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HomeNewsWhere Is David Jeremiah Church

Where Is David Jeremiah Church

Joel & Victoria Osteen: Lakewood Church

The Rapture of the Church | Dr. David Jeremiah

Joel Osteens bright smile is one of the best-known on television. The Osteens have their own SiriusXM channel and their television shows have higher ratings than all but the largest sports events. One of the most famous couples in the world, the Osteens promote evangelical Christian values and maintain a positive public image. Their Houston-based church averages more than 50,000 attendees each week and is regarded as the largest physical congregation in the United States.

What Does Turning Point Church Believe

  • Core Beliefs We have faith in our one, unchanging God, who is the Creator of the universe and all in it.
  • He manifests himself to the world as three distinct individuals: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • Because we believe that God wants us to live pure and productive lives, we must be baptized in water and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit in order to fulfill Gods purpose for our lives.
  • Seven Churches Of Revelation Bible Study

    Rome and the surrounding territories became increasingly hostile to Jesus followers after His death. According to tradition, every disciple, except one, was martyred for his faith, and that disciples fate wasnt much betterJohn was exiled to a rocky, inhospitable island called Patmos. During this exile, Jesus Christ spoke to John in a vision. He revealed far-off future events, and He gave John messages for each of the seven churches in Asia Minor. Dotted with words of encouragement and correction, the Lords letters offer a promise to him who overcomes. Even today, they identify the kinds of struggles Christians face, and they teach us how to overcome trials.

    Well study the context of the messages, what they meant for the original churches, and what they mean for us today.

    What Are the Seven Churches of Revelation?1. Ephesus2. Smyrna3. Pergamos4. Thyatira5. Sardis6. Philadelphia7. Laodicea

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    Because Everyone Deserves An Answer

    You have questions. And youre not the only one!

    Perhaps like no other time in recent history, Christians and non-Christians alike are asking many questions. These trying times have raised deep spiritual questions about the meaning of life, the existence of God, the person of Jesus, the possibility of life after death, and the way to get to heaven.

    Everyone deserves an answer. And God is ready to answer these questions!

    Helping you find answers to spiritual questions is at the heart of Turning Points ministry. David Jeremiahs Ten Questions Christians Are Asking resources will help you face everyday challenges by bringing you practical, real-life answers from the heart of Gods Word.

    Who Is Pastor David Jeremiah And Where Is He Now

    i feel safer dr david jeremiah talks trump the church and the
  • Shadow Mountain Community Church is located in El Cajon, California, and David Jeremiah serves as the senior pastor there.
  • Additionally, he is a member of the evangelical advisory group for President Donald Trump.
  • Jeremiah was born in Toledo, Ohio, in the United States of America on February 13, 1941.
  • David and his family relocated to Dayton when he was one year old because his father had been called to serve as the Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church.
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    Turning Point With Dr David Jeremiah

    Sound teaching from Gods Word is the foundation of Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah. Recorded at Shadow Mountain Community Church in San Diego, California, where Dr. Jeremiah is Senior Pastor, Turning Point carries forward Dr. Jeremiahs goal of bringing the unchanging truth of Scripture to individuals and families living in an ever-changing world.

    All You Need Is Love: Forgiveness

    When Jesus saw faith, He said to the paralytic, Son, your sins are forgiven you.

    The hardest part of forgiving another person is acting like the offense never occurred. But that is what forgiving someone meansrestoring relationships to the status they enjoyed before the offense took place. Its one thing to say, I forgive you, but its another to act like all the effects of an offense are completely erased. After all, according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 13, love is known by its actions more than its words.

    Jesus faced this dilemma when He healed a paralytic man. When He told the man that his sins were forgiven , He was criticized. He was accused of blaspheming by saying He had the authority to forgive sinssomething only God can do. So, Jesus proved He had the authority to say, I forgive you, by doing something harder. He healed the mans paralysis. After all, as Jesus explained, actions speak louder than words .

    We cannot go through life without being hurt by others, so we should learn to forgive. Even more, we should practice demonstrating our forgiveness by our acts of lovingkindness. Look for opportunities to do both.

    Forgiveness is to be set loose from sins.G. Campbell Morgan

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    Where Can I Find The Sermons Teaching And Bible Studies By Dr David Jeremiah

    I was telling a Brother that, Every morning is a journey to six feet . This is a reality of life but the truth is that, life is full of up and downs and at the end of the tunnel, there is always a Turning Point. Dr. David Jeremiah is the founder of Turning Point for God, an international broadcast ministry committed to providing Christians with sound Bible teaching through radio and television, the Internet, live events, and resource materials and books. Dr. David Jeremiah is reaching and changing the world trouble his powerful sermons. The sermons by Dr. David Jeremiah is available to all and in all nations for the equipment of the Church. Dr. David Jeremiah sermons today is not a collection of words and wisdom of men but the voice of the Living Spirit of God.

