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Is Atlantis In The Bible

In The Atlantic Ocean

Is the City of Atlantis Mentioned in the Bible?

The location of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean has a certain appeal given the closely related names. Popular culture often places Atlantis there, perpetuating the original Platonic setting as they understand it. The Canary Islands and Madeira Islands have been identified as a possible location, west of the Straits of Gibraltar, but in relative proximity to the Mediterranean Sea. Detailed studies of their geomorphology and geology have demonstrated, however, that they have been steadily uplifted, without any significant periods of subsidence, over the last four million years, by geologic processes such as erosional unloading, gravitational unloading, lithospheric flexure induced by adjacent islands, and volcanic underplating.

The submerged island of Spartel near the Strait of Gibraltar has also been suggested.

Verse In Judges 5 About Possible Attack In About 1200 Bc By Asea Going People On Israel

In this verse in Judges 5 there is the clearest description of these possibleattacks on Israel in the 12th century in the Bible. Dan and Asher weretwo of the tribes of Israel with land bordering the Mediterranean Sea,Dan on the south part of the Israeli coast near the land occupied by thePhillistines and Asher further north nearer to what is now Lebanon andwhat was then Phoenicia. In verse 17 of this chapter there seems to bea record of an attack by a sea going people on the coasts of Israel.Since this attack was about the time stated for the attacks by the “sea peoples” that is quite likely from Atlantis, Tarshish or Tartesusthese are probably attacks by the fleets of Atlantis or Tarshish.These tribes of Israel and Israel’s ships seem to be intimidated as itis stated that Dan remained in ships andAsher continued on the sea shore and abode in his breaches (and also didn’t fight the “sea people” or fleets of Atlantis or Tarshishwhich could easily overpower the navy or forces of Israel at that timesince Israel under the judges was usually in moral and political chaosand would be no match in an attack by a powerful outside armed force.The scripture reference in Judges 5 of this possible attack by the “sea people” on Israel and Israel’s timid response is as follows:

Japheth = Iapetus / Titan Atlas = King Atlas

It is a popular fallacy to identify Noah’s son Japhet with Iapetus, son of Uranus and Gaia and father of titan Atlas. And this titan Atlas is in turn identified with king Atlas of Atlantis. First, it makes no sense to identify a person of Hebrew mythology with a person of Greek mythology. Both persons play a very different role in their respective mythologies.

But it is wrong, too, to identify the Titan Atlas with king Atlas of Atlantis! Again, these two persons play a totally different role and contrary to popular belief are not identical, though this may be a surprise for many. The mistake to confuse these two is so deeply rooted that it occurs from time to time even in academic publications.

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Plato Developed Early Theories About Atlantis

…for these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others

With these words, from the dialogue of Timaeus, written in about 360 BC, the philosopher Plato would unwittingly launch a deluge of speculation, investigation, argument and counter-argument that has lasted the better part of 2,500 years.

Description Of Israel’s King Solomon’s Trade With Tarshish In 2 Chronicles 9

Does the Bible mention the lost city of Atlantis? Is there any evidence ...

Some of the things the Bible describes as King Solomon the richesand most famous and one of the most powerful kings of Israelas receiving from Tarshish and her ships were precious metalssuch as gold and silver and exotic animals or their products suchas apes and peacocks and ivory, probably from elephants that areall consistant with Tarshish on southern Spain at that time and withPlato’s description of Atlantis. It is also worthy to note that thetimes between trips was about three years so it would have to besome distance from Israel as well as to transport all the goods intothe ships and have them ready for shipping. A location on theMeditteranean is also supported by the cooperation of Huram,probably Hiram of Lebanon or Tyre or Phoenicia who was a good friend of King Solomon and who supplied cedar tries andother material and labourers to help King Solomon built thetemple for the God of Israel in Jerusalem, since Huram and Tyre were also on the Meditteranean and did much of theirtrading there. The scripture reference of King Solomon’s tradiingwith Tarshish in 2 Chronicles 9 isas follows:

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Atlantis: A New Theory Has Surfaced On The Lost Island

A fragment from Platos Timaeus reads: In the centre was a holy temple dedicated to Cleito and Poseidon, which remained inaccessible, and was surrounded by an enclosure of gold this was the spot in which they originally begat the race of the ten princes, and thither they annually brought the fruits of the earth in their season from all the ten portions, and performed sacrifices to each of them.

Here, too, was Poseidons own temple, of a stadium in length and half a stadium in width, and of a proportionate height, having a sort of barbaric splendour.

All the outside of the temple, with the exception of the pinnacles, they covered with silver, and the pinnacles with gold.

In the interior of the temple the roof was of ivory, adorned everywhere with gold and silver and orichalcum all the other parts of the walls and pillars and floor they lined with orichalcum.

However, it is hard to gather today whether any of these descriptions match up with the ruins of Gilgal in Israel.

There is also very little evidence to suggest Atlantis existed outside of Platos work.

According to James Romm, a professor of classics at Bard College in Annandale, New York, the story of Atlantis is a captivating mystery.

But Atlantis is just a story without any basis in fact or archaeological evidence.

