations To Avoid

What Version of the Bible Is Easiest to Read  Beginners ...

The New World Translation is published by the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society . The five translators had virtually no Hebrew or Greek training. Because Jehovahs Witnesses believe Jesus is not equal with God, they translated John 1:1 as the Word was agod. John 8:58 translates Jesus as saying, before Abraham came into existence, I have been . In Exodus 3, God gave His name to Moses as I am, but because Jehovahs Witnesses dont believe Jesus is part of the Godhead or eternal, they changed the correct translation.

Although many Christians love The Message, an extremely loose paraphrase by Eugene Peterson, its so loose that it significantly changes the meaning of many verses and can be misleading.

The Passion Translation by Brian Simmons is his attempt to include the love language of God, but he significantly adds to and takes away words and phrases in Bible verses, which alters the meaning of the verses.

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Create A Spiritual Growth Plan

One of the easy steps to study the bible as a beginner is to first map out a growth plan. This plan covers the time of the day, hours or minutes you will be dedicating for bible study. You can choose to study the bible early in the morning, at noon, or in the evening, depending on your schedule. If you are a stay at home mom, studying the bible at noon or evening might really work for you, because your kids will be at school, and you would have little to no distraction.

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If You’re Wondering How To Start Reading The Bible Here Are My Top Five Places To Start Reading The Bible:

1. The Gospel of John – This is the best place for new believers, especially, to start reading. This book will give you a good understanding of who Jesus is and what His ministry is about. Although the other Gospel accounts do this, the book of John particularly focuses on who Jesus is rather than just what He did.

2. Romans – This is a good place to start if you want a clear understanding of the Gospel. I suggest every Christian read Romans to build confidence in the faith they profess. Since the entire Bible points to the Good News of Jesus Christ, this is certainly a good place to start.

3. Psalms – This is a great place to start if you’re looking for encouragement. The Psalms offer hope, and healing, and help us to better understand that God is with us no matter our circumstances. I often suggest reading Psalms if stress and anxiety keep you up at night because the poetry style of writing is not only relatable but also very comforting.

4. Proverbs – This book is packed with wisdom. It offers biblical knowledge and instruction to help guide us in our day-to-day life. It’s a great place to start if you want practical direction on how to live out this Christian life. The brevity of each verse also makes it an easy and light read.

Use this free PDF for prayer in addition to reading scripture – Praying Through the Psalms: A 30 Day Prayer Guide

Compass: The Study Bible For Navigating Your Life

Where to Start When Reading The Bible How to Read The Bible for Beginners | Busy Entrepreneur Life

Thomas Nelson

The concept behind the Compass Bible is just as the title implies. It was designed to help people connect with God by pointing them in the right direction and revealing how they fit into God’s story. Compass is written in what is known as the Voice translation, a mix of “word-for-word” and “thought-for-thought” translation approaches. Especially enjoyable is its translation of Revelation, one of the Bible’s most difficult books to understand.

Compass makes a great gift for a new believer, a seeker, or anyone who wants to take a fresh and meaningful journey through the Scriptures.

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Read Through One Book At A Time

With this method, you simply work through one book at a time, instead of skipping around. This helps you fully grasp the meaning of the book overall and how each chapter relates its message. This should be one of your go-to methods of Bible study. If all of your studies bounce from passage to passage, you only gain fragments of Bible knowledge and never a sense of the whole. When you do a whole book from beginning to end, you learn about Bible topics as they arise in your reading and ultimately build a better foundation.

Bible Study Apps For Beginners

There are many free apps and websites you can use to aid in Bible study. Here are a few of the more helpful ones Ive used over the years its by no means an exhaustive list, but perfect for getting started.

She Reads Truth Downloadable in your App store, She Reads Truth is an app I keep on my phone for when I want to quickly look up a Bible verse. They also offer digital Bible reading plans, but I havent used those, although Ive heard good things about them. Theres also a He Reads Truth version.

Bible Gateway Another good app for Bible study on the go, with more than 90 Bible translations available, audio Bibles, verse of the day options, and more.

Blue Letter Bible This is a good Bible study app. I think its best feature is that it breaks down what youre reading, verse by verse. This is really helpful when youre studying the Bible as a beginner, especially.

YouVersion YouVersion is another Bible app filled with a huge database of translations. Its Bible reading plans and devotionals make it a bit more unique than the others. They outline a wide variety of topics from the Bible as well, which can be helpful with topical study.

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