    ‘i Feel Safer: ‘ Dr David Jeremiah Talks Trump The Church And The Economy

    Authentic Christian Ministry | Dr. David Jeremiah | Colossians 1:24-2:7

    Prominent pastor Dr. David Jeremiah sat down with CBN News to discuss the condition of the American Church, America’s economic climate and President Donald Trump.

    “While the demise of the Church seems to be a topic, there are many places where the Church is flourishing, where the Church is doing well,” Jeremiah told CBN News.

    “I think the Church today is strong where there’s strong teaching, where the Bible is the center, and where the people of God are centered in the truth because that’s what this is all about,” he continued.

    The senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church near San Diego, California, also talked about America’s financial condition these days.

    “Right now we are in the best economic situation I can ever remember in terms of the stock market being $5 trillion more than it was in November,” he said.

    “Many of the experts say we’re in the process of getting prepared for a big downturn, but nobody knows that, and I don’t know that,” Jeremiah continued. “I just know that ultimately if we don’t deal with our debt, then there’s not a lot of good news long-term.”

    “Hopefully, that’s being understood now,” he added.

    Jeremiah also discussed politics with CBN News, and specifically, the president.

    “Obviously, he’s… making a difference in many areas,” he said. “He’s making a difference economically nobody wants to talk about it, but I just mentioned what’s happened to the stock market since he’s been in office.”

    Did you know?

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    An Evening With Dr Jeremiah Live This Fall

    With so many voices clamoring for your attention today, who can you trust? There is only One reliable Voice to turn to in times like theseJESUS CHRIST. HIS VOICE is a Voice for every generation, and that will be our theme as we proclaim the Gospel in four cities in America this fall.

    Join Dr. Jeremiah for an inspiring evening of life-changing teaching, powerful worship, and special musical guests! Be sure to invite others from your community to join you at this dynamic event!

    Raleigh, NC | October 6

    Where Did David Jeremiah Grow Up In Ohio

    Biography Jeremiah was born on February 13, 1941 in Toledo, which is located in the state of Ohio in the United States. David and his family relocated to Dayton when he was one year old because his father had been called to serve as the Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church. He attended Cedarville University and received his bachelors degree there in 1963.

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    The Prescription For Their Christlessness

    Christ does not barge into churches where He is unwelcomeHe waits for an invitation. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me . Apparently, there were even fewer believers at Laodicea than there were at SardisHis invitation extends to anyone who hears His voice.

    From a prophetic perspective, Laodicea is a picture of the Church in the Last Days. It is sad to imagine Christ standing outside His own Church, but we need to ask ourselves if it is a picture of us. Has the Lord been pushed out of our assemblies? Has His Word been compromised in our pulpits? Are we too busy with plans and programs to even notice that we have crowded Him out? If Christ is knocking at the door of your heart or your Church, do not delayinvite Him in.

    Our World Is Full Of Greater Pressures Than Ever Before

    David Jeremiah on Dont Let Fear Become a Greater Problem than the ...

    These pressures can weigh you down, but theres no need to feel ill-equipped for the journey of life. Help is at your fingertipshelp that will give you everything you need to walk life’s journey with resilience and strength. Second Peter 1:3-11 maps out a path that leads to spiritual and personal transformation, and David Jeremiahs Everything You Need series will guide you all the way from God’s promise to His blessing.

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    About Dr David Jeremiah

    Dr. David Jeremiah is one of Americas most trusted Bible teachers. For more than 39 years he has helped millions deepen their understanding of the Bible through 4,552 daily Turning Point Radio releases and a daily Turning Point Television program that reaches millions of people globally.

    Copyright © 2022 Turning Point for God. All Rights Reserved · Terms & Conditions · Privacy Policy

    Gods Love Will Never Let You Go

    No matter who or what comes against us Gods love keeps us firmly connected to Him. #=# David Jeremiah Victory Word of God Unity Holy Spirit Overcoming Love of God Romans 8:31-39 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Hebrews 2:14-15 Religion Paul Timothy HD-DDJTP222904 2271260

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    What Are The 7 Churches In Revelation

  • According to Revelation chapter 1:11, Jesus Christ appears to John of Patmos and gives him the following instruction: Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamum, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea. This takes place on the island of Patmos in Greece.
  • The churches are being referred to here in this sense.
  • Learn To Live A Life Beyond Amazing

    Beware | Dr. David Jeremiah | Colossians 2:8-23

    Love. Joy. Peace. Endurance. Compassion. Generosity. Integrity. Humility. Self-discipline. Its a commendable list. How well does it describe you? We all fall short, but Dr. Jeremiah has identified biblical tools to help you experience the abundant life Jesus described. God has given us a strategy for relationships with ourselves, other people, and Him. Watch the series on TBN during Turning Points new daytime television program and order resources designed to equip you for living A Life Beyond Amazing.