Legends And Mysteries: Atlantis

With the release of the Disney movie, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, one may wonder if there really was a lost civilization of Atlantis. Plato tells the story of an ancient island civilization that vanished as the result of a natural disaster. Plato writes about Atlantis in Timaeus and Critias. Timaeus 24a-b indicates that there were Egyptian records of this story.

It was not until Schliemann dug up Troy that historical value was placed in ancient legends. Similar to him was Sir Arthur Evans who found the labyrinthine home of the Minotaur at Knossos. The background of the Odyssey has been illuminated by archaeological finds in Ithaca. Carl Blegen at Epano Englianos in southwest Messenia found a great Mycenaean palace that fits the description of Nestors palace in the Odyssey. So it seems that there is a good possibility that the story of Atlantis has some bases of truth.

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In Or Near The Mediterranean Sea

Most of the historically proposed locations are in or near the Mediterranean Sea: islands such as Sardinia,Crete, Santorini , Sicily, Cyprus, and Malta land-based cities or states such as Troy,Tartessos, and Tantalis IsraelSinai or Canaan and northwestern Africa.

The Thera eruption, dated to the seventeenth or sixteenth century BC, caused a large tsunami that some experts hypothesize devastated the Minoan civilization on the nearby island of Crete, further leading some to believe that this may have been the catastrophe that inspired the story. In the area of the Black Sea the following locations have been proposed: Bosporus and Ancomah .

Other Records Of Disaster

Atlantis FOUND The lost city is in ISRAEL and the Bible proves it


Pindar tells a story that may reflect the Atlantian disaster. I tremble at the heavy-sounding war between Zeus and Poseidon. Once with thunderbolt and trident they sent a land and a whole fighting force down to Tartarus, leaving my mother and all the well-fenced house .

Deucalion’s Flood

The Argonauts

In the story of the Argonauts near Crete the bronze giant Talon threw stones at them, molten lead flowed out of him . Could this be a reflection of a volcanic eruption? They sail north of Crete and encounter darkness . The eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD produced a darkness. Pliny writes, not a darkness of a moonless or cloudy night, but the total darkness of an enclosed space when lights have been extinguished . Finally they sail on in calm weather, Euphemus throws overboard the clod of earth he received from Triton, and from it rose up the island Kalliste which was later called Thera. This might reflect the change in Thera after the eruption. The old island vanished and new islands formed. Mud made it unnavigable.

Floating Islands

Floating pumice would be all over the sea. There are other stories of floating islands like Asterie. In the Odyssey the island of Aeolus was a floating island with sheer cliffs and a wall of bronze which describes the volcanic islands of Lipari. The Egyptians have a floating island called Chemmis, but Herodotus said he never saw it move . Hesiod in Theogony describes a tidal wave that is probably the result of a volcanic eruption .

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The Sea Peoples Wars As Background For Plato’s Atlantis Account

Academic Atlantis hypotheses often consider the attack of the so-called Sea Peoples on Egypt as the true background of Plato’s Atlantis account . These Sea Peoples wars are not mentioned in the Bible, but indirectly the Bible could talk of these events, in a two-fold way:

a) The biblical Philistines as descendents of the Atlanteans?

The people of the Philistines is generally considered to be one of the Sea Peoples which at the end of the Sea Peoples wars settled down at the Levant. If the Sea Peoples wars really were the historical background of Plato’s Atlantis account, then the Philistines could be descendants of Atlantis.

Possibly prophet Amos knew a Philistine tradition on their descendence when he wrote: “Did I not bring up Israel from the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor and the Syrians from Kir?”

However, it has to be noted that the Sea Peoples were several peoples. Therefore it could well be that the Philistines were no Atlanteans but only allies of the Atlanteans.

b) The formation of the people of Israel as result of the Sea Peoples wars?

When Might Have Atlantis Been Destroyed

According to Plato, Poseidons control of Atlantis had already been given to Atlas, after whose death several kings had ruled by the time the disaster struck the island. If Poseidon was the great, great grandson of Noah , then it is reasonable to assume that his life expectancy would be near the same as Eber and Atlas may have been near the same as Ebers son Peleg. The ages of the post-Flood patriarchs dropped off after Noah.7

Peleg 239

Eber, who was born 66 years after the Flood, would have died 530 years after the Flood. Had Poseidon lived about this long as well, then this would have been about 1818 BC .8 This would have been about the time Abraham died as well.

Peleg died sooner, and assuming that Atlas was his contemporary, he too should have died much sooner than Poseidon, as should the next few in line. Using these assumptions, about 1818 BC would have been the earliest that Atlantis could have been destroyed. To give you some context, Moses and the Exodus from Egypt would have occurred in 1491 BC or about 850 years after the Flood .

So, it makes sense that there would be some time before the destruction of Atlantis. Plato records:

Now Atlas had a numerous and honorable family, and they retained the kingdom, the eldest son handing it on to his eldest for many generations . . . .

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Jonah’s Voyage To Atlantis

Jonah’s Voyage to Atlantis is a biblical comic book that explores spiritual truths in an epic fantasy-adventure!

