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What Is The Most Popular Catholic Bible

The Best Catholic Bible In

The Most Popular Book Besides the Holy Bible

Dating back over 2,000 years, the Roman Catholic religion is the oldest Christian religion in the world. Just as any other Christian religion has its own interpretation of the Bible, so does the Roman Catholic Church. For this reason, the church has its own version of the Bible, which is used as a guide for all its different ceremonies and teachings.

Of course, all of the different Bibles on the market essentially hold the same information. However, some Bibles offer a few unique features that could give you greater satisfaction overall. Find out which options are a cut above the rest, and find the best Catholic Bible to join you on your spiritual growth quest.

Please check out our 10 Best Large and Giant Print Bibles, if you are looking for a large font size bible or study Bible.

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Why The King James Bible Of 1611 Remains The Most Popular Translation In History

Not only was it the first ‘people’s Bible,’ but its poetic cadences and vivid imagery have had an enduring influence on Western culture.

In 1604, Englands King James I authorized a new translation of the Bible aimed at settling some thorny religious differences in his kingdomand solidifying his own power.

But in seeking to prove his own supremacy, King James ended up democratizing the Bible instead. Thanks to emerging printing technology, the new translation brought the Bible out of the churchs sole control and directly into the hands of more people than ever before, including the Protestant reformers who settled Englands North American colonies in the 17th century.

Emerging at a high point in the English Renaissance, the King James Bible held its own among some of the most celebrated literary works in the English language . Its majestic cadences would inspire generations of artists, poets, musicians and political leaders, while many of its specific phrases worked their way into the fabric of the language itself.

Even now, more than four centuries after its publication, the King James Bible remains the most famous Bible translation in historyand one of the most printed books ever.

King James I of England, 1621.

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The Didache Bible: With Commentaries Based On The Catechism Of The Catholic Church

If you are looking for a bible that is good for Catholic converts, this is for you! This edition of Ignatius Bible is a dual-purpose which sets it apart from other study bibles. This will not just help you digest the scriptures but also understand them through the eyes of the Church. It assists the readers to know the Magisteriums stand on issues to date. It contains study comments, color maps, and apologetics ! The notes and apologetics are cross-referenced on the topics in the Catechism of the Catholic Church which is beneficial for everyone who is interested in knowing the Catholic Faith more. This is one of the best!

The Great Adventure Catholic Bible

First Look: Large Print NABRE from Thomas Nelson Catholic Bible Press ...

This is the no.1 best-selling Catholic Bible in the USA! As a follower of one of the renowned Catholic evangelists and biblical scholars, Jeff Cavins, I could say that this book is worth having. His approach of overviewing the entire history of salvation and correlating each event to one another is really beneficial especially to someone like me who wants to understand the connections through the bigger picture. Moreover, its color-coded learning system makes it easy and fun to read. It is also available in Spanish. Highly recommended!

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Which Translation Of The Bible Is The Best

Some people mistakenly think the King James Version of the Bible , with its eloquent thees and thous, is the original version. But the Bible was not written in seventeenth-century Old English. More than 1,500 years earlier, the New Testament was written in ancient Greek and long before that the Old Testament was written in ancient Hebrew, along with some Aramaic and Greek .

As time went on, all these texts were translated into Latin, which is the official language of the Church, as well as popular languages like German, French, and English. Today, the entire Bible has been translated into more than 500 languages, and most languages offer several different translations.

Its important to remember that there is only one version of the Bible, but there are many different translations of it. How can this be? The art of translation is not as simple as taking a word in one language and then using a dictionary to find the equivalent word in another language. Translators have differing opinions about how words and phrases in a text should be reproduced into another language that has different vocabulary, different rules of grammar, and embodies different cultural attitudes than the language of the text theyre translating.

Formal equivalence translations

Dynamic equivalence translations

Not even equivalent translations!

Formal Equivalence Vs Dynamic Equivalence

Once youve found a complete Catholic Bible with all the books from the Old and New Testaments, you have the option of choosing the style of translation that you find most useful. There are two types of translation styles: formal equivalent translation and dynamic equivalent. A formal equivalent translation is a more literal version and reads as close as possible to the original language. While extremely accurate, a word-for-word translation can be more difficult to read. In contrast, a dynamic equivalent translation conveys the overall meaning and message of the original, but is in a more readable version. The choice is based on personal preference.

You also have the option of choosing Bibles that have notes, annotations, maps, timelines, and dictionaries to help enrich your reading experience.