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    Dr David Jeremiah: Shadow Mountain Community Church

    Dr. David Jeremiah is less well-known than his predecessor, Dr. Tim LaHaye, the creator of the massive bestselling fictionalized account of the Rapture, the Left Behind series. LaHaye died in 2016, and Jeremiah became senior pastor of the Shadow Mountain Community Church in San Diego. He is the host of radio and television shows and author of more than 50 books, particularly ones emphasizing Christian theology and views of morality. Jeremiahs radio programs reach an audience of about 480 million people worldwide, and Turning Point Television, broadcast in English and Spanish, reaches an estimated 2.7 households around the world.

    Answers To Questions About Prayer

    In Answers to Questions About Prayer, new from David Jeremiah, you will learn the answers to some of the most important questions you may have about talking to your Heavenly Father! This book is divided into five sections and makes it easy to find the answers to your questions. You will also find Prayers of Jesus to model and Scripture references for specific topics regarding prayer.

    Prayer is so easy to do, and yet so often, we fail to go to God in prayer unless we are in a place of despair or trouble. When we fail to pray, we miss the tremendous blessing that comes from a daily conversation with our Creator. Prayer should not be left out of our everyday life. It is an instant connectionno waiting requiredyou can pray any time, any place, any day. And while we often have questions about prayer, Gods Word contains the answers.

    If you have questions about prayer and its importance in the Christian life, this book will provide the answers.

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    Turning Point Ministries With David Jeremiah

    Dr. David Jeremiah is the senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California. Dr. Jeremiah is the author of numerous books, including the best-selling, Captured by Grace. His award-winning international radio and television ministry, Turning Point, reaches tens of millions of people around the globe, and reflects his commitment to the truth of the Bible and to helping people understand how to apply biblical principles to everyday life. His dynamic teaching ministry is world-renowned for delivering a strong message of truth that impacts culture today. Revitalize your reading of Scripture and transform your faith on one of the world-class travel events hosted by Dr. Jeremiah and Turning Point Ministries. Leading Believers to witness the majestic splendors of Gods creation, these phenomenal journeys include worship, face-to-face fellowship and excellent Bible teaching. Tours to Israel become life-changing pilgrimages to sacred sites, where the Word of God is illuminated through the expert teaching of Dr. Jeremiah. Cruise conferences provide the opportunity for Believers to laugh, sightsee, gain new biblical insights and create memories that will last forever. Join Dr. Jeremiah in the land that inspired your faith, or on a life-changing cruise that will forge new friendships and grow your roots even deeper in Gods Word.

    The Prescription For Spiritual Compromise

    Megachurch Pastor David Jeremiah Reveals How His Vote for President ...

    There is only one word of counsel for the spiritually compromised: Therefore be zealous and repent . But Jesus also puts those firm words in context: As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten.

    Good parents discipline the children they love. But have you ever seen a parent give up on a child? Maybe they throw up their hands and walk away. Its heartbreaking. We can be glad God doesnt do that. He loves us too much to leave us the way we are, and He wants us to come back to Him when we need to.

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    Johns Vision Of Christ

    If you have ever wondered what Jesus of Nazareth looked like, youre not alone. Biblically speaking, we do not know. The book of Isaiah contains the only reference to His appearancemore than seven hundred years before the Nativity. Isaiah described His appearance as average, not conspicuous in any way .

    The resurrected Christ appeared much different to John. He had striking white hair that suggested the age, wisdom, and dignity befitting a judge. His eyes were like a flame of fireeyes from whom nothing is hidden, eyes that will judge all mankind . His feet were like fine brass, another symbol of judgment in Scripture.

    John described two features of Christs mouth: the sound and the sword. Drowning out all other voices, His voice evoked thoughts of roaring waterfalls. Piercing soul and spirit, the sword represented the Word of God . When Christ returns, He will slay His enemies by His Word .

    In His right hand, Christ held seven stars, representing His authority . I believe the stars stand for the pastors of the seven churches who received authority from Christ to lead their churchesnot their authority, but Christs authority.

    This vision of Christ was so awe-inspiring that John fell at feet as dead . He was not the first person to respond to Gods presence in this way. Abraham , Moses , Balaam , Joshua , Gideon , and others all demonstrated terror in the presence of pure holiness and righteousness.

    The Jeremiah Study Bible:

    Drawing on more than 40 years of study, Dr. David Jeremiah has compiled a legacy resource that will make an eternal impact on generations to come!

    The Jeremiah Study Bible focuses on three simple things: what does the Bible say, what does it mean, and what it means for you. Comprehensive in scope yet easy to understand, The Jeremiah Study Bible is a 2,200 page, one-of-a-kind study tool.

    It Features:

    • Unique introductions to each book of the Bible from Dr. Jeremiah
    • 8,000 individual study notes with both insightful and practical content
    • Words of Jesus in red-letter print
    • Easy-to-read font size: 12 pt. Garamond for standard print, 14 pt. Garamond for large print
    • Hundreds of enriching sidebars with word studies, historical insights, and geographical and archaeological information
    • More than 55 full-page articles exploring the essential themes of the Christian life
    • Thorough cross-reference system that guides readers through the Bible
    • Links to additional online resources
    • Teachers topical index
    • Colorful maps, charts and tables


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