Not all who wander are lost…

The ancient city of Nineveh is under the spell of a malevolent demon who thirsts for souls. In an effort to break free the people of Nineveh from the evil darkness that enslaves them, God sends the prophet Jonah to deliver a message of warning.

However, Jonah turns timid and flees in the opposite direction, away from his divine quest.

A violent storm at sea puts Jonah at the mercy of a mammoth creature that takes him down into the watery depths. Down in the coldest, quietest waters, in the forgotten elder city of Atlantis, Jonah learns how black the shadow is that falls over Nineveh, and is given a legendary weapon in hopes that he can save the city before it is too late.

A comic book inspired by ancient legends, myths and J.R.R. Tolkien’s translation of Jonah.

Available as PDF, EPUB, and MOBI.

Where Might Atlantis Have Been

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The Americas can easily be ruled out due to size, but also because Timaeus refers to a continent set beyond it. This continent is likely the Americas. Most obviously, the Americas still exist and have not sunk into the sea. In addition, the Island of Thera is within the Mediterranean Sea so, this would be ruled out.

Perhaps the most famous report of Atlantis came from Athanasius Kircher from Subterraneus in 1669. He drew a map and placed Atlantis between Africa/Europe and the Americas. Take note that North is facing the bottom in his map:

The size of Kirchers Atlantis is much larger than Platos description, but it is in the Atlantic Ocean. In fact, Kirchers version of Atlantis appears as large, if not larger, than Greenland. So, this may not have been as accurate as it could have been. However, the island is where the Azores now sit. And of the logical places Atlantis could have been, the remnants spoken of by Plato could be the Azores or perhaps the Canary Islands or the Madeira Islands. Plato states:

The consequence is, that in comparison of what then was, there are remaining only the bones of the wasted body, as they may be called, as in the case of small islands, all the richer and softer parts of the soil having fallen away, and the mere skeleton of the land being left.

Several of these island chains, such as the Azores , Madeira , or Canary islands, could be the remnants Plato wrote about. But without further research, it would not be wise to comment further.

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The Guanches Of The Canary Islands

David Icke in his book The Children of the Matrix refers to the Guanches, a Neolithic blonde race who lived on the Canary Islands before the Spanish conquest, and he tells us that: When European explorers first landed in the Canary Islands the people said they were descendants of the Atlanteans and were shocked to realise that other people had survived the cataclysm that destroyed their homeland.

Other sources, however, say that the Guanches were descended from the Berber tribes of North Africa but even then, there may still be a link because the Berber people live in the Atlas Mountain range, Atlas and Atlantis having the same root meaning.

A Land Lost In The Distance

The fact that Atlantis is a lost land has made of it a metaphor for something no longer attainable. For the American poet Edith Willis Linn Forbes , “The Lost Atlantis” stands for idealisation of the past the present moment can only be treasured once that is realised.Ella Wheeler Wilcox finds the location of “The Lost Land” in one’s carefree youthful past. Similarly, for the Irish poet Eavan Boland in “Atlantis, a lost sonnet” , the idea was defined when “the old fable-makers searched hard for a word/ to convey that what is gone is gone forever”.

For some male poets too, the idea of Atlantis is constructed from what cannot be obtained. Charles Bewley in his Newdigate Prize poem thinks it grows from dissatisfaction with one’s condition,

And, because life is partly sweet And ever girt about with pain, We take the sweetness, and are fain To set it free from grief’s alloy

in a dream of Atlantis. Similarly for the Australian Gary Catalano in a 1982 prose poem, it is “a vision that sank under the weight of its own perfection”.W. H. Auden, however, suggests a way out of such frustration through the metaphor of journeying toward Atlantis in his poem of 1941. While travelling, he advises the one setting out, you will meet with many definitions of the goal in view, only realising at the end that the way has all the time led inward.

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Atlantis Found Mythical Lost City ‘in Israel And Evidence Is In The Bible’ Expert Claims

THE lost city of Atlantis never disappeared, and its remains can be found in Israel, a biblical researcher has claimed.

  • 02:20, 25 FEB 2019

Ryan Pitterson claims remains in the Middle East match up with incredible tales of mythical beings in the Bible.

According to Pitterson, the tale of Atlantis tallies with the incredible stories of superhuman giants known as the Nephilim.

The Nephilim were a race of half-human, half-angelic creatures created by fallen angels.

Atlantis, first described by ancient Greek philosopher Plato in around 350BC, was rumoured to be a mythical island city.

It was said to have suffered a catastrophic natural disaster and was permanently sunk beneath the waves somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean.

In November, Daily Star Online reported researchers’ claims the ruins of Atlantis had been found off the Spanish coast.

But Pitterson is convinced Plato’s description of Atlantis matches biblical records of the Israeli city of Gilgal Refaim.

Speaking on US radio, Pitterson said the story of the Nephalim matches the tale of the Greek god Poseidon, who was said to have fathered children with a human woman in Atlantis.

Pitterson, author of the book Judgement of the Nephalim, said: “One example that really stood out for me is Plato’s description of Atlantis.

He went on: “In Plato’s account, it was the Greek god Poseidon who fell in love with a human woman and impregnated her.

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