Recommended Reading: Inerrant And Infallible

Which Bible Translation Should Catholics Use Its Not The One You Think

St. Jerome, whose feast day is Sept. 30, is a giant in the intellectual history of the church. He is best known for translating the Bible from its original Hebrew and Greek into Latin, and his translation, called the Vulgate, remained the most commonly used version of scripture for over 1,100 years.

Today, though, the Vulgate is no longer in common use in the English-speaking world, dozens of translations have vied for readers in its stead.

English-speaking Catholics in the 21st century have an embarrassment of riches from which to choose. There are mainstream translations like the New King James Version, the New International Version and the Good News Bible.

There are also more specialized versions: Last year, Bishop Robert Barrons ministry published its Word on Fire edition of the New Testament, replete with full-color images, historical explanations and reflections. Other Bibles are designed with specificsometimes very specificinterests in mind, like The Holy Bible: Stock Car Racingedition, which intersperses Scripture with unrelated pictures of race cars.

Amid such a multitude of choices, what is the best Bible translation for Catholics?

King James Version Study Bible

Best Catholic Bible Translations

This Bible was published in 1995 and includes notes and commentary from respected biblical scholars. Its based on the King James Version, but its been updated for modern readers.

The King James Version Study Bible is a great choice for people who want to deepen their understanding of the Bible as they read it.

Recommended Reading: What Does The Bible Say About Saving Money For Retirement

Difference Between Catholic Bible And King James Bible

Categorized under Editor Pick,Language,Religion | Difference Between Catholic Bible and King James Bible

Catholic Bible vs. King James Bible

There has been a lot of confusion surrounding the Holy Bible that both Roman Catholic s and Protestants use, because of the varied versions that have been printed and distributed throughout the world today. It may be because of the never ending dispute between Catholics and Protestants on what should be and shouldnt be included in the Christian Bible that lights the continuity of the said argument.

The Catholic Bible is actually the generic term for the Christian Bible. By nature, it includes the so-called Old and New Testaments. It includes the 5th century Latin Vulgate, which is primarily St. Jeromes work.

Conversely, the King James Bible version is just one of the many versions of the Holy Book circulated throughout. Some of the other versions made or edited by Roman Catholics include: The Latin Vulgate itself, the Douay-Rheims Version, The Jerusalem Bible and the New American Bible, amongst many others.

Overall, no matter what Bible version you are reading, more or less the message remains the same. Even if the phrasing and wordings are somewhat altered, almost all Bible versions, including the KJV, tells of the same message about God. All in all:

1. The Catholic Bible is a more generic term for the Holy Bible.

2. The KJV is just one of the many other versions of the Holy Bible.

The Catholic Youth Bible 4th Edition Nabre: New American Bible Revised Edition

This is not just for youth! You are reading it right. It is good for all ages. As an adult, when it comes to almost everything, I prefer the basics for easy understanding. And that is what makes me giddy about this bible. Since it is geared towards the younger generation, the narratives are lighter and much more comprehensible. I also love how you can personalize it by coloring, highlighting, and journaling as you meditate on the scriptures! It also has sidebars consisting of guides to embrace the Catholic Christian lifestyle. If you are fond of depictions and illustrations in a colorful and interactive way, this bible is for you. One of the easiest bibles to understand!

Also Check: 365 Do Not Be Afraid Bible Verses

Do Catholic Bibles Have More Books

If you have ever done some study in Sacred Scripture, you will soon notice that the Protestant Bibles, the Catholic Bible, and the Orthodox Bible have different numbers of books.

The Protestant ecclesial communities, following after Martin Luther and the other reformers opted for the canon of the Old Testament which is called the Masoretic text. The Masoretic text was the product of Jewish scholarship which began in the 6th Century and culminated in the 10th and 11th centuries. It was also the basis for the King James Version translation of the Bible.

The Masoretic Text which is roughly synonymous with the modern Jewish Tanakh consists of 24 books, which Protestant Bibles divide the same material into 39 books. Interestingly, Martin Luther placed four New Testament Books in the appendix saying they were less than canonical .

Both the Catholic and Orthodox Bibles contain all of this material, but also include material from the Septuagint Greek translation of the Old Testament which predates the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Orthodox Bible has a lot of overlap with the Catholic Bible but generally contains about six more books. I say generally because the nature of the Orthodox Churches does not allow for an official canonical ruling.

All of that said, the Catholic Bible has a few less books than the Orthodox Bible and a few more books than the Protestant Bible.

Want To Learn More About Reading And Understanding The Bible From The Catholic Perspective Check Out The United States Conference Of Catholic Bishops Web Site To Start Your Journey

5 Most Popular Catholic Study Bibles Ranked

Bible Gateway Apple, Android and Kindle Fire. The Bible Gateway Bible App is the official mobile Bible reading and study experience from Bible Gateway , offering the many reading amenities that you look for in a Bible app. Though Protestant in origin, BG provides the Apocrypha with versions that include those books such as U.S. Catholicisms official New American Bible and Europes old Douay-Rheims . So, while it offers more than 90 different Bible translations, two are Catholic which you can download onto your device for off-line reading. You will need to go into settings to set it as your default Bible.

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What Bible Translation Do We Use For Scripture Readings For Mass In The Roman Rite

  • In United States: The New American Bible, Revised Edition .
  • In Canada: New Revised Standard Version .

From USCCB: Released on March 9, 2011, the New American Bible, Revised Edition is the culmination of nearly 20 years of work by a group of nearly 100 scholars and theologians, including bishops, revisers and editors. The NABRE includes a newly revised translation of the entire Old Testament along with the 1986 edition of the New Testament.

The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible

Another student Bible is the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible published by Ignatius Press. It also uses the RSV2CE English translation. The ICSB is the work of Dr. Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch. It had its origins in little booklets on each book of the Bible that contain introductions, commentary, topical essays, and study questions. In 2010 a very thick one-volume New Testament edition was issued. It is rumored that the Old Testament volume will appear in 2020. Right now, then, you cant buy a single volume ICSB for the whole Bible.

The ICSB is impressive in its breadth and depth. It is faithful to the Magisterium and judicious in its engagement with biblical scholarship. Major blocks of Scripture are introduced with lengthy essays that treat numerous issues in dialogue with both scholarship and Tradition. For example, the essay on the four Gospels examines the authority, canonicity, formation, genre, historicity, and the relationship of the Gospels to each other. Additionally, each book of the Bible in the ICSB has a fair and comprehensive introduction that provides an outline of the book and overviews questions of authorship, dating, original readership, structure, and themes. The treatment of these issues is consistently conservative, but rigorous and reasoned.

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How To Choose A Catholic Study Bible

Choosing a study Bible is a lot easier for Catholics than it is for Protestants!

This is because there are fewer translations that contain the full canon of Scripture , and the number of such bibles that include study tools is smaller. This is unsurprising the large selection of Protestant study bibles reflects the number and diversity of Protestant beliefs.

That said, there exists a spectrum of Catholic study bibles created by the scriptural translations and study tools. Although their differences present nothing like the range of options found in Protestantism, they can be important nonetheless. Let me share some thoughts on the most readily available Catholic study bibles on the market today.

First, lets look at the three contemporary Catholic Scripture translations that are used for most Catholic study bibles.

The New American BibleRevised Edition

The New American Bible was the first Catholic translation made directly from the original biblical languages . When the Old Testament was revised, it was officially replaced by the New American Bible Revised Edition. The NABRE is a formal equivalent translation, which means it is not a literal word-for-word rendering of the original text but not a paraphrase either. The translation is most notably criticized for its avoidance of gender-indicative terminology whenever possible, including references to God.

The Revised Standard Version

The New Jerusalem Bible

The Catholic Study Bible

The Didache Study Bible

How to Choose?

How The King James Bible Came To Be

THE Best Catholic Bible Translation

When King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England in 1603, he was well aware that he was entering a sticky situation.

For one thing, his immediate predecessor on the throne, Queen Elizabeth I, had ordered the execution of his mother, , who had represented a Catholic threat to Elizabeths Protestant reign. And even though Elizabeth had established the supremacy of the Anglican Church , its bishops now had to contend with rebellious Protestant groups like the Puritans and Calvinists, who questioned their absolute power.

For the new king, the Geneva Bible posed a political problem, since it contained certain annotations questioning not only the bishops power, but his own. So in 1604, when a Puritan scholar proposed the creation of a new translation of the Bible at a meeting at a religious conference at Hampton Court, James surprised him by agreeing.

Over the next seven years, 47 scholars and theologians worked to translate the different books of the Bible: the Old Testament from Hebrew, the New Testament from Greek and the Apocrypha from Greek and Latin. Much of the resulting translation drew on the work of the Protestant reformer William Tyndale, who had produced the first New Testament translation from Greek into English in 1525, but was executed for heresy less than a decade later.

Recommended Reading: 365 Fear Not Bible Verses


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